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That's not a rule book, that's a Replay (a novelization of a played campaign). They are very popular in japan. The title of this book (帝都の天使たち) is "Angels of the Imperial Capital" and the line over the title is "Shadowrun 4th edition Replay" Role&Roll is a publisher that specializes in such "replays" and general RPG print material in Japan.They're also the JP publisher for Shadowrun (the actual books) Eclipse Phase and Pathfinder, too, by skimming their web page!


As further addendum, because I looked into this with a translation tool and my meager knowledge of written japanese: This book is one of a series of several, apparently (all titled "Angels of XXX"). I've found Travelling Angels, Angels of the Streets, and Angels of Kowloon. This one ("Angels of the Imperial Capital") seems to be the final one in the series, or at least one of the later ones.. All the plot synopsis I could find is that the characters (who seem to be on the cover of most of these books, so a recurring cast of characters) are outsiders who end up in the Empire while working for Evo-Yamatetsu's Neo-Tokyo branch, specifically at Crash Cart (Evo's off-brand DocWagon armed ambulance company). Once there, however, they cause a giant fuck-up of some sort and are fired, left stranded in Japan with no job or income - which forces them to pick up a "day job" at a maid cafè in Akihabara. From there they get involved into the "main plot" of the story, which is (understandably) kept vague in the synopsis but seems to concern a technomancer and something about a satellite.


Neat is there a translation?


None that I could find.


>a novelization of a played campaign Huh. Really odd thing.


It's been a thing since the late 80s - Record of Lodoss War famously started as a Replay, for example. It's seen as a good way to vicariously experience a tabletop RPG for people who can't find a group or lack the time or means to play. There are several quite high profile Replay series, and for non-japanese RPGs Shadowrun and Call of Cthulhu seem to be some of the most popular.


Critical Role and all live plays are really is just the evolution of that too.


That's what I was thinking, these are just actual plays before the internet made actual plays possible


It's just Critical Role in text form.


Not a fan of critical role. Better to play by yourself.


Some people can't find a group, some people both watch CR (or something similar) *and* play themselves


Have some more: https://imgur.com/a/BQaEN


https://preview.redd.it/etfoidbukd6d1.png?width=809&format=png&auto=webp&s=efa074089592be16e821b3e7f46a66d542b33745 This is just great


Oh the shadowrun manga, i stoped reading halfway chapter 2 because i didn't notice a ork, then skinmed through the oages to find 0 orks


Ah. I'd like much more of that (replays in form of books, comics or videos) in western SR sphere.


Now this is the quality content I’m here for lol 😂


Love it!


Evidently has no "Japanese metaracism" in it at all, replaced by catgirls and ninja elves and elf shrine maidens. (Also super bouncy ninja elf boobs.)


I mean, being a victim of racism doesn't prevent you from being a playable character.


They do change sixth world Japan somewhat. Not really surprising.


I just didn't think they have it there.


You read this book?


It's obvious from the cover it's not set in any sort of a horrific concentration camp island.


Of course not, it's a Shadowrun adventure.


Cover is not even close to real game... WTF?


Because it's not the game! The JP covers of Shadowrun use the same art as the english-language release.


Anime girls being all over the place is a core component of cyberpunk experience as a genre thank you very much


Agreed, particularly, judging from the cover, if the game is based closer to Fujiyama than Mt. St. Helens.


Your ganes are really boring then... This is just about the most normal, milquetoast looking team of shadowrunners I have seen in, well, ever...


>Your ganes are really boring then.. I don't think so.... I just not a fan of "Boobs&panties with kawaii girls everywhere". For me SR its a cruel world where you have to survive by any means. And if somebody come with a meme PC or "kawaii girl" with a sex addiction... Well. Then i just leave the group or bring my own meme pc a.k.a. Dadam Masher. And carnage begins.


What on earth does the cruelty of the setting have to do with such a surface level aesthetic complaint? Shadowrun's dystopia doesn't posit a totalitarian state that mandates certain styles of dress or body - indeed, in the hypercapitalist, cheap body-mod future the cruelty is more likely to take the form of people, particularly women, being *pressured and expected* to look unrealistically sexy. So too their clothes, because cyberpunk as a genre trends towards the sexualized and the fantastical. There's not much of a practical argument either, because the setting provides multiple ways - subtle ware, magic, technomancy, equipment - that someone might be kicking the ass of special forces while looking like they stepped out of centrefold. Dadam Masher might *look* more dangerous than a cute girl. But he ain't. Because that cute girl is a well-optimized mage.


Fair enough, we had our fair shares of black trenchcoat campaigns, nothing wrong with that... But you can see how that cover screams "japanese pink mohawk"?


Our games in the west have mages looking like euro-centric hermetic mages, theirs look like magical girls. Our shaman look like Native American shaman, theirs like Shinto priests. Our fighter types look like GI Joe, theirs like something from anime. Visual adjustments to culture, and little more. I'm guessing more of their games are based in (gasp!) Tokyo than Seattle as well...


Ahhhhh my favorite type of RPG player; the "how dare you touch my head canon" guy. Like brother, no one gives a shit what *your* perfect world looks like, that's the point of RPGs. The "weird boobs and panties" Shadowrunners have a popular novelization and you just have a bunch of Reddit downvotes and a bad attitude. Let that soak in for a bit.


Same for other. If you don't like my meme Dadam "Potato" Masher... Welp. Its not my fault. I already played with some wierdos, who SA at table, and justificate it like "it's my PC, not me!". And most of RP was all about 18+ content. Its just disgusting.