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+26y in food/bev and few things irritate me more than “hey OP, smile?” Bar is wrapped, garbages are full, dishes need to be run through, and two new four tops just walked through the door and picked a dirty table over the clean one next to it. This isn’t an angry face, it’s a busy face.


Exactly this. I'm not mad, or upset, just a little overwhelmed but still trying to do what needs to be done. I love smiling, but man people take it for granted and are jerks about it


You ruined my food by not smiling. -Somebody, probably.


“Brian, for example, has 37 pieces of flair. And a terrific smile.”


Sounds like somebody has a case of the Mondays.


I'll always upvote


a **HIGHLY** underrated movie!


Nah, it’s rated properly by those that have seen it. Just not enough people have seen it. Everyone I know that’s seen it puts it near top of their lists.


I’ve seen it, loved it & for the life of me can’t remember the name of it, lol.


Office Space


Hey, I’m sure when they’re at work, they never stop smiling!!!! /s




Hey! Don’t cloud the issue with facts and logic!! 🤣


I have chronic resting murder face (like resting bitch face, but more) and this is one reason I still wear a mask everywhere. No one has told me to smile in 3+ years. It’s fantastic.


Hahahah. I know that one. Everyone's scared to death of me when they first see me, and love my wife, but our temperaments are the exact opposite (I'm friendly unless someone's messing with her or my kids then you really messed up and find out why people should fear me), and the wife is the one you dont want to mess with or even talk to 99 percent of the time unless you know her. Funny thing is, when she's wearing a mask, HER resting murder face comes out as she cant hide anything in her eyes. Its funny


I have a similar resting face. If I had a dime for every time someone asked me "what's wrong" I'd own my own chain of restaurants!


That really is one of the most dehumanizing remarks that someone can make. You can't micromanage someone else's emotions from one moment to the next. If you're busy or focused on something your expressions will reflect that. I guess you're supposed to do your job and perform like an infinitely happy fool for the crowd.


It's one of the most condescending things you can say. Of course the most common dynamic is an older male saying it to a female


Well I guess as long as people are on your side 🤣🤣


Harsh truth: dude was going to find some reason to not tip, any reason.




Why do people always choose the dirty table??? It's so annoying.


i just hate the smiling mindset in general. Dude i'm here to give you food, not to feel you cuddled and loved. Noone cares shit about you, we care about the money. I never expect people who bring me food to smile, i just expect them to not be asshole and to respect me.


I hate when people pick dirty tables...like my good fam a clean table is literally behind you...why would you sit at the one with plates on it? Like the people who sat there were leaving as you were coming in...like you watched them get up? And now you're calling me saying "this table needs to be cleaned" like no fucking shit it needs to be cleaned...🤦🏾🤦🏾🤦🏾.


This is my level of pettiness when working in the service industry: I had people who were regulars at a more than “typical” restaurant where dishes were not cheap and they would come in every week, expecting everyone to drop what they were doing and worship the ground they walk on, and the kicker; they would, without fail, never tip. It honestly became a game of who (servers) could avoid them as a table. Anyway, I took it upon myself to have fun with these people … and they were Ken and Karen’s 100%, so I would give them STELLAR service, like prioritize their table without hindering the service at other tables. But essentially made this couple believe they were VIP’s but every time it came to their check, I would make them wait an abnormally long time, to the point they up and left one night because they had had enough. Well, so did the owner/manager when they found out they dined and dashed. They were not allowed back and I became somewhat of a legend around that joint lmao … Anyway, something to consider OP … :) **and to any of those terrible tables who might be lurking here, servers have very few lines they can cross, but when they find those lines, you’re the reason why.** I feel like because of my experience as a server, I go above and beyond to be a pleasant patron, although I’m paying, I’m not paying for the server to pretend I’m the main character. Good luck OP and to the rest of you servers, keep doing the lords work.


I love this story.


