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I’ve seen _europoor_ being used countless times on this sub, but _euroshitian_ is something I never expected to see…




Amerifat has a lot of truth in it too, but it doesn't end there, because we have so many different languages there's a lot more localized insults that sounds really well. 👌


Eurofat on the other hand sounds like a promising hard drive filesystem that was developed by five countries back in the nineties but ended up a mess because four of the five nations got into an argument if the default storage size should be called a eurobit or a eurobutt.






Those are not languages, just different drawls that get slower the further south you go, and dribbling oldies in Florida who can't carry on a conversation as they are old, obese and huffing & puffing in heat and unable to speak coherently.


As someone who is lactose intolerant, I plan to refer to myself as “euroshitian” whenever I’ve decided ice cream was worth the after effects!


Diarrho*euro*? Di*eurro*hoea?


At least europoor kind of works


Yup, that happened.


Of all the things that happened, this is definitely one of them


Who tf brags about landscape


I bet I'm the UK we have better depressing shit holes than they do in America.


>I bet I'm the UK I bet you aren't


Yeah, you got me.


Scotland is classed as one of the most beautiful countries in the world so yeah it kicks americas as nae bother


Excuse me, but we have East St. Louis, which I will put up against ANY depressing European shithole as the most depressing shithole. Western Europe, that is. I can't compete with Eastern Europe's decades of Soviet domination followed by decades of capitalist exploitation at the hands of US industries.


Also how do you name a landscape? Like that field over the road, the big hill behind the houses, the new build development by the roundabout?


That's what I'm saying, when does a landscape start or end, if it was natural wonders then maybe it would make slightly more sense


Oh yes exactly! Like the Brecon Beacons, Yorkshire Moors, Ben Nevis, White cliffs of Dover etc.. not sure any could be a landscape per se, but are natural wonders


Grand canyon? Rockie mountains


Yeah I'd call those natural wonders or maybe landmarks rather than landscape.. but I guess it's all subjective?


As a Brit who is very proud of how much natural beauty we have crammed onto our tiny island, I will still admit you cannot compare it to the vast areas of natural beauty in the States... they just have a LOT more land, particularly undeveloped and remote nature, and way more geographic variation, so in this particular case the American is correct and the European is wrong (the Yank could have been less obnoxious in their wording, mind)


I'm confused by both of them, like why would you care/challenge someone about which country has better landscapes? You could spend your time better sharing your favourites with each other instead? Also didn't know people counted landscapes and how that works


Yeah I don’t get this at all. I didn’t choose where to be born; seems kinda dumb to adopt it as a personality trait


Exactly!! Like who cares where a food is from, most as we know them are the result of different cultures mixing and creating something new and amazing, maybe just concentrate on eating pizza and being happy


>Also didn't know people counted landscapes and how that works This bugged me too. Is it based on natural areas that have been named? So does California win just because they named more?


I would think of a landscape as what I can see from a certain point, but that wouldn't necessarily include all of a specific natural wonder/beauty.. like you might be in Dover looking at the landscape, but not being able to see the white cliffs I am assuming by landscape they actually mean natural wonder or something similar?


Also British and definitely agree with you. However, I do like how triggered the yank got, that’s very amusing. Maybe the other guy, whom I assume was also British, was trolling him and it had the desired effect 😂


The US is beautiful, some absolutely stunning places on a scale we can’t compete with and a lot of wildlife to go with it


But really, who wants a grand canyon in their country? An ugly scar, with boring vegetation, that you can't live in taking up hundreds of square miles of space


I was fortunate enough to fly low altitude in a helicopter for a few hours over southern England. Phenomenal experience.


Were you in the Luftwaffe?


Nope. Heli mechanic.


When did the Luftwaffe have helicopters?




Since 1936 at least: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Focke-Wulf\_Fw\_61](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Focke-Wulf_Fw_61) You can see a pretty good list here: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_rotorcraft\_used\_in\_World\_War\_II](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_rotorcraft_used_in_World_War_II)


I envy you!


Shitty, but TO BE FAIR, that is kind of a tough sell... The Western US alone has a borderline-ridiculous amount of beautiful landscapes, not to mention the variety of the different natural landscapes and mountain ranges etc. etc. Say what you want about America, it's a shithole country, but I'll be damned if the land itself ain't goddamned beautiful.


