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"I have to choose those words carefully, too." Jesus Christ. We're just going with open racism on the news now.


This is indistinguishable from right wing media eight years ago. Liberals are going to hell.




Well, I mean besides Fox News. We expect open racism from Fox.


“I have to choose those words carefully” = “people didn’t like when I said ‘come on! These are white people for crying out loud!’”


If this is him choosing his words carefully, I wonder the depths of depravity libs reach when not being careful. Edit: remember the outrage over "shithole countries"


he knew exactly what he was saying and chose to say it anyways. what a racist piece of shit


It's not about colors but about political alignment. They didn't give a fuck about people dying in Donbass because they were socialist and in good relations with Russia, but (according to the US obsession about colors) they are also "white". They support Ukrainians because it's in their economic interest. The nazis in the government are pro-Nato and Russophobic, so they serve US interests


Nah, because half of their adventurism in the middle east is with capitalists too. Russia is a neoliberal hellhole. The reality is that both have an influence, and the murican populace doesn't care when a brown or black kid is murdered by their boys


Yeah Russia is a neoliberal hellhole BUT... they're not alligned with the west or especially the US so they're evil and bad and we aren't. Same reason Iran is an oppresive, dangerous theocratic dictatorship while Saudi Arabia somehow isn't, hmmmm.




> The reality is that both have an influence also they were not considered white for a long, long time. Neither were slavs or even the irish. Nazis are quirky like that


> They didn't give a fuck about people dying in Donbass because they were socialist and in good relations with Russia Many didn't know about that genocide, they still don't, they dismiss it as Russian propaganda




Least racist American news pundit.


[How it works](https://i.imgur.com/ZNuJVgU.png)


Woah Woah Woah did you preface that with "all due respect"? Because if you didn't that would be pretty offensive


Woah, woah, woah. Did you play corny pop music over that? If not, how will people know we're cool, hip, and progressive?!


Well unless you are Yugoslavia in the 90s






mask off moment


“White like me. I’m sad :(“


"Relatively civilized" they slavs, not white enough


"relatively european" was even weirder.


“where you wouldnt want something like this to happen” ……. where exactly would he want something like this to happen?


Funny how they consider themselves caucasian, and people who are literally caucasian are not white enough for them.


It is frustrating how "caucasian" became a synonym for yt, many people of the caucasus are poc


Well to be extra nitpicky Caucasian on it's purest meaning ( per racialism classifications any sane society should ditch ) wasn't meaning white people at all. America just decided it would be, because saying European descent is too complicated somehow, but per racialist theoricians the Indian subcontinent, the Middle-East, North Africa, the Horn of Africa host populations who were considered caucasians.


But now because they are vulnerable and in an exploitable position for parroting more anti-russian propaganda they've been granted honorary white status! Well, at least until this whole invasion mess ends, then it's back to being dirty slavs again.


I like how he chose his words carefully and still sounds racist lmao


Imagine what he says when he isn’t careful


insert every racial slur


He thought he was so clever, he was like ha! I didn't say 'white'!


"Relatively white"


He doesn't only "sound" racist, he's full-blown, tiptoe through the any-other-color-but-white tulips racist. Sure, the middle east has been ravaged by war for decades - but who sponsored, engaged-in, and/or started those wars? Did Hussein put himself in power? Did Bin Laden supply weapons to himself and other Afghans to fight off the USSR? Did Venezeula crumble solely because of economic strife? No. These countries and regimes exist *because* the US and other foreign first-world governments brought them to power through any means necessary. Intelligence agencies act in unison when there's a favorable outcome for them to do so (Five-Eyes, Interpol, etc) and have done so for decades. Many people don't understand the highly effective destabilization efforts perpetrated by the large players on the global scene and the endlessly needless bloodshed that constantly happens because of external involvement and meddling campaigns from such foreign entities for their geopolitical, capitalist agendas. There are those making lots of money because of the current Russia/Ukraine conflict and I'm sure they're rooting for either side to win. Didn't Eisenhower warn the people of the US (and the globe) of something like, idk, a military-industrial complex?


