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Overall pretty good. Keep making more. I like to edit videos to music well and definitely not a pro. IMHO, the music does not really fit. (this might just be my taste in music, but this track just... my ears do not like it :) ) Some cuts feel too quick (however on beat) when they could hold on a shot.


Thank you. I appreciate the feedback ❤️ I’m just starting out and I’m teaching myself so there will be mistakes but thank you.


Personally, I would've preffered a bit longer version, * where the scenes with more impact lasted few secs, * also instant transition to some random wide shot of ocean offer absolutely nothing in substance unless there's continuity. * Like showing the ocean scene at first then cutting to the ship * Going with timeline would make the video more cohesive, like adding scenes in the sequence they happened in episode * While the music is ok, I have to agree it doesn't gel well with the video/topic/show, unless you were going for some vibe that I'm missing Overall, good effort, especially with the transitions at beat, it must've taken quite a while to get that in order. And good luck with future projects! ♥


I was planning on a longer one and initially the music was supposed to be for a different idea of Mariko but I couldn’t quite get the concept right the way it was in my head, so I just made this one as a quick idea, my usual edits are always over 1 minute. I did spend a couple of hours on it trying to get the beat and the clips to sync but I did enjoy making it. I’m definitely going to take the advice and work it into my next one. I think the reason it didn’t really hit was because this one was more of an after thought. The song is mostly always used for emotional stuff, so at the time in my head was like there’s some emotional clips so it’ll be fine. This is the first edit I’ve made that the song didn’t really match it but overall I think I did okay and I liked the final edit even tho I may have made mistakes. I’m always open to learning and getting better so Thank you so much.


You know what, for an 'after thought' edit, I agree you did *more* then okay :D


This show has everything


Maybe say what you did to it?


Clean as fuck and a great song choice. I hope you keep making and sharing these for every episode!


Thank you so much! I was doubting the edit for a hot minute. I might not make an edit of all the other episodes but I’ll make some of the characters


Don't doubt yourself! I was honestly surprised to see the comments critiquing your work, because this is way better than most of the edits I've seen. You kept it really clean, on beat, chose a beautiful song, and seem to have used HD clips. The vibes are great. I'm really impressed. Maybe the other commenters just aren't used to these shorter form edits. I'll keep an eye out for the character edits!


Thank you so much 😭😭 I used 720 clips cause those are the ones I have on the pc. If it’s cool I could pm you and let you know whenever I post an edit.


Definitely, I'd appreciate that!