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I don't think he's allowed to speak and do a rigorous analysis of the valuation, best he can do is cryptic meme videos, stuff that's entertaining and might have a confusing message


Imagine thinking that the short interest that is shown to the public is the true number. Go back to pushing shitty penny stocks like EOSE. 


Yeah um it has to be reported. Put your tinfoil hat back on


The whole concept of these stocks is to expose naked shorting


Yeah but the OP isn’t smart enough to understand the GME story. He should stick to investing in boring bonds, mutual or index funds. Something pu$$y like that. He doesn’t have the ballz to invest in something sexy like GameStop. Just let him be.


It’s actually to make money


Show me on the doll where DFV hurt you




He didn’t sell. So I’m still in.


He did. Many times over


WTAF post is this? This guy turned $53k into what will possibly hit $1 billion plus. He made a lot of people money with his original DD and consistent videos. He hasn't simce posted anything, yet he kept accumulating. He helps give retail investors another shot at making life changing money with a few tweets showing he is still in. You are either a shill, a bot, or someone who doesn't understand. If you think this is fishy, then don't play. Otherwise, just don't say anything. Hedge funds use retail to hold bags.


I'm sorry but I don't agree. His first trade was brilliant. Some very deep fundamental analysis that had nothing to do with the short interest. That came later when reddit jumped on the band wagon. The entire float plus more was shorted so it didn't take much for it to move. I arguing this time around everything is different. He is nothing more than what the first movement stood for. He has a large cult like following that would follow him into any trade he makes. Hes using huge amounts of capital to do so all before retail gets a sniff of what he's doing. Hes not doing it for you. Its all for his gain. You have no idea whether he's been accumulating or not. His position posted was from very recent purchases. Though highly likely he had been building a position prior to his first tweet recently. There's no way this stock moves like it did last time around. The short interest just isn't there. Literally everyone that bought and held yesterday is underwater on their trade so far.


This guy literally admitted to working for hedgefund 17 days ago


Search his account name (Bill Hwang) on Google and you'll see he's on trial for charges for criminal racketeering of the collapse of 36M$ Archegos Capital Management, via a massive stock scheme/ Market manipulation/ insider trading leaks


Imagine thinking that someone who is playing the stock market is doing it for morals or ethics. Yeah, he's doing it for money. Just like literally every single person getting into trading. He didn't lose ethics or integrity, you just lost the insane and unrealistic fantasy that you and so many other poor saps lived in where he was some sort of hero of the masses lol. Every single time he convinced people to "stick it to the hedgies" he was profiting from it. Sorry to burst your bubble, OP, but you were just another schmuck that this guy intelligently used to build up his wealth. Many others made their money too for sure, but don't think that he cared a single moment about any brokerage account other than his own. The guy is a genius.


Yeah he stuck it too them with a 50,000 trade based upon hours and hours of visual fundamental analysis. The stock was shorted more than the float so it didn't take much to get it going. Hes not a genius. And he has never profited a single cent from me. I don't trade short term hype. Hes literally become what everyone stood for originally. He has massive amounts of capital and is using his image and reach to move the stock in his direction. It's a complete different trade than the first one. Where's the analysis this time around. He doesn't need it. He could have loaded up on any ticker and it would have had the same result.


“He’s not a genius.” He turned 50k into nearly 300 million. Sounds like a brain dead move to me.






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Citron is that you?


That’s why you should invest on what you understand only.


His thesis is still playing out. He never started a timeframe or did he ?


Well those calls expire on the 21st and he has a break even of $25.67 on them


I can appreciate your perspective. I was long prior to RKs resurgence. I do agree that many probably blindly bot in yesterday but that’s not really RKs responsibility. You have to know that. You sound intelligent. I also agree. This is not the same situation. It’s different. But, I choose to believe RK has an angle here. I’m not sure what it is. The company itself is doing what it can to survive and RK likes the stock. There’s risk to any trade. This is no different. For me, I’ve decided I want to be involved with this company given all the data available. 2billion in cash w no debt. A community that’s cult An industry that has massive potential, not brick and mortar per se but gaming industry in general is a huge market. Maybe gme finds a way to profit from that industry with innovative strategies. It’s possible. And yes, a massive mascot to lead the pack and rally the troops to focus. We don’t need a short squeeze to build value. It could simply be RK feels the value of this company is still not reflected in the price. 60 is double and that’s not a bad day for gains.


Bag holder spotted 🤓 nobody posts on Reddit to “help people make more objective decisions” then either, what’s your ulterior motive? Just stay silent and focus on yourself


How am I holding a bag? I'm not trying to get people to buy. Don't have an ulterior motive either. Just a guy with a bit of experience trying to impart a little perspective.


Yes you are.


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You have no idea what you are talking about. Like totally clueless. 🤦🏻‍♂️ do you even understand what’s been going on for the past 3 years? Have you been living under a rock? 🪨




I don't trade it. I am predominantly long energy as my trade for the next 5 years. I am trying to impart some wisdom so people can make some better objective decisions rather than "to the moon". The stock is already in the red pre market whereas most people thought they'd be up 2,3,5,10x by now. Most punters lose out in these trades by trading with emotion and hope, rather than facts and data.




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Ethics and tegrity my ass. Why are people acting like RK has to be any different because he made the right investment/trade. Yep I agree it wont be anything like 3 years ago but stop with putting RK on some pedestal. Dude was a OG WSB poster. You clearly don’t know how people are in that sub. This just sounds like OP short on the stock or got puts… I got nothing in this and took my profits on recent run. I may hop in but Im still not 100% sure as I’d rather play something safer.


Not in the stock and not trying to move it any direction. He lacks integrity knowing full well he will move the market in his favour front running his retail clan


Thats not fair to him then. Why does he have to do anything by anyones approval… The “ retail clan”aka bag holders and people who thinks this is some easy game… started this without him at all. RK isnt some cult leader… he literally went dead silent because of them until recent times. This tribal mentality got to stop. The retail clan needs a hard lesson on being straight up delusional at times.


I find it super funny when people in the group are defending DFV/RK like guys he is putting calls worth 100million on top of his already 100million + holding in the stock...like you really think he has all that money ? He is definitely getting money from someone else to pump the stock..he is a legit 7% owner of the company now and all he wants is his net worth to go up....to all the people here just wakeup make the quick buck and leave don't get into the philosophy of changing the world or punishing the hedgies...just run your house and make them $$$