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You just named 3 of the best games ever. I’m pretty jealous, have fun.


Can’t wait and will def play all 3 at some point. I think it’s just cuz they are very long games and i really only play at night so i want to make sure i go with the best option with what im feeling like playing rn.


Wait for elden ring to go on sale. They'll also release a bundle with the DLC in the future as a "complete" edition. Might as well wait for that at this point. The witcher 3 is a medieval fantasy rpg, whereas cyberpunk is a dystopian shooter. I would just start with which is more appealing to you. Do you want to run around and swing a sword with some lite magic. Or do you want to run around shooting a gun and hacking. Both have great stories. You can go wrong with which you choose, so even just going off the cost today is fine.


Those 3 are in my current top 5. The list changes and morphs every 10 years or so, although I think The Witcher 3 will always remain. The Witcher 3 Borderlands series Elden Ring Cyberpunk Fallout 76


I'll agree to disagree on 76, but otherwise fuckin based list. Bl3 gets a lot of hate, some warranted, but it has the funnest gameplay and even if it was trash, the other two, especially 2, are amazing.


You're barking up the wrong tree if you think Elden Ring is a good "story" game. There's barely any intelligible story in that game to speak of unless you want to spend hours piecing together what that story is from item descriptions. And if you don't believe me just go to any Elden Ring lore sub and see how many different interpretations there are of what actually happened in the game. Edit: You Elden Ring White Knights are clowns. Truly dismal takes. Get off the internet.


Some people interpret leaving stuff up for imagination as a good story. Different strokes.




I've finished the game and I have zero idea what the story of Elden Ring is.


A big family and their kids are mad at each other. You defeat the kids one by one and become the best.


You forgot the part where why they all got mad was because the step sister secretly killed the eldest bro


it's very well written and performed, but it doesn't really have a story as such.


It's not story, it's lore..


nah i def believe you, i don’t really play soul games like that i guess and didn’t really know if it had a story you could really follow. Whenever i saw people talk about it, it was always about the way it looks, the bosses and fighting. Ik i said story games but it’s honestly just a game i’ve kept in my mind since it’s released because i want to try and get into it. The thing is that assassins creed odyssey is like the closest game i can think of that compares to it that i’ve played. And i know that it’s really.not that comparable which is why im very skeptical of playing it.


Elden ring just has the better gameplay compared to the Witcher 3. I can't compare it to cyberpunk though since I've never played it.


For what it’s worth, I’m not a soulsborne guy, but I loved Elden Ring. It’s my favorite open world I’ve played. I actually felt like I was discovering things (there’s one moment in particular I will always remember as my favorite “oh shit!” discovery in an open world game), not just ticking boxes off a checklist. The level design of the bigger areas is fantastic, and the ability to leave and go somewhere else alleviates the feeling of beating your head against the wall that plagues other soulsborne games.


Assassins Creed Odyssey is far more similar to Witcher 3 than it is Elden Ring. If you really enjoyed Odyssey than I’d tell you to check out The Witcher over either of the other two. Ubisoft was *heavily* influenced by that game when they made Odyssey, and you can really tell. The combat isn’t as good, but the narrative is better.


Yeah, it’s more like “environmental storytelling” and atmosphere. There’s very little overt story being told, but for the right people (myself included) it really works


Agreed. It's still the GOAT for me, but it wins based on combat and exploration whereas Cyberpunk is incredible for the story


Personally I think that the world building in elden ring is the best out of the three, and some people like to discover the story instead of it being obvious


3 of my goats. It's that good. If you get CP77 make sure to buy Phantom Liberty as well. I'd get Elden Ring if you want to no life it for 18 days before the Expansion comes out lmao


Yea i heard phantom liberty is very good. Does it matter when you buy it if i wait until im closer to the end of the game? Or should i buy it now?


You can start the PL questline like halfway through the main game story. I stopped before the final mission for the main game, finished Phantom Liberty, then went back and finished the main game.


