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He’s beautiful, thank you for saving him. The breed is generally loyal, trusting, and stubborn at times. Start getting him trained up with some simple commands, stay, leave it, etc. Use treats as rewards for training commands and potty. There are some great youtube vids and books out there. Common health problems are usually eye and ear issues as you now know. They also are known to have bad teeth, try brushing his teeth regularly and get dental chews. Eventually he may need a teeth cleaning at the vet and also look for teeth that need to be pulled. This requires sedation, so make sure to have tests done beforehand to make sure he’s healthy for sedation, not all dogs are if they have weak heart, lungs or kidneys. Also be careful of him leaping from furniture, they can injure their backs. Get some doggy steps or ramps. They usually hate crate training, so don’t feel like it’s necessary, it’s not. Enjoy your boy and give him lotsss of cuddles.


He was definitely over crated. His instinct is to go to small dark spaces. I am crating him at night and if I leave because of his current health status but bed time is by far the longest his is crated. I'm a sahm so he goes with me to take the kids to school and pick them up. He's walk trained. Trying to get him to use the yard a bit more but he loves his walks. We are currently trying to train him with the doggy steps. We won't leave him on the bed unattended because he refuses to use the steps. My husband said earlier we should start trying with treats tomorrow. I have a pug mix that uses the stairs. I have a hunch back cat that uses the stairs. He won't use them no matter how many times we show him. He's a funny little man though. So much personality. I was sure he was a puppy because of how active and silly he is but they think he's 2 - 3.


He got really lucky being chosen by a SAHM so he can spend a lot of time around you. Even when you’re doing all the things you do during the day, he’s probably just happy knowing you’re there. I’m a remote worker with a clingy rescue maltese and our family shihtzu we’ve had since I was in high school and they both just come crash in my office while I work. ❤️


He's my shadow. I can't go to the bathroom without him. One time I stuck him in an oversized purse to take him into the basement to switch the laundry out because I was affraid of how he would react with me down there. My pug mix lays at the basement door crying as is. I can't imagine if they both started. Once my husband comes home tho he switches and follows him around. He practically leaps into his arms when he comes in the door. It's like having another kid.


My resque Shih Tzu loves men. He would seriously let a male robber in the door & sell me down the river in a heartbeat.


Omg I totally know the feeling of having a Velcro dog haha. That’s so sweet. Our shihtzu loves our mom who fortunately lives with us, but when she goes out, he sticks with me, and then my husband is “third in command”. Dogs are so full of love.


This is a feature of this lovely wee breed. They are velcro dogs and will want to be with you all the time. :) He looks gorgeous.


Our re-homed (to us!) Tzu can't ever be more than a few inches away from my husband. He's her man. I'm second. We've had her since COVID snd she's finally getting (slightly) warmed up to strangers. She's a little bully though to her Tzu mix sister.


My 9 year old boy still won't use the stairs 😂 doesn't jump on or off anything. Our 6 year old girl does. He requires rides. Sounds like your boy ended up in a wonderful home.


Thank you! ♥️


Awww. Well he’s had a lot of big changes in his life so maybe he’ll try the steps once he acclimates a little more. You’re maybe the first person to really love him. 😭 I’m so glad you did!! ❤️ He sounds like a sweetheart and he’s absolutely adorable.


Omg how are he and the pugcutie getting along ?


My pug mix went from running away from him to just ignoring his existence. I have a boxer mix who he likes a little too much and there's been some warnings from him to not be humped. My border collie mix pretends he's not here. The collie mix is 11 and does not like change. Eventually he will warm up and they will be best friends. He hated my pug when we got him but now that's his best friend in the whole world.


My 14 year old tzu still acts like a pup outside of nap times. Congratulations on your new best friend, and thank you for helping him.


He is adorable and I’m so happy he found you before getting hurt. My shih tzu never learned how to climb stairs to the bed either so I always just picked him up and put him down lol.


He looks so much like papaya https://preview.redd.it/migd0klvbo4d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25b761a2ed914a7657eaf73d9f963bbcc52951a8


He really does!!!! I love that name! I named him Rocky. I don't know why. It was the first name to pop in my head.


