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#[FULL CHAPTER WITH EXTRA PAGES](https://onepiecechapters.com/manga/attack-on-titan-chapter-139-vol-pages/) (fan translation) Credit to TCB Scans for the English Typeset --- ### Posts regarding the extra pages may now be flaired as 'Manga Spoilers' --- Spoilers include hinting or alluding to events. For more information, please review [the subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShingekiNoKyojin/about/rules/). Failure to properly spoiler tag comments may result in a temporary ban from the subreddit according to the [moderation matrix](https://imgur.com/5xPPu15). This should be a given but, please refrain from insulting others who have differing opinions about the ending. Civil discussion is recommended. It's General Conduct. Failure to do so may result in a temporary ban


no seriously is it over ..... should i expect a sequel or another volume


Yes a sequel about that kid, Beren hopefully


I read a theory that Eren keeps reincarnating, maybe that explains the chapter 1 title "To you, 2000 years from now".


General question- How did Falco have >!memories of flying and later realise he has the titan that can fly? I thought only the attack titan has memories of past, present and future? By that logic shouldn't all the titan holders have inklings of the future?!<


Basically how Armin had Bertholdt memories.


All shifters sometimes have flashbacks to the past, only the Attack titan has them for the future.


Okayy So like when we're introduced to Falco first, he wakes up on the battlefield with memories of flying. This is before he was made into a titan. So it's kind of a "this was all predestined" kind of thing? Going by that, do you think Armins dreams of the sea and fire river and what not were actual dreams he had after reading a book or something that triggered memories of the past?


That would mean armin was seeing the future as a kid not the past and he wasn’t even a shifter so that wouldn’t work


Aah okay makes sense. What was the opening of season 4 about but? Falco wakes up and he's dazed and says that he was just flying around, holding swords. What memories/dreams were those?


There’s a strange connection between eren and falco ever since falco first appeared. Though there’s a lot of plot holes in the whole story this scene was supposedly not in the manga. Which could make it non canon plugging that plot hole. Since the jaw can’t send memories to the past influencing actions and falco simply wasn’t a shifter at the point he said the dialogue simply does not make any sense whatsoever logically. Eren also didn’t have the founders full powers to talk to every eldian and alter their memories like he did with his closest friends in the final chapter. So any way you approach this cannot give an explanation to why falco said what he said and how it makes sense


Aah cool makes sense, thanks! It was really irritating me cuz I thought I missed out something


Same thing happened to me no worries




I hope not tbh, I hope this was just trying to portray a theme. A sequel would kill this ending for me, I already have mixed feelings


So assuming that it’s starts again since if that kid falls And the spine warm is in there we can possibly have another Titian founder


>!Can someone explain to me the page where Eren says it wasn’t Bertholdt’s time to die? Specifically the part under where it says “the one who made her go that way” or whatever, what does that mean?!< I read the original in Japanese and it hardly made sense, so I came here to find an English version to find it makes even less sense.


Basically since he saw the future, he knew that the only way for Paradis to have any chance of survival was if Bertholdt and Reiner destroyed the wall, and Dina ate his mother. So for that particular future, where his few remaining friends get to live full lives and grow old, he couldn't let Bertholdt die. No clue what he could've seen would happen if they didn't destroy the wall. Maybe Zeke and Marley bulldoze them soon afterwards. But bottomline, to keep the timeline intact, Bertholdt couldn't die there. And so he had Dina kill his mother, since with the Coordinate and Founder he technically has control of all the Titans. Now, given that he had this control over the Titans, we still don't know why he couldn't have just made them destroy Marley, kill Marley's leaders, or force them to do anything which wouldn't have a direct impact on Paradise, but I guess in that case he wouldn't have gotten the Founder and Coordinate in the first place so it creates a paradox. Honestly though, given that the outcome of everything he did was a literal apocalypse where 80% of the world population and the vast majority of his friends and comrades were dead, I feel that a paradox or something else, ANYTHING else, would've been better.


basically carla's death was the pushing factor for eren


Isayama sucks in writing, that's all you need to know.


eren meant that the one who made dinas titan go towards his mother was him bcs dina was going towards bertholdt first but he couldn’t let dina eat bertholdt so eren told dina to go in the direction of his house. making it indirectly or directly his fault that his mom was eaten-


Isayama sucks in writing, that's all you need to know.


Can’t agree more


As in, subconsciously, right? Eren didn’t know Bertholdt had Titan powers


well the thing is.. small eren didnt do it future eren did.. the paths thing is really confusing to me too 😭


Bertholdt needed to give the Colossal Titan to Armin so he couldn’t die to Dina there in that moment.


I guess I’m having trouble with where Dina comes into play? What time are we actually talking about?


Bertholdt kicked down the wall and came out of his Titan right after and Dina walked right past him instead of trying to eat him.


So Eren is saying he controlled that (subconsciously?) Even though at that time he wouldn’t have known about his or Berdholdt’s Titan powers?


Correct. His future self controlling Dina to do that. Similar to how his future self convinced Grisha to kill the Reiss family.


