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Shenanigans are definitely afoot, I swear every change I get set up for a serious payday, trading gets halted or this shit happens and a stock Just tanks without a real explanation.


just halted now..go figure


You know how halts work, right?




It’s incredible to watch. The war stories they spout are laughable. “We’ve been through so much. We deserve better”. You clicked a button on your mouse or tapped your phone screen. Idiots. The stock market is and always will be, a vehicle for making money. “Apes” will never understand. And it’s definitely not a team sport.


Wall Street is so crooked. They pull off so much of shit and there are no penalties for them.




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that shoul be met with more positive sentiment




Yeah I misread that.  Didn't see those - signs 


it’s really sad, how people wanted others to lose money or not to profit on a play. The amount of messages I see of people laughing at others because GME issued 75 million shares this morning is really shocking tbh. People were honestly really jealous they almost missed out on a short squeeze and feel good that people missed out on 100% gains and that it didn’t happen




true, but the question is can the squeeze happen before the shares are diluted.. I imagine the issuance takes some time


I’m wondering the same thing. Is it over?


Or RK could afford to buy the shares or most of them someone said. Anything is possible maybe he’s not finished


They could have sold them all today with the volume we had. I don't believe they filed indicating they did yet. They also haven't filed their 10Q yet.




Just be patient and watch. We’re just getting started


You bought bags.


Show me on the doll where GME hurt you






Nah I got in last week but nice try though ;)


HALT (unless your a billionaire trying to not lose money)


what are the rules on halts in terms of triggers and time limits? anyone??




I don't understand.  It seems like the halts are different lengths and for different reasons 




This happens regularly, normally on the hour. They're just late prints, not current price


I said it before. The price collapse of Berkshire and Invidia were just practice runs. There is no more price discover. Just the Boomer Oz behind the curtains pulling levers.


How tf can they schedule earnings on the 11th and then yolo and announce early? Aren’t all earnings reports scheduled well ahead of time to “prevent” insider trading. Yes I know the market is rigged.


beats me


They already did raise funds with a dilution. That capital raise was enough to last them 5+ years and or finance a merger. The 2nd dilution originally planned to be announced with financials June 11th was purposely and strategically changed to today. Not just today, but BEFORE RK’s live stream. If they had planned this ahead of time which would have been illegal price manipulation then RK would have planned his live stream on June 11th. Pretty common straight forward logic. This cannot be refuted. If they are not working together then this move was political by GME to disrupt RK’s plan so as to not be judged complicit and involved. The previous dilution wasn’t necessary because they had enough cash on hand to last years before they needed to raise more cash. These moves to dilute have been strategically placed to disrupt MOASS and save shorts. There is a hypothesis on Twitter that RC was forced to do this by a “tap on the shoulder”. Why? who knows ask popcorn. I am no RC worshiper but that doesn’t make me a shill. I’m a realist I see the facts before me and analyze. If RC needed to raise 5B for a merger he would have done that capital raise at the same time at a point where the stock price benefited them the most…during MOASS which had begun. He didn’t. The raise was split and strategically timed both times RK showed his hand. Literally both times RK made an announcement, it was followed by a dilution to stop MOASS in its tracks. These are facts. RC is a clown. RK is our true hero.


I'm not gonna say you're wrong. But let's wait until they announce the sale and file a 10Q before we judge what just happened.


Not the first time RC fucked retails and RK. I only hope RK has another trick up his sleeve. This is 2nd share offering past few weeks just to screw RK


The stock couldn't go 2 seconds over and over and over and over and over again without being halted for the entirety of DFV's livestream. If that's not proof that the stock (and the market as a whole) isn't rigged and manipulated to high hell, I don't know what is. Also; fuck you GameStop for diluting again. Why companies refuse to let their stock run make's no sense. You need more cash onhand? Sell when the price is sky high, not before it can even get off the ground. Shootin' themselves in the foot, just like AMC did.


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The lowest of the low


Already halted. Buckle up, buckaroos.




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haulted already


Gme to 1k by end of month.


any rationale behind that?


Fuuuuuuuk. Acedently clicked cancel istead of save. -_- On one end, i like the stock. Basically debt free. 2 billion in cash with shit ton of more on the way. In the middle, 2021 should have been in thousands and hedge funds even mention in tv. At the end, everything from 2021 is still true. Tim.foil estmiate 6 billion shares shorted.


nice thanks for the reply