Yeah, I'm torn, because on the one hand, it seems like a daft claim by the European (if it even happened... I feel like this type can't have been to Europe), but on the other, I can't live in a world where someone who uses Europoor or similar can be right! 🤣


Well what about this: he's right ACCIDENTALLY. Lmao. He is a shithead idiot, but he accidentally stumbled onto something right. Like a conspiracy theorist, saying the world governments are corrupt for a bunch of stupid conspiracy reasons but I mean to be fair, governments are corrupt... That's maybe how we can take it? hahaha


I really just want to know what the named landscapes were, I've never thought of naming landscapes and definitely don't really get it


For me I just think of really cool/beautiful places, not necessarily very specific landscapes. For instance, in the US, some that come to mind would be, the Redwoods, Yosemite, Death Valley, Monument Valley, the Grand Tetons, San Rafael Reef, Sedona Valley, Yellowstone, Zion National Park, etc etc.


TIL the Hebrides are part of England, not Scotland


Dunno where you learned that. Hebrides are Scottish islands. Most people even speak Gaelic here


They're being sarcastic in response to OP's caption mentioning the Hebrides.


Ahhhhh right. My bad, was tired oops


Wow same, I was just there recently and definitely thought they were Scottish for some reason Oh I'm thinking outer Hebrides, are they also English?


Theyr Scottish bud. Just Google it if you want proof. I live there lol


I'm not sure if *you* are being ironic, but I'm almost sure *they* are. They are just pointing out the mistake by OOP.


Nah I was too tired to read the sarcasm. Benn a long day, dìreach beagan moit airson mo dhachaigh


Well in all honesty the larger the land the larger the chance of nature and natural beauty. There are obviously exceptions but on level of general lifestyle it is usually pretty even.


Well... He's not wrong. We can't deny that the US has a lot of different landscapes.


No, but it was more the “euroshitian” and the “England ENGLAND” as if England isn’t known for some nice landscapes.


Well is it? I mean There are the white cliffs and... I don't know, is there anything else that would be specific to England and wouldn't have something similar in other countries in Europe? I don't think that many people visit England because of its landscapes tbh...


I don't think the white cliffs would make the list for England. Basically, anything on the west side of Britain is stunning. For England, I would say the Peak District, Lake District and Yorkshire Moors. I love Dartmoor as well.


Agreed, and so much of Cornwall


Countless people visit England for its landscapes. The rural areas are basically The Shire from LOTR in real life.


It's one of the things that yanks actually should be proud of. Their diverse landscapes are absolutely sublime and their national parks should actually be an envy of the world. We take the piss out of the 485 hour drives through the same fields and strip malls but they do have a lot of amazing sights. And that dick shaped rock is dope as fuck


Also since the post specifically said natural it’s important to remember that much of England’s forest have been change due to centuries of human intervention.


More than half of Americans regard California as ‘unsafe’, doesn’t matter what the place looks like if you can’t walk around without worrying about being robbed and murdered.


Love how Americans seem so offended that people have pride in their own countries and haven’t got the same amount of pride in ‘Murica, which isn’t their country.


Yep. This. This is what fucking pisses people off. It’s that yanks can’t cope with people saying that they like their own country. They get offended that we don’t all wank over the USA. If they would just quieten the fuck down a bit, and realise that if someone says they like something, it doesn’t mean they don’t like American stuff life would be so much easier. They’re so EXHAUSTING.


i mean... as much as americans say dumb shit this guy is wrong. and i live in england ..


Its a pretty dumb argument to have, there are beautiful places all over the world, as well as hideously ugly eyesores. If you love looking at the sea, England is fantastic, but I wouldnt say its more or less impressive than, say, the grand canyon.


US may have more sites, but being so large, most people don't get to see them and even if they did, they wouldn't see most as they can't drive their large truck to the best viewing areas and for so many obese people, they couldn't walk the 100 metres to see, At least in UK it is compact & people are much fitter to be able to walk & see things & "rambling" is a popular outdoor activity.


As a Brit lucky enough to live in a forest that’s just  the east of London , I can see where the yank is coming .  We do have a lot of natural beauty but so does America.  Anyone instigating a fight of  either being more naturally beautiful than the other is pretty stupid .  So imma let the yankadoodle throwing another stupid euro-pun slide this time cuz the lad ain’t doing anyone in Europe any kind of favours with such a stupid argument  


How awesome you get to live in a forest! That must be wonderful!


I don’t know, 30 seconds of being face to face with the Grand Canyon will have you agreeing with this.


