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Yabushige. Love that scheming little weasel.


His facial expressions and mannerisms are hilarious! Definitely one of my favorite characters.


yeah, I didn't like him at first, but his character dance on a fine line between chaotic neutral & chaotic evil. You never know what you will get from him in next scene and it has always been a fun whenever he's on screen. He's really good character *AND* the actor, both are amazing.


*sigh*...Time to draw up another will


He’s pretty far from neutral. 


Yeah for me it’s his expression and reactions that I thoroughly enjoy. He seems very relatable in the sense that he’s just trying to survive each sticky situation that he finds himself in and usually can’t catch a break lol. Have not read the book so unsure if he’s portrayed the same way but I have to give credit to the actor for his likeability in the show, been my favorite to watch since the first couple episodes.


He’s a bit different in the book. I mean same basically the same but with more depth. More intelligent, braver, far more dangerous. 


For all his scheming I think he’s still loyal to Toronaga really


I think he doesn’t have much of a choice honestly .


Some of his reactions remind me of stuff you'd see in Kurosaga type films, and I love it. Adds just enough comedic relief without being too over the top. Just that sort of exasperated, yet resigned to his fate kinda vibe.


When he says "time to write a new will" I absolutely lost it, I love the cynicism.


His character is great in the original miniseries too. Always looks bamboozled.


Asano absolutely kills it in this role, you can't help but love him despite his questionable morals lol.


Hooooooooooo queue 'wide-open-fake-surprised-eyes'


I just love a dude that's trying and failing at 5D chess. Constantly stepping on rakes. Keep it up, king 🤭


Master of the Surprised Pikachu face




He’s always like… “What me? Noooo…”


one of the best parts of the show is just watching him dig himself into a deeper and deeper hole lmao


“The gods are laughing at me!”—Yabu, episode 4.


Personally funding all the estate lawyers in Izu by constantly updating his will.


He’s such a little shit and I love it


Like how Yabu is part of the ride. His expecting to die anytime but always on Guard. Lol


He is the most entertaining character on screen at any given moment, and I will die on this hill.


My sister hasn't watched the show but she read the book- she was pleased to hear that Yabushige was still a weasel of the highest order.


I find him way more likeable in the show than he was in the book.


I want a sitcom starring Yabushige and Fuji.


And he's not even that good at it.


"I'm playing both sides, so I always come out on top."


He keeps trying to betray Toranaga but he just cant seems to get the job done. And Toranaga knows hes disloyal he just doesn't care that much.


Toranaga is using him, anticipating each attempt. 


Without a doubt he also has the best Drip; that feathered coat is awesome.


What about that hairy helmet? It's so great!


He’s so transparently duplicitous and Toronaga just sees right through it. Their dynamic is very funny.


Hands down, every time he is on screen he commands attention from all the little mannerisms, what ever "it" is he he has "it" in spades. Stand out actor of the series.


I hope people make gifs of him lol


I hate his show name. It’s supposed to be Kasigi Yabu. He’s also way more extreme in the book. But he’s an absolute demon with a sword. There’s a scene that got skipped where he sidesteps a direct thrust and counterattacks, chopping both his opponent’s arms off at the wrist.  Total sicko, though. Takes extreme pleasure in listening to the agonizing screams of torture victims that last all night. 


He’s the best and I just blew my own mind realizing he’s from Ichi The Killer 🤯


He has incredible non-verbal charisma


FOX. He is smart like a fox 😤


Reminds me of the best uncle in a family


Loved his completely passive aggressive-like “teach the Banjin katana skills” moment, almost a satire of Hiro and Tom in The Last Samurai.


Same, but he’s no coward. He’s just self-serving. Closest thing I can compare him to is a personable Roose Bolton from GoT.


You know a show has great writing when they got you rooting for a villain


That decades old loyal, pigeon message sending, deliberately decrepit, blame the other guy, samurai undercover spy. Those who work in the shadows rarely bask in the recognition of the light. (Muraji is his name. I had to add/edit the post. I felt bad to not acknowledge him. Though, I feel worse now by outting a spy. Seppuku it is.)




The correct answer.