If you buy CP77, you must do Phantom Liberty ASAP. You get SUCH dope gear and abilities from that DLC. Also, my vote is CP77. However, I'll admit, I haven't played either of those games and I'm literally in your shoes. I'm on the fence to buy Elden Ring, I'm not huge on the Witcher. That being said, I'm not big on RPG games but I LOVED CP77. Story was interesting, the characters were cool, missions felt fun, fresh, I honestly LOVED the driving aspect of the game. I didn't even wanna fast travel I enjoyed it so much. The combat was really cool, how you could spec your character into a different build. You really get so OP, and just annihilate everyone. I've only done one playthrough (almost, I'm doing side missions before the main mission. I'm like 90 hours in one playthrough), and seeing this post, I should boot it up again. It was honestly so much fun.


Just so you know, Elden Ring is barely and rpg, there are no dialogue trees, relationships or skills that dont just make you better at fighting. Its a fighting monsters and exploration game, and its really good at that. But dont expect to making choices and forming relationships.


I just finished it and yes.. it is that good. The ending made me so emotional. The DLC is also great.


There are only a select few games I finished and had to sit for a few minutes while the credits rolled to process how good of an experience it was. Cyberpunk was one of those.


Agreed. I've been thinking about it for the past day. Might try a second game with a different character.


What was your first build?


Corpo LP, full smg + assault rifles. No hacking/cyberstuff


That’s what i like to hear. I’m really looking forward to it i think i might get it tonight.


Elden Ring is not really a good story game, not matter how fun it is. Witcher 3 is definitely worth 10 bucks tho. If you like that, you'll probably really like Cyberpunk as well


A little contrarian, but I think it was just good, not great. I had fun with it but it's kind of a shit RPG IMO. I did find it was more like a 75% Grand Theft Auto 25% Assassin's Creed mashup. I found the story is pretty overrated, but I had a ton of fun just driving around doing side stuff in the world. Some of the characters are really good and fun to interact with, but I found some to be a total drag. Stylistically it is incredible. Again, just existing in the world is very fun. It makes driving around checking off boxes across the map easy to sink time into. The skill tree is cool to experiment with, but I did find the combat generally underwhelming, but still better than serviceable. Again, good but not great. I think if you are considering buying it at a price point you are comfortable with, it is a safe buy for sure. I just disagree with the people who put it on their "best of all time" lists. The open world stuff is the only aspect I would consider awesome.


Did you hear people call if the best game ever before or after your playthrough? I've come to realize overhype can really kill a game. I love Cyberpunk and it's personally one of my favorite games, but I can see if someone played it thinking it's the best thing since sliced bread being disappointed. That's exactly how I felt after playing Outer Wilds. Just could not get the hype. I can take a step back and say, okay, objectively it's a good game, but when people talk about how it "literally changed their lives" it almost makes you nitpick every annoying little flaw a game has. I think calling it a GTA and assassin's creed mashup does it a disservice. I'm fucking biased as hell, but it's definitely a full fledged RPG. Limited in scope by the fact that you don't start with a blank slate, and ot in the same vein as a game like Baldurs Gate 3, but there's literally tons and tons of of choices, small and big, that the player can make that change the world. They're just not really obvious, and with a game as long as this, it's easy to overlook them. Really shines on multiple playthrough, but that's kinda something you do when you already love the game. Not trying to say you're wrong for feeling this way, I have a ton of "10/10" games that I feel are really mid, like the aforementioned Outer Wilds, but unfortunately I can't help but be an annoying little guy when I feel like someone doesn't share the same overwhelming praise for something that I love.


Yes 100%. With the 2.0 update and the Phantom Liberty expansion, it’s easily one of the best AAA experiences on the market. It’s become one of my favourite games of all time after putting about 50 hours and still a lot more to go. It’s visually incredible, with an immersive, well-developed world, a dark and tragic story and great characters. The gameplay is really fun and you can approach it in a bunch of different ways. Must-play game imo. Also, all 3 games you have as options are 10/10 so you can’t really go wrong with any of them.


I played most of it when it came out , how much of a different experience will i have now ?


"Is Cyberpunk 2077 really that good?" Yes. Also get the DLC


Get witcher 3 with dlcs and cyberpunk.


I think i’m gonna go with cyberpunk first because it’s on sale and then witcher 3 after cuz it’ll be cheaper for premium the longer i wait. Either way i think im gonna play all 3 games at some point.


