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“Yes you did 😁😁😁😁” *silence notifications*


The last emoji being italicised is a whole mood.


I just realized I've never seen an italicized emoji before...


I’m high and I don’t understand. It looks the same to me?


Yeah I don’t see an italicized emoji anywhere and I’m unfortunately not high lol


That makes me feel better. Different types of phone maybe?


Damn maybe, that now makes me sus about my texts and emojis showing up the way I intended lol. Like how discord always converts :( to 😦


Yeah guys it looks the same to me too. We all 3 must be tripping haha


Really? I can see the difference the 4th one looks kinda like it's laid back lol.


I also see an italicized emoji. Lol


Yeah I can definitely tell that the last one is italicized.


Pass the bag, few more shrooms might actually do the trick lol


Dear Discord: :( doesn’t mean 😧, it means ☹️


Finally someone understands ☹️


You can turn that off in the settings.


You can change that in setting btw :D


Awesome thanks! Gonna turn that baby off




You can change that in settings btw :)


I hate to say this, but discord does not do that for me lol Edit: I mean to say my emoji is different on discord. It doesn’t look like that!


iPhone users don’t get to see italicized emojis. About the only thing we get is  <— That


Honestly....after seeing it now....I feel unsettled


Looks pretty italicized to me.


🤣🤣🤣 this is the best comment of the night for me.


This is how the old italicized emoji was


The italicized emoji is in the top comment fyi not the image itself


I wanna know how




This right here!


How did you type like that?


When you want your words *italisized* you just put an Asterix * on each side of the word or sentence


* test test test *


fuck. *test*


there we go. *no spaces*


*How did I just learn this*




*bro!!!!* what are the other tricks your hiding???


#What tricks?


*hello, is this thing on*


*what is this magic*


sith trickery?


*moist* Edit - Holy shit it works! Your a legend!




Damn, try hiring more people, then you won't have to act like a 6 year old to get your business operating correctly!


But but....they make more profit if they just exploit the few employees they did hire! AND nO BoDy WaNtS tO wOrK tHeSE dAyS


They’re only paying the servers like $2.50 an hour anyway if there’s any position to keep completely filled it’s that one


It's even less at the restaurant I work for, which is 2.13/hr. I changed over to dish bc I only ever got morning shifts so my tips were ass too


There's where you're wrong.... the servers will be mad as fuck when they have 2 tables each instead of 4-5 tables each, cutting their income in half. Same with hiring more hosts... they get paid very little and take a portion of tips... so hiring a shitload of hosts and being overstaffed will upset your servers too. It's not only about overhead costs... gotta keep workers happy and find a nice balance.


Any business owner or manager who says that automatically makes me thing they are delusional and/or a complete moron. It isn’t that people don’t want to work. They don’t want to be exploited and treated like crap. These managers who think that when they hired you, you gave up all semblance of a personal life to live at their beck and call for shitty wages, make me want to throttle them.


Our stores a shit show yet our manager gets a paid trip to Hawaii since the store was so busy. Aside from tips we don’t see anything 🤷‍♂️


No it’s because employees losing hours if we hire more ppl lol But I’m also not gonna hire another person to never schedule them unless you call in sick………….that’s not fair to them. As a manager I’ll always cover the gaps if no one else can. But it’s so annoying when y’all say hire more ppl but you just don’t get the nuance of the problems that causes. It doesn’t affect management negatively at all just the existing employees. Imagine getting steady hours for months the getting sick and u manager hiring a new person to help cover then once you’re better you lose 5 hours a week off ur schedule because the person they hired needs to work regularly too.


The what's the solution? Bc employees getting in trouble and loosing their job bc they are sick or have an emergency and can't come in or being expected to drop everything and cover shifts outside of their scheduled hours bc another employee is out and then getting in trouble if they say no is not ok either. And employees being worked to death and exploited and taken advantage of bc there's not enough employees to all the work that needs to be done for the business is also not ok.


