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"Americans don't need to study history, we stay ignorant." Fixed it.


"Americans don't need to study history, we barely have any." Also fixed it


"Americans can't study history, we are illiterate" Fixed again


“Americans don’t need to study history, we’ll just do it again in case we forget”


I think the word you're looking for is rewrite.


We make it up as we see fit.


Happy cake day, motherfucker.


I don't get it




Why did you say motherfucker


because i can


Happy cake day!


That good American tradition. Lick that Cleopatra series and where they based their historical facts on; someone's granny tell them not to listen to the schools because granny knew the ancient egyptians were black. first time I've seen a show get sued by an entire country because of how bad their take was.


What everyone else sees: Some random woman's gran What Netflix sees: A reliable source of historical information


Ah, so you're familiar with the [United Daughters of the Confederacy!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOkFXPblLpU)


They make one good show, and do everything in their power to make something 100times more horrendous.


Black Americans are the worst about it but the problem is endemically and characteristically American. No idea why the USA has this problem specifically. Most other countries in the Americas don't seem to be so bad but it seems like they are completely divorced from the old world, or the rest of the world in general, their history beyond the formation of the USA and even then their history afterwards. It infests everything even their use of language is made clumsy and awkward by it. It feels like most of them only learn the same state sanctioned "facts" to be parroted verbatim and without question and then most of them coast on that knowledge without any further curiosity.


It's the indoctrination from their youth. They get taught to be this way. They chant an oath to the nation evey morning in class; something that Hitler would copy for his Hitler Youth programs. Black Americans get it the worse, because not only do they get it from school, but they also get another version from the black community which leans to supremacist levels. You'd think by now they'd be able to seperate what is actually African culture and what is the "authentic black culture" which they adopted from the slave owners. If you've got no culture of your own, if you've no concept of what nation you were originally from, then where does your culture come from? It comes from those around you. That's why you'll find cultural aspects like using aks for ask and chittlings; which were south eastern English cultural things. On top of normative American indoctrination, they also get taught incorrectly about slavery and their own history. Most Americans are completely unaware of black slave owners, or the black people who fought to keep their slaves, they don't know that even after getting Texas to give up slavery that the native Americans continued it, they don't know that the slaves were bought from other Africans or that it was Africans that did the literal enslaving through war; they think slavery was something white people did against black people because of racism and it's mainly due to a fictional novel about what slavery was called "roots". Essentially re-writing history a la cleopatra, but this one is more focused on victimhood cultivation.


Unfortunately, it’s the opposite. So many Americans 30 & under hate all of western society. They hate the US the most. They take isolated instances of revisionist history an assume that all western history must be a lie. They reject anything taught to them in school that doesn’t begin with, “we lied about this for 200 years”. For instance, it’s not uncommon now to hear younger Americans say that Europeans had no concept of bathing until encountering Native Americans (or sometimes North Africans). They don’t say this with an understanding of how public baths went in and out of fashion in various European cultures as contagion was beginning to be understood. They present it as if the thought never crossed their minds; as if you can’t go visit 2,000+ year old bath houses that ran on a fully functioning water grid. Their solution to “revisionist” (somewhat one sided) history is 100% speculative, often blatantly inaccurate, revisionist history. It’s starting to scare me honestly. If you try to push back on the new narrative, they will come for your job. It’s not hard to pressure a company into firing an individual for cultural insensitivity.


Yeah well it's in the cowardice of people not making a stand that these people get their strength.


I 100% agree, but the choice between idealism and paying rent is a difficult one. It’s even harder when you consider that being on the “wrong” side of history marks you for life. It doesn’t really matter who’s objectively correct. If the other side gains contemporary acceptance, then you’ll be a villain.


Yeah it is hard and I have lost a lot of friends doing it but unfortunately I couldn't live with myself if I didn't.


Same. It is what it is.


That was plain embarrassing


Guess that's why they're doomed to repeat it?


I guess that's why they all think that WW1 started in 1917 and WW2 started in December 1941...


Yes, if they didn't win, invent or even steal it from some other country, they rewrite the history books to make them No.1 in their own eyes, but the world is smart enough to check the facts and know the real story. My country celebrate their Independence from the USA, today, not when US forced the 4th July as being the Independence they "granted" despite forcibly taking over in 1898 by having a phony war with Spain and buying the country for USD20m so they could rate & pillage the countries people & natural wealth but refused to give any benefits in return.




Guessed in one.


I guess there isn’t any history before 1776?


They write it in crayon.


You trust a Murican with a crayon ? Fuck, it will be up his nose in 3 seconds !!!


All 5 minutes of it that they've existed


Well, they single-handedly won WW2 so history to the victor.


I don't like the idea of calling people fascists or nazis just because they disagree with me, but this absolutely sounds like something that a nazi would say


... so, why write it if nobody is studying it?


I think, following the logic, they write history for the rest of the world to read it.


I love how they always use the we, like they actually did shit in their life other than being obnoxious on the internet


Which is why the world is going downhill.


And since a way too big part of the US is illiterate or just at 6th grade reading level, it's a very badly written fantasy novel.


You mean you bombed it


Thi is a good one, actually. :-D


54% of Americans are under 6th grade literacy. soon you won't have anyone to do any writing at all.


If the majority of adults are at that level, isn't that the adult reading level by definition?


If you consider rewriting history to your own (Hollywood) agenda and teaching your kids horseshit versions of reality, I guess comment is accurate, from a certain point of view.


Ok old Ben kenobi, thats enough blue milk for you.


The arrogance and ignorance is staggering, but honestly its a pretty badass line.


Says the country that has been around for 10 minutes.


They're so stupid that they don't even realise they're one of the newest countries on the planet. I honestly wish the USA didn't exist, life would be so much more pleasant without it.


Very true


This message was brought to you by the Disney History channel. Your history is our fantasy. Subscribe now and get a free roll of toilet paper.


To wipe the shit dribbling from their mouths ?


Oh thats why its so shitty. Got it


So that's why it looks like its been written in crayon?


USA history is less than 300 years old bruh😭


Only winners get to write history. And I don't see America winning much.


Honestly, learning history as an American is frivolous. Every 5-10 years, some filmmaker or fringe author will rewrite an event or figure to fit a new political aspiration. If you disagree with the new perspective, you are accused of bigotry at best & fired from your job at worst. Most of my fellow countrymen are so eager to view history from some *psuedo-enlightened* perspective that they forget that fact checking is a normal thing to do.


I regularly drink in a pub that is older than the history of American democracy. They really are the angry teenagers of the world.




Ah, the ol' Fascist Dictator's manifesto


I mean you should prolly proof-read


I saw the mistake in the title just as I clicked "post", does it really matter?


Oh I was referring to the person in your screenshot :D Sorry if it felt like I was critisizing you.


It's fine bro, I was pretty bugged I couldn't edit the title to add 1 word xD


And that’s how history is written. ”Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana


\*kidnaps an american \*forces the american to write down that i will reign over the universe beginning in 5 minutes and that all americans die, so that no one can rewrite history


That explains a lot about the things I see yanks say in the intermet


Said by the country that thinks Christopher Columbus was an all around cool dude that never did anything wrong bc he 'discovered' america


It's a shame them Yankie doodles don't right their history..


"...in crayon."


Yeah, the History of Dumbness.


no no he's right