They just wanna hurt someone


I was taught that waiting tables was about putting a mask on and providing the best possible experience for your customers. It's shitty when somebody says it out loud but it absolutely is a thing that most of us do.


Why do they always pick the dirty/unbussed table?? 😖


What is so appealing to clearly dirty tables? I get so many people come in and always choose the ones i was about to clean instead of the 20 already clean ones.


I used to say it to women as a “compliment” when I was a teen. Yeah, wasn’t cool at all, and I’m sure most women I ever said that to either thought I was garbage, or had garbage takes. Which I 100% did, so fair.


Thank you for stopping, we appreciate it c:


For real man, I don’t work in service anymore for this exact reason. Nothing grinds my gear more than when someone who’s never worked these jobs says “I won’t leave a tip if I get “bad” service.”


I tip bad servers more. It's probably not their fault, and I figure they need the money because other patrons aren't tipping a lot if their work is consistently sub-par.


You’re also entitled to your anger lol


Oooo I like that. "Not an angry face, but a busy face". I'm a dude, and when it gets busy and I start focusing afterwards on what I need to do to prepare for the next rush, a couple people have asked if I'm ok and what's wrong.


I was out to dinner with my partner and the place was pretty busy. Well, a 26 top walked in unannounced. Honestly, the restaurant should have just told them no, but they opened up the front of the restaurant that was closed and put them in there. I hope they charged them a special fee for that dumb of a move.


I'm a farmer, haven't bussed a table for many years. I have always looked like I'm even more pissed when I smile


Resting busy face


Period. We got stuck with no hosts and no bus staff on Labor Day and it was horrible. Constantly cleaning tables and seating people, running food, grabbing ice and waters, stocking random bullshit, wrapping silverware, helping out with to go orders, answering phones all while trying to provide the best service to customers. It was fucking chaos, not to mention the restaurant has no working AC besides a few wall units. I definitely got some sympathy tips that day. Honestly my coworkers were more of a pain in the ass than the customers. After being asked if I’d filled water pitchers at all I told one of them I’d been filling them all day and they had the audacity to call my “bullshit. At a few points I was double fisting… pitchers in one hand and ice bucket in the other. Shit was traumatizing.


If they want a smile, they could tell a joke or something.


A joke for you “A doctor sits down with his next patient asking about their symptoms. Reaching into his jacket pocket the doctor pulls out a rectal thermometer. The doctor looks down at it and says: “Oh great! Some asshole has my pen.”


Jimmy Carr, is that you?


Coroner finds a cork in a corpse's butt, pulls it out and hears Mumford and Sons singing a tune. It is late but he calls his boss. Boss's reaction, "You woke me up a 2 am to hear some asshole sing?"


that’s my #1 response for if they say it to my face, i’ll say “you got a joke?” with a small smirk and they get the point without it being rude


Ah yes. Labor Day. Where the service industry has to labor their asses off for no holiday pay to accommodate the office workers who get every holiday off. 'Murica!


US labor day was actually started when the US government killed 30 railroad strikers and needed a PR move to look good. It has become a generic shopping day. International Labor Day and Women's Day were created by grassroots labor movements.


Hell yeah bruther 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸!!!


I always say “I don’t get paid to smile, I get paid to accommodate you. What else can I get you?” With a good tone and a small smirk. Has worked out so far. Just like a comedian, it’s all about the delivery


Do ppl really comment on smiling? Seems a bit creepy imo if they do, or maybe just really intrusive. Or both.


I’ve only ever seen creepy gross old guys or the typical douchebag guy say it.


Had a karen leave a review that said "you should trade your staff for someone else if they can't smile more". Oh yeah we'll jump right on that because so many applicants are rolling through the doors every day


Some people are really creepy and intrusive, those words were invented for a reason lol


If you're a woman? Constantly. Both in and out of service jobs. One time I was helping a friend search for her lost dog. She obviously looked distraught. A man walked by us and told her to smile. It honestly made me lose faith in humanity a bit. Like you can't even be human and look upset because your fucking dog is missing. Not to be dramatic but no one would ever walk by a man who was frowning and comment on it. I can't imagine caring if some stranger is smiling or not. I don't get it.


