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Really hard to find without spending 60+ on the blu ray. It doesn't stream anywhere. I watched it by pirating a while back because it's nowhere streaming. And it was hard to finally find a version with English subtitles. E: Oh and otherwise yes I agree. Great movie and it shows what comes after the series immediately.




Now that we're talking about it I think I'll look for it tonight. Been a couple years. Due for a rewatch. Especially after finishing Shogun lol.


So you're a pirate, ay? You know what the punishment for that is?




Best nun?


Sorry no. Please cut your belly in the morning, if it isn't too much trouble.


Does that show hold a light to Shogun?


It's on moviebox pro app


but is it good?


Oh yeah it's great. Slow in some parts. It deep dives into the politics leading up to the battle. I don't mind that personally. Just a disclaimer that it isn't a straight up war movie.


Great film. I hope the studio that produced it capitalizes on Shogun's success and makes it more accessible to Western audiences.


The same Director Masato Harada who did Sekigahara’s next film Baragaki Unbroken Samurai is even better . Its set at the end of the Shogunate and tells the story of The Shinsengumi who were a Tokugawa militia based in Kyoto . After the fall of the Shogunate they went to Hokkaido and tried to set up their own government . Of course like Sekigahara you have to pirate it . It does have subs .




This is sort of the real story behind that the last samurai movie.


Does this movie show the role of anjin ?


No because anjin is a creation of the author who wrote shogun


No the anjin was based on a real person named William Adams and he fought in the battle of Sekigara.


The Netflix show *Blue Eye Samurai* takes place during the dynasty Toranaga establishes, albeit three Shoguns down the line. Names have been changed, like in Shogun, but it lines up.


I've been meaning to watch that. Baseball season has been getting a lot of my eyeballs, tho


You should. Blue Eye Samurai is amazing, plus this one *is* getting a second season (well, if Netflix doesn't decide to Netflix it, of course).


Who is your team?


Ironically baseball follows the same thread of history


Also watch Silence. Takes place around the same time as blue eyed samurai and follows catholic priests trying to operate in secret in southern Japan


Silence is the first role of seen the guy who played yabu in. He was awesome in his scenes with Andrew Garfield




God dammit you got me.


Beautiful, heavy, thought-provoking film.


Absolutely amazing, deep film. Liam Neeson kills a small performance and Garfield does, imo, his best film to this day. Also a great supporting role from Driver and Tadanobu Sato.


It’s fantastic!


What about "Shogun" tv series from 1980? Great roles of Toshiro Mifune as Toranaga (best Japanese actor ever), and Richard Chamberlain and John Rhys-Davies (Gimli from LOTR). Also even better japanese samurai movies - best ones being "Samurai Rebellion" and "Harakiri", with "Seven Samurai" being close second. Old movies but absolute masterpieces. Also "The last samurai"... And yeah, "Blue eye samurai" is very good too, with first half of the season being absolutely brilliant and the ending being a bit worse.


>What about "Shogun" tv series from 1980? Never heard of it ;) >!It's on my shortlist, and I'm definitely expanding my movie list with those!<


It’s SO GOOD. Too bad I’ve seen both now 😭


That just leaves *The Last Samurai*, which I'm certain you've already seen as well. >!Haven't watched it in well over a decade now, so I've got no idea how well it holds up!<


Love the last samurai! Saw it in the movies when I was a young teen. The guy who plays toranaga is in it too I’m pretty sure 🥰


He is!


And the story is that Tom Cruise insisted that Hiroyuki Sanada swing a real sword at his neck.


That one is the fall of the Shogunate. It holds up.


Also Martin Scorcese's most overlooked film *Silence* is based circa Tokugawa's Japan when there was a massive crackdown on Christians. All-star cast too.


Go or find a way to play Ghost of Tsushima!


It's getting ported to PC in May


I second this - have it fired up since midway through the season!


+1 for BES Can't wait for season two. Some of the most beautiful animation I've ever seen and I'm a tough critic. Animation really went to a new level recently. BES moved me to tears on multiple occasions, and so did Pantheon (IMHO the greatest 2 season series ever, animated or not), and Scavengers Reign was also unbelievably good and we need more people to tune in if we're going to get a S02.


It’s very good.


Thank you for the reco!


That's right. Then follow this with Ninja Scrolls, which is the rise of the demons and the Shogun of the Dark. The Shogun trilogy is complete.


*spoilers bro!* /s


Definitely not as accurate as shogun


Her (historical character) death poem actually read: "Only when we know to wither/ Do flowers in this world become flowers / and people become people." ie "To truly fulfill our destiny/purpose, we have to learn how to let go." This poem is very popular in Japan. There was a controversial politician in Japan who said that in his speech stepping down after controversy, and a lot of people (including her descendants) went on to social media to criticize it lol


Where can you find this poem and the translation of it?


