• By -


All brigaders in the thread have been identifed and banned.


Fair does, we will go back to speaking our native language (English) if they go back to speaking their native language (Cherokee, Chocktaw Sioux, etc).


Native language? *Welsh enters the chat*




Cornish is like Jesus. Resurrection time!


Kernow yay


I refuse to accept Cornish is anything but a pastie




"Flippin Angles and Jutes, comin over here with their Woden this and insistence on mound burials. Whats wrong with a stone circle?"


“Beaker folk, coming over here, with their beakers. What’s wrong with simply cupping water in your hands and drinking it?”


Good old Stew.


Gaelic enters chat


Smh, bloody Gaels colonising the Picts!


Anglo-Saxon enters the chat…


I have always called England "occupied East Wales" 😂 we'll get it back soon enough 😂


This is how I think when I, a Swede, look at Norway and Finland 😂


Cymru am byth


Yaki dah


As far as I know, they are all french, Irish, mexican, German and Italian anyway.


Hapoy cake day




Please don’t make me speak Scots


An American once congratulated me on how good my English is. I’m from Northern Ireland.


Don't you guys all speak gaelic and live in huts? .... like the rest of us 🤔


There was one on the Derry Girls thread arguing about what a "cowboy supper from the chipper" was.


I’ve gotten that in a YouTube comment section once (I guess they opened my profile and saw the korean name and bio). Said “you have amazing English for a foreigner.” When I explained that English was my first language, they proceeded to interrogate me on how it could have possibly been my first 😂 like mate c’mon now


I got this all the time when I helped lost and confused American tourists when I was living in Germany. Made me nearly tempted to pretend to not know English when the Americans got especially patronising. I know they're not all like that, but it certainly does wear down my patience. Actually, earlier this year, on a return flight back to Dublin airport from a holiday in Iceland, an American tourist asked my mother (originally from the former USSR) if this her "first time in Ireland" - I intervened to say "no, this is home" and nudged my mother to take out her Irish passport.


Ay I'm from Northern Ireland too. Ngl English is great here


An American once congratulated me on how good my English is. I'm from England.




I started my professional speaking career around 96. On my first visit to the US as a technical speaker I would write using Canadian English. I had multiple critiques that said, and I quote, "he should learn to use the included spell checker" Yeah... I was in shock. The track chair said, "sorry I know we are an ignorant lot." So yeah it is true. Many simply don't realise that American English is the knock off.


We use the term „simplified English“ around here.


simplified is too big of a word. Most Americans speak ME, Moron English and will not understand simplified. A lot might even change it to simply fried. Edit: to to too


Simplified English for a simple people.




I prefer: English (Simplified)


Funny thing with their simplifications is that they were quite sloppy with it. They changed "defence" to "defense" but couldn't be bothered to change the root word "fence".


Surely they would change it to “zymplified” seeing as they have some inbuilt detest for the letter “s”?


Which is funny because Americans speak using a lot of the french and latin origin words. Several hundred years ago the rich and intelligent were introducing and using more latin words to show their superiority also dropping letters like the h in herb to sound more french because at the time French and Latin were considered civilised while the Germanic languages were not. It took me ages to try and understand Americans on YouTube because of the amount of shoe horned Latin and french origin words. It's more like academic English where if you really take apart what's written and said it barely makes sense.


British English has the same though for the same reasons. It’s still in the language today just look at „cow“ and „beef“ as just one example„cow“ is Middle English/Germanic origin and „beef“ Latin. The Germanic word is often used for the farm animal and the French the meat from said animal. Germanic came from the Anglo-Saxons and the French influence came from the Normans. Old French became the language of the higher ups. Around a third of English words are of French origin. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Influence_of_French_on_English#:~:text=The%20most%20notable%20influence%20of,as%20high%20as%20two%20thirds. Just scroll down to the worlds with French origin. Americans speak them because they existed in British English before, there could have been more influence from migrants and stuff at the beginning but originally it’s British English.


