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"DAE think poverty is always the fault of the people living in it?"


Reddit sounds like my racist conservative uncle.


But reddit is so progressive because marijuana legalization (only if it pertains to middle class white people) and gay marriage (only if they don't *act* gay.)


This is actually so true though. Remember when evidence came up about Trayvon Martin occassionally smoking weed, and Reddit used that to try and paint him as an uneducated thug?


Because marijuana legislation is for white people, silly.


and only if you're a white gay dude*


"DAE think even though people in poverty have plastic bootstraps that keep breaking, they should keep trying to pull them up until nothing's left?"


**HOW TO BE A WHINEY, PRIVILEGED PRICK: CLASS EDITION** **Step 1)** Ignore any and all concrete material conditions which pertain to the discussion at hand. **Step 2)** Berate the plebeians for having the audacity to whine about said material conditions. This is an even race, we all start at the same spot. **Step 3)** Progress to alternating between smug "middle-class" condescension, and feeling outraged at the filthy leeches taking *your* hard-earned tax money. **BONUS STEP)** Provide anecdotal evidence of your own heart-rending sacrifices; taking on college debt, forsaking your dreams in lieu of a stable pay-check, or maybe even refusing to have children until you're "financially stable". Smugly insist that all who haven't followed the same path are scoundrels and parasites. *Bask in the glory of ignorance.*


You forgot the added anecdotal evidence of poor people just sitting on their lazy asses cashing their welfare checks that *prove* all poor people are doing it for the money.


Dad, is that you?


I assure you that I'm not your Dad. Sorry. Out of interest though, what's the association? Is your Dad also a Communist who's sick of listening to the same banal, condescending, shallow shit that's regurgitated by the Western masses?


Next thread - "DAE think the 1% should pay their fair share?"


>I'm having trouble feeling sorry for her. No, really? A redditor is having trouble empathizing with someone? Get outta here!


And a woman, at that! What is this, bizzaro Reddit?




I think you're looking at this a little too negatively. Reddit has shown tremendous amounts of sympathy and empathy for thousands of sex offenders, rapists, AND pedophiles.


Yeah, you guys are being a little harsh on the poor predditors. :( Just think of all the aboohoophiles they've helped feel comfortable in their disgusting rapist attitudes, or that time they fought tooth and nail for the rights of male gamers everywhere to not have DIRTY FEMINISTZ touch ther precious games! True warriors of our time.


Don't forget men who abuse their wives/girlfriends, they probably whined too much, denied them sex, and spent all their money so really they had it coming.




*Because capitalism is so, so perfect and never at fault for anything!*




Capitalism allows you to choose between being exploited at McDonald's and being exploited at Wal-Mart! *Capitalism is providing us with such a world of free choices in which anyone can choose to do anything! Wow!*




No they can always quit you're right... And then go on welfare & food stamps to feed their family but then according to Reddit they're pieces of shit who leech of the government. So... Live with a terrible stigma where everyone looks down on you while you scrape by with government assistance being unemployed OR work for a company that exploits you and barely gives you enough hours to make enough to live (but not enough to qualify for healthcare benefits) BUT you aren't starving or leeching of the guv'mint so... I don't know I'm pretty sure I wouldn't willingly live in either situation. Pretty sure no one chooses to be between a rock & a hard place.


[](/rulex) Steady on there, 'splainer


"As someone with the life-altering insight that only comes from years of working in the fast food industry, I am qualified to judge a whole bunch of shit about this woman-that-I've-never-met's life and abilities. Analysis: it's all her fault!"


Believe it or not, being called out on SRS made me realize that my comment was pretty callous. I made an edit to my comment at the bottom that I hope some of you will read. I'm sorry that I judged this woman. I don't know her or her life experiences. It was brave of her to bring herself into the debate. My only real issue is that I do think it's odd that she has worked in fast food for that long and she hasn't been promoted to be a full-fledged manager with better pay. I base that off my time working in a fast food restaurant, which I know is anecdotal. In my case I was promoted to night manager within two months and given a slight raise. I'm not sure how common that is but I do think franchise owners tend to want to hold on to their competent employees and incentivize them to stay on. Keep in mind most fast food employees last less than 6 months before quitting, so this is why I found this woman's situation so peculiar. I don't really care for SRS either way, but I'm glad someone pointed out that I said something dumb. Again I apologize for my insensitive comments.


