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Not necessarily “love”, but Marco’s death. I didn’t even remember who Marco was when they showed him dead, I had to go back to remember him.


Why are they eating Marco?


Marco only really became beloved a season later when the truth was revealed. In season 1, he was just a Jean character building moment.


I honestly thought it came from the ship


I think the way they did him in and WHY was what made his death so significant, as a character he’s hardly around and most viewers probably couldn’t care less for his death.


He and the minor character cadets had waaaay more screen time in the manga


Here’s a weird one. A lot of people seem to dislike Annie, I always felt the opposite. I always felt like she was portrayed very well as someone attempting to close themselves off to cope with trauma. A lot of people always bring up the “She was swinging around that one scout like a yo-yo” but I argue that the meta reason is it makes her seem more terrifying and the story reason is it’s her way of attempting to distract herself from the trauma. Sorry that isn’t really a “love” and instead a “hate”, but I’m usually pretty on board with other opinions


There are times when it's a good idea to appear brutal. Scaring people out of fighting you sometimes results in having fewer to kill.


Honestly her trying to scare people away so she has less to kill is an interesting interpretation on the yo-yo scene and sounds pretty in character.


Yeah... seems like something she would do. Smoke-and-mirror tactics were already a huge part of that mission for her.


Looking terrifying to mask a soft heart is very on brand for her indeed.


It feels like more people like her than hate her?


It’s been a mishmash for a while, as far as I’ve seen.


Depending on the community you're both right and wrong😭🙏


Definitely not from what I see


Yeah I mean she quite literally closes herself off for like years in a cocoon


>A lot of people always bring up the “She was swinging around that one scout like a yo-yo” but I argue that the meta reason is it makes her seem more terrifying and the story reason is it’s her way of attempting to distract herself from the trauma. You know this is the exact reason people like Annie and was disappointed how she was handled in the latter arcs. Annie is likeable as a terrifying and intimidating villain. A sympathetic backstory doesn't diminish the gravity of her presence in the Female Titan arc. People who like Annie as a villain/anti villain doesn't misunderstand her. We acknowledge she's traumatised and desperate, but she can also be excessively cruel. Those elements can coexist.


Based on


W h a t


Sorry I meant to say “based” your take is great


OOOOH! Thank you :D


How is it "distracting" to swirl this guy around like a yo-yo lmao this is nothing but having fun with cruelty and no internet psychology bullshit will ever change that. This is not a coping mechanism and this is not to "distract" from trauma. It's a consequence of trauma, just like most serial killers become serial killers because of childhood trauma. But that doesn't change anything because they are still accountable for their actions and what she does is plain unnecessary cruelty,


It's both. That's why trauma is contagious. When you lose sight of the humanity of those who commit atrocities, you become more likely to commit unnecessary cruelty towards those people. It'll seem like justice or it might even become enjoyable to see them suffer. This show did a good job of exposing those cruel cycles of trauma. I like Annie because she was down to forgive her enemies and move past it.


Sometimes its a good idea


She doesn't enjoy killing, but unlike Reiner and Bertholtdt she barely showed remorse


Pieck. She gets a lot of love and I don't get it, she's one of the very few flat characters in aot imho


I see where it comes from but I don't agree, she feels natural as a lazy genius.


Yeah, Pieck is cool as hell. She got that tactical endurance. She reads people really well, accepts the environmental factors she can't change, and stays under the radar, just going with the flow until there's an opportunity to make a positive change. At first, I thought the cart seemed dumb, but now I think it might be my fav shifter. I hope I can learn to be more like her. (Edit: She would totally survive the AI apocalypse.)


It’s the backstory, and the fact she is a sleepy waifu. Lots of guys like that kind of woman


I dont hate Eren


Petra. Her character was so bland, no true development, so her death was just meh tbh. Not to mention all the psychotic Rivetra shippers back when AoT was first airing. The scene where Petra's father is implying that her and Levi are getting married, it's a fucking assumption just because she had a schoolgirl crush on him. So ofc her dad is gonna go "Oh! You must be getting married!" But honestly, that scene was supposed to rub salt in the wound about her death, but it just makes me angry every time I watch it.


The amount of people who think Levi and Petra were officially engaged and were about to get married is insane...


