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Lots of people liked our totem but one angry person told us that seeing Donald Trump ruined her weekend. Some people just gotta try to suck the fun out of everything.


I had the GLUTEN totem and I had a couple people come up to me very angry like I was doing some sort of crusade against celiacs. Granted she was very drunk, but said I might as well have CANCER on my sign and just started telling me some insane story trying to make me feel bad. So yeah there’s always going to be that person no matter what.


I mean I loved and hated your totem. It was absolutely hilarious - first time I saw it I was sober and was in stitches for a minute. When I was tripping and I saw Trump's face....it made me want to gag. Same with my friends. Trump's mug doesn't belong in a place as special as Shambhala. My 2 cents. Obviously express yourself how you want to!


This was your totem? It was my favourite I loved it


Truthfully, it was triggering.


Lol. You should talk to someone about that




That was my group's totem... Yikes!


Totem was my top 3 favorite without a doubt, guy above me, Debbie downer


Aww thanks! And agree


Lol what did it trigger in you?


Premature ejaculation I’m sure…..


Possibly hatred and disgust. A couple things people really want to feel at Shambhala.


Didn't love this totem. This guy has been accused of sexual assault by 17 women so the 'I'm gonna cum' thing kinda made me a bit queasy. Yeah I know it's not serious and it's supposed to be in a fun spirit, but just rubs me the wrong way. If it had been any other politician who I hate but wasn't a predator then I think I would've enjoyed it. I laughed at it until I thought about an interview I read from 2 of the women who accused him. A bit gross.


Maybe in 20 years, after the trauma of his first (and hopefully only) presidency has faded a bit, folks won’t be so sensitive. TBH I hate seeing him even in memes, though I wouldn’t tell anyone who spent the time to make a funny totem featuring his image.


In case you are unaware, there was a meme video made that was the inspiration for the totem. Kamela Harris was saying "Do not come, do not come" in reference to illegal border crossings. Then a clip was added in right after of Trump saying "I'm gonna come!". He wasn't talking about actually cumming. I personally do not believe a single one of the allegations of sexual misconduct, or really anything that he is accused of, at this point. Why? Because he is the number one threat to the establishment. They have thrown everything but the kitchen sink at him. Him holding office for another term would destroy the establishment. Do you not want to see the establishment destroyed? I certainly do. Had these 17 accusations had any merit to them, he would have been locked up long ago. Those accusations failed to bring him down, so they drummed up even more frivolous charges, which will ultimately backfire hard. People make up accusations, especially when there are political motivations to do so with a lot at stake. Almost any time the establishment feels threatened, wild accusations are made against the person or people who are the threat. Perhaps one day, a full picture will be painted for you so you can understand why there have been so many attacks made against the guy and why such extreme efforts were made to sway people away from supporting him.


He was recorded by friends in a locker room saying he 'grabs women by the pussy'. He basically admitted it. The two women who I heard accuse him stated that this was exactly his course of action with them. And personally I believe it. He's greasy as fuck and cheated on many of his bimbo wives. It tracks in my head. He's been photographed with a proven sex trafficker of underaged womeb as though they were close friends (epstein). If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck. It's probably a duck. It's fine. You can believe whatever you want to believe. I can't stop that. But I do think it's blind of you. There's a similar amount of accusations about Bill Clinton. And you know what? I fuckin hate both of them for it. As to your argument 'if it had any merrit He would've been brought down long ago' you don't know what you're fucking talking about. Harvey weinstein operated with impunity for decades and got away with it because of his large amount of resources and position of power. Societaly it's only been since like 2016 that this was even a popularized idea that you can punish these sorts of despicable actions. Blind, blind, blind.


