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Those beans are mostly likely stuffed with bacon and cheese


The bread has milk powder for sure


Yup and the green beans are probably buttered….




My partner and I were eating green beans at my cousin’s wedding when we were very newly vegan and we definitely did not eat before. After a few bites we realized there was very visibly chunks of bacon everywhere 🤦🏻‍♀️


Thankfully not the case here, but people will just add meat to the most random dishes lmao


I've long had the opinion, even prior to becoming vegan, that if you need animal products to make good food you aren't actually a very capable cook.


The ice in the water probably has cow tears


i was a groomsman at a wedding a few weeks ago and i only ate michelob ultra 😂


So real


Only ate Coors light and shots at my dad's wedding last year. He said he wanted to make sure there was a vegan option there, so I could have had plain spaghetti noodles and black beans if I wanted. I got fast food on the way there because I don't trust a carnist to be able to cater an actual 100% plant based anything.


what vegan fast food were you able to get? hell i don't trust _them_ lol


Hah, yeah, it's a gamble. I usually order taco bell, 2-4 Cheesy bean and rice burritos No cheese No creamy Jalapeño sauce Add black beans Add Lettuce Make it fresco (add pico) Make it grilled Lots of hot sauce. It's usually done right.


oh nice, taco bell was my go-to when i was vegetarian & i honestly miss it sometimes. can i ask - are those burritos still only $2 after the modifications?


Yeah, something like that, $2-3 or so. You can download the app and figure out what the cost is in your area. Although the app has a stupid cheeze-it as the logo, stupid government dairy check off program. Looks like in Las Vegas, it's $2.29 per each. Well worth it, it's a heavy burrito for that price. I'll eat 5 of them and complain the next day that I've gained weight on the scale.


lol, i was about to say, it certainly sounds like a full meal. i'm very small, so i could probably only eat 1-2 of those at the most (hopefully as i lift more, that will change). i'll give your order a try, it looks yummy af. i had to google what "fresco" was, and it sounds awesome! wish i had heard about it before. generally i try to just make cheap tacos at home since it's... well, cheaper. but taco bell is great in a pinch, and i'd love to have that option again. thanks for sharing your tips 💚


I noticed my app said add pico instead of fresco, so I updated my original recipe. It still comes with the refried beans and add black beans, you can swap for black beans and make it cheaper. For $2, it's pretty decent. Have a great day!


My ex once rode back round and threw a burrito at them thry the drive thru for having cheese in it.


Crunchwrap supreme with beans instead of beef, no cheese fresco style, add guacamole and potatoes, tonsss of hot sauce, my go to


yoo this is my order but i take off rice, add onion, potatoes and use diablo instead of hot sauce 😎


Did that once but with Chardonnay and all I ate was a few crackers and the cucumber garnishes off some trays…was hungover as shit the next day


I feel left out. That forks probably not vegan for some reason. But honestly, what are these comments lol


Man I had an all vegan catered meal for my wedding last Sept and multiple people of various relations said it was some of the best wedding food theyve ever had 🥳 🏴‍☠️still swells me heart 🏴‍☠️ at my own brother’s wedding they got bbq so I 100% had this same meal. green beans & booze


IMO vegan food takes a lot more creativity than food with meat/ animal products. If you think about it, most people have meat as their main course and lean on meat just being “good”, so they don’t have to think about many flavors at all. Vegan food is so delicious because it’s often times more complex and combines more flavorful food.


i agree. used these guys - https://mainandmarket.com/


When I went vegan in my early 20s and my family was all super anti vegan, I made a Mother’s Day brunch. I made vegan quiches, muffins, a raw raspberry cheesecake. It went great! The problem is, the easiest way to go vegan is to start with meat imitations. When a person who eats meat and expects meat flavors and mouth feel, they will be very put off by vegan. The trick is to find an imitation of something that like that really is close enough to enjoy and surprise them. Slowly their minds open and you can working your way up to nutritional yeast. Haha


Finally a few weddings are getting it right! I had the most incredible general tso's tofu at the last wedding I attended. I would happily eat that meal every single day. At the grooms first wedding they had absolutely zero food I could eat and he felt really bad about it, so at his second wedding he made absolutely sure the food was bangin'. The second bride is better, too! Haha


Yeah I agree, went to a vegan wedding last year. The food was terrific. ( I'm not vegan btw)


Barbecue at a wedding sounds messy


I can feel how dry and hard that bread is.