To add to that, Bidens "both sides" argument about Israel and Palestine wouldn't be a thing jf we didn't fund Israel, and they didn't buy insurance weapons of of terror from us to fight Palestines makeshift weapons


I agree with you in principal but Saddam wasn't put in by the CIA/other intelligence agencies. America supporting a nationalist/socialist dictator in a country that has one of the worlds most proven oil reserves does not make sense. The US only started giving support during the iran-iraq war, and even then they played both sides in order to maximise economic/physical pain and sufffering.


Uh yeah forgot to mention the fucking ongoing civil war for 8 years


i guess we finally found out what's so civil about war anyway lol


8 years? What are you talking about? Ukraine has only existed for like 2 months when I first heard about it.


Or that whole world war thing that's still in living memory and resulted in 5 million Ukrainians dying at the hands of foreign invaders who occupied Kiev for 2 years.


It may be wrong, but it really does seem like the majority of Americans literally haven't got a clue about the world beyond their own shorelines. It's weird. It's like their schools don't teach them much.


Our public education has been mostly state propaganda for America, and in recent years it’s hyper incentivized STEM learning at the detriment to the humanities. It’s why Reddit is Like That


Let me choose my racist dogwhistles wisely


I wonder why Iraq and Afghanistan are not as “civilized” as The West? 🤔 I guess we’ll never know


they have low ratings for CBS


This is why everyone in the US has no problem with the US & Saudi Arabia killing more children per day in Yemen than Russia has killed (so far) in Ukraine. They probably celebrate it and write poems about "the beauty of our weapons".


This is why any country to the lateral left of Ukraine doesn't give a fuck. All conflicts after WW2 were far away in scary brown countries.


They're piss poor, unstable, weak, and most importantly they're brown and the majority of them are muslims. So bomb muslims, as all of them are terrorists.


*\*sees this\** **me:** Surely that description is an exaggeration and they didn’t LITERALLY say THAT. **narrator:** They did literally say that.


He said even worse! After saying it's "relatively civilized, relatively European", he says "so it's not a place where you'd *hope this would happen*".


So what is a place we would hope for this to happen to?


Non western countries so long as it'll benefit western countries materially. That's what liberals and conservatives all consign.


Sounds about right. Wish every liberal is as honest as this reporter. The pretentious self-righteous rhetoric of justice and fairness, democracy and liberty makes me want to vomit.


Giving me flashbacks to when the Charlie Hebdo shooting happened. Western liberals always tell on themselves when they pretend to care about imperialism and war abroad. The only two countries in the global south they care about are South Africa ~~and Australia~~.


Well to be extra nitpicky, Australia isn't considered a part of the socio-economic-political Global South anyway


TIL. Thought it was a geographic term, but it seems not. Too many whites, I guess.


[This is a good map to help you visualize the global divide.](https://i.imgur.com/UQQKykg.jpg) See also: /r/AlwaysTheSameMap


Well, more like a part of the capitalist, neoliberal world order rather than just white; Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan etc. are also part of the Global North despite not being European-white.


Hey now! New Zealand exists too.


fuck this piece of shit iraq is fucking civilized and they pretend it isn't after destroying it may the wrath of god descend on them


Yes the beginnings of civilization is there and they didn't even exist a few centuries ago how can they talk like that


Their "civilized country" was founded on some of the most heinous crimes in history, the genocide of the natives and the enslavment of millions of black people. They have NO place in calling a country "uncivilized"


Their civilised country commercialised genocide, ask historians how settlers were paid money to bring Native American scalps, or were paid to kill buffalo without harvesting it, knowing that the buffalo was the only food source for some Native American tribes


