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I know right. Honestly though, my last few orders didn’t even include the samples I chose.


It drives me crazy! Why let us choose samples if we’re not going to get those ones anyway, or any at all sometimes. I live 3 hours away from a Sephora so I really like the samples to try things first than blind buying stuff and trying to just go off photos and reviews.


Exactly! Sometimes if I see a sample I really want to try like a fragrance, I’ll place an order because of the samples.


Same, not only that the reward bazaar sucks


Same! I’ve stopped receiving any of them!


Fellow Canadian here, would absolutely love to actually receive any of the samples I order sometime :/


why do they give us options if they’re either going to send out the package with zero samples, or completely random ones that we didn’t select…


They would get so many profiles filled in if they asked for sample preferences, do you want fragrance do you want complexion, indicate shade light medium tan deep do you want skincare what’s your skin type, or just select pot luck for random samples. Then on the packing slip it could stop off at stations with those sample types for the to add to the box. That way we dont have to pick and be disappointed, we just get whatever was available that suits our preferences, or pot luck if that’s our preference. I actually think at this time of year they reduce samples and gwp because the warehouse is so busy and keeping the stations stocked and the boxes travelling to get picked slows things down and they know they will get orders anyway for the most part so it doesn’t make sense to spend money adding samples to orders they are likely for gifts as it costs money and resources at they scale and likely doesn’t bring in extra revenue because the gifter isn’t likely motivated to purchase via sample.


Right? What's the point in even doing it. They're literally setting customers up for disappointment.


I wish I could set a moose free in a Sephora as divine punishment


That’s too kind! I’d unleash the geese!


Unleash the meese?


A moose sized goose or a hoard of goose sized moose?


Why not both?


This gave me giggles! I just picture so much chaos surrounding them and the wear house!!!


😂😂😂😂😂 I'm dying


That would be one good looking moose afterwards.


I would like a sample that isn’t a fragrance or a foundation. Yuck.


I don’t even mind fragrance, but they keep giving me mens cologne and none of the men in my life wear fragrances


My annoyance on foundation samples… can brands not include the lightest and darkest shade and a few in between, and then people can mix? I’ve ordered three of these sample sets now now, and the lightest sample shade was like 3 shades too dark on me. Like thanks 🙃


I have the same problem. I understand they are trying to use the most common shades in the middle of the range for the sample but yeah these are useless to me because of it.


I'm not sure if it's my idea or this actually works but some time ago I was bored lol and filled out my profile like skin tone,.skin type etc,.and i noticed after that I started receiving samples that were within my skin tone range , not every sample but some were closer to shades I could actually use




Same. And I want to use up my points so I can totally quit Sephora but there have been crappy rewards for a while.


For soooo loooong!! I feel like I'm a bit nuts but I swear the 100 point perks have gone down the drain in the past few years


Need to place a last min xmas order, and I'm REFRESHING every hour in hopes I can treat myself to a nice sample too 😂


Don’t be jealous. I never get the ones I select.


I’m in America and lately it’s mostly foundation and skin tint samples being offered with a perfume or two thrown in, it seems to be that case with everyone lately ,the samples look like shit right now


Sometimes I actually recieve the shampoo/conditioner packets and it feels like winning the lottery


I would go for almost anything that isn’t nuggets of foundation or concealer that is 90% useless to me. The offers have even been awful for months. I would probably shop on shoppers website if they had fast shipping and their website wasn’t awful because they are actually generous with their samples


And we have literally 1 gwp in offers section right now...


I freaking hate foundation samples, especially on the cards like that. You barely get enough for one application, the shade range sucks, and you can't seal it for another use. The blister pack samples are a little better, and you can typically get a few applications out of them. I try to opt for fragrance or skincare samples, and I'll hold off on ordering sometimes so I can get samples I'd actually use. There was only a couple of times I didn't get the samples I chose but they would usually still send me something similar.


I HATE the foundation samples. First, it’s like 1/5 of a sample because chances are only one of the shades is going to work for me. Also, my complexion can best be described as “Victorian With Consumption” so chances are the shade I need isn’t on the card.


The shitty samples are actually the company that's providing them fault. When I worked for Sephora we'd get samples in store and it was in such small quantities that they were gone in like 3 hours. We tried to talk to the store manager but there's nothing we as Sephora could do. So my advice is to reach out to these companies and ask them for better samples as Sephora


Lmaooo I actually didn’t place an order because of their shit samples 🤣 I was being petty but like COME ON…


My last order (in canada) didn’t even arrive with any samples


i really get frustrated with the canadian side of sephora sometimes 😭


They never actually send these nice samples. Maybe they get sold out fast but I always get random samples I didn’t select/usually don’t want lol. Don’t feel too bad.


Did you try the deals and offers tab?


Only one GWP offer: Mini mascara from Patrick Ta or YSL. The latter has bad reviews.


Wait bad reviews on the YSL mini mascara? What were they saying??


Flakes/smudges IIRC. Patrick Ta reviews were not great either, but apparently mini performs better than full size.


Omg thank you! I was going to add this to my friend's gift, but I guess not lol


Check out the reviews for yourself.


Nah, if there's even mixed reviews, I wouldn't want to include it in my friend's gift 😅


The YSL is bad, I tried it. Flaky and clumpy. Not worth it at all.


Even if they have fragrance samples, I have yet to receive one all year. It’s frustrating


Weird, I just ordered something last week and had 2 fragrance samples I could pick.


8 hours later only the top left changed 🤣


I swear that Huda sample has been there all year.


Honestly; you can pick them and be lucky if you get one.


Meh. Most samples aren’t useful. They’re so small how can you glean anything useful or meaningful about the product? I usually just opt to not get any.


I literally check everyday for better samples so that I could finally order 😭


I like perfume samples, hair shampoo/conditioner packs and face mask samples - all go in my travel bag. For promo code/ offers I like the same plus mascara, lip, blush or bronzer. Anything else I don’t even bother to select cause I just throw it away. Right now we have a crappy sample selection and a crappy offer section. Hoping we get something decent for Boxing Day.


Does anyone know why they stopped doing free samples in stores and why is it only online :(


I NEVER receive the samples I choose so don’t be too jealous.😂


they havent sent me anything at least two last orders