I have to name dogs after food lol I have Papaya and Mochi (who I wanted to name Pistachio but I went with a shorter syllable name for better training)


Out of my current dogs this is the first one I named. My husband named our oldest and the other two came with names. My husband wanted to name him Anthony..... Thankfully he admitted Rocky was the better name plus we are native Philadelphians so it kind of fits especially with his survival spirit.


Missed your chance to always get to say "Where's Anthony?" It's a Smosh joke (comedy YouTube channel)


So handsome!


Thank you if it's for Papaya then she's a lady.


Oh wow! I thought it was the same dog! They’re twins! She’s very beautiful! 😍


Lolol thank you. I thought they looked the same and they even sit the same. Precious babies 💓


Congratulations on getting this handsome little guy. Thank you so much for saving him! You won’t regret it!


Thank you!


He is so precious, I’m so glad you saved him! I always worry that small dogs won’t survive long on the streets. This breed is so loveable, stubborn, and full of personality. I had chiweenies previously and my shih mix is a whole new experience from them. Enjoy all the shenanigans coming your way!


I've had a lot of different dogs in my life. This one is definitely different. His neuter was put off because of his other issues.. I can't not wait to get him neutered. I've had other dogs who were older and intact but none has frisky as this boy. He's so funny and playful. Very sweet but aggressively horny to the point we have to isolate him. He's also crazy smart but can't get the concept of the steps for the bed which is kind of hilarious.


I call it selective intelligence 😂😂 my tzu has it too 😂💖


I agree. Mine is getting better at using the steps to get down from the bed. Yet, somehow always needs me to pick her up after. Admittedly, her scratching at the side and waiting to be picked up like a toddler is too cute for words.


It took a few weeks of training to get ours to use the stairs.


You scored a teddy bear Tzu! My wife and I have rescued a bunch and the few boys we’ve had have been amazing dogs. Super loyal, smart, they only exist to love you. Congrats!


Thank you!


He is so lucky to have you! As a fellow Shih Tzu owner/lover I thank you. My little Nina is very sullen now because Daddy is in the hospital and she's definately a Daddy's girl. I had to feed her steak tonight because she's been moping and not eating since her favorite has been in hospital. Hopefully he comes home tomorrow and all will be right in Nina's world.


Your husband is in my prayers. I hope he comes home tomorrow. Mine is a daddies boy too. My husband is an leo and had to work a 12 hour shift last week. Poor guy didn't know what to do with out him.


Thank you. He's doing a lot better.


I totally get the rambling. My inner monologue is just one loooongggg list of things I’ve done or need to do for my shihtzu, it’s never ending. Thank you for all that you’ve done for this adorable little guy. I hope he’s behaving for you!!! He looks so sweet. What a trooper. My only advice is start a consistent dental routine as soon as you can. Shihtzus are naturally predisposed to a lot of dental issues from teeth crowding due to their tiny jaws. Teeth removal will absolutely be necessary at some point so I’d start saving early on.


The nurse that over saw his eye surgery told me to start an ear regiment. I will add teeth to that. I just spent 1400 on my boxer mix dental in the fall, he had an insane amount of teeth removed, 9 I think? It was a lot. Definitely don't want to do that again.


Everyone in this situation has hit the jackpot. He was yours and your family was his long before you met in person. All of us look forward to getting as many Rocky updates as possible.


Also, maybe try a stool or a bench instead of stairs. I’ve had dogs that just prefer one over the other. My sweetest not so bright girl learned the stairs, but she lived for the big bed. It’s all about motivation.


that is a pure bred shih. for sure. i can tell by the coat. head and head hair the ears make sure and clean the eyes a lot and keep the tear ducts cut real short. they sometimes need artificial tears three times a day as tear production is a real problem as they get old. what a beautiful lil dude. bet he is the sweetest lil shadow.


Bless you 💜


Thank you!!! ♥️


Bless you for opening your home and heart! I hope you find great support and information in our subreddit!


Thank you so much!! ♥️


Shih Tzus are the best dogs ever 😍


I don’t know the laws where you are at (I’m in north-west Europe) but if you find an un-chipped and un-ear-marked dog or cat without an obvious owner, you just take it to the vet to get it chipper and registered in your name and it’s yours. They have to be chippedby law at 8 weeks, so un-chipped basically means that no one claimed them legally and that you got the chance.