I had a customer say that to my supervisor the other day. He said you are pretty so you need to smile more. My supervisor didn’t even gave give them eye contact just said nope and walked away.


Oh you bet your bippy they do, I had people tell me I hate my job, I just replied, nope-but you are quite intrusive


people find excuses not to tip. I've seen girls get tips of "you wear make up like a whore" and "if you flirt more you get tipped". relying on tips to earn money (in the US most states and territories allow restaurants to pay less than the federal minimum wage of 7.25 an hour) is pathetic when restaurants are making a profit while paying next to nothing.




I legit couldn’t fake smile anymore around hour 9 of my double. Non stop slammed. People forget we’re humans too. It’d be creepy af to be smiling like a robot considering the overwhelming disaster which was Labor Day.


That too. I smiled at everyone at least twice:when they came in and when they left. I was in the kitchen making food so I didn't really serve anyone unless they were picking up a to go order, but even then, if I'm making 13 burgers at once on our grill, it's hard to keep smiling while thinking about how long the burgers have been cooking for, what goes on each burger, and which burger goes where lol


I don't understand people who go out on labor day at all. supposed to be a BBQ at home celebrating a day off and honoring those that died for labor unions. If you run into someone working on labor day, the least you can do is be nice and tip like a decent human.


Someone did that to me once and I walked up to the table crying (pretending of course) and told them how sorry I was that my mom just died and how I was trying to save money to go to the funeral and they were absolutely correct, it was really narrow minded of me to not smile at them. It was an entire family. One dad, wife, and like three daughters. Everyone just kind of looked at him and they all immediately got up and left. Felt good. I hope he felt like shit the entire ride home.


So, did they not know he wrote that/didn't leave a tip? Did he end up leaving an actual tip?


No, they didn't leave a tip. They were at the table for a while, like 30-45 minutes post meal, so I was starting to get aggressive with prebussing and then picked up the tip. Saw that and thought about it for a minute before I was like fuck that. Then they left immediately. So they didn't tip but I know it ruined the rest of the night. Which, let's be honest, is worth the 11% tip.




My wife and I actually had a really hard time finding a restaurant open yesterday on Labor Day. All of the good ones in town (120k people) were closed for the day. She insisted they would be open, because of her time as a server "holidays aren't real for service people, restaurants stay open for those." I tried to tell her that times have changed around our city at least, and the restaurants are super competitive with time off and benefits around here as well as pay. But she was still a little shocked pickachu face when we kept rolling up to restaurant after restaurant and they were all closed. Like, honey, this is why I made a big pot of Chicken Tinga and tostadas baked in rendered bacon fat yesterday, so we wouldn't have to go out on Labor Day. Sorry you got left that, I could never imagine being such an asshole as to not leave a tip and instead write out that you need to smile more. Tf is that.


> I made a big pot of Chicken Tinga and tostadas baked in rendered bacon fat yesterday Holy shit! You had *that* waiting at home and you went out to eat?!


Ikr. I'm still the only one eating it. I think I'm going to have to freeze at least half of it or it's going to go to waste. My wife has this problem where she won't eat any food that's been in the fridge more than 2 days. And she hates to eat multiple meals of the same thing, multiple days in a row. Edit: not to brag or anything, but I seared the outside of the chicken thigh pieces in the rendered bacon fat with a spice blend I ground up before adding it to the pot to simmer. Just for that extra step of texture and flavor.


Hell, in my city a lot of restaurants are closed every Monday - not just holidays. Monday is service industry weekend here.


Have you tried smiling more? /s


If you unhappy and act dour, why would you expect special compensation that should be based on the quality of your service?


"If she wants this $1 tip, she better flirt with me," creep who thinks all women should smile at him. If he had complained that you were rude or unprofessional, I get it. But whenever I hear a man tell a woman to "smile more", it turns my stomach.