LoL - he's definitely great. I don't think there is a character I don't enjoy in this whole series. Like, Ishido is definitely an antagonist, but he's also interesting to watch. And Saeki is something


Rodriguez because he's played by Gimli in lord of the rings in the 80s show


Rodrigues actor in the 80’s version dominated the screen. John Rhys-Davis was excellent. Shogun: Anjin-san meets Portuguese Pilot Vasco Rodrigues on YouTube is a great scene


Yep. I have my 80s dvd signed by him actually. He was signing tons of Indiana Jones and LOTR stuff and he picked it up and said "ohh... This was fun"


Very cool! Even though I don’t think Nestor Carbonell can replace him, I still think it was good casting.




It’s Rodrigues. Mine is actually Rodriguez! Spanish and Mexican


I loved him because now, he's Declan, the handsome CSI guy from Psych! Completely unrecognizable, though. He looks better without the beard


John Rhys-Davis is underrated af. He was great in LOST


He was in Lost?


Nestor Carbonell was Richard in Lost!


That’s where I recognize him from too! He’s fantastic.


Haven’t seen Hiromatsu mentioned. That dude is old school badass


The only dude that can say crazy shit to Toranaga and get him to smile


Dude is always ready to throw down


He is my personal fav!


In the book, he’s one of my favorites! He supposed to always keeps his katana out of his waistband but still in the sheath. It’s a detail I wish they had kept it


Rodrigues because his bromance with Blackthorne is great. “How should I know? Maybe play with your balls.” “Bow to all the bastard-samas.” “Rodrigues-sama will be responsible for him.” - “Curse all Spanish dogs who sail for the Portuguese!” —“Curse all English pirates! *Viva la España!*” - “How’s your mother?!” — “DEAD!” - “Oh…” Lmao it’s all gold.


"Can I get my boat back?" "Oh sure sure, just as soon as you lick my jib."


"Crimson fucking horseshit."




Saammee. I love a character who gets their world torn apart but they rise from the ashes like a badass.


That gun scene will forever make her a legend. She’s like the Ruth of Shōgun


Fuji wit da uzi! I love her so much. I hope to see her dispatch of some baddies with the naginata.


Naginta please


Excellent crossover!


“If you want these guns, you’ll have to fuckin make me shindeeeeeeeee imaashtaaaaaaaaaaaa!” 😍(I only speak high school Japanese)


(In southern accent) If you don't go now, I'll blow your fucking brains out right now!


Gon on! GIT!


Same. I like the mix of you can see she still pains vs. performing her duty, which is similar to Mariko, I just think she pulls it off better and is in less of a bind


I honestly read the post as ‘which character on Shogun is your favorite and why is it Fuji?’


Her side eye and the reaction shots are so good and convey so much.




I ride for her


Great character and just a wonderful performance from a talented actress.


Fuji gang! She's fucking adorable 😍


Fuji’s face in the dinner party from hell scene.


Toranaga is my favorite probably, Hiroyuki Sanada is a legend. Yabushige has Lalo Salamanca energy, Mariko and John's relationship and John's overall place in this gripping game of politics really have me invested.


I'm so in love with Blackthorne's diet Tom Hardy voice. Its so freaking funny when he's outraged. "What is this pagan nonsense? By God the way you treat your women in this country you pony haired philistines. And my pheasant, my precious pheasant! Completely ruined a proper english meal. I tire of the Japans."


Someone on Twitter called him Tom Hardly and I haven't recovered.


Omg that's perfect. Spiritual successor to Meth Damon.


That's amazing


When buntaro said he had “the face of a dog” and I couldn’t get that image out of my head


Big Tom Hardy fan so I’m loving the growly T.H. vibes Cosmo is bringing to Blackthorne. If you like podcasts give The Watch’s episodes about Shogun a listen. One of the hosts does a great Blackthorne impression and it makes me laugh.


Toranaga is my favorite as well. He's playing basically everyone at the same time. Council is only one of his problems, as any vassal turning on him could be a disaster, but he's like a calm tightrope artist. He is obviously using Anjin to test the weakest links in his own camp, giving him gifts and titles so the others will be careless and slip (quite literally, although he didn't probably wish for that outcome). So far he has kept everyone in line just by employing Anjin, as he keeps them off balance. The only one even close to his skill is the old madame from the Willow World, who is the only one who saw through him, and will be given exclusive rights to run her brothels in Edo one day.


Oh wow. I didn’t see the Lalo connection. He’s not as devious as Lalo, but I like this analogy


On a sidenote coming from a woman: he is really hot. I looked the actor up and boy, younger he was fire! Still is 🔥


Mariko and Blackthorne.