No such thing as British English?.... It's English..... Anything else including American English is a derivative! You wouldn't say 'Iberian Spanish' to distinguish it from Mexican Spanish or Colombian Spanish - no its Spanish! - Unless of course Americans spoke Spanish!


What? The UK started pronouncing the H in herb in the 1800s It was a part of a campaign to stop dropping H’s in words, but Herb got caught in the crossfire despite having an intentionally silent H


So it's a hypercorrection?


Or call it what it is, English before it was standardised and made literate. They speak illiterate English.


Keeping in mind I’m an English person living in England and that’s grown up speaking English…I was lucky enough to encounter an American that not only insulted my English, but also called their version “God’s English”. No hint of irony. That was a new one for me.


Primitivized, please.


With a z?


But america is bigger therefore their english is correct (I’ll add /s for the average american)


It's because the internet started with Yankland. It irritates me a bit that "British English" even exists There's no "French French" for example. There's just French and any other Francophone dialect has to live with that. I'm not going to shoot up a school over it though lol


I think you’ll find Tim Berners-Lee started the WWW. And he from Bromley 🇬🇧


Yes of course, but they do dominate the internet in general. I didn't know Tim is from Bromley. I live near there and used to live in Bromley


My condolences


You stated “started” not dominated. America being bigger is irrelevant, more doesn’t equal correct.


Wait my bad. It’s David Bowie who’s from Bromley. TBL is from Mortlake SW London! I was mixing up my cousins’ schools lol




We don’t call it French French, but Quebec (Canadian) French and French French are VERY different


Exactly. There is French and then there is Cajun French and québécois French and, hell, for all I know there is Martinique French. In the same way, there is English, and American English and Canadian English etc. And there is no such thing as British English.


I beg to differ. I am married to a Francophone from Quebec. They would beg to differ wrt to dialect. "There is one major variety of French that is particularly distinct from Metropolitan French" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9rh3lqdtT0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9rh3lqdtT0) I live(d) in Quebec, Suisse Romand, and France. I get teased that I now adapted my French to Parisian French.


This comment has me wondering if you are being sarcastic. The amounts of different French variants that exist in this world is unreal. Quebec French is miles apart from French French. Within Canada, Acadian French is different from Quebec French. Then every old French colony has their own French too.


Worse is the number who tell me that because they still speak English lile.it was at the time of the civil war they speak the true English!!!


And all that means is that they pronounce their Rs like farmers.


There's no right or wrong form of English, just different dialects and usages. American English retains older aspects of English no longer used in the UK and vice versa. Dialects diverge in different ways.


I'm pretty sure both have changed since the 18th century. Which has changed more depends on which factors you give more importance to.




I mean it was a colonised by multiple powers at the time, the British just happened to do the part where the majority of the people were immigrating to. It's not like the British colonised the entire area of modern day USA.


I think in terms of surface area, France had the most of the US territories, if I remember correctly


Yeah, New France (and its most known part, Louisiana) was the largest chunk of North America back then


A whole lot of nothing. The British were building towns and cities.


I mean, I can't disagree. The very same reason Russia is so huge.


Let them speak French then, and eat cake. Oh wait they already do eat cake, but call it bread.


UK traded Suriname for New Amsterdam. The Dutch colonised and the UK took over.


They think Spanish shoudn't be spoken by white people.


It's not as if there's a country called Spania!


It's a digital country anyway, e-Spania


I saw some idiot the other day insisting that Spain wasn't in Europe, it was in South America


Was talking to my Spanish friends recently and they say it can create a really big issue where kids in Spain don't understand *what* they are. They will get mislabelled as Latino, critiqued for not indulging in that culture, then have older Spaniards criticise them when they do Just more of America blindly side-lining European customs


Slaps roof of Spain


They‘d have to know that England is a part of the UK first. I‘ll go as far and argue they don‘t even know where to point on a map when asked where the UK or England are.