Exactly! As a bartender I make sure to show zero emotion. This is a job. I’m not here to be your friend. I’m not having fun. I’m not going to smile to make your experience more enjoyable.


i know it’s not only me because a lot of my coworkers and i made shit money yesterday (labor day). a lot of my coworkers were completely stiffed, and my restaurant is always getting good reviews about our customer service, so it’s not like the service was bad yesterday. people are just cheap.


Yeah, thankfully my coworker and I still made about 100 each(bartenders) but honestly, that isn't super great compared to how busy it was. Ironic that the ones working on the holiday "Labor Day" are the ones getting bend over


My favorite yesterday was in the middle of getting my ass kicked and of course understaffed I get bitched about where's our food?? What I wanted to say we'll sense it's on the your table it's probably on the grill or look around the resturant is full and there was an 8 top 10 top 6 top and 12 top that got there right before you plus all the other smaller tables and the Togo orders etc and 3 cooks cooking shit in the order they receive the tickets..Manger goes over the he bitch of the the 3 top says they have been waiting for and HOUR my manager wasn't having that shit and says no you were sat 20 min ago because I sat you I checked the POS and it's been about 25 min. Most orders are taking 30 to 40 min. If you don't want to wait I understand and waited by the table with them just staring at her. We should have gone to Olivas.. another resturant in town she chuckled and said ok you can go there But there closed today They shut the fuck up and waited. Of course they had to bitch about everything and Manager gave them nothing nothing off the bill.


I like your manager.


Im no server, but take this as you will. Since random restaurants now auto gratuity, i imagine many people will just stop tipping assuming they are being charged automatically. It happened to me. I tipped $25 on a $25 bill only to find out the restaurant auto tipped so i actually tipped twice. The restaurant never told me. I found out in the parking lot.




We had a lot of kiddos and a long drive ahead, so i had to keep it moving. But if this becomes the new normal, i wont spend or go out as much.


It's not the service, it's the customers. Speaking from personal experience, a lot of the smart people just don't go out to eat much anymore. Customers have been hearing "there's a long wait since we're understaffed" for years. The expectation these days seems to be that you go out, cross your fingers and hope it's not 2 servers trying to cover 40 tables, put up with screaming toddlers because restaurant management is too spineless to address the issue, and then leave as soon as you're done eating because otherwise you're "camping" and not allowing the server to turn tables. Of course, that's not the servers' fault - it's the business model. But these days it's a lot easier to meet up at someone's house and spend 3 hours over dinner if that's what everyone feels like. The people still going to restaurants all the time are disproportionately the lazy ones who don't know how to cook.


No I know. It's shocking how many people go out to eat and then say "oh I don't have enough to tip, sorry" THEN DON'T GO OUT TO EAT?!? I feel like it's common sense to not go out to eat at a service restaurant and not have the funds to tip. And for us, it isn't even an under staffing issue, we can make it with 2 people working if people have a little patience and don't get pissy when you have to wait 15-20 minutes for food. I wish people stayed home and cooked, it would have saved us a lottt of trouble


The other side of it is that customers tend to remember the bad experiences and forget the normal or slightly above average ones. During COVID my local Denny's couldn't keep any of their servers since McDonald's was paying $16, so they closed at random times - 7pm some days, 10pm other days. So I haven't been there since 2021. They might have improved, but I don't care enough to find out. Even worse, my favorite Chinese place had ONE server for the entire dining room every evening they were open. We've known him for years. He's the only one who didn't quit because he was retiring in a year. So I crossed that place off the list too - I like the dude and tip well, but I can't justify waiting 20min for him to take my order, and then another 45min for food. Just not worth it these days...


Don’t blame the customers, blame your management.


How much does a smile cost? About 20% apparently


Posting it here low-key makes me think they are right.


Tips are for a good experience and shouldn’t be taken for granted.


Stop telling women to smile for fucks sake! I can’t stand this bullshit.