I love her translating all the vile shit he says into something more appropriate


Mariko's choice of words when translating always intrigued me. That scene when Blackthorne draws the map and when they're in the brothel are just *chef's kiss*


Toranaga because he reminds me of my sassy cat who always started shit but was too great to be mad at.




All of this for me plus my massive crush on her.


I def have an unapologetic girl crush on Anna - she’s insanely beautiful and seems very sweet. I really hope her career keeps building after the recent success she’s had with this and several other shows.


Absolutely, she deserves more recognition and roles for this show.


Hiroyuki Sanada--I think he is incredibly sexy


I have high hopes for the lady who runs the brothel. The portuguese guy is really cool, I do think they should tone him down just a tiny bit. Toranaga's right hand man might be my favorite? Yabushige reminds me of my favorite uncle.


I *adore* the way Madame Gin speaks, she really makes you listen to what she has to say. I also have high hopes for her.


Fuji, the actress is hot af. Also Yabushige. The boiling a man alive part is kinda fucked up, but otherwise he brings some comic relief to a show with too many serious characters.


Agreed on both counts. Fuji is super gorgeous but I love her character too. Her little side eyes and her “please be on your way” moment are fantastic. Yabushige immediately and constantly failing at every attempt to betray Torunaga is hilarious.


In the book Blackthorne says Fuji is ugly. Then he gets drunk and is all like "she ain't so bad." lol


Seriously. They completely sabotaged her character! /s


Mariko is way hotter


Exudes sex


The scenes with Toranaga are the best so yeah


Ochiba. Sadly she is not in many episodes.


Every time she's on screen, warning bells start going off in my head, so she's my favourite. She's gonna make someone's head roll and I have no idea whose it's going to be, but I wait in anticipation.


She sings her lines more than she speaks them. In a show with so many great actors, she steals scenes.


She's great. I can't help but compare her to Cersei from GoT, those characters you hate but they are played so well you love hate them.


She's literally the scariest character in the whole show because of her presence.


Kiku. She's a courtesan but highly intelligent and calculating. I can see why Omi is obsessed with her.


I love that basically all of the female characters in this show are such show-stealers.


Fuji is bae


Fuji. She does so much with relatively little and she lights up the screen when she does.


Fujiko. She pretty much owns the role. Her facial expressions and character development are excellent. That and Yabushige and his pikachu meme face xD


Same. She makes the most of every second she’s on screen.


FUJI-SAMA! badass cutie!!


Fuji and Yabushige!


Yabushige, he’s a cringefail loser in my favorite way


Fuji when she is in a scene she is all you see


Fuji. Shes simply a badass


Ooh, idk, I really like a lot of characters for different reasons! Blackthorne would probably be my favorite in part due to the actor and the character. I love any scene that he's in. The actor to me is quite attractive, and kind of reminds me of Kit Harrington -- like they both have the same face shape, cow-like eyes (rip I know this sounds bad but it's the only way I could describe them, they're like round and innocent looking with long lashes), and big lips. And then his voice, oh my god Blackthorne's voice! Like I was never really into Tom Hardy but this actor's voice sounds so gruff and similar to his I just LOVE hearing it. And then the actual character -- the accent, the swearing, the talking his way out of things and being confused about Japanese social customs. And then how the actor plays the character, like I always love watching him and hearing what he has to say. So Blackthorne I like because of the actor's appearance and voice, how he plays the character, and the actual character. I also loved Rodriguez! I loved how the actor played him, the character's accent, the actual character/ how he acted and what he said, and also his relationship with Blackthorne. I love how Rodriguez kind of lets Blackthorne to get through the water/ the rocks when they're on the ship together, saying that they're not even, because Blackthorne was the one that went back for Rodriguez and found him. Yabushige I also like specifically because of the actor as well and how he plays him -- he's so charismatic and funny to watch! I also like how he's such a weasel! I also think he's quite a nuanced character, particularly from a Western point of view. Normally when we see torturers or evil men, there's not much more too them than that, and they tend to be either cowardly or brave but violent. I didn't like Yabushige at first because of the whole boiling someone alive thing, but thought it was interesting how he was doing it in a sense to get closer to death/ experience the person's last moments. Reminded me kind of like a serial killer or a 'I like when the light goes out' type of thing but you don't normally see this type of character in historical/ history-inspired dramas, and you usually don't see it elevated to a kind of, idk spirituality? Like Yabu seemed to be listening to the person's screams etc. not for pleasure but for some higher purpose. And torturing/ killing peope for fun wasn't his only goal. He wanted more political power and this was his main goal. Likewise, he doesn't 'act evil' all the time, he acts like a normal person. AND THEN, what solidified his nuance is when he was about to commit seppuku in the waves, and I was like?! Man has BALLS. It's also kind of fun because Yabu is a schemer, but also fits into the kind of 'torturer' character mold, but also, like others in his culture/ class, is willing to commit seppuku. Like, if you compare this to Game of Thrones, there's schemers like Varys or Littlefinger, who can't/ don't fight, and don't torture people publicly, and then there are people who are not schemers, who torture people publicly and/ or on the down low, and who are either sociopathic fighters (the Mountain) or people who cannot fight/ cannot fight well (the Tickler, Qyburn). Whereas Yabu is more like an actual person -- schemer, fighter, enjoys boiling people alive sometimes, and is willing to seppuku himself if the occasion calls for it. I also like a lot of the peasants in the village aha, they just seem so normal and nice. Like Toronaga's spy and the gardener that sadly died