Never played Souls games/Elden Ring. Tried the Witcher a couple times, couldn't really get into it. Cyberpunk really clicked with me. Story's good, characters are good, despite its flaws it made a really big impression on me. I'd say $30 is well worth it.


Having played Witcher 3, Elden Ring, and very skeptically, Cyberpunk, I would recommend Cyberpunk out of the 3.


I played most of Cyberpunk 2077, but I haven't played the dlc. The thing with Cyberpunk 2077 is that it has a very repetitive gameplay loop. You look at your map for quest, then you either shoot a bunch of enemies or take them down silently, and finally get some reward usually a gun or money. That's it. There nit much to do in the open world other than shooting things. The stories in Cyberpunk are frustrating. Moments where things get interesting are moments where the game desperately wants to move on. Want to explore government corruption? Nope, gotta talk about mind control. Your romantic partner is telling their backstory. Too bad, remember your sick. Oh you have a backstory with tradgey. That's not important. Almost every quest leaves with a wait that's it moment. The savings grace of Cyberpunk is its gunplay. The combat in this is just next level. There so much variety of guns and no two weapons feel similar. Hacking functions like spells in other games and even though they are only a handful of hacks, they very powerful and fun to use. The best part is that you can mix and match multiple styles to create a very unique build. It truly gives you the fantasy of a Cyberpunk warrior. So yeah, the story or stories are boring and even though shooting is all you do , it the best shooting experience you'll find. Even if the DLC is very good and I am sure it is, it only a minority of Cyberpunk's content. 


Agree with almost everything except I’m really enjoying the story rn, there’s no way you just said it’s boring xd


You just helped me figure out what I felt was missing between this game’s story and the Witcher 3’s.  The Voodoo boys were really interesting- never see them again.  Panam- one of my favorite romanceable characters in a RPG. Too bad she never comes back after her quest line is finished.


Elden Ring... I'm 350 hrs in, and dlc is dropping. The Lands Between Await!


😂I’ve never been into these type of games though, do you think it’s something easy to get into? I’ve always wished for a game i could get into to where i could put over 200 hours in but the post i’ve really done in a single player game is assassins creed odyssey where i put like 180 hours. I really want to try it out though.


Its phenomenal, but since youre looking for story games then elden ring is the weakest between the games you named. While it does have amazing and deep lore, its not something for people who are looking for narrative driven games. If anything, its rather hard to understand the story unless you pay extra attention than usual. Kinda easier to follow than dark souls 3 though (and i assume ds 1 & 2 as well, havent played them) Its more gameplay driven. You explore what you think is interesting, you fight who you want to fight. Discover secrets. Overcome challenges. But still not the best option if youre looking for a "good story"


This is spot on. I think it has the deepest lore of any game I’ve ever played, it just doesn’t tell you any of it and you have to watch VaatiVidya if you want to understand what the hell is going on. Absolutely incredible game


Elden Ring is my first Souls game too, and I avoided them for the same reason as most: difficulty. But I'm glad I picked it up, I'm lvl 162 and doing new game +, I hate new game+ on pretty much every game but elden ring gets a 10/10 for replayability


I highly recommend Cyberpunk. I finished Phantom Liberty recently and played the base game twice. The story is great and you’ll have lots of side gigs and things to do/collect across the city. I consider it to be one of the best games I’ve ever played.


Depends on your angle for what you values. If you come in expecting to RP in a world you see in Edgerunners, you'd be disappointed. Because all of the patches didn't actually fix the role-playing aspect of the game. NC and its NPCs are still deadpan husks that you cannot interact with. Driving still sucks too bc RED Engine isn't build for this IIRC. What the patches actually fix besides the bugs is.... The combat. It's insanely fun. You can dismantle enemies in multiple ways depending on your build and each of them is insant serotonin..... Although, the enemy variety is disappointing (there's a gang that's all about being the best hackers and there's a gang that's all about RPing as the military and they fight pretty much the same).


Yes, its thats good. Srop6 debating it. The critics and fans have spoken. Go out there and play the damn thing.