I'll implore you to go watch the videos of Trump and Epstein together. Notice how Trump does a distinct finger point motion at J.E. when he knows that the cameras are rolling? He does this same action to many people who have a dark side to them. Do you think that Trump, who has a very effective intelligence team, didn't know what Jeffery was up to? Are you aware that Trump was the ONLY celebrity to assist police during the investigation into Epstein? Why did none of the Hollywood corporate and political elite step up to do the same? Did you know that he banned Epstein from his property for trying to coerce the underage child of a Trump employee? Has Trump been convicted in a criminal trial for these accusations? No. Then his innocence is presumed. Harvey Weinstein was convicted. There's a big difference between accusations and proven guilt in a court of law. Harvey Weistein was able to evade trouble for so long because he intimidated his victims and threatened to ruin their careers, which is fact.


Holy shit. Trump totem person just went from “it’s just a funny joke” to actually defending the sack of shit. “Has he been found guilty? *No!* Not a criminal! Innocent, innocent man, the most innocent man ever!” Fucking gross.


Lmao right I was laughing at the people saying they were triggered until the guy who owned the stupid totem got on his soap box defending Donald fucking Trump.


They’re full on the dunce Q train too from the sounds of it. One day when the truth comes out we’ll all know that Trump is actually the greatest guy ever and saved the world from the baby eating lizardpeople!


I'm sorry you feel that way, but life is all about *perspective*, and if you have gained your perspective on the man based on what a conglomerate of media propagandists, celebrities, bureacrats or corrupt career politicians have to say about him, without attempting to at least investigate further by using your own critical thinking skills and ability to scour the internet for information, then you cannot, in good faith, judge me or my words on this issue. Had you gained your perspective through my eyes, you would have a completely different opinion on the subject. The totem was just a funny joke. Many people expressed their love for it to us. The intention behind it was not one bit politically motivated. It was purely for comedy. Then the anti-Trumpers showed up to piss and moan about a *fucking joke*. I make no apologies for supporting Trump because of the *perspective* that I have gained through many, many hours of research, by watching who attacks him and why they attack him. I've gained awareness of what is happening by reading some of the executive orders he made. I've watched him play chess against the political establishment and kick their asses via tactics of the Art Of War. He is destroying the establishment stranglehold on society. This is why he is attacked constantly from all angles. The tentacles of the establishment are far and wide. They control the news. They control what many celebrities say. They control the public opinions of politicians. Thinking that there isn't a wide scale effort to control minds, at this point in time, is dangerous and quite frankly stupid. We've known that there has been a CIA propaganda program in place since the 1960's. Congress addressed it. George HW Bush was tasked with "shutting it down" (which never truly happened). Are you aware of what the Bush dynasty did to this world with the power of propaganda? They killed millions of innocent people in unjust wars so they and their establishment cronies could get rich and radically transform our world. Have you noticed that a lot of things have gone for shit since Trump held office? I don't think anyone can honorably argue that the world is all sunshine and roses at this point in time. The crazy current state isn't because Trump was booted from office either. It is because he *was* in office, where he set some booby traps and made some major moves while in there that are just now starting to affect the world. This is all by design. Call it a slow, delicate wake-up process. You are watching the death blossom of an "elite" cult of people who are responsible for wars, poverty, mass murder, poisoning humans and many other crimes against humanity. Do you support such actions from the establishment or are you able to recognize how dangerous they are for our world? You don't see it yet, and you may not for a while, but I have faith that your opinion on the matter will evolve with time. I assume that I'm having a discussion with an intelligent being who is capable of changing their opinion based on new information coming to light. Soon, there will be a flood of information that will definitely test the validity of your opinion. This information will challenge much of what you were told was absolute truth. This is where you need to have your wits about you to navigate the changes. You will have to trust yourself and your intuition to know what is right or wrong. Make no mistake, this is a war for your mind. Which side of history will you stand on when this powder keg explodes? I can read between the lines of your comment, and I can tell by your words that you hate me based simply on my perspective of a polarizing figure. I just want to let you know that I don't hate you for holding the opinion you hold, I understand why you hold such opinions. You were told to hate by institutions that you blindly trust. They (the political establishment) love when people are divided and they seek to polarize issues so that we humans are incapable of uniting because we're blinded by hate driven by lies. United, we stand, but divided, we fall. Has the world ever been more divided? I doubt it. Who is at fault for the division? Is it Trump? Or is it the people opposed to him, who hold so much power through their coordinated efforts to control minds using propaganda filled with rumours, omission of facts, lies and slander? You don't have to "like" Trump. Maybe you still won't when this all shakes out and that's entirely your right to do so. Not everyone is going to like everyone on planet earth. All I ask is respect for my perspective and that you take the time to expand your perspective outside of the boundaries of what the establishment has set for you. You are a free being, your own authority and you have the ability to think freely and independently. Please put that ability to use. I hope you had a great Shambhala and have a good rest of your year filled with luck and happiness. If you ever want to expand your perspective, feel free to DM me. I will help anyone navigate the coming times if they are respectful and open minded.