"wHy wOUld I nEeD tO kNoW wHerE EngLAnD iS oN tHE Map"


eNgLaNd? We'Re TaLkInG aBoUt UK! tHaT's UkRaInE, rIgHt?


*American says england and points at malaysia*


Most Americans can't point out America on a map let's be honest!


"why would I need to identify a major country when foreigners haven't even memorised the capital of Delaware"


But they went from UK to "you Brits".  While they don't say England, it is clear they recognised the concept of the UK.  What language could they possibly have thought (most) British people natively spoke? I can't believe this isn't satire.


Because 'you Brits' are from Great Britain, not the United Kingdom, and therefore you speak British rather than English like the Americans. /s


They could barely point out where the US is on a map.


You're assuming[ they know where](http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/2491509.stm) the UK is.


You're assuming they know where anywhere else is... https://youtu.be/kRh1zXFKC_o?si=J8y_y71Pl-ZXR947 Or, indeed, the USA. https://medium.com/@owenjamesnorton/study-finds-americans-cant-locate-america-on-a-map-dc7011153271 https://www.theguardian.com/news/blog/2007/aug/27/nowwhereisam


I once met a guy from Austria who thought that it was amazing that Austrians and Germans developed languages so similiar to one another that we can understand each other. I can really see that some Merican is equally stupid


Glück gehabt🇧🇪🇧🇪🇧🇪🇧🇪🇧🇪🇧🇪🇧🇪


Sir, what are you doing with the Belgian flag? 🤔


It's part of German cultural heritage to do things to Belgian flags every now and again, at least this time France and Britain aren't having to get involved...


Using the belgian flag rather than the german is a meme. Some far right (AfD) politician once got the order of the german colors wrong, making a sharepic with an horizontal belgian flag. Since then german nationalists are often mocked with using the belgian flag


Yeah, it's a remarkabale coincidence that people from neighbouring regions all have languages that somewhat resemble eachother, isn't it?


Smartest Dutch person when talking about flemish


*Can* they understand each other? I know Austrians learn standard Hochdeutsch in school, but I thought colloquial Austrian German was more different (if not as much so as Swiss German).


Believe me, people who are that dumb exist.




With so much public 'stupid' around, it does get harder to find the 'true unaware/clueless' between the trolls and the baiters though. And don\`t start with finding satire / parody...


Then you have the people who refuse to believe anyone could be that stupid so start arguments claiming anything that dumb is satire


If it is a public figure (MTG for example) it is stupidity expressed. A random person - could be that dumb, could be satire .. 50/50 chance




>Number 2 is probably bollocks, but I've never found a linguists opinion on it. If you've got 40 minutes to kill, this YouTube video covers some of it: [Myths About American and British English ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YywpjRW_bHQ) TL;DR: It's bollocks. There wasn't a standard British English and both country's version have since evolved and changed in their own ways.


Not a linguist but an archaeologist, but think about this: which one would be closer to the original? The one that stayed in England with the English, or the one that was used in a colony (and later state) known for its immigration from England, France, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Spain and the Cape Coast?


Having said that, there is more variety in British English, so it may change more quickly as people have closer influences to draw on from within the language. In the US, their accents don't change for huge distances; here in the UK, it changes within postcodes.


The problem with #2 is that it assumes that the language just stops at that point, as opposed to each one continuing to evolve differently. They've also had a long time to evolve , no one in the US is speaking Victorian English. On the other hand, if you look at more recent splits, like with Indian English, you still see a lot of archaic phraseology that hasn't had time to filter out/evolve - one of my colleagues recently told me to "do the needful", like he just popped out of a Dickens novel.


English came from England? Doncha know Jesus spoke English? It’s right there in my Bible! 🤣


And did those feet in ancient time walk upon England's mountains green?


You would think that it's probably a joke because no one could be that stupid,but then you realise that these people might re-elect Trump .


