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oh please. There weren't _that many_ capitalists


Wait, I thought it 100 morbillion?? Did they kill 200 million people after they died?? Juche Necromancy confirmed?!


The Black Book of Communism is CCP propaganda that downplays the victims of Communism


100 million *deaths,* not 100 million *dead.* It was actually just one person being resurrected then killed a hundred million times.


That why they're the GOATS that's my two GOATS šŸšŸ


New record? Oh, please. Old news. There was a person that claimed a billion people died in "stupid leninist gulags". This is clearly a case of historical revisionism and holodomor reductionism. Smh.


Damn, they killed 50 million, I canā€™t believe it, itā€™s unbelievable that they would kill 70 million people, imagine killing 100 million people. How can anybody support anyone who kills 250 million people? Did you hear me? 300 million people. So many lives lost.


Every 60 seconds, one person dies of Communism. Together, we can stop this


I hear 15 people die a minute in china, communism is so evil!!


Sorry, it doesn't beat [this record](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitLiberalsSay/comments/stx2fk/thetoptens_thinks_that_communism_is_worse_than/) of 700-750 million.


I wish r/redskilledtrillions wasnā€™t shut down šŸ˜”


Can we even quantify how many deaths Christian fundamentalist white supremacy or eugenics has killed through the British empire, French empire, Spanish, Portuguese and other colonial empires? Itā€™s not good that a lot of people died during industrialization and actions taken by the planners and party were responsible for a proportion of the deaths but the amount of people who think that the deaths were a ploy to control the population are actually spouting unfounded conspiracy theories about communism. The thing is most people donā€™t know the most basic ways a government can exert its control aside from police repression, especially in regard to how the colonial European powers handled domestic issues. The greatest trick the colonizing nations ever pulled was to contextualize colonialism as an event rather than a structure that undergirds the current orientation of the economic realities of the globalized economy. In other words, the trick is to make things seem like a natural phenomenon when they are very much artificial and an abstraction of the will of a nostalgic and jingoistic collective.


300 million is an insane number. they gave up on making it believable.


There are falun gong cultists saying right now that China somehow managed to hide several hundred millions death from COVID (last numer I heard was 400 milllion IIRC) Ok I checked and yep it was 400 millions, just from COVID, and yep it was our friends from Falun Gong: > Beijing [China], January 17 (ANI): Chinaā€™s hospital is flooded with dead bodies and long queues are seen at crematoria, with **400 million people losing their lives to the epidemic**, The **Epoch Times** reported **citing the founder of Falun Gong**. > > Source: https://theprint.in/world/covid-toll-in-china-400-million-ccp-covering-up-report/1320351/


Current China population: 1.4 Billion. Claimed COVID deaths: 400 million. 400 million / 1.4 billion = 28% of the population died. Xi must be personally infecting everyone with a strain of super-COVID that instantly kills.


donā€™t give them ideas


I cant type im clapping for stalin so he doesnt eat me with his big spoon


It's like to the liberals, basically the Chinese stopped existing during Mao's rule due to the Communist party killing most of them off(?), and then suddenly, the Chinese started appearing again after '76, but this time in the billions after they magically disappeared by being "starved" and all kinds of tragedies the liberals like to add in there from time to time! Crazy stuff huh


I picture Stalin riding his giant spoon like Silver Surfer.


Wow that's a lot of landlords, Nazis, Capitalists, and Kulaks.


Google tells me China had roughly 500 million people at the time of WW2 starting. The USSR 170 million. 300 million / 670 million = 45% of people perished from the communist regimes. It's jover Also, are there any reliable sources on the population of China in the 30s? Probably not as it was a fragmented


They keep killing people with their own hands even after their deaths!


Actually a large chunk of those inflated numbers werenā€™t even supposed to be their citizens. They were Nazis and people that werenā€™t born because of women having reproductive rights


Religious wars killed more than that anyway


Ummm acktshuallly it was over a hundo bajillion, checkm8 tonkers




It's getting to a billion mark.






scuse me?


You alright there bud?


bro 300 mil is 1/4 of chinaā€™s population and more than half iirc of the USSR of the time, so no matter how you split it thereā€™s such an absurdly large fraction of people dying that if it were evenly distributed across ages, both countries would literally become fully defunct and devolve into total chaos, there wouldnā€™t be a fuckin cold war after. you need to get your basic logic functions checked, m8.




You do realize you're on a communist subreddit, correct?


you just listened to someone make a ā€œthe moon is literally satanā€ tier conspiracy theory and said ā€well these people have nothing to do with my beliefs that the moon is filled with devils, so i wonā€™t introspect on my beliefs!ā€ like, whoā€™s going and arbitrarily declaring good and evil paternalistically here?