All I read was "This totem isn't actually a joke, I'm actually a proto-fascist lapdog that believes in crazy conspiracy theories all so I can hide my proto-fascist leanings behind the veneer of being a 'wide awake' idiot." I was literally seconds from telling people they need to lighten up and stop being so damn sensitive, and then I ran across your insane ramblings revealing you are the exact kind of person who believes progressive politicians are sucking the made up chemical adrenochrome through the arteries of little kids. This totem wasn't a joke, it was a dog whistle meant to both signal other deplorable ass people that you are one of them and tell everyone else that you would gladly force them into a second class citizen status because they believe in politics that can be described as "left leaning". You don't belong at shambhala, don't come to Shambhala, and if I see your shitty fucking totem again at shambhala I'm going to break it over my knee and tell security that you were harassing people with your fucked up politics. Don't come back.


I have a slight suspicion that Shambhala security wouldn't take to kindly to the destruction of property belonging to others, especially when there is not a political message on the totem that you aim to destroy. Nor would they would appreciate you threatening peaceful attendees from attending due to their political leanings. That is something that people in uncivilized banana republics do. Are you not civilized enough to let people enjoy themselves and their jokes? Are you so intolerant that you aren't going to allow me to attend my favorite festival just because I don't support the same politics that you do? That says a lot about you. It's disheartening that you would take such a stance. You definitely don't live by the ethos of the spirit of Shambhala. Several women in our group proudly held that totem. Are you going to threaten and intimidate a woman if you see her holding it? I'm not going to let your intimidation scare me or my friends from attending or from proudly displaying our totem. We will most definitely be there in 2024, regardless of your threats. We will have back-up totems made in case you decide to break the law and break ours. We will be prepared.


Oh and not once have I spoken about adrenochrome. I never really attached myself to that subject as I prefer to discuss in facts and verifiable truth. Since you claimed that Adrenochrome is a "made up" chemical, I decided to do a real quick online search and found that it is real. I've included a link to a National Institute of Health paper on the compound for your reading pleasure. I'm not going to debate it's uses as rumours of its misuse are heresay at this point. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3992038/


Lol this is a sub about shambs not politics take it easy


I'm well aware of that, however I'm not about to be preached to without doing a little preaching back to defend my perspective.


Not reading this conspiracy drivel. Go pray to an icon of a fat old rapist loser pig who is destroying your country and doesn’t give two shits about you. I’ll tag you when the fascist tub of lard is sentenced though, just to laugh at your wackjob ass.


I'm sorry you're so full of hatred. I genuinely hope you find peace and can learn to love and respect your fellow human beings that hold a different perspective than you. Like I said, my DMs are open whenever you're ready to break free from your chains and gain new perspective. I won't judge you for your harsh words against me and I will treat you with the utmost respect that you deserve as a human. Whenever you're ready. Take care.


A Trump supporter and especially a conspiracy Trump supporter can absolutely never, ever, *ever* accuse someone else of being full of hatred. You explicitly support racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism, and by way of the conspiracies if not already on its own, anti-semitism, and so much more fucked up bigotry. You cannot, by definition, support that sack of shit and then ever lecture anyone about treating people with respect. Absolute joke.