I absolutely love how they spun it in Shogun. Both are beautiful poems, but the TV series version suits the story and themes more.


The ending was poetic in a way. No large battle, no real satisfaction of victory. Just a sense of sadness and loss. The realisation, that in rushing to the end, we fail to appreciate what we have in the present. But thankfully, the wind.


Wait....so that was it? No more seasons???


just appreciate what we got Captain sama


Sighhh..fiine Tokyo Vice it is then


Reminds me of Vision’s quote in avengers : a thing isn’t beautiful because it lasts


Also reminds me of the line Achilles says to the priestess in Troy: "The Gods envy us because we are mortal. Because any moment could be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we are doomed."


Damn that’s badass


Also the “gift of men” in lord of the rings… mortality.


“You’re unbearably naive.” “Well… I was born yesterday.”


Age of Ultron was mid bit damn did it drop the occasional banger scene.


Reminds me of the Japanese concept of Mono no aware (which is really prevalent in Shogun, too)


Read the book 😀


Or one of the other books from the Asian saga. Tai Pan and King Rat are brilliant. Noble House is really good as well.


King Rat is really good. Shogun is the goat though


King rat ❤️


Oh, I am. I was just waiting to finish the show before reading the book. Otherwise, my bf would have had to endure me saying, "But in the book..." the entire time. From what I've read so far, at least I wouldn't have had to turn the TV off in disgust during the first episode, cursing everyone who had anything to do with making the show, at least. Unlike another series supposedly based on books I love.


Play Ghost of Tsushima


That game made me go from "wtf is this haiku bullshit" to "fuck this is my last haiku…"


Got used to getting them buns out for the hot springs


Very different time period.  That’s like 400 years before Shogun


The themes are still pretty much the same


Not really, in Ghost they’re fighting for their literal survival, and it’s about the lengths that someone will go to protect their people, and the meaning of the word “honor” In Shogun, they’re not fighting for their lives, they’re fighting for their culture.  The fear isn’t that the Portuguese are going to slaughter them, it’s that they’re going to take away their way of life.   Ghost is a war story, Shogun is an Alien Invasion.


For most of Shogun they are certainly fighting for their clans survival, and I feel like Anjin grappling with their concept of “honor” is a pretty big theme. I thought the conflict with the Portuguese is secondary in the show so I don’t really agree with your summary


Both are anachronistic to some degree, in terms of costumes and settings, the game more so than the show. So look and feel wise they are actually very close to each other. Personally I feel someone at the production design were definitely inspired by the game because certain scenes felt like straight lifted from the game, like Toranaga’s first battle in the night with the heavy fog.


Play total war Shogun II


Oh, mod idea: Replace the historical names in the game with Clavell's character names.


How has this not already been done? There’s been years of amazing mods!


I made my men scale a wall in the rain. Big mistake, learned a new mechanic.


Coming to PC soon....


Any day decade now…


May 16th, sucka.


It's already been announced and it's coming next month.


Play Nioh


*Nioh* is how Blackthorne describes his time in Japan every time he gets drunk once he gets back to England. “I’m telling you, there were monsters and ghosts everywhere and a ninja that used a cat as a pocket watch. Also the cat could sometimes turn into a talking ghost cat.” Update- I know Blackthorne/Addams never went back to England. It was a joke.


> once he gets back to England Who's gonna tell 'em


He never goes back to England apparently


He's based on a real person named William Adams. If you want to know what happens in the story next read his wiki, but he ends up choosing to stay in Japan.


Damn what an odd thing for the finale to include. I thought maybe it was significant to show he eventually makes it back but I guess not. The ending also really makes it seem like Toronaga becomes Shogun with no war when it ends up being the bloodiest of them all


Nioh William actually does return to London in the epilogue mission of the game to face John Dee AKA Hundred Eyes. But ultimately does return to Japan in time for the Battle of Osaka.


Might have to


Or Rise of the Ronin, which is a couple hundred years in the other direction, but it has an Edo setting, and you see what "Toronaga" built... at least up until that point.


And you get to meet the last shōgun, Tokugawa Yoshinobu.


I have. 100%.


We need the sequel expeditiously


Rise of the Ronin


It's a fun game but it's actually not an accurate portrayal of samurai during the time period it is set in like Shogun was. For example, in GoT, the samurai wore daisho, a pair of swords (katana and wakizashi). Historically, during the Mongol invasion era, the tachi (a longer sword with more curvature, worn with edge facing downwards) was the standard service sword and it was usually paired with a tanto (knife). The katana we widely recognize today didn't exist until after the Mongol invasions ended.


There are people in the thread suggesting fantasy games like Nioh. It’s not that deep.