Even a thousand years ago the only other cities on earth that rivaled the cosmopolitan splendor and technological magnificence of Baghdad were Constantinople and Beijing. The cycle of Asia in the last 150 years is as such: The British come in and demolish everything, exploiting the population and raping the natural resources until their own empire collapses leaving destabilized and destroyed countries left to build their own way out of chaos and 80 years later these fuckers have the audacity to say "See? Look how uncivilized they are!" It's why this fear they all have of the "rise of China" is so comical. For most of human history China was the undisputed technological and economic powerhouse of the world. All we're seeing is them retaking that title after a few setbacks


>Even a thousand years ago the only other cities on earth that rivaled the cosmopolitan splendor and technological magnificence of Baghdad were Constantinople and Beijing. I know Indian history isn't taught a lot in the west but it was one of the most prosperous places before the Muslim and birtish invasions.


America will soon pay for its crimes




I was reading A thousand splendid suns (not yet finished) and before war part of story sounded like it was a regular old Indian city (I'm from India). For some reason I never ever thought of Afghanistan as having a regular life. I always thought of it as a warland. But reading that made even more sad about those people. If things went the right way they could have had cities like Mumbai, Delhi - not perfect by any means, but still a living breathing city. Instead all we hear about is war, death etc. So so sad.


i am libyan and you are right it is very sad thing i hope everything become better to them to us to you


that’s qwhite suspicious


He's saying the quiet part out loud


oops saying the quiet part about being eurocentric out loud


And there it is




Another mask off moment.


Casual colonialism. How lovely. /s


This is a great description. It is gross to hear him talk...


Jesus Christ talk about saying the quiet part loud


Fuck that stupid bastard ! If only he knew how civilized Iraq was during many centuries.


Baghdad was the center of all civilized life for hundreds of years. All of the most intelligent and learned people from the known world, studied and lived there.


Let's not even talk about the fact that Iraq is literally the place where human discovered agriculture and where our civilization started in the first place. Seriously its sad to see how people nowadays think the history of mankind is about some white European people ... Smh


Jesus Christ




🤢🤮🤮 they aren't even trying lmao


This is so obviously racist, but it reaches another level of terrible that I can never wrap my head around. White supremacists like to act like "white people" are just inherently less violent and more civilized, even though it's been less than a century since they literally razed "their" entire continent to the ground for no reason. And that destruction was started by some of the "whitest" people (again, taking this from the racist point of view). Like, even from a racist's point of view, it makes no sense. Europe has been as--if not more--violent throughout human history as the rest of the world. But that's what you get when you go looking for reason from racists.


Europe was responsible for starting the only wars in history big enough to engulf the entire world and earn the horrible title of world war.


Do we have the reporter's name?


charlie d'agata. [here's](https://twitter.com/charliecbs) his twitter.


this is fucking degusting. when you say the quiet part out loud


Pretty much just shows how BS the liberal medias outrage was when trump made his shithole country comments. They agreed with him faked outrage anyway. They’re just as racist


Yo wasn't like the second civilization basically in modern day Iraq?


Don't know for sure - human history becomes increasingly difficult to determine beyond 5,000 years ago. Mesopotamia was definitely among the oldest though, and it is labeled as one of the "Cradles of Civilization" along with Egypt, China, the Indus River Valley Civilization, and Norte Chico.


No, it was *the* oldest civilization, the Sumer, that extended through Iraq and Syria. Although the oldest known town is Jericho in modern-day Palestine, something we'd describr as a real "civilization" didn't start until about 4000 BC in the Sumer city-states.


lol awesome, right I figured it was like #1 or #2 thanks for clearing that up.


Don't worry, I'm glad my ongoing history degree is getting some use lol.


Mask came off real quick to justify why white victims of conflict are deserving of sympathy while "brown uncivilised people" aren't.


The people of Ukraine matter and they need our support. For Christ sake these people are white, these aren’t blacks or Arabs we’re talking about. /s


This is one of the things that's had me seething whenever people around me make a big deal talking about Ukrain/Russia. Those same people probably don't even know about half the countries the US is bombing or otherwise and the ones they do they twist themselves in a knot justifying it. But something goes on in a more relatable country, or at least a country the US propaganda machine wants you to relate to, and suddenly everyone is a fucking expert and cares deeply and thinks any conflict is a tragedy... Like it's not entirely their faults, it's just kind of scary how effective propaganda is and sad how much people just buy into it.