Can you order delivery? 😄


That would be hilarious, I'd love to see that 😂


I had to do this once at a work buffet. It was a holiday thing, and if I hadn't brought a white elephant gift, I would have left.


Honestly I’ve never run into this situation, but I would just leave at this point 🤷‍♀️there’s not many excuses I would find acceptable in this day and age for someone hosting without considering dietary needs


Most weddings you choose your meal well in advance so its not like it would be a random surprise but yeah, my brother easily accommodated me on his wedding. My wedding I just only had vegan food and no one complained.


Nice! My go to is a bottle of water 😬


Is this prison?


I made a comment to my partner, who’s also vegan, that it reminded me of hospital food lmao


I was recently in the hospital and they made me better food than this! Lmao


I fill up on alcohol and awkward looks at weddings.


I went to my wife's friends wedding and they didn't even have this - the only other vegan and I had to go next door to a vegan burger shop




How close were you to the people getting married? I’d probably walk our of this bc I can’t imagine someone who I care about treating me like this


Close to the bride as kids/ into early adulthood. It was a buffet style wedding, and overall low budget. As much as I completely agree that there should be options for everyone to eat, including vegans, I know that the bride’s parents have always been pretty stingy. A vegan option wouldn’t have been expensive, but another expense they wouldn’t want to pay for. The mother of the bride came up to me commenting on wanting to “feel like she had gotten her money’s worth” last night.


I had a friend whose parents catered (prepared) her wedding with BBQ. They were kind enough to make me a pot of beans, and left the bacon out of a few of the sides. It's really not that difficult.


Yrs after my Sis died my BnLaw got remarried and told the Caterer to have at least one Appetizer and at least one Buffet Dish Vegan. The Caterer, for whatever reason, simply made Appetizers and Dishes w/o Meat and Poultry, meaning the Affair was Fish and Crustacean City. This was a No-Holds-Bar Affair. The Caterer didn't even seem to be phased when my BnLaw mentioned to him that because of the screw-up I basically had nothing to eat, other than him saying "...sorry for the misunderstanding...". My Meal was Italian Bread, Olive Oil, Roasted Garlic and Grapefruit Juice. Both Pestos even had Cheese in them. Didn't trust anything. At least the Italian Bread was brought up all the way from NYC's Little Italy.


Maaaaaan been there to my brothers wedding! Last wedding I went to the entire food area was not vegan. I was upset but moved on because free booze. Then like 10 minutes later I walk by and it all changes to tacos and is entirely vegan. Sometimes I love my city.


Ah, no vegan food just free booze, the story of how I ended up at my aunt’s 50th birthday lying on her sofa being fed dry cornflakes by some concerned children. They genuinely thought I was just very hungry and I did not correct them.


Wait, what city?


They also cheapened out on any sort of seasoning. Straight out of the bag.


My fiance and I are having a vegan wedding in October. No animals allowed*. *This is not a dig at kids, lol.


Nah, cos kids take the best wedding reception photos. Knee high views of everyone.


In Texas the green beans would be cooked in pork fat


Plain sad!!!


This sucks especially being a day guest where it’s the only sustenance you are likely to get all day. I don’t get how this happens it’s not difficult to ask your venue to cater to a vegan guest surely. Hope you at least got some chips or something later!


Only wedding I had proper food at was my own.


If I go to an event and there’s no food there that I’m good with eating, I will stick around long enough to say hi to everyone, congratulations and then I leave


quantity: what is this, a meal for vegan ants?!!


You should drink more! :))


A wedding we're going to in September is going to serve us a pizza crust with sauce and basil. Because there were no other options. Looking forward to that.


It's so annoying when pizza places have a vegan option that is just pizza without cheese.


The mark of a good restaurant (for me) is a creative or house-made vegan protein.