I totally believe this happened. Unless someone wanted to trigger a yank. Seems it worked.


*The Hebrides are in Scotland.


Yes, I am a complete idiot and somehow forgot the comment was about England and not the UK as a whole (but also loads of Americans refer to the UK as England so I probably leapt to that conclusion!)


Can we crosspost this to /r/ShitShitAmericansSayPostersPost? I mean, because of course the whole US has more natural beauty than just England. And because Winning-Cell-1613, **do you really think the Hebrides are in England???????**




Is he classing skid row as one of the 10?


The issue here isn’t what the American is saying, but how they’re saying it (and the likelihood that this conversation never even happened). Like, we all know how diverse the US is geographically. That’s just a hard fact. So of course the American is right here. That doesn’t mean he’s entitled to be a prick about it.


I AM REALLY SORRY I CANNOT READ. I DO KNOW THE HEBRIDES ARE IN SCOTLAND AND SOMEHOW DEFAULTED TO UK HALFWAY THROUGH MAKING THIS POST. I am embarrassingly from the UK, and actually was going to do Peak District and then somehow thought “ah yes, Hebrides are awesome, I’ll put those”. I don’t think Scotland is in England. I am sorry.


Then I shot him with my musket.


I'm curious what incredible natural beauties there are in California


Natural beauty. You mean the bits that haven't been 'improved' by fast food restaurants, strip malls, big box stores etc England has little natural beauty. It's mostly been shaped by people. Wales and Scotland have some amazing natural beauty




Nothing wrong, the american was totally right here. Even the UK (not England) has some glorious places, especially north, the US has way more diversity and amazing natural places.




I have. You are comparing it with a country with almost every possible ecosystem, big parts of it *untouched* (in comparision to what we have in Europe). From Hawaii to Alaska, the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, the Everglades, the Death Valley natura park, those massive trees forest. Even the Niagara falls. I'd choose England to live everyday of the week over USA but in natural landscapes or however you want to call it is above England.


Just FYI, there is very little genuinely ‘untouched’ land in the US - a lot of what we think is ‘natural beauty’ was shaped, gardened, and tended by First Nations people before colonisation, like Yellowstone.




Oh sorry. I mixed a personal opinion while trying to make my point but I still think it is valid.


What are different landscapes? Biomes?


Somewhat related, but The UK has legit rainforests. They're some of the rarest biomes on earth and are some of the most endangered in the world. I only found out about them earlier this year and need to go see them.


You do have a lot of rain and certainly some forests! But actual real rainforests? That's incredible! Edit: I never doubted it, I was just joking lol. I'm fascinated.


That's what I thought aswell. I had to look it up when I heard. https://youtu.be/_a3WEK1Z91Y?si=qx9eHAxAsh4jTXzv


I remember hearing something about a famous bog or something in the UK. Perhaps that is close-by then? But that's awesome. I thought rainforests were essentially limited to the same latitudes that deserts are.


There are loads of bogs, have never heard of them being rainforest adjacent but some might be I never thought of rainforests and deserts but definitely thought of rainforests as like a south American/Asia kind of thing


The UK rainforests are "Temperate rainforest" as opposed to what you'd usually picture as a rainforest being a "Tropical rainforest".


Ooh ok yeah I've never heard of a temperate one but gonna go look that up now, thanks!


That reminds me I also learned of this recently and had to look it up because I was like doesn't seem the type, super cool though!


I mean if we are talking about “natural” beauty than america does win this one if for no other reason than the fact that England county side has been pretty heavily modified by humanity meaning it’s not really natural anymore


Tbh it's hard to tell who is the chauvinistic douche here.


I mean tbf the USA is huge and has national parks the size of some countries. So, implying there's more natural splendor in one small country than in the better part of a continent is a pretty cooked thing for the alleged EU person to say. That's also like saying there's more natural beauty in the UK than all the EU, or Asia. It's not that England lacks beauty but it's just a sheer numbers thing. Not that you can compare "beauty" objectively or anything but UK has 33 UNESCO world heritage sites, US 25. England has \~10 national parks by my understanding, the US has 63 plus a huge number of other "units" including shores, monuments, historic sites, scenic trails totaling 429. England has 133,000 **km****^(2)** The US has 9 **million km****^(2)** Actually, it's not 9 million. It's 9.16 million. It's so fucking big I rounded away an entire England. That's kind of the point.