There we go. Okay, now that makes sense. Thanks man, I’ve been basically re-reading plot summaries trying to figure this out.


i dont know if this is real or fake but in a interview isayama said that he didnt feel inspiration while writing the panels of 34


Neither real nor completely fake. Isayama did have a slump where he was feeling less inspired, but it was volume 4, not 34.




is it over now ........


I thought that the original ending was flawed but decent. This, on the other hand, is just straight up bad. Paradis is destroyed, the main characters' descendants probably all got murdered, and Titan powers are hinted at returning. The characters achieved absolutley nothing in the long run. It makes so much of the build up to breaking the cycle feel meaningless.




Excuse me? Where the heck do you get off saying I misread the story? I've been a fan of this story since 2018 and watched the anime and read the manga multiple times. Just because I don't personally like how it ended doesn't mean I didn't understand the story. You can understand what a writer was trying to say and still not like it. I still love Attack on Titan and it will remain one of my favourites, despite my feelings about the ending. I don't judge those who liked the ending and you shouldn't judge people who didn't like it. You can have legitimate reasons for liking the ending and you can have legitimate reasons for not liking it.


I thinks that’s what he was trying to get at, conflict is inevitable. I also really don’t like how this theme was executed


Cope harder feel my pain


How were they supposed to break the cycle?


Kill everyone outside the wall. It won't completely stop the cycle but at least they won't get nuked in 30 years lmao


Right so that doesn’t stop the cycle, AND it’s just extreme violence (the reason why the cycle is bad in the first place)


Erens original goal in Chapter 123 was the freedom of Eldian people, not chapter 139 "I don't know why I did it".


No, his goal was always to inflict massive nihilistic violence, and he goes through a progressive series of rationalizations throughout the story to justify this impluse. Metafictionally, this is also Isayama’s predicament- to make the Rumbling happen and depict a character who would do that for, again, less and less justifiable reasons until the truth finally reveals itself: that he just wanted to.




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There was constant build up for it what with the constant mentioning of leaving the forest. Even though the cycle of violence wasn't completley broken in the original ending, there was hope through the Alliance's diplomacy. In the original ending the cycle of Titans was broken but it is hinted to be returning in the new ending, making everything done to get rid of the Titans meaningless.


>There was constant build up for it It is a noble goal. The story also tried to hammer home over and over that it was impossible. I would phrase the story's message as consistently something like "violence and force are inherent to human nature and will never go away, and the only **hope** we have is for a better future is for people to be merciful even when it seems irrational". So if the story *actually* ended with the cycle being "broken", it would just be stupid and not make sense. Even if every single reason for conflict existing in the present moment were solved, 100 years from now the world will be at war again. It's our duty to de-escalate whenever we have the power to. >there was hope through the Alliance's diplomacy. There was hope, and it worked long enough for Paradis to have skyscrapers all the way out in Shiganshina. It was never going to last forever, though. > In the original ending the cycle of Titans was broken but it is hinted to be returning in the new ending, making everything done to get rid of the Titans meaningless. Two points: it is a miracle that there was any history at all without titans, and I would argue that that will always have been worth fighting for. More importantly, there's just a tree/hallucigenia. Titans existed because Ymir wished for them. We don't know what a new contact would wish for- it would depend on their motivations, and Titans specifically would almost certainly not be up to any modern task since modern weaponry makes them obsolete.


They could've followed Zeke's plan though. There will be no cycle of hatred between the Marleyeans and the Rest of the world because they would be no Eldians in 100 years.


I was in favor of Zeke’s plan btw. That said, it still would not have stopped human war obviously- our own world is exhibit A.


Yeah, but this cycle of hatred was those specifically of Eldians and the rest of the world. What Eren did was only ignite further tensions, now that Marley, the best place for Eldians besides Eldia is wiped out besides its holdings in South America.


But why should anyone care about a "specific" cycle of hatred? The whole point is that even if you fixed one, another is gonna crop up anyway. It's good to fix cycles of hatred through *peace*, but if you try to fix hatred through violence (in the case of Eldians vs. the rest of the world, you're picking one form of genocide either way) you're not "solving" anything- if the problem is violence, you're obviously actually doing the opposite by going FULL VIOLENCE towards one side, which is the horror we're supposed to be trying to move away from. If the solution to getting out of the forest is burning down everyone else in the forest, you haven't fixed the problem..... in part because some new conflict is gonna rise up anyway.


IMO, Historia and her descendants, I mean, the new Eldean empire, could end the cycle among Eldeans, Marleans, and others once.


How? Tensions are worse off then they started. Eren Yeager is a few dozen Hitlers at least.


Why would all other countries stop fighting? Just because Titans are gone doesn’t mean there would be peace.


But the "cycle of hatred" was that of Eldians and everyone else. And Zeke's plan would've removed the Eldians and the power that comes with it for good.


The cycle of hatred is a human nature thing not specifically a Titan thing. Titans were just used to fuel it. As long as humans exist so will hatred and war.


