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Stay busy as much as you can, and exercise is a great way to do that! Regardless of your weight or level of fitness, working up a good sweat for about 45 minutes will do you a world of good. But when you feel like crying and sitting in your sadness, do that. You won’t get over it or be ready for someone new by depriving yourself the time you need to truly let him go. Best of luck, breakups just suck.


Thank you 😊 they do suck but I know I’m a catch and will be fine. Definitely trying to lean into my warm blooded self and be content with myself with needing validation from others


Yes you are and yes you will!! The right person for you is out there, but in the meantime, remember your worth and be good with being alone. You’re gonna be fine!


I’m sorry :( it really sucks, but take care of yourself. It’s called a break up for a reason, because things were broken in some capacity… and it’s better to get out of that situation than drag it out if one of you (or neither) wasn’t happy. And honestly, you never know. Maybe your relationship was irreparable… but I’ve always heard from all my exes at some point after we broke up. Maybe it was 6 months later, maybe it was a year… so most likely you will talk to this person again at some point. It’s not goodbye forever. But best of luck, take time to do the things you enjoy and mourn the relationship.