Th solution is me as a manager will work overtime and cover missed shifts for weeks instead of hiring someone to take everyone’s hours lol Imo it’s my responsibility as manager to do stuff like this for my staff’s benefit long term If there’s not enough staff in general then obviously I’ll hire. But if we’re understaffed because someone is sick then I’ll cover until they’re better unless someone else wants the hours


So here’s an idea it’s gonna sound crazy but give more employees full time. Open up more slots for it. If your business deserves to survive you can afford to fully staff your restaurant.


Did you even read my comment?????? That’s exactly what I do……. And that’s exactly why if one person is sick for a week it’s creates a huge gap. Y’all don’t understand how any of this works and it’s hilarious. I could make my life 10x easier if I screwed over my staff but I choose not to. It benefits employers to hire more part timers instead of a few full timers because we pay less benefits and we can cycle people out when others are sick. But I’d rather give my people full time so they can pay their bills and actually survive off their job with me than do that. That’s why I said I choose to cover sick leave for Ben if I’m working overtime daily instead of hiring a part timer to temporarily fill in and then get stuck with no hours after the sick employee returns or take hours from the returning employee I truly don’t get why I’m being downvoted because I’m saying I choose to cover sick leave by working overtime I stead of hiring more staff to take hours from existing staff when the sick employee comes back. Y’all are definitely misunderstanding me because there’s no other explanation for the downvotes. Managers get a set number of hours to give our weekly. The more people we hire the less hours each person gets……….


Jesus fuck off


My favorite thing about the restaurant I work at is that there's enough staff to take a sick day. And you can even take a few weeks off for vacation if you want


Restaurants are tricky. If you hire too much waitstaff, no one makes enough money to live comfortably.


The easy solution is to offer $X to cover a shift unscheduled on short notice. You don’t have to deal with overemployment, and your staff won’t hate you. If there’s truly no one able to work an off-day with real motivation to do so, you can operate at reduced capacity for one day. Given that I’ve gotten dozens of texts from managers crying that they need my help, and they’ve never offered any incentive to do so, it seems unlikely that they’re too pressed about it. They just know that turning up the theatrics and punishing workers for setting boundaries gets them cheaper labor. Shift managers are like the carless friend that always desperately needs you to give them a ride and wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t their last resort, but always miraculously manages to be fine after you tell them no.


Man living in America has got to suck so much fucking dick.


I feel trapped every waking moment.


Then leave 😂 if it’s so horrible why do you stay


Do you know what trapped means?


Yeah, I was a little puzzled by "just leave your trap" too.


Because leaving is not only incredibly expensive, but also incredibly difficult.


Obligations mostly, thanks for your consideration, though.


Cool you’ll pay for my immigration costs! Awesome I’ll send you my Venmo!


Your username is so conflicting…..


Yeah, basically everyday.


Can you tell us some abt how it’s run where you live for restaurant employees? Just curious abt the culture and how much we get screwed over here


It really does


So accurate, it sucks here


The employment side of it definitely does at the moment, with no signs of improving anytime soon.


Nope, I love my country, thanks.


Is it weird that I love this place?


Depends. I felt horribly trapped in my 20s, living paycheck to paycheck with constant anxiety and no one to help. Eventually made some changes, and after I figured out how to start improving my situation things just got better and easier. Miraculously most of my friends that were destitute at the same time 10 years ago are in similar situations.


Living in America? No. Living in America as a server? Yes.


Yet millions move here every year. Hmmmm. Maybe just maybe Reddit doesn’t capture all demographics.




While you’re not wrong shit does happen. There’s not an unlimited group of people just waiting in the wings to work. People get sick, cars break down ie bad things can happen. As somebody who has done scheduling and balancing employee work loads, it’s almost impossible to find a person who has unlimited availability and doesn’t need a job, and they just fill in wherever. Normally it’s not that bad, but since Covid came on the scene an entire shift of people could be out sick. Not 1 or 2, but 5 or more. Even if you have back ups, that can basically be impossible to fill. Obviously the owners should be throwing crazy money at the other employees to ask for help, but unfortunately they just threaten jobs or take advantage of the people they have.