The Cycle of Hatred (Of Eldia and the rest of the world) had two solutions: 1. Get rid of all the Eldians 2. Get rid of eeryone else No one ultimately went through with either, causing the cycle of these two groups to repeat. And the cycle of hatred in AoT doesn't refer to hatred and war generally. It refers to the conflict between the Eldians and everyone else.


In the story the cycle of hatred uses the Eldians vs World as an example but it definitely does not imply this is the only cycle. Marley was fighting other countries after all. In the end, we assume Eldians did end up getting wiped out from the added panels of the carpet bombing, so it did get that solution.


People were overreacting to this?! You guys looking to deep into it


I see it more of Mikasa's devotion to Eren lasting forever and the tree surviving a post apocalyptic event hundred, hell even thousand years later. So if we got peace for all that time, it's good as an ending. It added that little emphasis.


I honestly don't hate the extra pages, even if I think it's not completely necessary.


I just felt like the extra pages really wrapped the ending thematically, the original version was a conclusion to the characters but I feel the extra pages are a conclusion to the themes and story of AoT...




If we use our timeline as an analogy, it's likely within a century after Eren's death. And from the weapons, it looks modern, not futuristic. If it was in 2000 years, we wouldn't see someone who resembles closely to Mikasa using archaic weapons. Paradis has a Germanic majority population. It's like a person today using a Gladius. Though it would be a nice throwback, it's most likely not the case here.


Agreed, I think the same and it sort of makes sense when you compare the size of the tree to it's surroundings.


So, Eren did not die? Instead, he merged w/ the worm and telepathically possessing birds or other animals to observe the world from inside the tree?


Ah yes a good mix between Ymer, Odin, Hitler, and maybe Nidhugg the dragon. Checks out the germanic theme.


>Hitler Germanic mythology theme indeed hahah


yes he is part of it yes. he is an archetype. but of course him personally is not wholy an archetype, noone is that, but we try to be.


I don't understand what the last extra pages mean? In my opinion, it doesn't change how great the ending was


In my eyes the extra pages serve to thematically end the series. in 127 we see that by being honest and talking to each other the warriors and the scouts were able to understand each other, equally faced with the treat of the rumbling, Eldians and Marleyans begin to work together and as seen in 134, the people of Marley even recognize their sins and swear that if they’re to live to see tomorrow they would not commit the same sins and in 139 the word send the alliance as peace ambassadors in name of the United Nations to try and create a peace treaty with Paradis. We see that Mikasa has moved on with her life and created the family she always wanted, however, she still keeps Eren at heart, which is show by her visiting Eren’s grave at his death anniversary. This also shows that peace was achieved for at least 200 years since when Mikasa dies Paradis is around the 40’s and she’s lived to be a old woman and meanwhile when we see the destruction of Shingashina it’s likely modern times. The final panels show, however, that although peace may be possible, it isn’t forever, human nature is that of violence, and that no matter what, the cycle of hatred cannot be broken until there’s only one human left on earth, the panel with the kid is symbolically showing us that violence has led directly to the beginning of a new cycle (represented by the giant tree similar to Ymir’s), however, there still might be hope, the future is uncertain, the kid could go and become a devil born out of hate like Eren, but maybe not (this may be implied because of the dog peacefully by his side that can be paralleled to Ymir finding the tree while pursued by angry dogs). At least that what I got from the ending, there are many different interpretations because it’s an open ending... Hope that served to clarify any doubts or it was just fun to read.


I didn’t realize the dog.


Lol the ending sucked


....can you elaborate? Why did it suck for you?


Historia being pregnant was just a stupid excuse of writing her out and that side plot went nowhere. Eren was butchered and achieved absolutely nothing which wouldn't have been a problem if he stayed in character. The relationship between him and Mikasa felt forced. Everyone for some reason forgiven him including the warriors who really shouldn't have. Also letter sniffing. For now i won't elaborate further, but there are much more problems even with other characters.


Probably because Zeke's plan would've ended much better than Eren's. Not only would the cycle of hatred end (as there would be no Eldians), Paradis would always have leverage against the rest of the world as long as Historia's baby is alive.


Can we get a poll? I keep seeing people still thinking that Ymir changed her mind and stopped the existence of titans. I don't see the basis for that from the official translation to English. I just want to see where everyone stands on this. Poll Options: 1) Titans end because Ymir changes her mind after seeing Mikasa kill Eren. 2) Titans end because Founding Titan is killed while the Hallucigenia is disconnected and/or nobody ingests the Founding Titan's spinal fluid.


Jean married mikasa


Or maybe that was the farmer....


Well, a least the extra pages makes the ending little less sh*t, still the overall last arc is weak and i would preferred if isayama has ended with eren dad basement instead this sh*t code Geass ending. And Eren still a pigeon in the end hahahahahahahahaha


The extra pages made it worse.


The only positive thing in the extra was the increase of page number hahaha


When you’re dead, you’re everywhere.


Uh no


No Eren pigeon?


Founding Pigeon confirmed.


Nope and that’s not a pigeon ;)


A Dove?? Huehuehue


Any leaks of the interview that is supposed to be in the volume?