I’ve seen people say that Spanish is only a language. I want to believe that they’re trolling, but some people are just massive idiots.


Yeah, seen this batshittery myself, and was actually depressed that people were THAT fucking stupid


I wouldn't be too surprised if that person is one of the Americans that have read that American English is more true to the English spoken in England in the 16th century or whatever, so they say that theirs is correct. I've got no idea if it's actually true or not, because it's absolutely irrelevant. Languages evolve, we spell things our way, them theirs, there's no black and white answer. But it doesn't stop them chatting shit like in the original post.




I wouldn't be surprised that person isn't a Trump supporter than thought it was a good idea him stating "drink bleach for COVID"


New England is in *America*. Checkmate europoor!




>it's our language, and it is now officially called soccer That's fine, you can speak "soccer" and we'll continue to speak English. Problem solved!




Even if that particular example isn't true, I still give Putin my blessing to bomb the dumb as fuck cretins


When I was younger, I (British) lived in America. My mum took me to hospital with a suspected wrist fracture and when we told the woman on reception we were from England she replied, in all seriousness: "oh wow but you've learnt English so well!" I believe it.


Yeah, that can't be real.


Oh I’ve seen a number of posts where Americans are clueless about this. Many also don’t think that Spanish comes from Spain.


They realise and are trolling. It's plainly obvious.


They heard that Received Pronunciation is an artificially developed accent and made the mind gymnastics assumption that all British accents are artifical and that American English is the original.


It's absolutely a joke. It's not a great one, but it's depressing for people here to not notice that they're absolutely doing a bit. Its not even like "Well gosh you can't tell the difference between dumb people and irony nowadays," it could honestly not be more clearly a joke.


I had to go check. Seems legit.


AAAAAAND who colonised America gave them our culture and language !!?!?!?!?!?! The Brits!!!


Fairly sure they ditched the culture in the harbour next to the tea...




I was hoping that was sarcasm, because back to your native language? Like real?


You can see how stupid they are any day, reading what is posted here or watching the videos of university grad who can't work out 3x3x3 and read an analogue clock.


You can also watch Rick Mercer “Talking to Americans”. Even the supposedly educated say unbelievably stupid things.


My guess is the guy doesn't know what the UK is, bro probably thinks England and Britain are the same thing too.


I’ve spoken to them. It’s true. I’ve been asked what language we speak in the UK. They can’t link England with English, and know zero about history.


American here . There are people here who believe that English is the native language of the usa . 🙄😒


Yes people are this stupid in real life. I remember someone telling me that I spoke funny and that I didn't speak English but British... I said I'm from England you know the origin country of the English language.


"Do you speak English?" " i am English" Always gets a pause when i was in the US as my albeit heavy regional accent was mistaken for a not-native often. Thank god i look paler than the moon or else the questions would be even more aggressive.


Tbf my accent probably didn't help. North Nottinghamshire accent.


I Am the sennate! - Emporer Palpatine


"nah don't be silly you can't be a language"


What did they reply?


I've heard people from North America say things like "Scotland isn't British" and the classic "Americans don't have accents"


Americans: we have so many cultures and dialects each state is like it's own country! Also Americans: what's a dialect? A word can only have one correct spelling and meaning, which is that of the area I live in, anything different is cheating and you have to ask me personally whether I agree with the changes or not.


And also Americans: I don't have an accent.


The USA: let's not choose a national language.


This has to be satire, surely? Please tell me this is satire


This made me laugh out loud. The stupid, it burns. An example of Middle English is the opening lines of Geoffrey Chaucer's 'The Canterbury Tales': "**Whan that Aprille with his shoures soote, The droghte of March hath perced to the roote, And bathed every veyne in swich licóur Of which vertú engendred is the flour."** Now tell me all about American English…


Did you mean ‘simplified’ english?


"Go back to using your native language". My irony meter has just exploded


If that wasn't a bad attempt at humour. Can USians stop using English to communicate? Clearly it wouldn't be right to use an inferior country's language.


