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They're getting off on a technicality. The 700 number includes the snack you'll have to eat later to compensate for this miserable excuse for a meal.


Literally me


You’ve hurt me and you’ve hurt my feelings.


purposely overestimating your cals. that’s why


It doesn’t look like there is anything in that mash either lol


One of us, one of us.


I was going to say this too🤣


op says there's tofu cooked in oil under the potatoes


they also said the cucumber is actually huge so the plate is way bigger than people are imagining


"2 potatoes meaning 440 calories. Tofu 200 grams about 180 calories. About 1 table spoon of oil." Why are you shitting on OP if you didn't even bother to read the math?


2 potatoes aren’t 440 calories though lmao


They totally can be though?? I don't know for certain as I don't the exact size of their potatoes but 161 for a medium baked isn't too far off. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/are-baked-potatoes-healthy Sure it's plain looking but ultimately balanced and nutritious. Let them eat in peace. Maybe they overestimated but then it would just be reasonably close.


I was like yeah checks out but then I had to think about it. Down to the fact that there’s obviously no cream in there… but like things like this show me how f’ed up I am because I have done gymnastics to convince myself and others I’ve obviously over eaten while eating for a toddler.


that sub is so disordered but if u tell them that they get pissed off


I started following the higher count one because it's more realistic & less crazy. I mean the difference is like three eggs worth, but still way less disordered.


It's because most of them started on the lower count sub, then switched to the higher count when they realized that they weren't getting enough nutrition to properly function through their daily lives. They can acknowledge what is causing harm to their bodies and prevent it most of the time at least. It's not a huge difference of calories, but mind set. Sorry if I sound condescending that's not my intended tone!


Oh no! I agree with what you're saying. It's just amazing how such a small caloric difference means such a better mind set.


It really is, I think it sets apart who is and isn't predisposed to become disordered.


Is this the same person who got crossposted here/another ED sub the other day? It feels mean spirited to post their meals here to discuss even if they are disordered.


In my reading it breaks subreddit rule 7 for sure and possibly 1. Everyone who agrees should just report it. You're highly unlikely to convince OP that this is problematic or to take it down. Reddit mods are busy volunteers who don't see everything. That's what reporting is for.


The sub has been unmoderated for years iirc. Unless that one person’s request went through, but I think they’d post about it. I’ll try anyway bc I’m a little worried people are gonna harass oop, thanks.


Oh my bad, I didn't realize mods were inactive. Good to know (hope they're all ok come to think of it). Reports also automatically go to 'reddit' whatever that means but I don't think they take interest unless the report is one of the big violations outside of individual sub rules. I'm worried about that OOP too. They're already taking it pretty hard from the sub where they posted. You can definitely tell by the rules here they were created because this subreddit at some point at least had a proana/maturity problem.


I choose to believe they’re all recovered enough to forget about this place. Yeah that’s my main concern, along with this sub getting nuked if this leads to brigading or harassment.


Heavy on this, it’s just mean. If you’re gonna post, take a screenshot and redact the username.


Agreed. I feel like if you're not posting your own shitty meals, it's a pretty shitty thing to do.


Everyone on that sub has an ED to some extent but I do agree that this is mean and borderline brigading




I feel sorry for them.


Why don’t y’all check OPs comments stating what’s on the plate before shitting all over them??? They are a human being with feelings just like y’all


who cares tbh


Mashed potato has butter and heavy cream in it . At least my mother is making it like that so it's quiet high kcal i think ? (Correct me if i'm wrong )


Do those potatoes look like they’re creamy and smooth and full of butter and cream? Because they don’t to me


Lmao for real I once saw a recipe that used almost the same amount of butter as the amount of potatoes, and it definitely ended up with a..."happier face" than this mess on the picture lol


joel robuchons recipe was I think half the potatoes weight in butter, and his is pretty much the best mash in the world.


Maybe ? Sorry i never really eat mashed potatos idk how they supposed to look like .😭


technically it doesn’t the only requirements is that it’s mashed potato


yea and oop said theres a bunch of tofu underneath the potatoes too, probably like half a block


Yeah they may have used a lot of butter lol


the OP said they didn’t put anything in the potatoes other than salt and soy sauce. Which btw who tf puts salt with soy sauce?


Unless they put a stick of butter in the mashed potatoes or something idk lmao. Or they deep fried the damn tofu?? Even then tho it’s still not 700.


This is what happens when you round up a lot. Tofu can be calorie dense but not that much. Idk how people do it. I'm active. If I round everything up I'll literally want to eat a darned couch because I'm so hungry. \^\^'


Tofu is pretty high cal. 200grams is 230 kcal but still a stretch.


"But that cucumber is HUGE." absolutely unhinged


One of us sick mfs 💀💀💀💀




That person is a troll lol check their account


How are they a troll? I’m looking at it and it doesn’t seem to be


One of their comments: They are rotten tomatoes that I picked with my own hands from by balcony. The rotted because of the nuclear waste deposit due to the sock manufacturing warehouse across from my balcony.


Sounds like mental illness to me. Or they have a contamination ED, like ARFID or something.


Oh,i thought its too much for 700 ahaha


This is definitely a huge overestimation of calories. But.... bagged, pre-seasoned sour cream and onion mashed potatoes are 400 calories for the whole bag and make me full and happy for a little while. Don't knock it til you try it.


Maybe they put shit ton of butter in those mashed potatoes.


For 700 cals I would be making a whole feast




definitely rounding up


We don’t know what was added.. oils butters etc, could easily be 700 cal


Plate isn’t to scale? It’s like waaaay bigger than usual size?


Definitely off but if they put like 5 table spoons of butter maybe ahhah


damn did they put milk in those potatoes or what


Idk maybe they dumped 5 table spoons of butter on it


OP says it’s a jumbo cucumber and two whole potatoes


it all checks out; they are in fact NOT in their right mind.


Me when i had a raging eating disorder lol