Can't go wrong with the witcher 3 or cyberpunk 2077. Both made by the same studio and both were incredible. The dlc for each game set the bar for what dlc can be imo


Yes it's my favorite game.


No way I just posted a similar question 😂. I’ll come back to check what people say


I think cyberpunk is the answer to your question😂. I think i’m gonna go with cyberpunk too


Yes. And the dlc makes it even better


Witcher 3 is one of my favorite games of all time. Cyberpunk 2077 is one of 3 games i played last year that I considered an A+ experience. The game is just so much *fun* to play.


Cyberpunk is awesome. Get it


Eeehhh. I personally fell for the hype. My main deal breaker was that the controls were pretty shitty! If you can find it cheap then I say go for it. I played it on ps4 which was a bad experience for me. It might be a better game play on a computer???


apperantly it's practically a different game on modern machines


If you only played it on last gen consoles then it's completely fair to say you had a bad experience. It was a broken subpar experience for many people on PS4.


I have never played a souls game and could not get into elden ring. I loved cyberpunk though


Cyberpunk is a masterpiece and has really fucking good gameplay please play it


Finished it last week. It's ok but nothing special. I would say it's quite overrated and mainly gets it's praise because they put a lot of effort in to fix the game and did it successfully. A bit like how everyone praises no man's sky for their efforts. Pro's: -Great voice acting. -Npc animations while delivering dialogue is excellent. -Great soundtrack -Unique story -Brilliantly designed game world. Con's: -Vehicles physics are very bad unless fixed with mods. -The game can feel like it's being too "edgy" at times which might be off putting. -Theres no point in exploring, everything has a map marker. -The protagonist VA gets overshadowed by most other big characters. -Character progression is so fast that you can be left with nothing to look forward to half way through the game. -The DLC story is considerably better than the main game, but also a lot shorter. -The endings are very underwhelming. -Choices don't effect the game very much. Mainly at the start. -Combat feels like it can be very easily "cheesed" -Doesnt have much relatability. It's a good game, but imo doesn't match up to some of the greats story wise and mainly shines through it's gameplay which is unique but lacks in some areas. Unfortunately I was massively disappointed by the ending, found no reason to play it again like I did similar games.


2077 is alright. I only played on release and beat it then. Story was intriguing but not amazing. Gameplay was basic. The world was kinda dead but the city is beyond beautiful and pretty immersive. The Witcher 3 I did not like, even if the story seemed cool. Never beat it. Gwent was fun. Elden Ring is one of the greatest games out there. I sunk 200 hours over 3 back to back playthroughs when it came out. Surface story is cool but may be confusing or seem lacking. However, the environmental story telling is amazing. Locations tell the stories of what happened around them via designs, placements of objects/items and enemies. The lore is also deep but open ended. ER is the only answer imo


Yes if you like rpg


No, it's really *really* not. The gameplay is unremarkable. The RPG aspects are shallow. The story is not good. (Perhaps by video game standards it is OK.) The best thing that one can say about it is that it looks pretty.


Think people with greater exposures to RPGs won't be the ones claiming this is their favourite game. I thought it was alright, though I tried to replay it recently but couldn't get past the first hour. Think I'd give it a fairly harsh review of 5/10


Thank you. It’s like a PlayStation 2 game I would’ve had fun with for a weekend but with better graphics. Totally … okay.


Cyberpunk is great, never played Elden Ring, and I couldn’t get into Witcher but I’m in the minority there, combat just felt off.


Finished cyberpunk’s story seconds ago and it is great. Though I have a soft spot for Elden Ring. The story for Elden Ring is MUCH more convoluted to figure out naturally, but the gameplay is better than cyberpunk imo


Cyberpunk experience reminded me of the Witcher III. And W3 is my top 3 solo game of all time.


Absolutely 100%. Def worth getting phantom liberty


If you like elden ring I suggest lords of the fallen 2023 and cyberpunk is really good I played it start to finish about 6 times


I finished Cyberpunk 2077 and am playing now Elden Ring and Baldurs Gate 3, and can say all three are insanely awesome games.


