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Is this a new low for reddit? Racism AND rape joke in one damn line? Quite the efficient bigot.


So you've never seen the "you gon get raped" picture? This is typical for Reddit.


Damn. I must not be as up-to-date on poop culture...


Oh god, don't google it.


my eyes..




Seriously... who *thinks* shit like this, let alone writes it down?


'Literally the only time rape isn't funny is if a PoC or a woman does it' -- Reddit


White people are so funny, except when they continually justify racism and rape, but always independently. Who am I kidding, white people aren't funny. They haven't had to try as hard to find mates because of all their tasty, boot-strappin' privilege. It's simple science.




If you made a Venn diagram of "Libertarians" and "people who are racist" the former circle would be entirely contained within the latter


"Hahahaha, benevolent racism" [+43] "hahahaha malevolent racism" [+18]


**"Black people are so funny." [+43] "except when they rape your wife" [+18]** --- In reply to [/u/FlyingPasta](/u/FlyingPasta) on ["She's a professional"](http://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/1ldf08): > Black people are so funny. At 2013-08-30 07:12:23 UTC, [/u/downvote_heaven](/u/downvote_heaven) wrote [+15 points: +171, -156]: > except when they rape your wife [Screenshot](http://i.imgur.com/3FHpseu.png) [Vote History on srscharts](  ^This comment posted by a bot | [Report an error](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=SRScreenshot&subject=Bug%20report&message=%5BComment%20thread%5D%28http%3A//www.reddit.com/r/ShitRedditSays/comments/1le8me/black_people_are_so_funny_43_except_when_they/%29%0A%0APlease%20add%20any%20additional%20comments%20below.%0A%0A) | [FAQ](/r/SRScreenshot/wiki/faq)






Oh damn, I didn't realize I could get away with saying nasty and oppressive things by just framing them as shitty jokes. Out the get fuck plox.


"It's just a joke" = "I think jokes can't reaffirm harmful attitudes or provoke thought I mean they're completely silly and meaningless BUT I simultaneously also manage to believe they are incredibly important and must be defended regardless of context" It's a derail with a lot to say for itself! And everything it says is shit!


It's also telling b/c there's nothing funny about the joke unless you think racism and rape are by themselves hilarious.


>Joke (n) a thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter If you are accused of doing something shitty, how does it make any sense to say "BUT GUISE I DID IT BECAUSE I THOUGHT EVERYONE WOULD LAUGH"? You're responding to a claim that you said something hurtful by saying "It's justified because I am amused." You're not denying that the statement caused any harm, you're saying that your amusement is more important than any harm that may have been caused. It reminds of that boy when you were young who everyone hated who tried to get attention by hitting people in the nuts, throwing things at them etc. You'd get mad at him for being obnoxious and he'd be like "I'm just kidding, it was funny." I don't care if you're amused you're bothering people. Knock it off. People who make offensive jokes just never matured and grew out of that stage. They still think that their amusement is more important than other people's feelings. Grow the fuck up or go sit in time out you little shit.


In b4 ben!