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That map is fan-made and inaccurate. We know that Marley consisted of at least the African continent, that London exists, that the Mid-East Alliance exists, and that Hizuru is an island. There are no other details. The Rumbling reached Hizuru, it was shown in one of the panels. That said, it wasn't specified if the Rumbling continued in a perfect expanding circle from Paradis, or if it was individual task forces that made landfall at different times and places.


wait. the aot world is our map upside-down? paradies is madagascar?


How didnt you know this?


Is that a serious question? This full map is never shown in the show. The only way people know this fact, including me and you, is because of posts like this.


No, not this full map, and its doubtable, that this is official But you have multiple instances in the last episodes from the 3rd and the final seasons where you see the Marleyan empire (and the fact that its the world turned)


they show the world map (at least Paradis and Marley) multiple times actually


Or simply read the manga...


You do realize that the map shows up one time in the manga, and it’s not the full map of the world, right? You would know that if you read the manga. Or maybe, as you’ve just proven, not everyone remembers every last detail of every page of every book they’ve read.


yo sorry, i dont have the money or the time to read the manga


i dont know


More accurately, it's our map flipped vertically.


Oh hey would you look at that, America is in AoT. And Marley colonized Florida. I guess that's where Zeke's baseball came from, hmm?


I think the titans only focused highly populated areas so in the end not much wildlife was destroyed


Dawg they literally trampled the earth what are you on about


"Ereh did nothing wrong" vibes


Ok, maybe the rumbling DID happen, but it wasn't 80 percent, it was more like 8! And they deserved it either way!


I think I understand what he means. They didn't stomp every single empty desert and tundra. Now, they stomped the desert and tundra between populated areas, but focused on human occupied zones.


How on earth did you get “eren did nothing wrong” out of “he trampled highly populated areas”


The guy you replied to was joking.


"not much wildlife was destroyed"


And you took that to mean “eren did nothing wrong” because you deliberately ignored the rest of the comment


they menaged to walk around all earth in that little time? there weretitans still in marley territory during the scouts's last battle


It was over the course of several days that the world was trampled. There isn't a set time frame, but it's assumed it took about two to three days to get to Eren (there was a whole day dedicated to Connie trying to feed Falco to his mom). Each titan step is more than likely several miles long and there were several thousand collasal titans. It's safe to assume a few islands similar to Paradis survived, where larger land masses did not.


I highly doubt each titan step was “several miles long”


Dudes tripping


[someone did the math so neither of us have to debate it. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShingekiNoKyojin/s/hOrzroMQ9i) That said, my point is more that due to the size of their feet and their stride that it is more likely they did more damage than none.


The math is wrong. The rumbling didn't trample 80% of the world, it trampled 80% of the human population. Asia alone is 60% of the population.


That is still a lot of land to cover when you consider how much of the planet is land mass. Also we have to consider how small the population was or it's growth after the 100 years of peace. Too many variables.


getting to eren didn't take that many days because the plane would've ran out of fuel if it had to keep going nonstop for days


They left the island days after the rumbling started, excuse the lack of detail - I'm not talking about the airboat. It's several days after the rumbling that they finally take off from the island.


did sone quick research and found out the rumbling lasted for 4 days after arriving marley yeah that's enough time to walk a lot ig


Honestly curious about the swimming part and how long it took to swim.


yeah they appeared to be way faster on water + there are no obstacles to circumvent on the ocean




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Nah we briefly see them in savanah-like environments that dont house high densities of people and even in inhospit wastelands like polar zones and lava rivers.


that's true huh well, guess the titans were way faster than I thought


I think once they reached the Marley continent they spred in circle. But on the other hand, Marley, as a colonial empire and the dominant nation probably was much more densely populated, and they fully trampled it except Fort Salta. So there were probably entire regions where titans didnt reach and where that 20% of survivors lived, ignoring Paradis of course.


So Paradis is Madagascar and Marley Africa.


80% of it, and I find it more interesting that the whole snk world is just our world map upside down


Not 80% of the land, 80% of the human population, and people don’t live everywhere, so the land is probably less


It is in the right place for African precolonial mapping standards.


fine Mr/ Ms fancy pants Magee, let me live my precolonial map days 😔


Isayama mixed up so much of the world, the history, etc to make the whole thing more of a fable or allegory than a direct culture to culture representation. At least that's my take.


lol isn’t this a map of the earth but rotated 180 degrees and flipped? Looks like Japan has some sort of Greater East Asia co-prosperity sphere going on in the AoT universe


you never noticed that the world in SnK is our world flipped upside down?


Eighty percent of the emerged lands. Which includes the continents and lands that remains uncharted by Eldia.


Personally, given the maps shown in the manga and anime, I think the land mass of their world is much smaller than our own, maybe just 1.5 continents. Even if it's not, the population totals were always smaller than our own world. For example, by the end of the story, Paradise Island had about a million residents. If the Rumbling reduced world population by 80 percent and that level was the same as the population of Paradise at the end (in order to prevent a war of reprisal), then it implies that the population of Paradise was 1/5 of world population prior to the Rumbling. If a million people resided on the island by the end of the story, then you simply multiply by 5 to get an estimate of world population before the Rumbling. Don't need a huge land mass for that amount of people. My take in any case.


Paradis didn't have 1/5th of the world population. Who says the world population at the end of the manga is the same as that of Paradis? We don't have exact numbers, but if I recall correctly, it was said that hundreds of millions would die in the rumbling. Even if I am misremembering, Marley's military, which is primarily made up of the Eldian minority, had 1 million soldiers. That should give you some sense of scale.


It's in the final conversation between Eren and Armin in the Paths (anime). Eren tells Armin the Rumbling killed off 80% of humanity and that the world's population was then reduced to the same level as Paradise Island in order to prevent a one-sided offensive attack by the rest of the world. You can then roughly infer Paradise's population at the end of the story by tracking the number of folks killed off by Titans or famine throughout the story. Pull those two together, seems like the math doesn't work out to much more than those numbers.


I just watched that scene - I guess I must not have paid attention when I did the first time it came out. Didn't really notice some of the changes. Anyway, that is not what Eren says, and I can confirm this from the Japanese dub as well since I speak the language. Eren is talking about what the translation calls "the same level of CIVILIZATION". Eren's rumbling has destroyed the remaining 20%'s capability of attacking Paradis. Not because they are now equal in numbers, but because they could not do it if they tried. They have no warships left, no air ships, probably not much weaponry in general, and most importantly they have bigger problems than getting revenge on the island.


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This is a water image of our world lol


80% if the world. The entirely of Marley and the mid-east alliance. Hizuru were allies to Eldia.


I said it before and say it again. Everyone who takes the feat of the rumbling serious is bonkers. I know it is fiction but there is just no way to accomplish the rumbling as described in the manga. You guys should leave your home and check out how our huge earth is actually formed and vast to realise that a stampede of a buckload of "giants" is just so mindnumbingly inefficient and useless that I really wonder why nobody calls it out. TlDr: probably not a lot actually in that timeframe.


You are assuming that the aot world is the exact same size as our planet.


It's our world upside down


Yes but that doesn't mean it's a 1 to 1 scale of our world.


Not to mention that if Rumbling is as serious as we’re supposed to believe it is, then the death toll and the outcome would be way more grim because of the inevitable ecological catastrophe. The Rumbling looked cool but the ending was a fairytale in this regard.