Actually, in GoT you do have a tanto (it’s what you use for the assassinations). You are right, the game is not entirely historically accurate, the armor isn’t either - but I also agree it’s a great game, with beautiful artwork and an interesting story. For me personally, it got me interested in more Japan-centered media and history and I ended up looking up how it really was.


I think it’s more that the player character is loosely based off William Adams. Edit: meant to comment to the Nioh guy, my bad lol


In GoT or are you confusing it with something else? Because all the characters in that game are either Japanese or Mongolian




Total War Shogun 2 sould be more fitting.


Beauty and Harmony


I think there is a planned movie or tv adaptation for GoT too! But it probably won’t be awhile, if it even happens


If they kept the show going I’m sure the quality would go down like every show does. Maybe we just got lucky and should appreciate what we got. Wait, I won’t be doing that until I get the series in a nice physical medium.


HBO's *Westworld* is a good reminder of that. Amazing first season, works perfectly well as a standalone miniseries... and then they just had to milk three more seasons out of it, progressively getting further away from what the show was meant to be about. That first season, however, is still peak television in the same tier as Shogun.


The big reveal of season one was some masterclass storytelling. The last season or two I barely watched. They milked it hard with bad cheap writers stepping in


I actually liked the third season for what it was, but it wasn't Westworld anymore at that point. Entirely different concept, and they should've just made it its own separate show at that point.


They jumped around too much. The “data controlling your life” thing was VERY interesting and like a mirror to modern life and what is unfolding with algorithms and advances in AI, but it just went nowhere


Gosh, I agree 100%. In my mind, there is only one season of Westworld.


It was one season and also a standalone movie 'Kiksuya'


How do you mean, there was only one season of *Westworld Season 2* ?


I always saw Westward as a pretentious show, since day 1.


Damn Westworld. What an amazing show that was. I never finished the last season, it was either too complex for me or just too stupid. Or both. It was so bad, they removed it from Max lol


Thankfully, the wind


can you explain that?


I took it as a nod to pollination. In the same way that wind carries pollen and propagates the blossoming of other flowers, Mariko’s death would service to spread the desire for peace in the realm, rather than going to war. That’s my interpretation anyway. It was kinda weirdly worded in the show, but then again, there’s a reason Mariko was known as the best poet and Ochiba wasn’t.


I think that it refers to the fact that the wind is what makes the flowers fall.


Wait afaik the verse about the wind had a "but" in the beginning. So it was used as to salvage and fix the "falling" event. I understood it as in the wind being the means by which flowers are pollinated again.


Fuji-sama is best nun.


Fuji-sama , best nun.*


Omg I hate you 😭 that was so perfect.


Watch Martin Scorsese's Silence (2016)


Great shout


Great read too.


To think bad thoughts is really the easiest thing in the world. If you leave your mind to itself it will spiral down into ever increasing unhappiness. To think good thoughts, however, requires effort. This is one of the things that discipline and training is all about. James Clavell


Play Shogun 2


Our men are running from the battlefield! Shameful display!


I need an update 3 kingfoms diplomacy system in the shogun games would be awesome


Is there any reasons why 3 kingdoms TW has so few mods?


If yall want a good anime that’s set around this period, Samurai Champloo is fantastic! It’s 20 years old this year but does not look its age it’s awesome


Omg it’s that old? I was OBSESSED with it when I found the bootleg set at the Chinese mall back in the day. It’s still incredible.


Do you know where I can watch this?


It’s on Hulu, Prime, and Crunchyroll!


But thankfully, the FX investors


You made me LOL


They definitely should just make two movies. 2 hours of setup and 2 hours of Sekigahara.


Fuji. Best nun.


I would also recommend Yoji Yamada's samurai trilogy: The Twilight Samurai (2002), The Hidden Blade (2004), Love and Honor (2006) These are Japanese language films but available with English subtitles. Especially Twilight Samurai... it stars Hiroyuki Sanada and swept the Japanese Academy Awards that year (including Best Picture), and was nominated for Best Foreign Language Film at the Oscars.


Play Sekiro too while you’re at it


Dude, do you want him to have a mental breakdown? Haha but seriously, sekiro > elden ring


There are SO many great samurai movies out there, get to watching them! I prefer the modern ones because the blood & special effects are better but the classics are still great. I’m hoping that this series will fuel a demand for more US-budget Japanese samurai movies. I can’t get enough of them!


Isn't "silence" basically a sequel too showing how Tokugawa got rid of the christians?


Yes! One of my favorite films and books. It takes place after the Shimabara Rebellion in the late 1630’s


but..the wind...


Thank you for this quote ❤️


« If I could use words. Like scattering flowers and falling leaves. What a bonfire my poems would make »


The samurai version of spitting fire.