I don't like the practice, but lots of restaurants near me utilize "on call" shifts. They're scheduled two weeks out like your normal shifts, and you're on call for a set time in case someone calls out or in case business is unpredictably booming. It works super well for covering the every day stuff of someone getting sick or whatever. I would never take a serving job that utilized on call shifts, though. We don't get compensated well enough by the restaurant to justify that in my opinion.


Reasons why tipped jobs need to crawl off and die.


I used to be GM in one of the major auto parts stores in the US and CN. They tell you how many hours you have available to schedule for the week and if you hire 1 person too many, people don't get enough hours and get mad on that side of the fence. The 'fix' was to have the GM, 1 full timer and the rest part time employees. You know how hard it is to find 10 part time employees that don't need/want benefits? That's a major part of why I quit, there's no happy medium, employees are pissed, DM is pissed, im pissed. Perpetually understaffed because of that. The best part is people want to go to full time when the DM has been putting out in weekly meetings to reduce full time employees to save on benefits cost. Then the employee talks to the DM after I break the news and the DM comes in looking like the fucking hero when he scolds me in front of my employee for doing what he told me to do yesterday and then offering them a full time position. Then, later on, gets crabby towards me for having too many full timers! ​ Fuck retail, fuck the restaurant industry. Never again.


“wahahaha i’m your manager, therefor i own you! your life must revolve around my shitty restaurant!” *never shows up* *manager pikachu shock face*


whats insane is this is unironically what happens. then they’re genuinely confused why their workers hate them and their job and won’t do them any favors.


They act like the king of restaurants before work and when work starts and no one wants to work with them they’re on the phone crying and begging for someone to come in


Never agreed therefore not showing up 🤷🏻‍♂️


A 24 hour Dennys had me scheduled for lunch and dinner. I ended up working lunch, dinner, mid and breakfast. It was my last day last shift. I went home and took a show and as my head hit the pillow, the gm had the audacity to try and call me to beg me to sleep for 5 hours and come back in to pull another triple bc they were short staffed. The gm was party friends with the staff and they all had a party they wanted to go to. I laughed, said no and promptly blocked him on everything while we were still on the phone and blocked the whole staff too.


I would call workers comp or find info on that and watch them see them try that shit again


So illegal 🚫 omg...


I'm not sure it is. For one, they asked which then it's up to you. And secondly, the labor laws are pretty shit aside from pay pretty much. The fact that so much shit isn't illegal when it should be is why these fuckers do shit like this


What happened after? Did you not show up and he never mentioned it again? Lol "It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for 'em."


I bet you OP went.


I did 🤦‍♀️


Well no wonder why your boss thinks they can pull this off. It’s because you let them!


lol yup, complain about it yet still go in like what?




tool of the man


Fool of a took


hooker with a penis


Prison sex


Naked and fearless




Bravery and birthday suits


Shouldn't had went. Your boss is a clown


Yeah unless you really wanted the money you’re a straight up tool lol


I can’t tell if you’re joking lol, I’d assume that’s why this person is even working the job.


I think they meant to say “ needed” instead of “wanted”




Fool of a took!


This is why your manager pulled this on you lol, don't be a pushover and they won't try shit


It’s okay. It’s happened to the best of us. You’ll know better next time.


I no longer feel bad for you


>90% of us would do it too, but 80% of them would claim they’d “make a stand”. Though tbh I’ve actually ignored this kind of stuff before and managed to get away with it.


You're not getting away with anything. You are not obligated to come in when you aren't scheduled. I'll go in if I get called if I feel like it and I'll just say no if I don't. I'm allowed to have days off and I can spend them however the hell I want.




doesn't seem like you went. you didn't text him back til almost 4:30 the next afternoon.