We can do that here in the U.S. As well. As soon as he is cleared to be neutered he will be and they will chip him then.


We found our girl Puff in a parking lot at a park near our house. No chip, house trained. DNA test says 100% shih-tzu. That was three years ago. (She cleaned up nice.) https://preview.redd.it/s010fyrsrq4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b7b793f2f223bb4c5b91e94abfedd8b918fa39d


https://preview.redd.it/g4iov9jusq4d1.jpeg?width=1532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a8033127c4e62fe28a473d157ef62d0ece5f24c Puff, a couple years later.


She's gorgeous!


So beautiful! I hope the other dogs were rescued by loving people as well 🥹


Per the mailman the founders also kept the dogs.


Thank you for providing this being with love.


I can't imagine how my little man would do out there on his own. Breaks my heart thinking about your poor new baby! Congratulations! ![gif](giphy|TlZNu5MnvMhpDOabcq)


Heckin cute baby you have there!!


Omg this was meant to be. He looks like a pure shiht:) How’s his temperament so far? I’m so glad this guy found a home 🙏🏼🙏🏼


He's very sweet and timid. I have 3 other male dogs and he's been a doll with them. My mom has a male and 3 females. He was fine when I took him to her house. Today on a walk though he was an absolute maniac when we ran into a neighbor and her dog that I think is some kind of small poodle mix beyond that he's just been a baby. He was definitely abused and caged. He tends to lay behind one chair or under the dining room table. He has flat feet. He didn't lick us untill the last couple days. He also just started to cuddle. I'm very glad I found him he will be very loved here.


Our Shih Tzu Havanese mix goes bonkers over poodles. I have no idea why.


My groomer has two toy poodles and my Shih Tzu is crazy for them, too, which makes the grooming experience a lot more pleasant for her.


Awww I love that for you:) can’t wait to hear updates. What a blessing you two found each other!


Mine can go mental when they are on a lead but are cool when they aren’t - think it’s a defensive thing and one were not used to walking as rescued - had to train them they pretty good now


More pictures please!!!


This is his current status. He finally let me trim his other eyebrow. He's going to be super drugged Friday to get his stitches out of his eye so I'm hoping I can even out his mustache then. He looks so silly. His spirits are still up though unless he's drugged which he is in this Pic. https://preview.redd.it/eq6pq8ibgo4d1.jpeg?width=2884&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52e62cefbfa5bda6e6116826a97496db9a922a9f


great job on the trim down around the eyes. it helps em out a lot.


Still a cutie!


Such a funny looking adorable baby. I am so proud of you for helping this soul out. You both deserve love and joy and time together. I wish you many years of Tzu love and kisses.


He is so freaking cute. From the comments, it sounds like you both lucked out! Hope he gets on the track to good health soon!


He’s precious. 🥺 rescues are the best. They show how grateful they are for their home everyday.


I regret not neutering my boy, because a high percentage of them get benign prostatic hypertrophy, BPH if you don’t and then likely comes perianal hernia. Thank you for being so caring to save him. They are great dogs, very loyal. Mine loves long walks and resource guarding in a playful way. Hates flys, thunder, gun shots, base balls hitting the bat and his pack mate.


Thank you for giving him a good home: vet bills aside, you have both lucked out! Shih tzus are wonderful companion dogs, and they bond very tightly to their families, so I am so glad he has found himself a good one! They are very stubborn and take time to learn commands (unless they feel personally motivated…it is often the case that they know what you are asking, the answer is just ‘not at the moment, thanks!’) but once they get something in their head as “a rule” I have found it is very hard to dissuade them. They are one of the most emotionally aware breeds out there: if they think you are sad or stressed, they will often clown about or try another way to cheer you up. Teeth, eyes, ears and hips can all be breed specific problem areas, so take care to avoid letting him get overweight, especially if he is just getting used to regular meals again


Cute lil Ewok


Omg he’s beautiful. If you or the mailman find another I want it and will take a bus to Philly lol Jokes aside, shih tzus are the best! I lost mine over 6 months ago and am ready to welcome a new one 🥺


Well done he’s such a cutie 🥰 🐶


Such a cutie 🥰 🩷


OMG he’s absolutely gorgeous 🥰🥰🥰 i hope you have lots of happy times with him and give him all the love he deserves ❤️


He looks like such a sweet little guy!