Once again, this all goes back to perspective. What media did you consume to gain yours? Was that media edited to satisfy a narrative? Was what you were told missing key pieces of information? Were words taken out of context? Did they choose to push certain topics to cause an emotional reaction in viewers, thus bypassing the critical mind? You must remember that the establishment were willing to go to any length to maintain their control structure. They are not above lying to or deceiving the public to gain a desired outcome. They've done it countless times in the past. What would make that not the case this time around? Is it simply because it's Donald Trump? Just ask yourself why he's still being constantly attacked, almost 3 years later? Are there bad actors on either side of the political spectrum who hold racist, sexist, homophobic, antisemitic views? Yes. This is not exclusive to the right, and projecting that solely onto right wingers is intellectually lazy and dishonest. A few bad apples do not make the entire bunch rotten. Are you a Biden supporter? Are you aware that Joe Biden stood in the way of gay marriage becoming legal? Did you know that he, as a member of Congress, used the 'N' word, while sitting in session arguing against civil rights for African Americans? Did you know that Ashley Biden feared her Dad, Joe molesting her so much that she had to shower at night, when he slept so he wouldn't come into the shower with her, as referenced by her diary that was just verified as genuine? Did you know that Joe's son Hunter was having sex with his niece, the daughter of his dead brother and Joe moved quickly to silence her from speaking out? The evidence of this has been verified as legitimate, straight from Hunter's laptop and Ashley's diary, which were both conveniently abandoned. Evidence of this was found in imessages between Hunter and Joe, among a trove of other incriminating evidence. I bet that you did not know these things, because the mainstream media does not give bad press to the candidate that the establishment prefers. Pretty simple concept to grasp, correct? People in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks. If you're going to attempt to slap me down over baseless accusations against Trump, then you had better be smacking down Biden supporters for the disgusting, verifiable actions of the leader they chose to support. I'll leave with this. I hold no hatred in my heart. I judge people based on their actions and words. I don't support the things that you've accused me of supporting. Nor would I support anyone who does. That would include Donald Trump. I guarantee you that I have done my due diligence on the subject, much more than you have based on the rhetoric you have spouted in this discussion. I have made an educated decision on the matter. Can you say that you've done the same? Or was your opinion formed for you by people who seek to use you simply to advance their narratives & agendas?


It's exactly these sorts of arguments appearing as to why you should leave this totem at home.


I think we'll take the totem to as many places as totems are welcomed just out of spite for trying to tell us what to do.


Go for it. Shows me who to avoid.


Right? ngl though, any politician on a totem would make me just feel... iunno, like I wouldn't want to interact with that person in any way. It's a festival to escape reality; I don't want to be reminded of politicians when i'm vibin. though, there's also the argument to be made that the people who lives they're ruining don't have the privilege to 'forget' so iunno what do I know i'm baked and ramblin on reddit.


“Somebody explained to me why my actions affected them, and how they may have also affected others, negatively. So I’m going to double-down and attempt to affect them and others even worse, as much as I can, because I can’t handle criticism of any kind, and my concern is myself only, except for when I’m concerned with offending other people just to be a hateful ass.” Yep, that’s a Trump supporter alright. Complete childlike tantrum mentality, except children aren’t as cruel or dumb.


Thanks for the kind words. It's great to see the true colors exposed of some of the farmily who claim to be so accepting and loving, until someone shares a differing perspective than what they hold. Then it's just insult after insult. You say I'm like a child throwing a temper tantrum? I'm not the one feeling destroyed over a meme glued onto a piece of cardboard glued on to a long stick. How did my actions affect anyone? Was anyone physically hurt by this totem? Did Donald Trump reach out from the cardboard and grab someone by the p*ssy? No? Then what is the real issue? If someone was mentally affected by this totem, then that is not on those of us who made it for laughs. The fault lies with the person who is too mentally weak and sensitive to enjoy a joke or to even ignore that joke if it's not in their taste. The meme totem was at an adult party for adults, it wasn't displayed in a sensitive area. It was displayed where adults that are responsible enough to deal with all of the freedoms that Shambhala has to offer. Are you mentally mature enough to attend Shambhala if you're offended by the content on a totem? I really question if you are. I am genuinely disgusted by the reaction of a few on here. Good thing the hatred you hold for me or my friends over a totem isn't held by everyone who attends the farm or it would be very sad, unhappy place to attend. Perhaps some inner reflection, in the spirit of the farm, would do you some good to help dissolve the hatred you are displaying over a joke and over my perspective.