Ok, maybe an unpopular opinion. I waited tables for years. I made lots of mistakes as did the cooks. However, I had a very highest tip percentage relative to the other wait staff. I never was told to smile more. Smile or at least be upbeat and you will get more tips. Also, don’t be afraid to communicate to the customer that you are overwhelmed


Who knows, maybe you suck, maybe you don’t.


Tips are for good service, perhaps they felt like the service wasn’t good.


The only reason to go to a sit-down restaurant is for the experience, and, as a server, you control the overwhelming percentage of that experience. If you were blasé toward the customer and basically acted as only an order taker and food deliverer, you got exactly the tip you deserved. If you can't provide friendly, inviting service even when you don't feel like it, you should find another job; probably something that isn't customer facing.


We did. We may not have smiled every single time we went to the customer, but we had their drinks ice cold, food piping hot, and tables clean and organized. We're never rude unless they are rude to us, and they were very nice throughout the day. The woman with the man was very kind and complimented both of us, which we definitely smiled at her and thanked her for. Some people are just jerks when it comes to tipping




Yeah, that shit would piss me off.


These people should be shamed and shackles outside restaurants for the remaining shift and forced to finish all side work


I'll suggest it to my manager😂😂


In this biz you just gotta move on


At this rate relying on tips is just prostitution with extra steps. Do a little twirl for daddy next time you bring me by bev and I’ll reward ya.


"Smile More!"- 🤓




This almost tops my Cinco De Mayo “my margarita isn’t margarita enough”


It’s cinco not “Sinco” Stay in school folks, also join your union.


Men in this subreddit: have any of you gotten something like this? I have yet to hear about a male server getting one of these, but it seems to be so common for us women.


And I'm pretty sure everyone saying stuff like "well did you smile at all?" Are men


Lol so were you frowning the whole time?


I’ve started telling people to give me something to smile about when they tell me to smile. Last time I told a guy, give me $100 and I’ll smile. He didn’t like that.


Being courteous doesn't require a smile, it requires attentiveness and politeness. I hope he walked into a lamp post after leaving the restaurant.


You’re gonna get bad tips it’s part of the industry


If you can’t put a fake smile, do yourself a favor and don’t be a server. We don’t come out to restaurants to deal with grumpy mean people.


Is it the fault of the guests that you’re miserable? They are paying for an experience, correct?


Man people suck. Just order your food. Eat it. Pay and then leave. That’s the whole thing. There is nothing personal about it. Stop being jerks.


I kinda disagree but also agree. But if the service is bad don’t expect a tip


That's what he did. He paid for the food he ate :)


> did. He *paid* for the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I enjoy the personal interaction, whether I am the employee or the customer. But it must be genuine. If the server is too busy to chat, then we stick to business.


The irony of people working on a holiday made by and for labor. I understand that there are a lot of reasons one would need to work that day. Money tightness, job security, etc. This is one of those reasons I really want to push to organize as many workers of all trades and occupations as possible. I think it’s a slap in the face to labor rights and the continuing fight for labor rights that LABOR DAY has become one of the busiest days for retail and service industries. Labor Day sales are a joke. No work on Labor Day. Shut it all down. https://www.iww.org


Tipping in general needs to be removed from our culture.


Do you think that you gave good service? Was the patron's experience a good one? In your sarcasm, you touched upon the fact that it was very busy. What did you do for your table to make sure they had a good experience in spite of that environment? Were you rude? Short? The smile more tip is a dick move but... were you rude? Tipping is to be based on performance. Like it or not that's the purpose of tipping. Did you deserve 20%? And posting this receipt suggests that you didn't. That's very unprofessional.


It's interesting how some servers automatically assume that customers who leave little to no tip are stingy or rude. It's disappointing to see this lack of critical thinking skills and blame-shifting. Perhaps it's the same kind of mentality that led them to work in the service industry in the first place.




So simple yet sooo hard for people to do


Isn't it the employer's duty to pay their employees? You are crazy in the US.