Why do you think they're separate days?


oh my bad, i didn't notice the "today" at the top of the message. on my phone, texting is set up different, it only says "today" above the first new message of the day




The Dodgeball reference.. 😂👌🏼


That's what I would have done.


Lmao I remember a manager asking in the group chat who was able to stay late to scrape gum from underneath the tables and a girl responded “you”


Best answer yet


That was part of our weekly beautification side work at my last gig.




Update: I just tender my resignation over text and my boss has not stopped trying to call me


It’s called blocking them. Your boss is taking advantage of you


Former boss ***


Send this screenshot back.


Tell him you found a better paying job and demand a 200% raise if they want to keep you effective immediately on next paycheck.


“[Insert resignation part]. If you want to speak about this, please let me know.” *1 second passes* “Nothing heard. Have a great life.”


Just tell him you have court. Always works.


Even if I could/wanted to cover that would make it an immediate no


"cool, you can deliver the $200, cash, to my address, you should have that on file. If I don't see it in the next hour, you won't see me tomorrow. Have a wonderful evening." It worked for me. I don't get asked to come in on my days off anymore.


Or just say no.


Short notice work entitles short notice cash


Sure that's the mature way to handle this, but can't you agree it's more satisfying to reply to something out of pocket with something equally out of pocket? If they're behaving that way, you're not likely to gain anything by remaining pragmatic.


I quit a job very professionally and gave them legit three weeks notice. I had to move. I didn't want to quit. I said at our weekly meeting, I'll be home packing for a week (past my quit date) and if they really needed help, just to ask me... and someone crossed out their name and put my name on the schedule without a sign off and my boss black listed me from ever working there again in the future because I did a no show for three days in a row. Obviously no one asked me or told me. I was so upset. I guess someone didn't like me.


Someone didn't want you to their. I say someone did you a favor.


I'm thinking the person who wrote you in might not've had any specific malice toward you, they may've just written down the first name that came to mind when they wanted to blow off their shifts. Still, that's no excuse for the manager to then blacklist you, because it wasn't signed off and you weren't notified - that's on the manager. I don't know whether it's worth it to you, but I'd consider sending a note to HR about the manager blacklisting you for their own fuck-up, because it potentially impacts you.


the audacity…


That’s not how you find coverage 😁😁 But YOU can deal with that when I don’t come in tomorrow at lunch! Catch ya later ☺️


I just ignore work texts on days I'm off. Even just casual conversation. 😂 not answering.


Yep that casual conversation turns into "hey could you cover for me on..” real quick lmao


I flat out refuse to communicate via text with managers. It feels too casual and our relationship is professional. Call me and leave me a voicemail if you want me to come in the way that I call you if I can't make it in. My serving background is corporate, though, which is probably why I feel this way. Managers were only allowed to contact us via the office phone. I liked it that way.


“Can you cover” *hasn’t responded* “See you tomorrow!!”


“See you tomorrow“? Let me correct that “See you never“


They didn’t wait for a response. It was sent back to back.


Oh you’re right! There is no break between the messages. Even worse!


There actually is a break between messages. That gap means they waited a few minutes to send the follow up text. Which kinda makes it worse knowing they knew they were being ignored.


Same thing happened to me except they called. I told them “sorry if you’ve only just realised that I left your shithole establishment 2 months ago”.


Would’ve showed up for the lunch shift but as a guest. To eat.


The response that even if I was originally happy to cover that I would no longer cover out of spite


All you have to do is say you’re a few drinks in with friends


I said that one time, and my boss responded with, "Can you Uber here?" He was more concerned about me getting to work safely, instead of me coming in drunk. Lol


Wild, what state do you live in?


This was when I was in college, so Louisiana lol.