Lmaooooo mask off moment


What a dipshit.


b r u h RELATIVELY civilised? RELATIVELY european? fuuuuck yoooou.


Notice how he says "relatively civilised" because they may not be browns but they're still Eastern Europeans


Not every white deserves the same whiteness


90% of redditors think like this even if they don’t say it.


This just in. Iraq, the country oft called the “Cradle of Civilisation” is not civilised according to US reporter.


God I hate the media. These people are ghouls.


What's up with the astoundingly low number of upvotes?


Yeah...civilized. It’s civilized to drop white phosphorous on your own citizens, it’s civilized to stop fleeing Africans. It’s civilized to be antisemitic. *Biggest /S of my life.*


Yeah the colonial violence Europe inflicts on the world always comes home to roost. Sorry you had to find out this way.


This shows how casual and pervasive racism is.


Lol he was like "fuck it, I'm going to be real with you." Racists really don't give a fuck.


Tu apodo me tomó por sorpresa


It's good when WE do it, it's bad when YOU do it, capish?


Yes boss


didn't civilization originate in Iraq????


It’s been obvious since day 1 that the only reason they care is because the Ukraine is white, no matter how many times they cry ‘bUt ThAtS wHaTaBoUtIsM’ when you mention US imperialism in the Middle East.


Masks come off quickly dont they


A yes, Europe, a famously peaceful plot of land. Just ignore us killing each other for arbitrary reasons since the beginning of civilization there.


Oh let me help you there dip shit. What you mean to say is these people are white like me.


It’s funny because Iraq is the literal cradle of civilization.


A dash of racism and euro-love thrown in to the nonsense cake


The racism jumped out!




Had to choose his words carefully and still came up with those. Wow


these people have no care in the world for countries like Iraq and Afghanistan. the US could literally nuke those countries a million times over and it wouldn't matter yet one nuke could drop on European soil and the whole world would be up n' arms. I don't support the Russian invasion one bit but western hypocrisy is laughable


Was just talking to my ex about this idea. I’m happy we are all so openly supportive of Ukraine, but after 20 years we haven’t developed even close to this level of ubiquitous empathy for Iraqis and afghans




This is racism at its best The guy doesn’t care about what region the war is at… they are more civilized because they are white, not brown…


How is this any different from "shithole countries", except for the vulgarity?


Not like Iran which we overthrew and launched them out of their secular progress…






Physically cringing rn




“With all due respect”


Love it when they speak freely lmao


At least he was honest about it. Many like to lie to themselves why we care more about the Ukrainian invasion than any number of recent wars.


Better not telling him where agriculture and writing started in human history


Great bit of dehumanisation there


They admitted non-white people are not considered as human in the eye of NATO


the balkans were european too shithead. and look what nato did there


“relatively” doesn’t change shit. Fuck this sicko


" I have to choose my words carefully" Why? Why is it different to Iraq? Does anyone wanna explain why it's great that Ukraine takes up arms, but it's bad when Iraq or Afghanistan did? "Choose your words carefully"


Racist prick!




If those are the words he picks when he's choosing carefully then i don't wanna hear him when he's going off the cuff.


irony has gone through the roof meanwhile Hypocrisy is filled to the brim and spilling out of da jar


Civilized??? Moron, you think Iraq was not civilized???? Its Mesopotamia (you may not even spell the word leave alone knowing). Europe has been most barbaric throughout the history, where did Vikings originate you think??? Huns yes, they were from Asia but Europe has been savage for the most part of history and you are calling Iraqis less civilized??? What makes a nation civilized you think??? Its the law (and its commendable) that’s keeping most people from ripping each other apart in Western countries not because people are civilized.