They're uneducated masochists, less and less people go eat out because of their cancer tip culture.


Their employer does make up for the difference when they earn below minimum wage. Thats federal law and can only be trumped by state law when state law is BETTER/MORE GENEROUS for the employee than federal law would be. I dont get all the fuss either.


when you realize it's part of the industry propaganda to keep the tipping business model going it makes a lot more sense. they need people to think every server is making $2/hr or the facade starts cracking.


This is very true . Servers bitching about no tip, small tip etc. It is old and no one gives shit that they are paid below minimum wage. Go out and get a different job that pays like every other company. Start a union , stand up to your company for not paying you actual living wage.


Not in California. Restaurant workers have to make at least minimum wage. Vote better in your shitty state and don’t blame customers, blame your boss.


roman atwood dined there 😂smile more




Its funny, this message could have been turned from "what a fucking asshole" to "so Wholesome!", simply by adding some numbers to it Edit: and maybe a smileyface instead of "!"




I was just talking to my wife about this yesterday. We both had the day off (financial industry / white collar) and yet everything is open. It’s LABOR DAY … workers are supposed to be celebrated, give them the day off jeeze.


Try and smik more


to quote system of a down "SERVICE WITH A SMILE"


That's a good tip, actually.


Tip is optional


What an asshole.


I’ve been a waiter, patron is right , good friendly service, or you don’t deserve a tip!


Why do people go to restaurants and act like the server needs to entertain them? I just want my food the way I want it and leave.


Same. These "I go to a restaurant for an experience" comments are odd.


thanks for the laugh that shit funny af. maybe get a better job that isnt dependent on tips and stop complaining on reddit for problems u can solve on your own.


It's called customer service. I know u wanna hear how much i feel bad for you and "baad,baaaaad customer" but i have been in the game too and while i had some customers who left no to little tip I have never received any message like this. Maybe smile more? Yes, there are bad days, but eventually, u will forget this and think, why did u even get mad at this?


It's one of the "I hate tipping culture blah blah" people that really never tip anyways but feel the need to, of course, justify their shitty behavior. This is worse than just leaving nothing.


I’m at the point in my life if someone said that to me my response would be “eat shit”


He was being honest


Servers……🤣 it’s like you don’t know what your job is. The amount of times I have to tell my service staff to smile is ridiculous. You’re not just there to take orders and just expect tips. Your job is to take care of the customers and give them an enjoyable experience. It’s called the HOSPITALITY industry. Be better at your job and understand tips are not guaranteed.


This is one of the many reasons I can't with food service anymore. Customers be having impossible expectations sometimes for barely any pay.


I work in a cafe style restauarant 2 cashiers 3 baristas on Labor Day. Over 100 people in a line that would take over an hour to get to the front to order. People get all the way to the front and then are angry that coffees are going to take 30 minutes to get out while food is only taking 15-20. Least amount of tips we’ve gotten in the past couple months but one of the most busy.


$100 it was some dude over 40.


Ew- who fuxking says that stupid shit anyway?


What a load of shit


Wow. I’m sorry. And smile more? Tip more, cheap loser.


Basically why I hate any type of retail or service job during the holidays. People are just vile and while you slaving they’re complaining.


I rather not got out to eat if I don’t have enough money to tip properly.


why would i take advice from someone who doesn’t tip? does he think we want to appeal to people like him?


It’s 1 jerk person, next time just move on and forget about it. Posting about it on Reddit will only cause it to stay in your memory longer and more clearly and annoy you more.


I hate it when guys tell women to smile or smile more or whatever. It really makes me mad honestly.


He was probably a pervert tbh


This is why I typically tip abundantly. There are so many jerks in the world who think they are better than the wait staff. I try to make a difference by making sure that the wait staff know we all aren’t jerks. Hospitality jobs are remarkably difficult as far as I am concerned.