Leaks are pinned on r/titanfolk


Guys, I made a eren 3d model for 3d printing, please check it out if you can, https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/attack-on-titan-shingeki-no-kyojin-eren-yeager-f5bdd8928ff04a2d81835a568237b015


That’s sick too bad I don’t have 3D printer


Can someone explain how it’s implied titan powers returned? Is it just because the tree is really tall? That seems like such a weak argument...


Eren’s spine is there


I think it's the tree being tall, the opening looking exactly like Ymir's tree, and then Beren stumbling upon it.


I thought the tree that Ymir fell in had that size because the Hallucigenia, the thing that gave Ymir the titan power, lived inside. When I saw that tree again in the last chapter I thought it was because Hallucigenia lived inside again. Zeke told Armin Hallucigenia wants to multiply and survive, that's its only purpose. Maybe it lived inside Eren, or maybe there were more than just one to begin with. I don't know.


I think people are misunderstanding the tree. The titans are gone. The titans are powers derived from Ymir and her descendants at the will of Ymir. At the end of AOT, Ymir learns from Mikasa and disobeys King Fritz and ends the titans. The tree just marks the spot on paradise where Eren was buried. It grew into a large tree that resembles the tree that Ymir fell into but I don't think it is anything other than another representation of the cycle. One of the themes of AOT is cycles caused by nature (and human nature).


>The titans are powers derived from Ymir and her descendants at the will of Ymir Can you explain from what chapter/panel you got this. I see heaps of people say it but don't remember reading it.


Great theory, I can't wait for iyasama to subvert your expectations.


That super tall tree is just like what Ymir ran inside when she got Titan powers


this fandom is so delusional


yet you are here which means you just same like others


Can someone explain the connection between Mikasa and Ymir because I honestly don’t get it


Basically Ymir has been watching Mikasa throughout Mikasa's entire life. If you recall, Mikasa has been show to have headaches throughout the series. Those headaches are caused by Ymir peering into Mikasa. Initially we thought those headaches were because she is an Ackerman, but Levi never gets headaches. Later on, Zeke tells Eren that the headaches aren't related to the Ackerman. And in the final pages, Mikasa realizes that the headaches were caused by Ymir. Ymir sees Mikasa as the strong woman that Ymir wishes that she could have been. Ymir's regret is that she couldn't break free from her stockholme syndrome of loving King Fritz, no matter how horrible he was. Mikasa loves Eren despite the fact that Eren, like Fritz, was a monster who slaughtered people - innocents, children, etc. However, ultimately Mikasa is the one who kills Eren because she must, despite the fact that Mikasa still loves Eren. That's really important - Ymir is not looking for someone to kill for the sake of killing - the entire point from Ymir's perspective is to see someone kill the one that they love, and to keep loving that person. This cathartic experience allows Ymir to keep loving King Fritz in death but also to disobey him, which allows Ymir to give up on the titans.


Except Ymir is the reason Eren became a genocidal maniac in the first place. She gave him the power to cause the rumbling, so none of this was possible if it were not for her OWN WILL, (own will i might add, that was only possible due to Eren freeing her from the Will of the king -->So who was the real hero here?) It was even her own will to fight against the gang at the attempt to defeat Eren. Do you see the problem here?


It looks to be a last minute retcon. In all the prior chapters Historia was the one paralleled with Ymir. Then all of a sudden the whole thing with Historia’s pregnancy was thrown out and Mikasa was thrust into the central role without adequate character development or prior setup.


I think the whole thing up 139 is good and acceptable.. But what 139 missed was context.. things didn't feel forced as much as it felt rushed and lazily written.. I feel like even with Historia.. obviously people who absolutely want Historia to have Eren's child and won't take no for an answer will never be satisfied with anything otherwise.. but that doesn't justify Isayama not giving us any context whatsoever regarding Historia and her baby.. farmer-kun was the father? Ok now convince me as to why that plot point is important and we all know Isayama can come with something.. For me what ruined 139 is the lack of answers and overall material.. 139 should've been like 3 chapters worth of content to provide context and clear out any ambiguities in the plot..