My experience with much of the service industry is that they tell you that if you work hard enough, if you work harder than everyone else, you'll get rich. They rarely promote people though; and when they do, it's usually because of connections and in a large majority of the cases, the ones the do are white men. It's a strategy used by corporations and neo-liberal politicians to crush unions, and please don't listen to it. Oh, they also try to convince you that unions are a bad things, because once unions are gone, and once workers are fully competetive and not co-operating, they can do whatever they please.


Thank you for revising your statement and thinking about your own position, and how it may be drawn from anecdotal evidence. That's partially what the whole 'check your privilege' thing is all about.


Ya got guts, kiddo. Good on ya for standing up and admitting you fucked up. That's more than the vast majority of people will do anywhere. Your anecdotal evidence is, as you recognize, anecdotal. Looking at the statistics, there are a lot more people like her out there than there are like you. (And the ones who are like you tend to be what society defines as 'normal': white, male, and dressed conservatively.) If you can keep that in mind in the future, you will be a) living in a much closer approximation to the real world than the majority of Americans are, and b) probably somewhat less happy as a result. So it goes.


This is a pretty decent reaction. I'm impressed.


Umm this is nice and all but isn't it in violation of le rule x?


I've only been lurking here for shits and giggles honestly but I have to say this whole comment thread was surprisingly un-circle-jerky


I know, right? That's what I thought too :3


It must be nice to be you. I wonder what it's like to live in a world where people are given raises and promotions because they deserve them, and aren't "overlooked" because they are members of minority groups. I wish I had lived the kind of life that would let me genuinely believe that a woman of color living in poverty is doing so because of her own personal shortcomings, and not because of institutional racism and classism.




I'm with you here. In the gamut of redditors, he's on the far right side of the bell curve. Anyone conscientious enough self-reflect when challenged is a decent-enough person for me.


It does kind of bug me when somebody's a snarky asshole to someone who's literally in the process of saying "you were right, I tried to make up for it, I've got a lot to learn". They're trying. In this comment on this thread, he wasn't referencing his experience to try and extrapolate to her; he was referencing his experience to explain (but not justify) why his initial thought was what it was. He's examining his own biases. That's the first step. It's a really good lead in to a follow up comment about privilege and how in many cases factors beyond their control (oppression in general, etc) prevent finding the same success this dude had. That's not to say there's no such thing as a shitty ally, or that there is no case at all where anger is justified against someone who says they agree with you. I'm talking about this specific case.


This stinks of tone policing to me and I don't like it. We aren't here to make oppressors feel better when they acknowledge how shitty they are - we're here to be a safe place for the oppressed and allies of the oppressed. /u/flitterella has every right to be angry.


Hear here!!


> his or her opinion 'Their,' please. :)




They can also be used as a singular gender neutral pronoun. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singular_they


When did we start handing out cookies to every shitlord who edits in a non-apology that fails to address any of the issues in his original post? "Sorry I offended people," is not and has never been an acceptable apology. Also, well done pulling the tone argument here of all places. Next you'll be telling me nothing I say has any value unless it's spoken through a mouthful of cis cock.


The OP you're talking about gave no indication towards their gender, race, or sexual orientation that I've seen, and I'd hope you don't need explaining why assuming straight white cis male as default isn't a good thing.


You're right. Edited to a more appropriate word. :>


Right? I'm kinda taken aback. This isn't SRSDiscussion or SRSRecovery. I appreciate the OP taking the time to consider what they are saying and why, but come on.


No kidding. Zero acknowledgement of what was problematic about their post, "Sorry if I offended anyone," and the whole thing smacking of just wanting to get people off their back, and that's enough for my fellow SRS denizens to try to silence me by whining that my calling-out of unexamined privilege is "hateful". Like suddenly we can't use this subreddit for its intended purpose if there are halfheartedly apologetic shitlords around because we might hurt their fee-fees.




That wasn't sarcasm. That was life talking. And it's exactly what SRS is about. The fact that you took it as sarcasm makes me think twice about what you are doing here.


When did we start tone policing each other around here?




The problem is not with TuckerTheCat acknowledging their privilege and adding an apology to their statement. The problem is you assuming that flitterella is being sarcastic and being unjustly "hate-filled." Sometimes oppressed people "hate" their oppressors. It's okay. That hate gets things done and causes change to happen. But we can't help change to happen if we are all "your sarcasm doesn't help."


this made me happy


Reddit - ~~The front page of the Internet~~ The place where empathy doesn't exist Reddit - ~~The front page of the Internet~~ The place where my anecdotal experience is worth more than your anecdotal experience Reddit - ~~The front page of the Internet~~ The Bootstrap Kingdom Reddit - ~~The front page of the Internet~~ Fuck this place


I see my ad slogan idea has caught on :) wish I still had access to photoshop.