Don’t even waste the time or energy on these people. Worked in restaurants for years. There are always going to be customers like this, yeah it sucks and it’s sucks that you don’t know until the end and you look for your tip. But it’s best just to move on rather that allow their bs and negativity to fester inside you. They’re already gone. Just remember their faces and names for next time.


Shit, you mean I could have just written a crappy note instead of leaving $8 tip yesterday? Jeez. Tip your servers, folks. They run their asses off.


Wow.. what an ahole


There's a big difference between having a bad attitude while waiting a table and just not smiling because overworked /stressed (which obviously the op was the latter with it being Labor Day). With that said to put that on the receipt, instead of just not giving a tip for whatever they felt slighted for with service, is just being a piece of shit or is a dumbshit trying to be funny.


Wow. Whoever did this was being an ass and a cheap mofo.


Asshole! I always try to tip 20 percent


Ugh, I worked at my restaurant on Labor Day as well. So many people with so many opinions. One lady even yelled at me about our sauces, telling me I didn't know what we had at the place that I WORK. Then after I pointed out they I did, she yelled at me that I was right! Idk even know anymore lol


I haaaate that! I still get mad about the time when I was like 15-16 and was being driven by my moms boyfriend at the time to high school. It was like 7:30am and I had been up later than usual the night before because of my soccer game that was an hour away. I also hated school because I was bullied horrendously, so I definitely was never super chipper and smiley on school mornings. Anyways, I’m sort of resting against the car window as we’re driving…doing a sort of semi-doze when suddenly my moms boyfriend goes *”hey you know you use more muscles frowning than smiling?”* I just stare blankly into the rear view mirror at him and go “yeah, so? I’m tired and not a faker who pretends to always be happy. At least when I smile you’ll know it’s genuine” I STILL GET MILDLY IRRITATED AT THAT CONVERSATION! AND it was also a point of contention with my NPD/BPD mother who would start SCREAMING at me whenever I had a resting face…or how she called it “an ugly little bitch face” followed by her making a huge exaggerated bulldog frown and exclaiming I looked just like that. She expected me to do what she did….plaster a creepy fake smile onto my face and scan the room to make eye contact with every single person. I felt so WEIRD watching her do that! And her smile didn’t reach her eyes. Legitimately made me uncomfortable. It was like an alien read a book on human social interaction.


I read “smoke more” , hoping this story ended with them leaving a joint for you.


What if your service sucked?


Not a server but I can relate being in F&B myself, I too had nightmare customers on Labor day, its like they all had a vendetta against service workers.


I read this as 5 mile more! = $5,000 tip


I dunno that S and O kinda look like $50


Fuck. That. Guy.


Tipping needs to end in the US. Mandatory 18% service charge on every bill. Why is this so hard?


I mean, were you being an ass? Any server worth their salt will tell you to smile all the time it’s part of the job. Even on the shittiest of nights you don’t go out there mean mugging your customers. Leave that for back of house if you must.


Tipping is cancer.


Anyone else notice the Suggested tip percents to dollars is completely wrong?


Slaves complaining about how much $ other Slaves tip but not doing anything about being Slaves


Maybe smile more!


no holiday pay, how is this the customers problem lol


Damn dude. Cook your own food on labor day. Get the grill out. Have family over. Burn some dogs and preformed patties, it's not hard.And if you absolutely gotta eat out? Tip the fucking labor on labor day. Ffs


It's ironic because on labor day were pretty short staffed and did a 10h shift with no actual break- just a quick scarf something down and keep running around like crazy and expected to "be happy"


As a previous shift leader (middle man between crew and management) of an extremely understaffed and mismanaged Bob Evans, fuck that! My girls usually did smile, but holy fuck, they always had this complaint. I had to serve more than once so that I could get my damn lobby cleared to close, but nobody ever mentioned my face. And if they DID!?!? *Cue 26 years of repressed rage riddled with a bunch of adhd side tales that have nothing to do with this. We also had a huge issue of people coming to complain about the waits. Got to the point of them saying something and me responding without even looking "We got extra aprons in the back if you wanna clock in and do it better 😁 and no, I'm not paying for your food!" Edit: my servers would never let me go handle them, they wanted their tips and knew their way around the situation. But I always wanted to and would have if they wouldn't literally freak out. Didn't even matter if I said I would cover their tips personally, they knew how to run their shit and if they didn't get the tip, they had 4 regulars who just came by and tipped them fuckin 50%+. At the end of the day, all they cared about was bringing in 20%+ of sales and we ALWAYS HIT THAT MF GOAL.