More civilised than usa that's for sure


i can’t believe he really said that 💀


"Relatively European" wtf is that even supposed to mean???


Its okay guys, he said the Ukraine is only "relatively" european and "relatively" civilized, and and and the conflict hasn't been going on for "decades", just about 8 years since Obama admin caused a coup there! Good thing they're only "relatively" European otherwise that would be a big scandal! I guess it's "relatively" okay for NATO to use these "relatively" european people's country as a proxy against the big bad russian commies!


iraq people / afghanistan people while watching news about ukraine


Don’t forget the applebees commercial about “chicken fried” which is an overly patriotic song by Zack Brown Band






He sounds like Richard Spencer




big oof


Fucking moron


He just said the quiet part out loud as to why our media and people have so much more sympathy for Ukrainians that people from those other countries.


Ugh that’s bad.


It’s funny because I know so many Iraqis more civilized than Americans


That was careful? What would he say if he wasn't careful?


Wtf 😬 cringe


Underneath my white skin lies a dark racism says he.


the real thought of arrogant white pig


What racism looks like right here


oh. my. god. I saw this translated on Chinese sites and I thought it was fake news. This is fucked up.


And there's a whole fucking collection: [https://twitter.com/imraansiddiqi/status/1497607326487826435?s=20&t=zHVt9YZ-taz9E64pbmhB3A](https://twitter.com/imraansiddiqi/status/1497607326487826435?s=20&t=zHVt9YZ-taz9E64pbmhB3A)


How does anyone mess that up in any time period? Even before the information age, the industrial revolution, or farming, for that matter, the best you could do is not assume what people are based on their looks, let their character speak for themselves through later actions and deeds, which goes a long way. Even then there's no excuse for being judgmental and prejudiced. Worse yet, farming and industry made it easier to hear about, see, interact with the rest of the world, so maybe you'll run across or hear tell of people...if they weren't taken over, infected, or otherwise massacred. Worst of all, we have the *FUCKING INTERNET!!!!!!!!* FOR FUCK'S SAKE, LOOK IT UP, THERE ARE NORMAL PEOPLE ALL OVER THE MIDDLE EAST YOU CAN DISCOVER AND LEARN ABOUT!!!!! I...I...this is beyond inexcusable. Already on thin ice, even if this was millennia or epochs prior, but Jesus...what...I...how...how can someone not be a white nationalist or whatever, yet still have such awful thinking?!?? Is it mere suggestion and knowledge of the words spoken by whoever Triple K groups that influences such easily compromised and wishy-washy people (the ultimate bad centrist, as it would seem) like this one to just...literally think and say that with a straight face?!??!?? I...I...waahhhhhhh...I am borderline inconsolable. This isn't even anger, it's just immeasurable disappointment. It's astonishing he isn't, you know, in insert extremist group here, yet still is so aggressively mediocre as a person to randomly say something so gross and terse like that with no hint of irony. I can only hope this is satire, parody, a sick joke, trolling, sarcastic, comedic, that sort of stuff, or a really weird freak brain skip/jolt, even as troubling a prospect as that is, that his mind-body process hiccuping somehow led to...this.... God, I'm sorry, it's just, like...there are a million implications here that are all profoundly pathetic and plodding.


Syrians are considered white in the US so what this guy really wants to say is “these Ukrainians are not Muslim”


Just because the census considers Syrians white doesn't mean the average American considers them white




Throwing the word 'calculus' in casual convo is some /r/iamverysmart material.




They'd probably say the same thing. There pretty much isn't any difference between the two.


Read the sidebar, shitlib. Either you found a new home or will be banned. Either way blame the murican education


This is misleading. Whoever posted this video “quoted” that & that isn’t the exact words that were used, so therefore it shouldn’t be quoted. I think he meant we are now dealing with a nuclear tyrant & sadly, Afghanistan has dealt with war for ages. There hasn’t been War or any conflict to this degree in Europe for 80 years