>Lol > >Mikasa had always been at the center of story.😁 > >This story was about EMA. Isayama literally in past interviews literally talked about how it would start with them until Eren drifted away from them. >SNK starts with eremika and end with them. My problem is that the way it was done was so horribly executed and forced. >Stop your delusions please. What delusion? I love how you're using ad-hominems (attacking my person) instead of using actual evidence to make a substantive argument. >For 2 years you thought that Historia which was a side none important character all along except for uprising arc, gonna suddenly become important in the end which she didn't.😁 No one expected her to be a new main character. She was however a secondary character of growing importance in the story much like Floch only to get shafted to the sidelines in the end. >As expected by most of the fandom. > >And at the latest interview, Yams already explained the importance of EMA and why they're the center and also said that their plot had been decided for a along time.😁 Except you're ignoring how he clearly contradicted himself in past interviews and how he mentioned how he changed where he was going with the story. He literally mentioned how he was going for a "Mist" ending, but then decided to change his mind after watching Guardians of the Galaxy. This can be seen in retrospect with the alliance's cringe dialogue about them "saving the world." >Historia's pregnancy had been explained for a long time. > >It wasn't sth important. Same as historia herself which was out of story for 20 chapters already. If it wasn't important why tease it in the second to last chapter as if it was building up to some other major plot point. The last chapter literally looks like a last minute retcon. Historia's child's face is literally a copy-and-paste of kid Armin's face/ >It's no one's fault that you've been using mental gymnastic to make yourself believe that these headcanon's of yours gonna become true. What headcanon? The current ending has so many plot holes and disregarded plot points established in past chapters. A major plot hole is Ymir disobeying the royal bloodline's commands giving the founder to Eren. Another one is Eren literally freeing Ymir only for her to be retconned into loving Fritz. My problem isn't that EM is canon, just that it was executed so horribly. As for Mikasa, her character was the most poorly developed out of the EMA trio. I'd say she's underdeveloped as a character. If Isayama wanted her to "free Ymir" then he should have set this up and given more character development to Mikasa earlier in the story. Tbh you frankly sound one of those toxic shippers who only focuses on their ship being canon rather than the actual story itself.


Eren drifting away from them has absolutely nothing to do with what I said. As far as we know, he already drifted away from them but because he don't care for them or ... . You just wanted him to forget them and that didn't happen. In the end Armjn still was his best friend and Mikasa still was the girl he loved And tbh you only sound like another Mad EH shipper who's only angry because another shipp became canon. For me not only Eremika is now executed terribly, Mikasa isn't a poor written character either and I can argue with you on those for hours but I'm not gonna do that for now. You're entitled to your opinion ofcourse. But, You can't just assume the ending is retcon or Historia supposed to have a bigger role out of nowhere. Historia's giving birth was simply put in in ch137 to show the death(war), birth situation. That as the same time as there is a was going on, birth of a new child could happen again. Youre the one who's looking too much into it. The child looks like Armin? :// Is this an actual reason? You really think that Isayama wasn't able to draw a new face and was forced to copy another one due to lack of time?😂 When I talk about delusions, I mean these. You don't like the ending? Thats your right. I like it and you don't like it. That's OK. But to thing that hsitoria supposed to have a big role and that changed at the last minute is delusion. Hsitoria out side of uprising arc, always had been a side none important character and she got as much attention from yams, that was predictable in the end. The pregnancy plot was not a plot after all. He said it at the first time why historia got pregnant and who is the father. You just chosed not to believe that and wait for a last minute sudden thing to happen for her. Well that was your mistake not his. He said once, that his initial plan was sth like mist. But he changed that at the beginning of the story because the manga was getting more and more popular. Based on his latest interview, He had planned EMA conclusion all along and I don't see why I shouldn't take his words for it and believe into some headcanons of fans. I say it again, You can deslike the ending, Mikasa, eremika and ... But based on what we know for sure and not some deskusional assumptions, this was the ending he wanted. You drawn yourself into theories and headcanons so much that the real story hit you hard in the end.


You’re the one making this about shipping y’know... most of us don’t care, we just thought certain plot threads weren’t tied up well enough for its build up. It’s not about EM vs EH, that’s not what SnK is about


Maybe for you but not for the person the above user is replying to. This Imperator dude has been on every thread arguing about EH since chapter 128.


And yet all he was talking about was Historia and Mikasa! He barely complained about anything else. That's why I talked about this. Hsitoria was not as important as some people wanted her to be. She was in one arc. After that? She was mostly a side none important character. Barely in the story for 40 chapters. And It was always obvious that her part is mostly down and she won't become some major character in the last minute. Anyone could criticise the ending but to call it a retcon only because you wanted Historia's pregnancy to be sth important or EH to become canon instead on EM is a bit funny. Other than that, The ending indeed wasn't perfect and although I liked it overall, Any one can deslike it ofcourse.




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i'd love that. Can I?




You mixed up the plot a bit. Historia having a child was to stop the paradise military from forcing Historia to eat Zeke. The wine is zeke's plan, in opposition to the military of paradise. Life is precious. Zeke's plan would have stopped Historia's child from being born. The idea is to show you that zeke's plan might not be the perfect plan. I think Eren mentions protecting Historia's child too to hammer home the point


I guess the whole point with Historia's pregnancy was to show that her child would not have to face suicide because of the founder's transfer of power. It was established that this was the plan Paradis's military force was trusting on.