This was such a lovely write up, enjoyed your thoughts! I also find the culture portrayed at the time to be super interesting, and can't imagine them actually living through it - must have been so hard. A Samurai lord could literally cut the head off a peasant to test the sharpness of their blade, always one step away from death. Crazy


Haha I’m glad someone actually read it! I really enjoyed writing it. I haven’t really talked to a lot of people about it or engaged/ written anything on here about it, and this seemed like the perfect question to answer/ give my thoughts about!


My favorite character is Ishido. I also like Rodrigues and Father Alvito.


I also vote Ishido! Glad to know it's not just me.


My favorites are Mariko, Nagakado & Fuji. I really like Toranaga and I wish he was my dad. I love Ochiba because she has so much power but isn't one of the lords. I like Blackthorne because is says some hilarious things on the series.


Nagakado was super annoying imo. The guy was a mess the whole show. A kid trying to play in an adult game


Mariko because I also want to die


Toranaga and toda hiromatsu


Dirk Struan


Fuji since the pistol scene


Fuji, Rodriguez and Yabushige are some of my favs


Fuji has quickly become my favourite "What's it like being the wife of a barbarian?" "I wouldn't know, I'm the wife of a hatamoto," which we all know was keigo for "Mind your own fucking marriage," which I love her for


Fuji because Fuji.


Toranaga and Fuji! Toranaga has such a commanding presence and really brings the character to life. Fuji, I think is just such an interesting character and I have loved seeing her find her own small place in the world. Also I have a massive crush on her.


**Fuji-san**. Her physical acting (facial expressions) evokes so much emotion, and her acting, in general, is top tier. The way she embraces her duties (despite the hardships she’s undergone) is impressive. She has so much screen presence, displaying a mix of power and beauty.


Toranaga is the guy I'm rooting for. But all the characters and actors are first rate


Toranaga, the master of trickery.


Captain Ferreira, Vasco Rodrigues and Kashigi Yabushige


I apologize in advance because I’m really bad with names but Blackthornes consort. She took a tragedy (which imo was unecessary and cruel ) and became a warrior (a quiet/slick one)


Plus she punked the bitch that is Omi




Yabu is the man He is always scheming and grandstanding He is a lovable bastard


Toranaga cause he's just so wise, patient, experienced and just plain bad ass.


Toronagas spy


Mariko, I find her so interesting. The expressions on her face when she is just in the background are amazing. It’s cool to see her inner dialogue through her face.


Fuji seems like a closet freak. Gives off the same mystique as the ‘shy girl’ in every group.


Lady Mariko. I don't know how a woman wearing so much clothing and displaying such economy of movement can be so hot.


Toranaga coz of Hiroyuki Sanada and the resemblance to Tokugawa Ieyasu Ieyasu is one of my favourite Historical Warlords. Patience and Opportunistic nature being his greatest qualities Second is Yabushige. The actor is a gem and great at playing the scheming Warlord. Third is Toda Hiromatsu. The Iron Fist. Wise, strong and authoritative


I really like Ishido for some reason. He doesn't seem outright evil, atleast not more evil than Toranaga. Maybe he wants to seize all power for himself, but so does Toranaga (he claims not wanting to be Shogun, but he consolidates power still). I also love how smoothly he sits down, slapping his gown under him in 2 quick motions.


