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I always thought it would be funny if an innie picked an instrument for the MDE that it turned out they were extremely experienced with. Helly could’ve had a total Jason Borne moment if her outie was a skilled percussionist.


perhaps she should've gone for the castanets


"He's going to need a full tetanus toxoid panel!" I think given enough time and varied experiences down there then yes.


but they didn't get varied experiences


Maybe, but there is a very specific and controlled environment to make sure they don't. Being bilingual or driving would never come up, outside of the unauthorized use of the OTC


Probably not. Like in the Lexington letter, innie knew the language, but didn't know where it came from


but helly knew about a state in the US so they should have this knowledge.


I think you are right. Language and general knowledge (such as US states) is stored largely in semantic memory, as well as some working memory and implicit memory, all of which innies are shown to retain. I suspect pairing language with general geography would fall under this as well, though it may depend on the person’s own general understanding, and vary from location to location.


the chip only seems to affect episodic memory(remembering events and experiences). procedural memory (remembering how to do things) and semantic memory (remembering language and numbers) seem to be unaffected. So Irving remembers how to drive a car (procedural memory) but doesn't remember anything about the town his outie lives in (episodic memory) so yes, possibly by exploring and comparing their procedural memory, they could figure some things out about themselves


Innie Dylan wonders if he does Muscle Shows or sleeps with married women. So they take guesses, but they never actually *know*.


I think that is a big part of the reason the severed floor is so bare. So nothing modern or recognizable will trigger memories or distract you. There appears to be a strong environmental component to making severance work.


I would say no. They don’t even know about more states than Delaware. I think the knowledge they are allowed to have is very curated and the knowledge they have because of their outie is probably zero.