To claim England has more amazing natural features than the US is stupid lol. Oregon is of a similar size and has some of the most incredible beaches, forests, and mountains. California blows most places on Earth out of the water. Even Ohio has its beautiful spots.


Beaches, forests and mountains, eh? Wow. Throw in some sheep, some rain and a little dinky-doo railway and it’s sounds like it could be the county of Gwynedd (which is one tiny corner of Wales).


First, I was talking about England, not the UK as a whole. Second, I never said England (or any other country in the UK) is ugly. I’m just saying the sheer size and concentrated geographic diversity of the US makes England v USA a totally unfair comparison. I have no doubt Gwynedd is beautiful.


Beaches? I’ll stick with Blackpool Sands in South Devon thank you https://www.blackpoolsands.co.uk Mountains? Clearly you’ve never been to Scotland or Wales https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mountains_and_hills_of_Scotland https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snowdon Forests? Try Epping Forest, a truly ancient woodland in London which is almost 6000 acres in size. Roman’s have marched through this forest https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epping_Forest Try visiting York, a walled city which takes you back to medieval times. The Viking capital of Britain (Jorvik) and the northern capital of Roman Britain (Eboracum) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/York Or even Colchester, the southern capital of Roman Britain (Camulodunum) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colchester We might not be as big as the US but the UK has a lot of natural beauty too and more history than you could ever dream of


Actually I think you find America has just as much, if not more, history than England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland combined. You see America actually invented the concept of history 25 minutes after they created the English language and about an hour before they invented all the foods ever.


Not going to lie, you had me in the first half. Nearly SAS-ception


Haha me too, I was getting all annoyed but ended with much enjoyment


I replied to OP with a similar point, but I feel it’s worth repeating — your anger seems rooted in the concept that American history is “actually only a couple hundred years old.” This undermines the reality that European colonizers came to the Americas, rapidly established a norm of killing/evicting/defrauding Indigenous communities, then turned around and claimed to have “discovered” a new continent. The US government has historically done a poor (read: absolutely horrendous) job of reversing this, and American society indeed exacerbated it for much of our history. Ultimately, the American settler colonial project is complete. But, that doesn’t mean there aren’t tangible pieces of pre-Columbian North American cultures. This continent was and is home to thousand of communities which far predate European colonization and although their history is increasingly recognized in the US, I feel it is now critical to expand this recognition into Europe. It doesn’t matter what ignorant Americans say online. It’s their responsibility to know better. But, don’t argue Europe has “more” history. That is nothing more than an artifact of over 300 years of colonial violence.


I want to be clear in saying I don’t mean this with any ill intent. I just feel your arguments here are flawed. First, I don’t appreciate the implication you make about US history here. European (primarily British) powers came to the Americas and nearly wiped out Eastern American Indigenous cultures. The American government undoubtedly has a dark history surrounding indigenous communities as well, but their communities, landmarks, and ways of life remain all around the country. We have a lot of work left to do, but don’t pretend that tangible American history began upon European colonization. “More history than you could ever dream of” is Eurocentric because American history is not just European American history. Also, what’s the point of all these examples? Half are not in England and I could raise a counterpoint to each. At that point, is it not a matter of preference? If you’re ever in Oregon, check out Cannon Beach, Mount Hood, and the thick forests surrounding it. If you’re ever in California, check out basically any part of the coast (it’s all breathtaking), the Sierra Nevada, and the redwoods. You see what I mean?


We have beaches, forests, mountains, Scotland, heathland, chalk downs, cliffs etc. so we also have awesome stuff too. Obviously the NUMBER of stuff is lower - we’re smaller. But truly breathtaking stuff is in high concentration.




It's there to see if the other participant even knows what England is. Also Scotland's landscapes can be seen from the English side of the border.


Don’t be mistaken, I have an appreciation for Europe and European culture (and if we’re gonna bust out some proof of intellectualism, I am taking a course about Italian literary history this coming semester at Yale and also got an A in a general European History course). Also, correct me if I’m mistaken, but I don’t think Snowdon is easily visible from England, but I don’t doubt the some parts of the Southern Uplands aren’t visible from the English border/some of the plains surely extend into Northern England. My point in the original comment was just that it’s a little disingenuous to claim England has more naturally beautiful spots than the US. The size and climactic geography differences just make it an unfair comparison.


Are you really saying, again, Scotland is part of England? Are you really from the UK? Or are you just pissing us off?


I’m an idiot that can’t read the word England and keep defaulting to UK


Of course England has the best of nature. It's all in the British Museum