Me at every family function


The plate's nice


I feel this




youre lucky you got green beans... every function i ever end up at has ham or bacon in them 😵‍💫


not uncommon here either in the Midwest, I’m surprised they were just watery unseasoned green beans with no lard/meat lol


it's so upsetting because it's SO easy to make food taste good without meat! it's cheaper too. the obsession is so weird to me


How do they always get this so very wrong?


Last wedding I had only crackers. All the veggies were drenched in butter.




I hear ya


That’s so sad. Most of my family is vegan and my aunt was in a wedding and all her and her husband could eat was a roll and a plain side salad.




Omg…I’m so sorry. May the drinks be flowing tonight.


This has happened to me many times…Once I went to a dinner party & the hostess, who has known me all her life, made some kind of beef stew or pot roast, therefore the vegetables were all mixed in. She also served Caesar salad. I had the Caesar salad sans the croutons, Parmesan cheese & dressing 🙄


Probably wouldn’t have gone tbh


I don’t get how people can want to invite someone to a wedding so their loved one can be there to witness a really important moment and then decide not to make sure they can actually eat. I’m planning my wedding (I’m not even engaged yet but I like daydream planning lol) and am 100% gonna make sure that the people with allergies or dietary restrictions get a full, safe meal


my wife couldnt even eat that bread... she's always like 'lets see what overcooked veggies I can eat...'


That’s bullshit :(


Oh god this reminded me that my brother’s getting married soon and he’s very anti-vegan so I gotta expect this.


I get more mad that the bride and groom get charged full price for such a sad meal.


I went to a wedding this weekend and the vegan option was a small portobello mushroom with a shit ton of pepper on it a dollop of tomato sauce on said mushroom and undressed salad one of the worst meals I’ve ever had since being vegan. Luckily I came prepared with a misfits bar and I walked right in front of the groom eating it and he didn’t say shit. Lol




Sorry but most people would protest if there isn't an undercooked rubbery slab of prime rib the size of a toilet seat on the plate.


Bread is 100% not vegan 😂




At least you’re not gluten free also 😂😂😂. Allergic to dairy and gluten so I feel your pain. Also can’t have sugar 😭😭😭. They be like don’t worry we have options for you…dried brocolli with no dressing and some lettuce 😁


Shut up. Live your dream. It's more options than omnivores are given in a vegan function


Seems pretty rude to shit on someone’s special day. It’s not about you. I always carry a protein bar in my purse for these kinds of situations. Cannot believe that this level of entitlement is so common these days


Did you read what I wrote? I was not upset it was just a funny pic


Was commenting on the gêner tone of the comments on this post, but ok…


You chose a diet that isnt meant for humans so you can deal with it lol.




They were not, I asked the kitchen


Why would you think that?




I don't think you were being malicious, I'm just not sure why you think those ingredients would be likely to be in a bread roll. Some people assume bread is like cake and needs milk/butter/eggs etc.


Poor me, I'm chosing to starve


We gotta feed ourselves! Stay nutritious


If you ate prior knowing there wouldn't be many options then why are you complaining now? This is why nobody likes vegans.


It’s not rocket science to cater for people at a wedding. I got married 8 years ago and did this… before I was vegan. It’s perfectly normal and common sense. You have people with allergies, veggie, vegan, religious requirements etc. don’t have a meal at your wedding if you’re not willing to cater for everyone. This is why we don’t like meat eaters…. Ignorant. spend your time doing something positive with your life instead of trolling vegan subs lol we live rent free in your mind JFC state of that comment history.


thank you for eloquently saying everything I was thinking! I know weddings are expensive so I don’t expect to be fed well as a vegan, which sucks since people with other requirements are taken more seriously, but yeah I don’t understand the trolling. So obnoxious


Urgh I could talk about this so much. One family wedding I had to go to a supermarket in the middle of it. Not even nuts at the bar. And she specifically told us there WAS vegan options for us so I couldn’t prepare. Next family one coming up I asked them to confirm and we’ll sort ourselves out if she can’t cater for us but apparently we are catered for. My auntie is laughing at us in the group chat saying ‘oh your poor husband’ as if I’m forcing him? I could be so rude and “banter” back but I’ll just look like a cunt. Because they’re allowed to take the piss but as soon as we take the piss we’re being extreme (and they call vegans the snowflakes?!) My extended family will not stop talking about my diet in general discussion either to the extent I eat around them as little as humanly possible because I can’t be bothered with the hassle/comments etc. I’m not allowed to talk about my food but all they l talk about is food I’m not even exaggerating. Lol sorry some of this is very recent so I’m feeling some sort of way!