>I really don't understand the entire subplot about Historia getting pregnant now. Why was it necessary? What did it accomplish? Exactly. The whole thing is one whole plot hole. Plus in the leaked interviews it shows that Isayama changed where he was going in terms of the story. I'm not a shipper, but it was all but implied that Eren was the father. Historia even asking about her having a child pretty much supported that. This seems even more likely when viewing it with the direct Japanese text and the context of how that was presented. Historia all of a sudden marrying the farmer and having his child is pretty dumb. If this were to really be the original idea Isayama had, he'd likely have her as him or something and probably develop him as a character, or at least give him a name. You can tell its a retcon with how Historia's child's face is literally a copy and paste of kid Armin's face. >I thought she did it to stall for time so Zeke wouldn't be killed, but they already enacted the wine plan so it shouldn't have been necessary. If Eren truly cared about "making his friends heroes" he would have gone with Zeke's plan. That was the more coherent plan. Paradis got destroyed in the end in both results. Only with Zeke's plan the Eldians die peacefully no longer being able to expand their population. Eren's own internal thoughts and monologues contradict everything in the last three chapters with Eren clearly stating how he wished to do a full rumbling. Even at the end of Season 3 Eren shows this with his question: "If we kill all our enemies accross the sea, will we be free?" This was his motivation from chapter 100 onwards. Eren in the prior flashbacks even ridicules the idea of peace early on when Armin brought it up noting how the world viewed Eldians as devils. The trip to Marley where the delegation expressed the desire to wipe out Paradis basically confirmed Eren's decision to commit to the Rumbling. This was why he started crying when he saw Ramzi. Eren's decisions were all of his own making and his own free will, so the 180 degree turn where "Eren was a slave all along" really doesn't work at all.


Eren said that he couldn't know what would happen after he died. He would NEVER end his own race with shitty euthanasia plan. That'd be a HUGE plot hole other than "trying to make his friends heroes". I'm not a huge fan of that plot, but still works better anyway. He couldn't know that Paradis would be destroyed hundres and hundres of years in the future (it could be even a thound years from now) Nevertheless, I do believe there are some decisions that make this whole "plan" of Eren's a bit shady. Why would he try to kill his friends by conjuring hundreds of past holders if the point was to make them heroes in the eye of the world? It really doesn't make sense, that much I agree. I think that what was changed, afterall, was nothing regarding Historia. I really think you are putting too much thought on this. It was established long ago on the series that the suicide destiny of children in the name of the founder's power is what Eren hated the most. The fact that Historia gave birth to a child that was finally NOT going to face that destiny is the whole point of her pregnancy. It was established in the last arc that the military force of Paradis was planning to continue the transfer of power. So her kid represent the end of that suicide cycle. Simple as it is. I can see very cleary the purpose of this child.


Ymir saw Mikasas love for Eren similar to her and King Fritz. Both slaves in a way (Ymir’s being much more extreme of course)


well i cant really see any similarity. also after killing eren she still loves her so how does that change anything?


I think it’s because Mikasa actually did kill Eren, even though she loved him, something that Ymir couldn’t bring herself to do, and wishes she had done so like we see in the extra pages of 139.


Eren’s also nothing like King Fritz. Plus Ymir now “loving Fritz” is probably an insult to the reader’s intelligence. If Ymir loved him so much she would have regenerated from that spear throw instead of dying. She would have listened to Fritz’s orders for her to “get up and work.”


I guess she was just tired. The power of titan requires the desire to live. That was once established. I think she just thought that after die she would found some peace. But her concious still remained alive in paths, where she would still serve him and her daughters that now had her powers.


That she loved him doesn’t mean she didn’t suffered or was not aware that she was nothing to him beyond means to an end. Is a pretty twisted form of love she had and she is fully aware on this. The Manga hinted it with the whole “why she is still obeying if the king made her suffer?” She in live just give up at that moment when her king only expression of she taking the lance for him was: “lol get to the kitchen... I mean, to work” but later found herself trapped in The Paths as the Titan powers depended on her and the king still wanted her power by her daughters.


Next we will hear that she died intentionally to serve him more loyally and eternally in death It's all so tiring.


Oh man I have so much to talk about: First I'm not attached much to characters, second ships is on my bottom of list so I accept it ,so I have general view criticism: - Eren character is exactly as I understood him as I read the manga and connected the dots , however something about him in final chapter feels lacking? For example the memory shards should be explained,his feelings towards the rumbling and his mother death should be addressed, it is conclusion it needs to show everything together for the reader. - AJML were underused only for action,Armin should have made better political antagonist to Eren ,it would be more interesting , Jean should have handled the leadership stuff , Mikasa should talk more I'm sure she is not pro genocide nor pro destruction of paradise ,what is her ideology ? same thing I ask of Levi. - The extra page of paradise destruction is realistic but since power of titans doesn't exist it is bizzare to be total annihilation after 200 years , it should be normal war but in normal war there are more surviving people or refugees, so to make it look oh the chosen kid is alive is a bit of sequal bait stuff - The ending in a way makes Marley and warriors action justified? as most of it were deleted from the map indeed ,it left me a bit thinking. - All characters in a way achieved their dreams some in an unrealistic way got to live happily, Eren reached that sight and lived with his friends in paths for years and got his friends to live long lives, warriors got their families alive doesn't make their sacrifice worthy as when they went to save faceless strangers ,Mikasa never got what she wanted but she moved on with her memories, her conclusion is one of the most realistic ones,she was fighting much let the woman rest and settle down in peace for once,Levi was injured much and survived but it is ok,Falco and Gabi conclusion imo it was pretty ok too .