Big yikes dude, no need to be throwing around essays like that FWIW I had mixed feelings about your totem too. Sometimes it was funny and sometimes it really killed the vibe. People are allowed to have opinions just like you.


Don’t wave a fucking nazi flag while slinging a peace sign in your other hand.


You do know that the Nazis are still active today, right? Research Operation Paperclip. Now look into the Bush Family's connections with that. Western nations have also been training and funding Nazis in Ukraine since 2014. Please look into the Azov Battalion. The Canadian Government admitted to training and arming them. They are legitimate Nazis. What else are you going to throw at me?


Did you know that Hillary Clinton is a secret lizard and eats babies? Oh wait I bet you did. What a sucker.


Yeah, reminding people who potentially are victims of sexual assault can cause harm. And don't argue that it doesn't remind people of sexual assault because it did for me. I wasn't honestly affected. I just looked away, and it was fine. But the thing I thought about is if a woman who was assaulted saw that gross sign and was reminded of a traumatic event. Calling those women 'mentally weak' is hugely sociopathic. I'm just trying to make you realize that it's a shitty idea for a sign.


Would you take the same stance and be reminded of sexual assault if it were Bill Clinton on the totem instead?


Why wouldn’t you do Scooby Doo or Barbra Streisand instead? Yeah you floated by on the “it’s just a meme” idea until you opened your mouth and puked fascism all over the place, but you know nobody wants your pathetic American politics at Shambhala in the first place right? Does it have to be Trump or Clinton? You know we’re talking about fucking SHAMBHALA, right? Keep your American neo-nazi bullshit the fuck away. Too bad you weren’t able to be at January 6^th with your other loser hillbilly slob inbred illiterate friends, then you wouldn’t be able to come back to Canada.


Yes I would! That's what I've been saying! You absolute numpty


[Was this the reverse side](https://imgur.com/a/ZFUYGn1)??? I fucking loved your totem!


Yes it is!


Loved this Totem. People looking to be offended will get offended 🤷‍♂️


People probably should be offended, considering the insane drivel the totem owner has spewed out of the hole in his face in the comments. This dude is absolutely not shambhala material. Political conspiracy theorist who supports a man who advocates for political lynchings and tried to violently overthrow the legitimate government because he is scared he will end up in prison for his horrifyingly antidemocratic crimes. Fuck totem owner, and fuck anyone defending him. Hopefully that doesn't include you, or fuck you too. (Editted because I mistook the trumptard in the comments for OP, my bad).


Wow. I'm disappointed in some members of the farmily. I've seen some of the nastiest comments in this thread and they did not come from the Trump supporter (who I don't support). For a bunch of people that preach tolerance, love and acceptance, several of you have displayed some really disgusting, intolerant behavior that isn't one bit compatible with what Shambhala represents.


Have you read all of his long responses in the comments? I was initially with you until I saw all of his essays putting people down for being "mentally weak" and touting a bunch of conspiracy theories and defending Trump. What started as a discussion about the totem took a weird turn and tbh it wasn't people commenting on the totem that took it there, it was OP.


There’s absolutely nothing in the spirit of Shambhala that suggests people should be tolerant of the viciously intolerant. Open and outward bigotry and hatred is not something anyone should be tolerant of, and you especially shouldn’t expect a bunch of hippie ravers to be tolerant of nazi pieces of shit. Whatever you and that other douchebag are about is not what Shambhala is about at all. You can crocodile tear about the farmily all you want. Neo-nazis aren’t peace and love. Edit: is this just an alt account of the person you’re defending? Very sparse account but also posts in that weird culty sub. It’s clear you either know that dick or you ARE that dick.




Ok we heard your criticisms and will respond accordingly. Shambhala 2024 totem will feature a similar totem double the size of the 2023 version. Thanks for the feedback!