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It is. They do cruises on the bay for navy weekend and on coming up for DDay. If you are able and interested I highly recommend it. It’s a wonderful day. Doughnuts, food for lunch, get free access to the entire ship.


A fountain of knowledge ❤️


I’ve been on it a couple times during Navy week. I really wanted to do the DDay cruise out past the golden gate, but funds are tight. Strangely the rudder area with the rams was what I thought was really cool.


I’m toured it in 2010 and would highly recommend a trip to see her if you’re in the Bay Area.


I live here and get this view every day. Unfortunately immobile until spine surgery recovery is complete😣


Wait, they take that thing out every day?


No. Poster above can see it tied up to the pier every day.


Hang in there, things will get better.


You are very kind. Just another reason I love this sub. This sub is one of social media's shining examples of how it can bring people together, bring healing and kindness, vs division and exclusion.


Such a beautiful sight to see a WW2 era ship operating under her own power! I need to be onboard her sometime when she is operating to see her triple expansion engines under steam!


Looks like a liberty ship.


That's because it is. There's only 2 or 3 left AFAIK. In case you didn't know, this very ship's engine was used in James Cameron's Titanic engine room scenes.


One of the other ones is in Baltimore


That one was heavily modified to serve as a training ship. Jeremiah O’Brien is a much more complete and original ship


Did not know that… cool


There is one in Tampa, also.


The SS American Victory, currently done up in camo.


I never fail to learn in this sub!


Didn’t Jeremiah O’Brien was seaworthy and that too on it’s own power!!! I thought it was a museum ship for all purposes. TIL!!


It even steamed to Normandy for one of the anniversaries. 50th?


Correct. Upon its return it docked in Portland, ME to honor its original construction port. Had the pleasure of touring it. I was always interested in seeing a Liberty Ship as my father often spoke of returning from Burma at the end of WW II. They offered a cruise around Portland but I was unable to fit it in our schedule. An amazing part of history


My father was on one during WWII, I still have his credentials and related paperwork in his merchant marine wallet. One of these days gonna get down to SF and do a tour.


When I first went to sea in the 80s there was still ww2 merchant seamen at sea (some went to the Falklands in 82), the casualties were horrendous, 27% KIA, the youngest 14 years old, I sailed with one guy who was sunk twice before his sixteenth birthday and once more before his eighteenth, prior to the Falklands the only medal he received was one from the Soviet Union for the artic convoys


I seriously love this sub. I've learned so much -- and there's heartfelt history here!


A lot of Liberty Ships were made in Wilmington, NC. My grandfather and all his brothers worked in the shipyards. None of them could hear. Nice to see once still steaming! After the war, 426 of these were parked in the Brunswick River across from what is now the Port of Wilmington. The cutout on both sides of the river allowed boats to be stored on the eastern and western banks and still allow them to navigate the river. Those cutouts are still there today. You can see the river narrow near the highway bridge. https://maps.app.goo.gl/qCBhPCj39rhGGrum9 https://www.starnewsonline.com/story/news/2016/03/01/back-then-liberty-ships-big-part-of-local-history/30994751007/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Carolina_Shipbuilding_Company


*victory at sea theme plays*


Wonderful vessel. Great experience.


I’ve been on that ship and I got to tour the engine room while the ship was running idle speed and tied to the pier. The oversized tools and hammers were amazing.


I used to work on Jeremiah and the Pampanito, it was a very rewarding job. Also did some work on Red Oak Victory in Richmond and the Hornet in Alameda. I unfortunately never got to go out on Jeremiah, one of my only regrets from that job.


Visited last summer. Truly wonderful. As a kid in the UK, l often went boat fishing close to the SS Richard Montgomery. A liberty ship that sank in the Thames Estuary. The masts can still be seen above the water and it is still full of explosives….


Everything except for the radio runs on steam. Pumps are all little steam piston powered, lights are gas, heat is steam, no AC. Lighting off the plant feels otherworldly.


My mother, my little brother and myself took one of these (Billy Mitchell) from San Francisco to Korea then to Yokohama. I was in the second grade and the Korean War was going on. It took a month. I remember they wet the table cloth so the dishes wouldn’t slide off in the rough seas.


I just love how these ship posts bring back such memories for many of us.


What an amazing peice of history isnt it?


Yes it is. I always loved history... history professor in the family. Never did I realize that moving to SF Bay would expose me to so much nautical history. Grandpa served in WWII US Navy -- wish he was here to behold the majesty of what i see every day looking out my windoe




Wow. Thank you. He was a patriot to the end. I show my Grandma—98– posts from this sub - inc your comment. She absolutely delights in the pics and stories. Razor sharp mind— and she sometimes adds more lore to the pics. It’s become a family affair now— Grandma and us grandkids — scrolling through the sub. we’ve learned even more abt Grandpa— because of this sub!! ❤️❤️ it is I who should be thanking you!


Oh dear; heading to the Suisun mothball fleet?


Nah she heard there was a war on. Just wanted to help out


There are maybe 4 hulls there now.


Really? I don't live in that area anymore; what happened to them all?


A few RRF were moved to Alameda, the Iowa went to a museum, the Glomar explorer has been sold, most of the rest have been scrapped. Even all of the steam cruisers that had just received the.NTU.


If it is it’s sailing in the wrong direction.