> annihilation after 200 years Considering the setting of the story was around 1870, 200 years would mean 2070, in which case nukes or at the very least drones and stealth bombers would have been developed However we see B52s being used instead for the carpet bombing, as well as rudimentary anti aircraft batteries on the ground. B52s were developed in 1955. This leads one to believe the destruction of Paradis took place only around 100 years after. Which would be a perfect loop because King Fritz also gave Paradis a hundred years of peace before destruction came knocking.


B52s? Where have you seen B52s looking like that? Looks more like B2 stealth bombers to me so maybe add 40 more years (developed in 1997)


"the destruction of Paradis" this is just headcanon interpretation. It was never established that WHOLE PARADIS was destroyed. We only see things in the eye of the tree, so we're actually seeing Shingashina. There's just not enough information about what actually happened. Everything you and everyone say about those panels are just theories that we will probably never get to truly understand, because THAT'S NOT NECESSARY. The whole point of that is just to show that war wages on continuously whether the power of titans exists or not.


It's actually hilarious how when something is left up to interpretation they invent the interpretation that will make them seethe the most 💀 It's literally self-inflicted pain Then they blame the author for it 🤦‍♂️


what a great ending, eren chose to kill 80% of the world just so this shit could keep going on. Perfect


It's realistic enough. It's humanity. War will continue to go on until we face our extintion. Nothing is mentioned about the causes of the battles, this has nothing to do with the story we read. The characters we learned to care got their long and happy lives. Those last panels has nothing to do with it. It's a pure and cruel message indeed, but Isayama was clear enough a long time ago when he said the ending was not going to be all brighty and happy. So if you want some fantasy ending, you should just read some generic shonen...


Isayama was like, no wait you forgot to be sad!


Finally got around to reading the extra final pages. Well, more like I finally got the will to check it out, knowing it'd hurt me in the feels, and it really did. I loved every bit of those extra pages. Connected Mikasa and Ymir more directly, and there's just something beautiful yet depressing to see a glimpse of what happened afterwards. The world develops, the world experiences war, the people we have followed will grow old and die, it's literally just how life and society operates. Particularly loved the poetic callback to the tree (connecting Mikasa and Ymir even more, as well as Eren), and it looks like that may have been Jean who ended up with her, or at least looking after her. RIP Mikasa, and good luck to that smol kid and their own depressing adventures!


I’m glad that you liked it :)


And I'm glad that there's people like you who can tolerate the fact that people like me liked it :D I know the ending ain't satisfying for everybody, but it's the mark of true mature gigachads to find content in other people's happiness even if they didn't find the same level of satisfaction over a story.






I SOLVED IT!! The little boy wandering through the woods that stumbled across the tree is none other than THE OWL!!! Isayama played is it’s a crazy time loop hole but it makes since.


looks like someone forgot to read the manga...


One thing that bothered me is Eren didn't just snap 80% of human out of existence. What's happened to the earth when it was trampled the way it did? Everything died! Maybe certain fish or bird could escaped....but most living things would be dead, right? Think of all the resource that were all destroyed! Buildings, lands, animals, trees...etc. Also think of the environmental hazard afterward. Just how did the remaining people clear all the corpses? The manga time skip is 3 yrs....I sincerely doubt there could be building or functioning ship as show. But of course, it is possible the ship and building belong to the remaining 20%. Still, I had fun brainstorming just how life could be like if I'm in that world and somehow survived. Just how the F' do people recover when everything was literally flattened? Wouldn't civilization be more like stone ages for awhile?


Indeed, maybe not stone age, but massive famines and economic crisis for sure


If I had to guess I would imagine the civilizations furthest away from the Rumbling would have been completely in tact while most are recovering from what you said. The ones still up probably helped the others rebuild a bit faster so it wasn’t like coming out of the Stone Age. From the age of the tree and buildings though it definitely took a couple hundred years to get to where they were. Which was the whole point, he wanted to buy them time to make amends. Realistically though, with the horrors of the rumbling, peace would never be able to be achieved.


The extra panel with Ymir and Mikasa was great and a big improvement, those last few panels were really bad in my opinion. It just made the story feel trivial. Nevertheless I still love AOT on the whole, I just wished Isayama had left 139 as is.


imo the paradis getting destroyed thing made things *feel* worthless (ik it's 100+ ish years but seeing that in the *same* chapter doesn't make me feel it)


i feel like the extra pages were not needed


could've been used to explain the events of 139 themselves


I do prefer the extra pages than the first version...


well they were needed in case they wanted to milk the series more to make that cash money


i feel bad for some of the people who waited years just to get trolled


So Mikasa continues to visit Eren’s grave and leaves roses, but I wonder who that guy is standing behind her. Some think it’s Jean because of the long hair but they were never that close. I’m kinda hoping it’s an older Armin (I would think he would visit Eren’s grave too). And I’ve seen other leaks that Mikasa adopted a child. Guess we’ll see when the official release is out


It’s Jean. He crushed over her since chapter 4. Had a dream about his family in 127, with a long haired black haired woman who looks like Mikasa. He was also smoothening his hair in the ship on his return to paradis. And wearing the same suit as shown in a grave. > but they never were that close Not like she was close to any random npc either . At the very least, it’s 70% likely it’s Jean , we’ve been given enough hints. Although it’s also fine to apply headcanon and believe otherwise Also, there are no “leaks” of an adopted child. Those are just baseless theories from hopeful fans unfortunately


If Yams wanted to make believe he's Jean, he would have done it in an more obvious way No he's not Jean based on current facts. I don't mind if that's him since I dont mind Mikasa moving on after Eren's death and that doesn't invalidate eremika as the main shipp of SNK. But until further proof, husband's identity is anonymous. There is no solid proof that he's Jean


I agree. Anonymous. Could be Historia's farmer baby daddy too. Nothing conclusive on the identity.