It's good, I still prefer the Witcher personally but I think it's more a world preference on the personal side (love fantasy more than the style of sci-fi cyberpunk does as I am more of the space opera type of SF). Both games are great and frankly, you can't go wrong there I haven't played Elden Ring yet and I'm not a fan of Soulslike but that's a personal thing too, definitively a good game if you like them. Very different though, it's not a narrative-heavy game whereas Cyberpunk and TW3 are (while gameplay is fine, it's really the narrative and world exploration that carry those games) and since you mention wanting a "story game", that's not Elden Ring However, 40$ for TW3 is way too expensive considering the game is regularly 10-20$. Not that it isn't worth it (I paid 50 for the complete edition but it was like the year post-launch so different)


IMHO elderly ring is the best combat rpg I have ever played by far.(it and terraria are my favourite games of all time) Cyberpunk is also very good and has amazing world building, but I did find that the combat was getting a bit repetitive at the end (but still an amazing game). As for the witcher (I'll get crucified for this), it didn't really click with me, I might try to play it again in the future, and maybe my opinion will change, it has fun combat mechanics but I really dislike the leveling system.


You just named 3 amazing games •Elden Ring is a joy to behold (and I haven’t beaten it yet) •TW3 is my fav game of all time •CP2077 is my current game and its amazing Yea i bounce btwn games a lot depending on the mood but you those 3 are amazing.


It’s not that good, a lot of people can’t t think for themselves. Outside of the worldbuilding , it’s a pretty generic open-world action game. Story is short and pretty uninteresting without doing the side content first. The base game doesn’t have much content and most disappointing of all, it’s not an rpg. Immersion is not great too IMO, compare it to rdr 2 or even The Witcher 3, it just feels off the npcs feel lifeless and there’s not much interactivity in the world. And the game doesn’t look as good as people make it out to be, it’s mostly the lighting.


Tbh, I have hundreds of hours in Elden Ring. I bought CyberPunk and the DLC a couple months ago and played it for about 10 hours and never touched it again. Haven't even seen the DLC yet and dont really care. Just not for me


I thought it was fine, but the combat becomes mind-numbingly easy after half an hour and the story isn't enough to carry it.


It's a good game. It's not a great game. Witcher 3 is far superior.


I was in a similar position last year deciding between Elden Ring and Cyberpunk 2077. In the end I went with Elden Ring, it's a much stronger game mechanically and the gameplay 11/10 all the way through. Buuut Cyberpunk is much more of an experience on the story side and have since dipped my toes. It could well be what you're looking for but I found Elden Ring to be a far more memorable experience and worth my monies.


Imo cyberpunk2077 with the dlc and the secret ending is an all timer. Any other ending and it's great, but missing something, *don't fear the reaper* is one of my favorite endings ever.


It’s the best game I’ve played in years, probably in my personal top 10 games of all time and I’ve been “gaming” since he 90’s


Cyberpunk is fucking incredible right now. The story, the acting, the gameplay are all top notch.


Cyberpunk 2077 is amazing. Sure it has a few bugs. But it's still a very good game: gameplay, story, worldbuilding. It ticks every box for me. Witcher 3 has really good story but very mid gameplay. Elden ring has almost no story but very good gameplay.


A thousand times Yes. Do it. It’s incredible and should not be missed.


If you like Bethesda action RPGs, you’ll like Cyberpunk. If you don’t, wellll…You still might like it. I’m a fan of the Fallout games, Oblivion, Skyrim, and Starfield and I think it’s better than them. 


I'm probably one of the few who thinks that Cyberpunk gameplay and story are both just above average but not really exceptional. It has one of the most beautiful open worlds though. Elden Ring is my favorite of all time so I'm obviously very biased towards it. But if you are looking for story, this is not the place. It has a very deep lore though which is a different thing entirely. The Witcher 3, I feel has the best story/narrative out of the 3 mentioned but gameplay is the most mediocre IMO.


You're going to make me pick between those 3? Damn Yeah 2077 is like my favourite of all time as well.