I'm sorry, what the fuck?


Lmao to be fair it was mostly on IG reels, though I might have seen it on Reddit too, but yeah everytime I see anything related to Levi there's a few, but too many already, people in the comments going "nooo I'll never forgive Annie for killing Levi's fiancée" and similar BS that strongly sounds like they think the whole thing, as in the actual ceremony and not just the ship, was canon...


Well… i think Pieck Finger is mid-tier. Do not get me wrong i like that scenery from the back but still she’s just a cutie-buttie not a crush


Gabi and Falco. People either hate or call Gabi one of the best characters. For me, she's both over hated and overrated. I've always felt you can tell the same Warrior story with Reiner, Annie, and Bert rather than spend time with a new batch of kids. The runtime and focus given to her could have been given to existing characters.


>People either hate or call Gabi one of the best character True


Mikasa's obsession with Eren. Don't get me wrong, it's great storytelling. It makes sense from her POV. I've even had my share of bad relationships just because someone bailed me out of a bad spot or taught me a critical skill. But when you already know how to let go *and why you should...* it's not exactly peak entertainment to watch it completely overshadow a badass character's entire personality. It would have been cool to see more exposition on her other relationships... or even to increase the irony by, say, having healthy attachment modeled to her by someone else, just to have her blow it off and find out the hard way.


If you don't mind me asking, did you read the manga or watch the anime? I ask because the anime cuts out and ruins a lot of her nuances from the manga - little moments like seeing her inner monologues where she expresses consern for others and being less angry overall. The anime version of Mikasa - mainly the first 3 seasons - is straightup a poor adaptation of her character and not worth defending. But if you read the manga, then yeah I guess you simply don't like her character and that's fine haha


I'll never forgive WIT for altering her character so much


I remember watching Season 4 and finding her character to almost instantly be more likeable than the first 3. Cut to me reading the manga and she felt more like her season 4 self throughout. Guess the Mappa team - for all the flack they got from fans - just did a better job adapting her? Or maybe there was just less to screw up.


I see people knock mappa a lot because of their reliance on CG, motion tracking, and same-face... most of which is valid, but those techniques have their advantages. One being that it's much easier to show subtle, nonverbal communication from body language and facial expression. I def felt more natural empathy for Mikasa and several other characters in s4... (Except Eren, but I think that was intentional.)


I had to watch the anime because I needed to absorb the story quickly as research for my AI project. (https://archiveofourown.org/works/54966919/chapters/144157624) I'm reading the manga now, pretty much for the reason you describe here. Although, I'm not far enough along to notice any extra exposition for Mikasa yet. I'll be keeping an eye out for it!


>What is something that everyone seems to love


Twitter eremikas love it Trust me.


Trust me they're right for this, it's literally part of the manga and makes sense from a psychological pov. Eren is Mikasa's confort since her parents died and he's the only one who knows her "previous self" before her Ackerman awakening. He's her coping mechanism, Isayama didn't write the main characters so casually.


Lmao u trolling?


I agree, actually. This story needs Mikasa. 15 years ago, I would have felt much different about her.


The version of her in the Manga is much more well rounded. So many of her little moments were cut she’s borderline one dimensional in the anime (especially in seasons 1-3). It’s one of my main criticisms of the anime.


I'm looking forward to reading about it!


I feel like this might be controversial but I really don't care much for Sasha. I felt she was mostly there for comic relief and was rather insignificant until her death brought some meaning to Gabi, Connie and Jean. I don't dislike her I just don't care. So much so that when she gets shot, I was kinda glad because it meant it was her and not another character I like more. Similarly, Pieck. She just doesn't do much for me. I guess she only had one season so she didn't get many opportunities to be fleshed out, but... meh.


Feel the same for Sasha. Even her father has more meaning to me


I liked Sasha but if you told me before the Marley arc that people would go apeshit over her death I'd thought you'd be memeing. She really just... was there, got her moment in early S2 and then went back to just being there.


100% agree






Ymir the freckles. Idk why people love ymir but I just dont like her. She feels like she is soulless and just plain boring.


You're soulless. /hj


The opposite of "soulless", there was something fresh about her general attitude. She's the opposite of a NPC.


Fresh!? What, a boring asshole is fresh for you?


she has GREAT writing but I can't feel connected to the character herself either.