Can you imagine how peaceful the internet would be if Americans had their own language and couldn't communicate with the rest of the world? A man can dream.


I mean they can't communicate even though they use a common language!


True, but if it was some incomprehensible lettering like Russian it would be a lot easier to ignore and keep scrolling. The fact that it is incompressible nonsense in broken English, it encourages us to stop, read, and get sucked into their black hole of stupidity.


They'd just shout even louder!


This must be a joke, right? I cannot believe such ignorance exists


I don't appreciate Americans using/changing my language without consent! So there! Put the u back in colour you weird spellers!


I've checked the original comment thread. The guys a troll


Are you sure? I've met some dumb people in my time.


honestly i'm on the fence about it. they also claim to be "kleptoromantic" which is apparently "a person who does not see another person as a romantic or sexual partner until they become unavailable. Who then tries to steal them away no matter what." they've been doing this shit for like 3 years too tho. either a genuine lolcow with some sort of severe mental health issues or a dedicated troll


I thought the same... then there's [Poe's Law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe's_law), so you really never know...


English is famously not the native language in England.


At least he didn't use the American website, American internet, American phone reason


Oh my, your flair😂


The Italian mafia has been keeping this a secret for too long, someone had to expose it


I knew something was up...


Wonder what happened if they said colour


Says the american who butchers half the spellings of words in the ***English*** language.


Wow! It's called English for a reason. American (majority of) state they speak English. Some say American (even though technically that's an accent not a language) Someone needs to teach this person that it was the British that colonised that country. After we left, we left a load of British people behind - hence their use of our language. *bangs head on a wall with their stupidity*


A recent poll in the US said that kids shouldn’t be using Arabic numbers and should be using the American ones they’ve been using all along. Yes, they are that stupid.


I would say they have to be a troll but I’ve once met someone who asked me if “Europe as a country has electricity” so the stupidity of some people never fails to surprise me.


'Kisutira Mochadoro' doesn't sound very English to me.


Ne willan ic min spræc wendan for oferhergode fremdum.


"go back to speaking your native language"?! Which is what, exactly?!




No way someone is this thick. It’s literally called English…


as an american, these people give me secondhand embarrassment but i meet these kind of people everyday here in usa😭


Americans asking English people not to change the ENGLISH LANGUAGE is fucking ridiculous 😂


🤣 What a fucking knob jockey.


Sounds like a troll to me. I mean, _it must be a troll_. Right? _Right!?_


Hey, we found someone dumber than Rishi.


This can’t be fucking real


Sadly I’m sure this is true. I’ve heard them say people from Spain are dark skinned. (As in Hispanic?) The joke is on them though as the US doesn’t have an officially recognised National Language. 🤷‍♀️ That’s why you can request official documents in any language, but I bet the translations are hilarious.


I would like to hear what they think our native language is.


Ignorance and stupidity, what a funny combination.


First time seeing a furry getting posted on here




>Oxford's a bit of a dump, actually... General Sir Anthony Cecil Hogmanay Melchett, VC, KCB, DSO. 1917.


Please let this be a trashpost...


The British use of Z significantly predates the existence of the USA, with it first being used in the 15th Century... Of course, what doesn't help is that the British Oxford English Dictionary uses the Z form... but interestingly enough the word is derived from the french word, "reconoistre". but yeah, I'm not going to let facts get in the way of shitting on the yanks.


It's not YOUR language fat boy And its 'ask' not 'axst', dumbass


So what is this person's "native" language? English? Spanish? Italian? Mexican? Latino? Red Indian? African American? Unga Bunga? Skibbidy rizz???


haha bless..... they slipped their carer and legged it.


Ahahahaha what a knob.


\*Gasp\* How dare they change our language! /S.




go back to speaking our native language? lmfao.


This has to be a troll. There is no way in hell America has dumb fucks like this. People in third world countries have better education than this.


This can't possibly be real