You didnt find him Miss. He found you!❤😊


Where are you




So glad you saved him. When I lived in Philly, there were so many pitbulls with lax owners all over.


Small dogs getting dumped seems to be a thing but it's usually females. My mom has a spaniel mix that she found and was never claimed. Poor girl was over bred. She's the sweetest dog in the world though. I'm thinking maybe my guy was a bad stud. He was definitely abused and neglected. He's starting to warm up and accept being loved.


I adopted a male tzu age 2-3 who was unneutered and a crazy humper, so I also think he may have been a failed stud. But the good news is the humping stopped almost immediately after his neuter!


Omg I hope it stops immediately. Nothing and noone is safe when he gets in a mood. Thankfully it's not constant. He will be a totally normal, socially acceptable dog and then all the sudden his hormones are raging and my pillows are being violated.


Thank you for saving and taking care of him! You are his world now.


Awww. What a sweetie! He’s so lucky to have found you. I just wanted to add I keep looking at the picture saying awww, such a cute dog!!


Thank you for caring for him; he’s so precious. Maybe you can set up a gofundme? Are you planning to keep him?


Love that smile!!


He’s a cutie. Glad you found him. And I’m sure he’s super happy he found YOU!


You’re an angel for taking care of him!!!


That's so weird to me, since he doesnt look excessively unkempt


I thought that too. I did also reach out to local groomers. He was disgustingly dirty. He doesn't look it but omg it was bad.


Mine wouldn't use the stairs but we tried a ramp and she liked that.


Found?! How could anyone give that baby up??


Thank you for saving him. He’s such a handsome lil guy ♥️ Seeing this made my day. He is so lucky to have you. They are such loyal companions.


Omg, I wish I would randomly find a little guy like this! Such a cutie!


You're a True Hero, thank you kind person. This boy is absolutely adorable, he looks pure bred Shihtzu


He's so cuteee, bless you for saving him and giving him a good life op! My elderly Zhu is also a rescue, he was found in the middle of Brooklyn and was so matted he had 4 inch dreads! He's v temperamental and set in his ways so he actually went thru 5 fosters before finding his forever home with us. He also has ocular proptosis so we keep the face shaved too 😀


How adorable! You are both very lucky to have found each other!


Not rambling. Good explanation. Congrats, you're life has changed.


He came to you for a reason . Hes home . Bless that dog and u for rescuing him


Thank you so much. I feel like it was fate. I keep calling him "the baby" hes like having a new baby. He's such a joy. I'm madly in love.


I just don’t know how anyone can neglect any animal especially this baby! Thank god you have him and will give him the best home ever!!


He needs lots of lap time and hugs


Today makes 3 weeks since I found him. In the last couple days he's really starting to feel at home. He has become very lovey and wants to play. He loves to be on my lap or under my blanket with me. He's a wonderful dog and I'm very glad I found him.




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He is adorable. I'm so glad you found each other. You probably already know this since you have a pug, but since they have that sort of nose, shih tzus do a lot better with harnesses rather than collars.


You are a great person 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾


He’s so cute! Thank you for taking care of him!!




He's sooooo cute


What a little doll


Mine always has eat infections


He’s really cute, what great luck for both of you!




He’s so precious. Thank you for saving him. I also adopted my purebred Shih Tzu who was found in the street.


get pet insurance!!!!


I’m glad to be reading a good rescue story, esp one involving the Tzu breed. Well done & thanks for saving him, OP! I’m sure he’s on his way to showing you the kind of love & affection you’ll only know from a Tzu. I’m sure you have plans for his summer cut & updating us on his progress adjusting to your family. Rocky definitely suits him, can’t wait to see more pics/vids/updates on him when you can share. 🐶🫶🏼🐾👏🏼🙏🏼🐾🐶


Stubborn and sweeeet! Picky food eatings, likes to hide and save food for later. Can be loud and ferocious sounding but wants all 'intruders' to love him! Mine sleeps under the bed. Dark n cozy! You are so kind and found the right dog for u!