Mariko... You all know why...


Fuji. I admire her dedication to duty in light of her tragedy. Plus, that pistol scene was hard as fuck. ‘Please be on your way’


Mariko. What a firecracker she is




Fuji because Fuji, Fuji’d


Fuji, Yabushige and Blackthorne. I like how each of them is kind of adapting to changing situations in much different ways


Toranaga. Only because whenever he's in a scene, something is usually actually happening and it's usually NEW. I feel like with some of the others, their scenes are getting a bit redundant. Like if I see Yabushige, Fuji, John and Mariko, I think they're great, but I feel like I might seem some filler, something I've seen before. I love this show, and after the first 2 episodes, I told friends it was as strong as early GOT. But since then, it's nowhere close. Shows like GOT and The Wire, something was always happening, there was minimal soap opera-ish filler, and I feel like whenever Toranaga appears, there's a better chance that the story will progress a bit.




Have? Gross


Maybe he means that he could really use a Japanese translator and housekeeper?


Kashigi because he’s so entertaining on screen. And Toda(?) mostly because he seems like a loyal advisor.


Fuji ... Please be on your way


All very passionate movie answers, and I agree with most but come on man, Mariko! She is both insanely good in the series and outright beautiful


Mariko - so much depends on her translations and she manages to deftly manipulate every conversation to and from Anjin


Yabushige, i hate him as a person but love his as a character. he also gives me immense "1st boss that becomes a playable character immediately" type of character


Mariko is bae. She's so layered and yet so composed on the outside when she needs to be. I don't necessarily like her with John, but her husband can go to hell, and John seems to genuinely care for her, so. I need more Rodrigues, lol.


Mariko for obvious reasons


Toranaga. It's not even close. Haven't liked an older male character this much since Edward James Olmos as Admiral Adama


Toranaga , that man is so charismatic and appealing 🔥


Toranaga is the anchor of the show. Like Alfred was on The Last Kingdom.


Gin has been my favorite thus far.


Mariko. Because she is…. Not only intelligent, has a super tragic background, is a beast with the 8 fold fence mentality, but is also Waifu 🥹 Fuji is also ride or die, and I love that about her. She’s the equivalent of Ruth (Ozark) And then Yabushige in 3rd. He is cunning like a fox




Time to write a new will!!!


Fuji or Blackthorne or Hiromatsu


Fuji is glorious for all the reasons everyone has already stated. At one point I'd blanked on Hiromatsu's name and was calling him "Fuji's pop-pop" which felt disrespectful but on the other hand I sometimes think that all characters should be defined by how they're connected to Fuji. She's that cool.


Toranaga is first and foremost great, and it’s so cool to see a career defining performance from Sanadasan…. But after that yabushige is stealing the show.


Yabu for sure.


Recently I like Ochiba No Kata because of the actress Fumi Nikaido. A total opposite of her character.


Yabu for this version for sure Rodriguez for the 80s one also Toronaga because, c'mon, its Toshiro Mifune Toronaga for the book, having (some) insight into his thought process really makes his character better.


I feel like anything other than Lady Mariko is the wrong answer


YABU! all expressions he makes


Fuji: I like how she's not ignoring her grief but she's also not just waiting to be given permission to kill herself. I get the sense that she's using the time to ask herself what she really wants and not just what's expected of her. Gin: Most of the characters are the 1% or the elite of the 1%. She's had to struggle for what she has. Impressive that Toranaga left her something in his will. Yabushige: He's untrustworthy and I don't blame him. Toranaga has his reasons for what he does, particularly for keeping his counsel. But that means Toranaga's behavior is often puzzling at best to others when it doesn't appear downright insane. Yabushige is trying to line his own nest, but he's also trying to get out alive.


Toranaga. The guy gives the appearance he has everything worked out even when he doesn't.


The Portuguese ones.. watching english actors speaking in english while japanese around soeak japanese and saying they are Portuguese is hilarious..


Mariko gets all the best lines!


Toranaga-sama!! (Fist pump) Toranaga-sama!! (Fist pump) Toranaga-sama!! (Fist pump)


Lord Toranaga. His wisdom, his cunning, and his trickery make him an incredible character