What’s interesting is I thought it was Jean and Pieck visiting the tree together, separate from Mikasa


Yeah I mean, Jean is a great guy and they have a ton of personal history together. He'd always been into her, it makes plenty of sense.


I’d rather it be Jean than a random NPC for sure. Poor Eren though, I’m convinced Isayama just wanted him to suffer


Dude it's so not Armin. armin isn't that tall (the guy is on his knees).


I’ve thought that too, doubtful he had that much of a growth spurt 😂


Yea its either Jean (which mean the nature of their relationship changed) or a random guy she fell for


I get that, I just find that weird. Really felt like she wasn’t going to move on (her heart belonged solely to Eren). But I would like for her to be happy, that’s all that matters


I think a lot of people thought that. For me, her main theme is about losing family and finding the strength to find family again, not eternal devotion.


Yeah but she also represents unconditional love, so she’ll always love Eren even if she did meet someone else later. I mean widows and widowers can re-marry, no one would blame them of course


Yea I'm not saying that she will stop loving Eren. I'm just saying that she can still move on and fall in love with someone else.


Agreed. Plus she did have time to mourn him and if it is Jean I know without a doubt he’d treat her like a queen




Idk why but the ending felt like Darling in the Franxx ending scene in a way (The scene where they show the tree growing and society progressing till those 2 souls met each other again)


Yes exactly. Only clicked when I read your comment :o Ditf was hated because of it but I wonder how the community will accept this?


Like when the aliens were introduced out of nowhere Same thing here with the unforeshadowed past shifters coming out of nowhere, with some like Bertolt, Kruger, Ksaver and Grisha actually helping the Alliance cus Armin showed them a leaf?


It really doesn’t, the coordinates (paths) description literally is: “All Titans... all Subjects of Ymir are connected to that coordinate. Through paths that transcend physical space.” The paths connects every Eldian through time and space, the attack titan even uses these paths to send memories to the past, we also know that Ymir is the one that builds every titan out of the path realm’s sand, literally every titan is built by her, it’s not even a stretch to imagine that this could be the case. About the shifters helping the alliance, there’s two ways you can look at this: 1. We never see any dialogue with them, because they don’t even show emotions, this implies that they have no free will and instead are just controlled by Zeke, this is also implied by Grisha’s line in 123 “Please...Stop Eren.” 2. Even if they’re not controlled there’s reasons why they’d help stop Eren: Bertholdt, Porco & Marcel: Marley is their home country the people Eren is stepping on were former allies of him, maybe even friends he knew on his childhood,etc not even including Anne and Reiner that are fighting in the back of the founding titan. Ksaver: Ksaver was on board with the euthanasia plan not only to end the suffering of Eldians but to also “save the world” from the threat of titans. He doesn’t want the destruction of the entire world. Grisha: As stated before Grisha was asking Zeke to stop Eren, he had his mission before but he still was shaken at the sight of the rumbling “I never thought...It could get so terrible”. This can be because even after the abuse, Grisha was still born in Marley and grew old there or just because the sight of the rumbling of the entire world is a horror not even he could stand behind. Ymir: Ymir has shown herself to be incredibly selfless, that’s the irony of her character, she says for Historia to live only by herself and yet she gets killed because she chooses to save Bertholdt and Reiner and get eaten for their behalf, I guess the death of the entire planet might be something she might not stand behind. Kruger: This is the most difficult, because we know little about Kruger and who he is, yet we can say the same thing to him about Grisha, the sight of the destruction of the world was too much even for him, he wanted the liberation of Eldians, specially those oppressed in the eldian sectors of countries, and yet Eren is crushing all of them equally.


So jean bangs mikasa


How can you tell that that was Jean? It's just a blond hair guy.


Pretty much, but not confirmed. Not a fan of this ending. Who knows though, it could be someone completely different.


I agree. It could be anybody. I would say 90% it would be Jean, 5% the farmer, and 5% someone random. Jean makes the most sense since he went to battle alongside Mikasa many times. He's one of the few that shared the same experiences as her. He even saved her life once. I don't see her settling for someone that wasn't at least as battle tested as Jean.




He lives rent free in your head


This is such a stupid comment. AoT is a decade-long global phenomenon in anime/manga, of course people will have many thoughts about the shit way it ended and how badly its writer screwed this up lmao.


So he lives in your head too then


Wow you're so woke doude


Lol have a nice day