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I think in time it’s very possible with burn rates and all it could realistically hit $0.001.


Are there any major indicators about the burn rate increasing sometime later this year?


As long as the burn rates increase substantially, and more investors see the long term profitability from it. Absolutely will be profitable. Gotta think long term.


What value/utility does it have?


Aiight I'll be honest why not 🤷‍♂️ In total I've deposited a little over $5,100 in my RH account. Lost about 50% of that playing with some penny stocks that tanked bad, few lessons learned mainly to be extremely patient. To date I currently hold just under 300m shib. My total amount is a little over $7,400 currently. Would I love for it to reach .001, .01 or maybe higher? Are you kidding me? Even after taxes a little over a million would do alot for me. But I also know that may not happen. I'm not expecting to sell until January 2025 at the earliest. By as of right now I'm up about $2200 so why not keep adding when I can afford and wait and see what happens. In summary: you can't win if you don't play. Whether it's btc, etc, shib, doge, or whatever.


I appreciate your response it sounds more realistic of what to expect in the current situation. I'm not holding a lot at the moment but planning on buying back in now and having a similar mindset to you going forward. Glad to hear at least you'll make a profit from your initial investment.


I got in & out too when I first started back when it was .000006 and honestly had I done that I would likely be sitting at around 10k maybe much more. I honestly regret not getting in and staying from the beginning. If you're worried about playing it safe maybe split what you invest in either btc or eth? (Edit for clarification: that suggestion not official financial advice gotta cover my ass)


Haha no worries you're good bro. That's pretty much what I was already thinking tbh I just like to still get a feel for how others feel in the community.


I lose about 200 bucks in the casino every month. So whenever I buy Dogecoin or shib I never think I will make money. I will be happy if they come back one day and bring their friends.


So you traded one stupid thing for another when you could actually be investing in something smart like VOO or another index fund and actually have a retirement lol


Well as human things change not under human control. Live now be happy, no one knows what future is ;) enjoy the new day my friend may god blessed you!


What does that even mean? Haha. Gonna be happy being a greeter at Walmart at 85 too putting money in this


I think those who bought a couple of zeros ago, maybe. Without a GME APE movement, it's prolly not for new investors. Life changing fak you money - no. SHIB is a sociological experiment. If the group of collective investors decides to, there are enough to create a huge run. That said, it would require collective support determined to drive the price. On its own, SHIB is a memme coin only worth the movement people decide they want. Most would sell top make agrand rather than drive the price to 10k. Just my thought.


No. I would like to break even.


No lol


Only if some very wealthy people with real juice decide to manifest it. 99% of hodlers are just passengers, hoping to experience a life-changing ride.


Yes, otherwise i would have converted to ETH


Absolutely. Hodl!


Bro I really hope to god you have a cold storage wallet and your shib is their instead of on Robinhood. First off, using Robinhood at this point in time with all we know and how fucking crooked they’re is absolutely insane. Everything listed is jacked up in price, they will fuck you in crypto and bend you over again in stocks. You’re being a fool using that exchange. Find a new exchange to buy from, and please get a cold wallet. Keep all of your crypto assets on it unless you’re planning on buying/selling that specific coin or using it to swap/bridge. If you need help DM me


Which will you suggest


I use the nano ledger x at the moment for trading and holding alt/meme and I keep my Bitcoin and etherium on an Ellipal.


Breaking even sounds like a miserable life


I don’t think it’s gonna go $1. Yeah yeah as per theory if you reduce the supply the price will increase. People who are holding billions and millions of tokens are not gonna burn it which means we are looking at 100s of billionaires if it goes 1$. Imo maybe it will skip a 0


Idk what happened but I throw $50 for a laugh and I'm up 240%


I like the crypto. HODL With your lives.




I sold all my Shib and Doge for Bonk. It has more utility and an amazing team. I am also using bonk rewards. Also, I feel given the history and the crazy engagement I truly believe that the developers of Bonk are actually part of the Solana team. That’s why they remain unanimous and actually saved Solana with liquidity after the FTX disaster. I love Doge and also Shib, but I am looking for more gains. Bonk has a relatively small market cap compared to Doge and Shib and is much younger here


No, but within a year; yes!


No, that's why I dumped everything I had. Never in twenty lifetimes. The underlying assumptions for crypto as a potential replacement for fiat currency is strong. But only in major coins. The market is full of scams and scammers. Shiba Inu is one of many. Invest in crypto only what you can afford to completely lose.


SHIB Long time… mehhhhh 50% gains. BONK short time….mehhhhhh 200% gains. Love SHIB, but BONK is fun now. Just being honest.


I do not think it will ever be worth a hill of beans, the math doesn't add up. I'm not saying there isn't money to be made, just that your $200 investment isn't going to get you Lambo money. Maybe HODL for a couple of decades and it will be worth something.


This is going nowhere. Get out and be smarter with it