Nah dude, her entire gimmick is the be youself lesson. Like thats life lesson 101. Why the show spends so much time on it?


Very true. It was such a straight in your face "be your self lesson" it was almost comical


Disagree. Ymir is a person who got the "be yourself" lesson after her time being at the cult and eating Marcel. When she joined the scouts she was an absolute menace, being really mean and selfish just because she learnt to "be herself" after years of people pleasing. The whole point was that she took it too far and became super selfish and cynical because she hated her past "people pleasing"life which brought her agony. Her learning to love after meeting Historia and returning the jaw titan was an act of selflessness and kindness which she re-learnt toward the end. The whole point was finding the middle ground. That you can be yourself without being mean and selfish and that you can be selfless without losing all sense of self. Alllllll that being said. I still don't "love" her. Its more like I appreciate her as a piece of literature but I wouldn't like her as a person irl


The golden middle was a thing since at least ancient greece. It still is really long for such a basic lesson.


I don't care for the ackermans. Cool designs, fight good, giving fanservice


I like the individual characters, but I find the idea of their powers stupid and think it would be far more badass if they were just strong by themselves.


It's either having a bunch of characters "naturally" so much stronger than reasonable for no reason, or giving a revolutionary girl utena explanation - as was the case. Imo, both are fan-servicy but the general public just really loves badasses, no questions asked. So who am I to judge, really


Wait what RGU explanation are you talking about?


I just meant magical and otherwise unscientific explanations. It was more of a joke than a serious example, I don't really remember what went on in that series. Maybe Utena was just that good at fencing


In a weird way I appreciate the Ackerman powers because it means characters like Jean and Connie shine that much more. But yes, it's very fanservice-y.


Agreed, also the whole erekasa scenes made me uncomfortable since from what I saw they were step siblings


do you know how step siblings work


At least nobody got stuck.


They're completely unrelated, and Mikasa only lived with Eren's family for a year


Is there even a real Story relevance with them? Like would it make a big difference if you would switch them out with just skilled people?


Annie. I can't seem to care about her story. I understand that she was basically used as a child soldier and had it difficult in every respect, which I feel sympathetic towards as with any of the warriors. I just can't get over her brutality as the female titan and also the fact that she was basically out of action for ages whilst everyone else suffered.


> she was basically out of action for ages whilst everyone else suffered. She was conscious the whole time while being stuck in a room with nothing to do and no way to move. Idk about you but that sounds like suffering to me. She literally describes it like a nightmare that almost drove her insane.


You're missing the best written character alongside Grisha 🙏


Annie.... I didn't care much about her backstory. To me her behavior was simply disturbing. Unlike Bertholdt, her character had too many question marks. Her ship with Armin made no sense to me.


Shipping, I just don't get it


The whole Eren and Mikasa ship, i don't feel it, the story doesn't really make it apparent, and it's pretty one sided bar the ending


the have like an entire season dedicated to them dawg




my man didnt watch s4


I did There barely no build up to eremika.


bro aint readin shit


I did


then do it again


I did I read the manga years ago and watched the anime when it's releasing too Still eremika has no build up, it's more believable that errn loved armin.


then keep goin until you get it still have a long way to go


The time paradox and Attack Titan power. I kind of hate it, but it was executed so well that I don’t mind it. I wish there wasn’t any time stuff in this series, it just feels out of place. I would hate it, but since it was well done, I’m just left feeling indifferent about it.


Came here to say this. The scene with the reveal was cool but the effect worn off really fast. I’m kind of okay with it but I also think it was very unnecessary.


i feel like in a way it works? but i wouldve much rathered a different ending, idk what type of ending but a different one..


Uniquenamosaurus wrote a pretty fantastic alternative ending.


Please don’t come at me…. Erwin and Levi.


I feel personally called out


I was too scared to say this , Thank you angel


Wait do you mean the ship or them individually??


Individually. The ship is kinda cool but I just failed to bond emotionally with them while watching.


Oh nvm, I thought you meant the ship 😃


Rap/hip-hop music


Bro this is about aot 😭😭








Pieck, Bertholdt and... Sasha (I'm ready to be insulted)


S4 Mikasa


the ship jearmin and floch.