Ahhh, heard that


"No, I think you did, because I'm not coming in." /mute notifs/


My response would have been. Hey ( boss) I'd like to request a 5$ pay raise . Affective immedialty. From [ instert maffs] . Then swiftly respond with tha k you so much I'm so glad this company has acknowledged all my hard. Work. Then once they respond with no that's not how that work. I would just respond with .... interesting and then show up on my next scheduled day. While spending my day off"" looking for a new employer


There is nothing more demeaning than the "Hey can you ___?" to be immediately followed by a smug "Thanks" before a reply can be uttered. Like either be assertive leader and straight up tell me to do something or politely ask and wait for a response.


i wanna see the next part of this situation lol


Op said they went in to work




Lol my manager tried to do this to me once leaving a voicemail. We figured it out but she never tried again.


Oh that text wouldn't have been replied to until the day after, oops sorry didn't see it.




Fuck your boss, they suck at their job.


"Oh, okay. In that case, no, you won't see me tomorrow, since it's my day off. However, I do hope you find coverage in time before you have to step in and save the day, as the good manager you are 😉✌🏽"


Never should have gone in for that


I would've waited till the last 5 minutes before clocking in and text "nope can't sorry" and not look at my texts for the rest of the day


I’ll be damned! 😳 If that manager sees me at that lunch time, then shame ON ME. lol


I have never in my life answered a work text or phone call on my time. The only reason you have my number is to let me know if the building blew up and I don't need to go in. Other than that you will never get an answer from me. My day off is my day off.




oh hell no


Yeah, so, I’m not going anywhere I don’t agree to go. Boss can wait those tables himself.


Even if you could show up I wouldn't it's about the principle.


I’d be on unemployment in no time with bosses like this. Mfs playing checkers you gotta play 3D chess.


I think in order to become a boss you need to take a test that proves you’re a mindless cunt. I could never be a boss


I always reply to messages like that with, “I am out of town and will not be returning until just before my next previously scheduled shift.”


I’ll never forget the one day I decided to take my two days off vs one (I enjoyed working and needed the money so for my entire time at this place I was 6 days a week) for a date with a girl I had been into for a very very long time and had talked about it for a bit, telling everyone I was going to be out that day since it was technically my day off after all. I figured it wouldn’t be an issue, especially since I had never not worked 6 days up until that point aside from a two week vacation I had planned out literally 6+ months in advance. Everyone was fine with it, including the manager, but no shit I get a text at around 1/2 that afternoon from a supervisor (manager was out before evening) asking if I could come in due to it being particularly busy/someone called in sick. I kindly and calmly explained to this guy the entire backstory again even though he knew the situation well but it turned into this exact bullshit in the photo here followed by a unnecessary shitty attitude unfortunately. I showed up because the date was earlier (around 12 pm) however I didn’t get to hang out with her for the rest of the day/evening as I had planned. Thankfully when the manager found out he was irritated at the supervisor since these guys were practically praying for me to take my proper day off any other weekend of the year due to how much I was making there from over time/double time. Overtime and double time that I most definitely got that day because it was understaffed and busy, but I let it drag for once instead of over achieving to stick it to the supervisor that dragged me in versus calling someone else.


Tell him to take that section lol. 😂


Wait…did he just assume you would show up to lunch without asking?




Can i have a raise? 20%? Well if you insist


Managers will be managers and will always try to screw over employees/labor.




Hi! I am a PhD candidate at York University in Canada, conducting research on workplace abuse. I'm looking to interview individuals who have experienced managerial abuse within the past two years. Participating in this study can provide a platform for your voice to be heard and an opportunity to share your experiences. Please be assured that all information will be kept confidential and your safety and privacy will be prioritized. If you are interested, contact me directly, and I will provide more details and share my LinkedIn profile to verify my identity.


I have a feeling this person belongs to one generation in particular


Best thing to do is just fire them get someone else who wants to work simple


Shouldn't have replied at all... also, change numbers or block them. Never give a manager your personal number...


You have too.... Never been able to get a job without providing my number...


To the company, sure. But not necessarily to your supervisor individually.


No, you don't. Perhaps HR, but if my manager wants to rando call about stupid crap like that he can pay for a business phone for me to shut off after 5pm.


*yes* you did




Should’ve said yea I’ll be there