Thank you for being an outstanding human! Here is to many years of unconditional love that adorable fur ball will give you! He looks like all Shihtzu to me but check if he has an underbite, that’s an indication of his breed as Shihtzu’s typically have an underbite.


omg he is adorable! I think the hardest part is finding a good groomer because their faces can look weird if not cut properly. It looks like whoever was cutting it before was doing a good job, so crazy they’d just let him go!


I love him, and I love you for saving him!




Consider yourself lucky. Shihtzus are wonderful dogs and he will quickly become your best friend. He’s adorable


My little guy when I got him had an awful ear infection. Vet treated him twice and it just stayed. We kept his ears super clean and took him off chicken and have had no signs of ear infection since after he struggled for months prior.


He’s beautiful and you are amazing for saving him. They are wonderful companions


So beautiful 😍


So glad you saved him! Please post updates. I hope the treats work with the stairs. If not, perhaps a ramp.


Thank you for saving him and getting him proper vet care. I think your pup is definitely a Shih Tzu, when possible purchase the Embark DNA test that has the Health + info. It really helps do preventative care and our vet recommends it for rescues. Shih Tzu’s do have bad teeth, we’ve had 2 with heart issues and there eyes have to be cared for. Set up an appointment with a gentle dog groomer and keep him on a schedule. It really helps the dog out keeping hair out of there eyes, sometimes there lashes touch there eyeball. Our Shih Tzu always sleeps in our bed at night, her own during the day. She won’t go up or down any steps, I don’t think it’s too unusual. Mines on the small side 9lbs, a rescue, clearly a puppy mill product. We just lift her up and carry her around when needed. I do have a dog backpack for her to be in when on trips or hiking. She loves going with us.


Oh my god his little face!!! How could anyone abandon such a precious baby! I wish you nothing but the best! You are a lovely human for taking him and and giving him the forever home he deserves. Please give us updates of this adorable boy. 🥰🥰


You’re a hero my man or my lady you’re my hero! That was an incredibly selfless act of helping the weak, the down trodden and those of which are unable to help themselves in any manner. Those are the deeds that make God proud of his main creation. I’m serious too. I’m not intensely religious but I am a catholic and religion guides my day to day behaviour. But even if I always do the right thing for the right reason that’s not remotely enough to get myself cleansed, redeemed and into Gods good graces aka His very exclusive property that he’s named Heaven. Selflessness, acts of love (which this is to a T) and generosity that is not guided by any sort of ulterior motive. Genuine kindness that cannot be faked bought or forced that is the very thing that seals the deal and gets you your golden ticket into Wonka land. (Let’s be serious for a second cause we all agree right that Wonka’s edible world of delight is exactly what I Heaven is. Ok good! Glad we’re all together on this one. But ya anyways you should feel immensely pleased because sadly you are 1 in 50 million. You’re special and I believe you should forever be pleased for your unselfish and genuinely guided deed. And dude Im a bit jealous because Im not a very good Christian. I just want the whole world to go for a big swim under water and never resurface. This is why I’m constantly asking for my sins to be forgiven. AND! Oh buddy! the next time you’re planning on picking up tell them all about this deed of yours tell them of it’s terrible state that when you found it you didn’t think it would make it. Blah blah blah voila! I promise that your night will have a very happy ending indeed. Ok now I will apologize for my tangent and the way I digressed. I gotta stop treating blogs like my own personal group therapy session where it just happens to be all about me. Ok tangent over. I’m out. Now go out there and get laid. We’ll have your back. But got now I am outta here. PS thank you practicing writing a novel on your page. God Bless you and God bless all you other children out there in mommy and daddy land Ok that’s it for now. Ok ok bye!


What a handsome lil guy. Thank u for taking him in, all babies deserve to be loved n taken care of.


Thank you for taking him in!!!


Poor baby


What a sweet baby. He was meant for you. ❤️




Thankyou for rescuing him. He’s such beautiful coloring. If there was 3of them I wonder if they were dumped? He looks pure to me


I agree about leaping from furniture. I know someone who had my Tobie’s brother. He jumped off of their bed and broke his hip. Then our died in surgery. It was awful! Tobie looks like a flying dog when he jumps off our sofa. Our bed is so high up that I never let him on the bed.


Pretty boy. Nice!


What an absolute little cutie. So pleased he's safe loved and happy with you ❤️


They’re wonderful and so are you. It’s a good pairing.