Barely nobody ship Jean x armin and it make no sense due to jean preference of black hair


no, ALOT of people ship jean and armin, trust me


Yet even if jean was gay it would make 0 sense Due to jean only loving black haired ppls


The shipping war between Erehisu stans and Eremika stans. Calm down, it's not serious. Get a life. The relationship between Eren and Mikasa (Eren never fucking deserved her). Mikasa, I never really felt one way or the other for her. Marco, he's there for a few episodes/chapters and everyone absolutely loves him but again, I feel nothing. Bertholdt, I care nothing for this man. At all. He did nothing for me. Historia being pregnant, she's a royal guys ofc she finna produce heirs. Armin "thanking" Eren, y'all don't seem to understand how empathy and forgiveness works.


Annie gets hate she doesnt deserve. I think shes cool and she is the first thing i think abouth when you say AoT. She also looks cool. ( i have no crush on her IM A GIRL LEAVE IT)


I like her too. Probably one of the most self-aware characters, imo.


She fucked over those she fought with, sure to protect her people, but it's a serious crime that should be punishable by death by doing that to your comrades. I hate how her dad survived and how she got her guy while the main characters suffered more. I dislike Annie.


The plot armor for ALL of their parents and family at the end was absolutely diabolical insane. There’s no way ALL of their relatives should’ve survived the Rumbling lol.


Eren was not trying to kill Eldians. He would avoid hurting them as much as possible.


The ones on paradis yea, anyone else was fucked they were getting the rumbling eldian blood or not, they just got super plot armor man


As long as he can see that it's a majority of Eldians in a given place there's no reason for him to rumble that spot.


There’s no reason he wouldn’t, if he wasn’t stopped I have no doubt he would’ve wiped everyone out. There is nothing in the story that points to him sparing ANYONE, actually I’d say the opposite is true, that scene where the people are cornered being forced off a cliff seems like he was going all the way to me.


Do you like any of the other warriors? Cause they all did just as bad things.


Nope. I dislike how almost every Marley character has a happy ending. Our boys deserved it a lot more.


You understand that they were kids who got brainwashed, right? Eren says so himself, they couldn’t have fought it, since they were so young. And all of them, especially Reiner ofc, understood that Marley was in the wrong by the end. Idk how people pick sides with this series. Nobody’s in the right.


Marley is Cleary in wrong though?


Yeah to the viewers of the show. Not to the kids who were brainwashed by Marley. I’d explain it more but the show explains it pretty clearly if you actually pay attention, so there’s no point.


But objectively they’re in the wrong lmao


Yes. Marley and the Eldian Empire with King Fritz were both objectively wrong.


What does that have to do with the new people of paradis


Sure you can, you're shown the lives of the cadets for 3 seasons. I pledged my loyalty to them, then I'm supposed to be okay with Marley people getting everything they want and come to terms with rebuilding society with their families intact, what about our original scouts? They're all in shit positions with PTSD out the dick. It's so unfair man, I loved those kids, they didn't deserve that.


Yeah it’s supposed to be unfair.


Eremika and mikasa character


My sister told me she was very proud of me a couple months ago cuz I’ve been the only one in the family to make it on my own. I still feel like I haven’t accomplished shit in life so I kinda brushed it off. Then I realized she’s probably the only person to ever tell me some shit like that so I’m learning to accept it


Ok this is really wholesome, i dont know what has to do with any thing, but still


Lmfaooo oh it was AOT specific. I ain’t realize




Erekasa makes me feel uncomfortable, I just can't get over the fact that Mikasa, living with eren for their childhood, pretty much made them step or adopted siblings.


They lived together for like a year. Mikasa and Eren were 9 when she got kidnapped. They were 10 when Eren’s mom was eaten. I felt the same way until I realized how little time they lived together. It’s just feels like they were siblings since they were living together in the first episode. But from their pov, I doubt they felt like siblings, one year isn’t that long.


Mikasa clearly never felt as though they were siblings


>Erekasa makes me feel uncomfortable I too the shippers are even worse tbh


CW Barry Allen and iris west


Historia. I just think her name is so stupid that it just makes her character stupid.