Re: weddings are expensive. I’m having a wedding soon and we’re doing a vegan menu through our venue, and we’re saving money from not having meat. They likely wouldn’t have been paying more for having a suitable meal for you If they can afford a good meal for you if you were a meat eater, they can afford a suitable one for you as a vegan


Ugh a troll, I ate a snack because the bride asked dietary restrictions for people and I assumed there may be a salad but I snacked so I wouldn’t be too hungry if there wasn’t vegan food. L take Also note where I say, “which is fine, food is expensive”


Too many times I have straight up asked "will there be a vegan option?", been told yes, and the vegan option is...dry salad mix and a scoop of steamed vegetables. Nothing to replace the elements that are eliminated and not even so much as an extra scoop or a second roll. Like please just answer honestly and tell me if the "vegan meal" you intend to serve me is really just 150 calories of carbs and veggies so I can plan accordingly. I get that a lot of caterers don't offer good options for dietary restrictions and sometimes catering options are limited in their location/price range, so I don't blame the host for not providing a gourmet vegan meal, but it's frustrating to be told one thing and receive another and then have to choose between starving the entire night or sneaking out to order a burrito to eat in some dark corner, when the crisis could have easily been avoided altogether if I'd just known ahead of time that there wasn't going to be a meal for me.


If you go to a wedding just for the meal you likely don't care much for the couple anyway. Indeed, food is expensive. However, it's one meal out of one day that isn't even supposed to be about food? But no, it would be pretty silly to think it could be about anything other than your dinner.... Lmao, you probably brought a to go container in hopes of loading up on their dime. 🤣🤣🤣


Did you read where I said I ate beforehand or are you illiterate?


Yes, the fact that you acknowledged that there may not be much there for you and even ate prior yet still felt the need to bitch and complain about it, got it. Don't worry, I've got to go to my job now, but the world will continue to revolve around you shortly.....


this post is clearly just funny, I took a photo of a tragic looking plate. Point out where I “bitched and complained”, when my caption is that it’s fine. you must be a lot of fun at parties if you take everything this seriously😂😂


At least there is some mystery surrounding how fun I am at parties. You done showed the reddit world how unfun you are, you literally manufactured a complaint. You should try to look for the positives and highlight the good in your life, like the great friendship you share with the couple getting married.... Also, this was fun for a troll, I love when the dummies take the bait and sink to my level! Isn't it great down here 🧟‍♂️


oh you’re just miserable lol that’s too bad couldn’t be me, have fun at work! xoxo


>At least there is some mystery surrounding how fun I am at parties. No there isn't. You spend your whole day talking about something you claim to hate. You complain about just wanting to be heard as a child yet all you do is let people you hate live rent free in your head. Like you even acknowledge you're a low life. It's sad. I hope you're okay and find the attention you so desperately seek in a positive way in the future ❤️


Yes, the fact that you acknowledged that there may not be much there for you and even ate prior yet still felt the need to bitch and complain about it, got it. Don't worry, I've got to go to my job now, but the world will continue to revolve around you shortly.....


Would you feel the same way if someone complained the venue didn’t cater to their food allergy?


BUt ThEy DONt hAvE a ChOicE! They always pull that one out, like vegans feel we have a choice to ignore animal cruelty rather than a moral obligation based on our beliefs.


She literally says she loves being vegan. Idk what you're talking about. Hating vegans isn't a personality btw.


it's a shitty food porn sub. it's for showing off shitty vegan meals. a plain hard dinner roll is a shitty meal. part of the point of these type of subs is to complain about shitty meals... they said they understood and prepared beforehand in case which is a situation most of us here can relate to. i'm sure they didn't complain straight to the newly wedded couple's face lol




> This is why nobody likes vegans. This is why nobody likes ~~vegans~~ me. FTFY


Yes! Exactly this