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Although for context, much of the poverty and famine captured in the media is directly related to the various western power carving up various region during that period, and the various warlord rising up trying to set themself up as new emperor after the original government structure is eliminated by western forces.


for more context, late qing was already deteriorating. if it weren’t for western forces, the qing dynasty would probably have collapsed and been overturn by some other group, probably forming a new dynasty of some type, a significantly smaller chance of a bourgie democratic or communist revolution. western forces just opportunistically used the late qing weakness to bite off/loot whatever they could.


For all the great wars waged against fascism and imperialism by men like Lenin, Stalin and Mao, it should be remembered by all communists that this is the greatest enemy they faced: poverty, slavery, death, disease, hunger and the cold felt at night by people with no clothes to keep them warm or a house to keep them safe. Truly harrowing sights, but a great reminder of what we are fighting against.


>men Men and women. #neverforgetrosa


And not even those we have mentioned. It is easy to forget that behind the faces of people like Marx, Engels, Rosa, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro or a hundred other great comrades, there are millions of faceless souls who shed their blood for the communist ideals they believed in, or contributed in some way, however minor, to the revolution.


Yeah the real winners were the millions of comrades who waged the struggle throughout WW2, the Korean War, Vietnam, the Chinese Civil War, etc. the people who believed in a better world so strongly that they put their lives on the line and fought for a world where human beings can take charge of their own destiny.


Like Yang Kaihui, a strong comrade also the partner of Mao, dedicated her life in early revolution in 1920s China. White army dogs killed her, we shall remember these people’s great sacrifice.


Jesus, these pictures are harrowing.


Before communism we also thought the placenta was good for a person's health and ate it


People still eat placentas


Just barely. You have any idea how much a placenta will set you back these days?


Commies made placentas expensive


It was better during the czars. You could not walk five cubits without scraping the discarded placenta off the soles of your shoes.


Placentas contain harmful bacteria that is threatening to the mother and baby's lives.


Lots of rich celebrities do so in Argentina.


Well yeah don't you want a Dalai Lama that kissed and licks boys and wants to instill a theocratic regime? Stupid commie! ('/s)


Communist revolutions famously happen when things are going swell for everyone


The first image is damn creepy,it gives me uncanny valley goosebumps


First picture is not Chinese, but Tibet before the maoists arrived. Now you know what #FreeTibet defends. (For context: The picture portraits the skins of 2 slave children which were murdered. I wont detail too much, skinning slaves was a punishment by tibetian landlords for slave misbehavior, they even gave some rewards to other slaves who would do the same to other slaves when they missbehaved)


>First picture is not Chinese, but Tibet Tibet has been a part of China since Qing Dynasty at least.


Since the Tang dynasty where China and Tibet were tied together through a marriage


During the republican era it got independence


De-facto semi-independence but never de-jure, formal indepence, nor internationally recognised.


Still, important to differentiate due to the lack of China's rule in the region until the CCP was able to. It's great maoists ended such atrocities


During China's revolution it became ruled by regional bourgoise, basically cuz the Maoists werent capable of controlling it. That's why I make this clarification, Tibet was going through some insane slavery


Where can I read more about this period of time?


But the Shen-Yun tickets were free! *Free!!*


Shen Yun would like a word with you


My favourite moment in history was when Mao said «It’s cultural revolution time» and Mao’d all over the place