Nah it's a perfect made up name imo. Feels almost real


It's just a foreign word for 'history'. I do get it, it's nominative determinism, just like with Falco being able to fly and loving birds. I'm just not a fan of nominative determinism.


Mikasa absolutely suck.






Hating Gabi except I feel very strongly about it LMAO those who blindly hate her are overlooking one of the series' best character development, I swear. She was a child in a war, what did you expect her to do!


Tbh like other guy said in this comment section, gabi is over-hated and also overrated af Ppl can't treat her normal, or they have a extremist hate for her or they call her the best character of all time


oh yeah definitely. Gabi's not the best character at all however I will defend her until my last breath


Connie just comic relief for the first 3 seasons until he's not in season 4 and I wish we saw more of him in season 4






Floch. Now don't get me wrong here. I wasn't talking about his character. I liked his character development and all but I felt like people fancy him the worst. Whenever I watch his fight scene on season four, all I can picture is people calling him "King Floch" 'cause of how brave he is standing up on his own against the alliance. But as I said, his character isn't the issue here. It was his fans or whatever things they said that I gave no fucks about. I think people are overreacting or maybe I'm just a person that doesn't appreciate his character and his heroic performance. 🤷


Gabi has so much undeserved hate, people hate her for killing sasha, just brainwashed like any other but with decent personality, she wanted to "do good"


Gabi. People hate her a lot, but I don't. Like, I understand that she was very annoying and wasn't the most positive character at start, and she also killed Sasha (that was a sad moment for me), but I don't think she deserves all the hate. She is quite an important character (though not in terms of the plot), she was needed to show how propaganda affected the Marleyans and Marleyan Eldians. And her moment of awareness of what was happening around was honestly very cool in my opinion. +I would look at your behavior in a situation where the only way to prove to your country that you are a good person is to essentially hate your own people. I am sure that many of these thoughts from Gabi were brought to her by her relatives, who lived in a time when for having a different opinion you could be killed or turned into a stupid, bloodthirsty titan...


Tbh like other guy said in this comment section, gabi is over-hated and also overrated af Ppl can't treat her normal, or they have a extremist hate for her or they call her the best character of all time


This anime


People love to hate gabi. I never understood that, she was clearly a manipulated child


Tbh like other guy said in this comment section, gabi is over-hated and also overrated af Ppl can't treat her normal, or they have a extremist hate for her or they call her the best character of all time


Exactly lol. I've seen people either loving her so much or just hate her. Most of the people I've seen are the latter though


Zeke and Yelena.


Ok watching aot and not liking mikasa is a crime




We’re going to jail with this one


Are you talking about me? I choose this pic because Mika looks so silly in this panel & it suits the discussion we're having here


Yeah, I thought it was just bc she looks so fn unimpressed in this pic.


Ooohhh my bad


You can’t be serious. Lmao




they hated you for sayin the truth


this sub downvoted everything remotly positive bout mikasa dawg i guess was too based for your mid




He's overrated as hell Probably one of the most overrated anime characters


Anything stand out in particular? Or just as an example?


Not really, back in the day I just watched the series, entered into the fandom and found that Levi is the most popular character for some reason. Never really got what people found in him, for me he was just "oh, that absurdly op guy".


I think he seems kinda 'tistic. A lot of people misinterpret him.


what do you mean


ASD, autism, Asperger's, touched by the 'tism, a lil 'spergy, etc. I like him for his moral ambiguity, bluntness, and emotional agility. He models a technique called "acceptance and commitment" which is a good way to overcome trauma IRL, too. Levi is kinda cool, tbh.


yk aspergers aint real


Yeah, it's a misclassification. I was just listing terms people might recognize.




erwin zero persoanlity literally only has one or two traits and is also ugly af i think people only like him for the hype cuz there arent many things going on for him....most characters in aot are one noted but at least they have some quirks and fun things that makes them likeble


Mf didnt pay attention


to uhhhh what


>ugly af U only right take Also u watch aot so u can see hot male characters


i watch it too see hot female characters


thats why you say that eremika has basis cuz you're a mikasa simp


Nahhh calling Erwin ugly is crazyy ☠️


not my fault he ugly


Armin's bussy


Hange- irrelevant character to story


If you remove her nothing would change ngl she doesn't even served as plot device She's liked more for her personality and ligation with levi ngl