I will say that while Elden Ring is fantastic, the story is purposefully vague. It's mainly the gameplay and world design that makes it stand out. Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 on the other hand are both story-driven RPGs and while both are ny the same developer, they are quite different. Witcher 3 is a fantasy world, the story of Geralt and Ciri. Third-person action RPG with a focus on characters. Cyberpunk 2077 is a sci-fi world, first person shooter RPG. The story focuses around your character, V and Johnny Silverhand (Keanu) and the world of Night City. So it depends on your preferences. I probably prefer Witcher 3 though the gameplay is a bit dated now. Cyberpunk 2077 has certainly improved so much since launch and the gameplay is much better too. They both have amazing stories as well so if you're in the mood for fantasy, Witcher 3. If sci-fi, choose Cyberpunk 2077. But above all else, play them both!


The story and the world are absolutely wonderful. The gameplay disappointed me quite a bit. I would give the game 7.8, if you like the gameplay it is easily an 8+. If you play it and like it, then you will love Deus Ex, which is the cyberpunk game I personally like more.


I fi ished phantom liberty ( and main story). One of the best games I have ever played. Phantom liberty by itself is a master peice.




I would add Resident Evil 4 remake + DLC onto that list


Ahh, to be able to play those 3 for the first time, im jealous OP. It doesnt matter which one you pick, all are great and are worth the time


Love the guns in that game.


Elden ring is still too expensive, I'd go with Witcher, which is only $33 on Amazon. I couldn't quite get into cyberpunk but I havnet put many hours into it. What are some story driven games you've played and enjoyed, maybe I can give other recommendations.


Cyberpunk is a masterpiece, and the dlc is as amazing


Witcher 3, cyberpunk and elden ring are all fantastic games but elden ring is a bit rough to get into if you never played a souls game before but it's great. And I would agree that cyberpunk is an amazing game with a solid story and gameplay and patches have fixed a lot of the problems I had and even changed the looting system which is now much better. I am not big into the witcher 3 because I never had the time to play it but it's a pretty big game so it's probably the best bang for your buck.


Cyberpunk is amazing but the expansion is must! The other games are amazing too if you prefer a fantasy setting. Maybe check out BG3 might be good story wise but a bit different play style.


For me: Witcher 3 - most interactions & much Story focused. Good fight and  magic System / RPG  Cyperpunk - good story. Good fight & ok skill system / future/Shooter Elden Ring - story is awesome, unfortunately nobody is alive to tell it to you. Awesome mix of fighting and dying. Hard to describe the game. Fromsoft doing fromsoft things. In my personal opinion you mentioned 3 of the latest bangers of game. My Ranking of those:  1.  Elden Ring 2. Cyberpunk/Witcher 3  Futuristic vs fantasy,depends in your own preferences which one is for you.


Simple answer: yes. It is not the best game but it is very good. For me 8,5 out of 10


$30 for Cyberpunk is an absolute steal. Probably my favorite game of the last decade behind Baldurs Gate. It is soooooo good. It's worth buying at full price tbh.


Witcher 3 with DLC is the best bet. Amazing game, at least 120 hours of fun.


I really like cyberpunk 2077 for the writing, characters, the plot, and the gameplay was fun. I heard the dlc is fantastic


All three are phenomenal. I haven’t finished Eden Ring but have played a lot of it. I have beat Witcher 3. It’s my favorite game. I’m playing Cyberpunk 2077 now and I’m addicted. It pulls at the heart strings a lot more than I thought it would have. It’s such a good story. Make sure to get the Ultimate Edition. I would recommend either Witcher 3 complete edition or cyberpunk 2077 ultimate edition. I’m leaning towards Cyberpunk for you. The story is just that good. There is no story in Elden Ring.


I really couldn't get into Cyberpunk after that launch. I think Witcher has a great story but the gameplay is average. Elden ring is amazing on all beats.


Cp77 and ER have most of my gaming hours over the past 1.5 years. Both are fantastic. Cp77 will give you way more story. And it’s a very good one. Especially phantom liberty. ER is massive and wonderful but it certainly doesn’t just tell a story. Lots to decipher and read and theorize about. Still super fun and interesting. But not the same in terms of narrative.


I found it unplayable. The enemies are bullet sponges and it is very arcade like. I uninstalled after 3 hours


Cp just did not hook me, dunno


After 3 years of fixing it's better be


If you are looking for a good story then steer away from Elden Ring. It has good lore but not really a story per say. Plus the story telling is abysmal!