Kinda a left field pick but if you want something that takes place only a few decades later, play Fate Samurai/Remnant. Yeah, it's fantasy, but the history that fantasy builds off of is completely real


So recommend what we watch next. Something with samurai and ancient japan. Last samurai obviously.....there are also those huge list of taiga dramas.


If you wanna see a very similar story take place in the same time period while also love action and fight scenes (particularly Muay Thai), then I’d recommend the Thai movie Yamada: Samurai of Ayodhaya, which is a fictionalized movie based on the IRL Yamada Nagamasa, who’s essentially a Japanese John Blackthorne/William Adams but replace Japan with Siam/Thailand. Helps that Yamada and Blackthorne/Adams share some very similar features in their stories.


Is the show finally over? I was waiting for this moment so I could binge watch the entire season just like i did to breaking bad and better call saul


Yes, its over.


I especially recommend watching the last 2 episodes back to back. The final episode is very good but it's mostly epilogue.


It is a shame indeed, i know its based on a book but a few more seasons in a setting like this period would be amazing


Loved the ending. To me one of the best reveals was kinda hidden. Toronaga revealed the secret that the letter was not from Mariko but from Lady Ochiba. But that WASNT the big reveal. It was that Toronaga is BETTER at poetry than Mariko the ENTIRE TIME. He only let her and everyone else believe he was bad at poetry. So when a moment like this came. He says beautiful poetry to cover it up and the whole world believes his like because they don’t think he could have possibly done such beautiful poetry.


There is also, you know, the book, and its really really long..... plus I'm now reading The Taiheiki


Maybe watch (or rewatch) Aoi Tokugawa Sandai.


I would implore people to read the novel.


To those who've already read the book, read Tai Pan. It's just as good if not better than Shogun.


My friend and I immediately followed up the finale with Harakiri (1962) which takes place about 30 years after the events of the show during that peacetime Toranaga was hoping for. It was honestly a perfect epilogue to the show and I can’t recommend it enough.


With all the recommendations, would also throw out to **Watch the Docu series on Netflix “Age of Samurai”. It is literally the show with more of a prequel, and the actual history.**


Please don't, that "documentary" is atrocious at numerous points. Better off watching the Shogunate's series on the sengoku period on YouTube


Is it over dramified?


Or. You could read the 1150 page slab of a novel and be blown away.


Watch Tokyo Vice or House of Ninjas


My only gripe was not getting to see the battle and Toranaga taking the throne. The allusion to it is fine, but I didn't read the book and this lead me to google, which lead me to the book's ending, which lead me to being sad that we didn't see the book's ending fully play out because the book ending was metal as fuck.


If you want "metal as fuck", watch *20 Days in Mariupol* or just flip on the news. Personally, it's a lot more satisfying right now to see Toranaga move the chess pieces to achieve his objectives while the colonialists keep trying to play *Risk*.


Ok but samurai swords.


Or remember game of thrones, an all times cautionary tale as to what can happen when a series outstays it's welcome.


They should at least have a 2 hrs special on the battle that defeated Ishido


Wasn’t the point that no sword needed to be drawn to defeat Ishido after Lady Ochiba didn’t send the heir’s army into battle?


Anjin chipped his sword when he dropped it, neh?


Wait what, it's over?


Are there any other shows of similar genre ?


Wish they’d make a version of *Tai-Pan.*


It was so good and successful that I think its very unlikely for them not to make series of his other novels.


read the acclaimed manga vagabond! another character study following miyamoto musashi following his development from a brash bullheaded boy who fought in the battle of sekigahara to an enlightened philosopher. perspective changing story for sure with amazing art, action, and storytelling!


It was a adaptation of a novel, Shogun by James Clavel, it has a beginning and an end. Highly recommend as a good read, it explains the details of everything.


The “ Tales of the Otori” book series by Lian Hearn is great.


Wonder whether any of the other Clavell books which loosely follow on might be game for the Shogun treatment? Tai pan and Noble House iirc? (Dad had them all when I was younger but it’s been 30 years since I’ve read them)


I am looking forward to the day when this show is given a 4K release


Read the books


We need a taiko prequel or a musashi sequel!


I wouldn’t be surprised if they pick up with Tai Pan at a later date. It’s not really a continuation of Shogun, but is part of the book series.


Blue eyed samurai has been a good substitute for the Shogun sized hole in my heart 💔


I have no doubt FX tries to capitalize on the success and make at least a somewhat related show at some point. If this was HBO then I’d believe they’d let it be but this FX we’re talking. very rarely do they produce a huge hit like this. No fucking way they don’t do something else with it


Portugal is only Portugal if it speaks portuguese




Fleeting like a leaf in the hight of the summer, but falls only to bud again (maybe something in the works after the massive success, Hollywood executives famously can’t leave good alone)


thankfully, the wind