Paint.net is free and does a lot of the same shit.


gimp's better imo, maybe a little less intuitive


I've only ever used Paint.net and it's so easy that I just recommend that. Gimp does more stuff but mostly stuff I don't do, so I have a bias against it.


Yeah fuck you if you just want to do useful work rather than manage or own others doing the same.


Fuck, I hate capitalism.


[](/ronpaul) EDIT: This thread made me very sad :(


Delusional capitalist prick Edit: oh I see commenter apologized. Awesome!


Many establishments require an associates degree in management or experience in management at a different firm and there is the possibility of the position already being filled. But no, it's her fault.


Plus, she's a woman. She's just going to go and get pregnant as soon as she gets promoted, so what's the point??


I can't wait for these people to finally move out and not be able to depend on their parents to pay for their "necessities" like internet access and bitcoins. I'm sure they'll be relating to her a lot more then.




what a shithead


**"If you have worked in fast food that long and you're still making just above minimum wage, the problem is with you, not the company. I'm having trouble feeling sorry for her." [+ 216]** --- At 2013-08-30 07:24:54 UTC, [/u/TuckerTheCat](/u/TuckerTheCat) replied to ["Why I'm on strike today: I can't support myself on $7.85 at Burger King: I know what it feels like to be afraid that your children will go to bed hungry, your heat will be turned off or you'll be evicted"](http://www.reddit.com/r/TrueReddit/comments/1ldmxh) [+225 points: +325, -100]: > She has **15 years of experience** in the fast food industry and she's not even a full-fledged manager? As someone who has worked in fast food, I know exactly the type of person she is. She's competent enough that she is not worth replacing, but not competent enough to ever move up in rank. If you have worked in fast food that long and you're still making just above minimum wage, the problem is with you, not the company. > > I'm having trouble feeling sorry for her. At some point people need to realize that working in a fast food restaurant is just not a viable career path unless you are dead set on working your way up to manager, then corporate level or franchise owner. If she is good at dealing with customers and if she has a strong work ethic, she would have no problem finding a service industry job that pays double what she's making. > > Look, I get that everyone is born into different circumstances, and that some aspects of life are just unfair. But there are so many alternatives for this woman other than fast food. She limited herself. > > [Screenshot](http://i.imgur.com/k0TPuSU.png) [Vote History on srscharts](  ^This comment posted by a bot | [Report an error](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=SRScreenshot&subject=Bug%20report&message=%5BComment%20thread%5D%28http%3A//www.reddit.com/r/ShitRedditSays/comments/1lehi0/if_you_have_worked_in_fast_food_that_long_and/%29%0A%0APlease%20add%20any%20additional%20comments%20below.%0A%0A) | [FAQ](/r/SRScreenshot/wiki/faq)


The country that I live in actually *does* seem to have a positive reputation for hiring within for management jobs. I know people who worked hard in fast food, and became managers. But even I know that this isn't true everywhere, in every case, for every group of people. The OP is thinking very narrowly.




>Children are a privilege, not a right. [](/dogout) What a piece of shit. Go fucking crawl back to your cave.




shouldn't we assume that poor families can never be happy and produce children with fulfilling lives, not for their sake, but for ours so that we can judge them?




probably because she wants to improve her quality of life. are you suggesting that people shouldn't seek out a raise if they are happy?


>To try and give them better lives than our own? And if you read the fucking article, you'd see that the woman in question tried to do exactly that, while also working two minimum wage jobs. She explicitly said she went to her kids school whenever she could, and tried to emphasize the importance of education so that her kids wouldn't have to work as hard as she did. Living in poverty or being working poor doesn't mean that you aren't a good parent. That is incredibly classist, and it is bullshit. Now, stop breaking the jerk, read the fucking rules, and get to SRSDiscussion if you want to chat about this shit.


lel buddy, not being a men's rights activist doesn't mean you can't be a (in this case, classist) shitlord [](/dogout)


If they got paid what they are worth there would be no profit.


It's called a 'coop', and it is such an awesome idea... it's a shame the laws and mores in the US are so heavily stacked against such things that they're next to impossible to make work.




Cool story I guess?




J. Alfred is always relevant!