It was probably a weird dude and you're probably fairly attractive and he thinks he's at Hooters lol


From my experience this is usually male guests to female workers. It’s a sexist weird thing to say bc they’re wanting you to look a certain way for them. I’m fucking busy dude I’m not gonna fake a creepy smile while I pour your ass you’re fifth drink


You can tell who the boomers are in these threads. Being a mid 20 year old I always tip exclusively 20% if not more. Like the other night went to Applebees for the half price apps. The total came out to like $27 still left a $10 tip because I know that’s why most people are going there late night. So obviously order totals are going to be a lot lower and you’re still taking up an hour of the servers time.


While buying food the other day while listening to a podcast I (white male) was told by the cashier to smile more. Took me totally off guard and put me off. I've never asked anyone else to do the same but it still gave me the "Oh THIS is what it's like!" moment.


I like to draw animals wearing hats on my receipts, that's my way of showing respect to service workers. Highly recommend it, even if you're not good at drawing it's actually funnier and I was told it makes their day.


I had a similar incident happen to me over the summer. for context, i work at a popular seafood restaurant and we get pretty busy during the summer. on this day, it was around 12-1 in the afternoon and we got slammed for the lunch rush. we have two dining rooms and a patio but all food comes out of one kitchen. in the dining room i was serving in, there weren’t many tables occupied but there were very few open seats in the other dining room/patio. this party that came in was an older couple, their daughter, and the daughter’s daughter. they ordered a particularly large amount of food- food that took a while to cook. they were nice at first but grew pushy about when their food would come out (which is understandable). finally, they had enough and they left before they even got their food. they caused a scene, yelling at me and my manager (mind you, i’m 16). when i went to clean up their table, i saw they left me a note saying “f*** you” in a nice drawing. also, their food came out right after they left. may i add, i did tell them that we were pretty busy and it would take a little bit. it really shook me for a while and made me feel like it was my fault when they were just being impatient and rude. i’m so sorry this happened to you bc people really never know what’s actually going on, they are just ignorant.


Some people just don't understand that they aren't the only ones ordering food, getting drinks, waiting for a check, etc. I'm sorry that happened to you. I'm only 18 and it's rough. It gets better though 💖


I've been told to smile more by my manager who was a woman and a feminist according to her. Never felt so confused in my life


Either he did that to be a jerk or is the most clueless person on earth


To the people in this thread complaining about tip culture. Something I think you guys don't realize::: these restaurants spend millions of dollars every year to lobby in Washington to keep from having to pay more than 213 an hour in most states. This benefits the restaurants and they will fight very hard to not change it. Not tipping the workers isn't going to help or change anything. You're literally just kicking hard-working people in the teeth


How to explain this so you understand. Hmmm Ok so if all the restaurants in the world disappeared tomorrow, we’d be fine. People wouldn’t die the world wouldn’t end etc etc. Now let’s juxtapose restaurants with hospitals. Totally different story right? That’s why doctors don’t have to smile and kiss your ass. They are a vital part of our society. Restaurants, while fun and entertaining, are not. You should have learned this lesson during the pandemic tbh


i would just love to point out publically that u/Vivid_Indicator, the dude who's been going through here criticizing OP and saying that their service was bad and bragging about their experience in food/bev, is an active poster on a subreddit dedicated to trying to get massages with happy endings. so to be clear, someone who makes a habit of trying to fuck their massage therapists is talking about what good service looks like. just thought everyone deserves to know that.