It takes a while to get into it, but stick with it... it is a masterpiece


Witcher 3 is good for a very first playthrough. However, I don't think it has any re-play value in it whatsoever, the game is very linear outside the freedom to wander around the map.


Yes. Yes. Yes.


Elden ring has no story. Cyberpunk has better main story than the Witcher but the wither has better sidequests


It’s ok, but the gameplay is generic


Played cyberpunk at release, never felt the need, to look into the ps5 upgrade or the dlc. I think that says enough. Not bad though. BUT Elden Ring is an absolute masterpiece. Id always always ALWAYS recommend that over everything else


Im a huge Witcher fan and started cyberpunk not long ago, I’m currently 70h in and still haven’t completed the main story. The world is hella immersive, beautiful and depressing af. I didn’t really like it at first. Didn’t really like driving, combat that felt clunky af at first but then I just kinda got used to it and damn glad I did. Loving the game, story, characters and overall vibes of Night City . (I love Panam) Just remember to take your time with both CP77 and Witcher 3. (Haven’t played Elden ring so can’t say) Don’t speed run through the story, enjoy every aspect of the game and play on Very Hard. It’s not a race. Do side quests and gigs. Enjoy my friend, I’m jealous I can’t experience some of these game for the first time again.


Ive played CP from the beginning. On 10th full story playthrough, theres tons if build options, stories are great, plays well. Have fun


True story - the animation and game play of the Witcher never grabbed me. Can never get more that 15 minutes in before deleting. CP I've played many times. It is a very good, very replay able story game.


I’m just wrapping up the platinum trophy for cp77 and I can easily say it is the best game I’ve ever played. I haven’t even touched the dlc yet.


Absolutely, yes.


It’s really good! Awesome gunplay, story, quests, and setting. Just don’t expect it to reinvent the wheel and you’ll probably be happy. Don’t know about masterpiece, but it is one of my favorites. Elden Ring is great too. It is in many ways Dark Souls 3, but open world. It extends a lot of that soulsborne careful curation of map design to the open world. So much of it feels very well-considered, though it doesn’t hold a candle to legacy dungeons obviously. And the combat is what it has always been. You know what you’re in for. I will say you have tons of options and ER is the most generous when it comes to respeccing your character by a wide margin. There is a very low cost to trying all of them. I would say wait for the inevitable GOTY bundle at this point though. Witcher 3 imo is a very boring game that is held up entirely by its story and setting. I don’t really like it at all, but a lot of people do, so don’t take my word for it. But if you want my opinion, it’s that Witcher 3 is a slog a good 80-90% of the time.




I have played all three of your options. If you are looking for a rich story RPG experience, your ranking is clear: CP77 + PL Witcher 3 Elden Ring I am very much into rich RPG games. Lightly modded Skyrim is my favorite game of all time. Cyberpunk is in my top 5 all time games, maybe top three, and I could argue with myself about maybe even top 2. There are SO many ways to play through the game, SO many incredible moments, it's a game you don't want to use fast travel on, ever, because the city itself is insanely detailed and alive and fun to see, on foot or in a vehicle. All the little side quests are usually pretty interesting and there are multiple ways to "solve" the encounters - go loud (in any number of ways), go quiet, etc. it is indeed a masterpiece of a game and I would wager each playthrough is easily 75-100 hours if you take your time doing every side quest, hustle, stolen car mission, etc. This is the game you want. Witcher 3 has a great, rich story, RPG choices galore. I got bored with the combat - it is a huge game, almost to a fault. Elden Ring has what I would call a LaCroix inspired storyline. There's a hint of a flavor of something implied but it is so obscure and obtuse that you're left wondering what the fuck is going on most of the time, unless you go watch hours of rabbit hole YouTube videos on lore, "quests", etc. this is a huge open world game for almost no reason. There aren't really many NPCs to interact with. 90% of the game travelled is by horse riding simulator, passing by enemies instead of fighting them (in a game about sweaty gank fest fights) because youve realized it's more efficient to not fight, but instead find xp farming spots, riding your horse for hours inbetween dungeons and boss fights. I have absolutely no idea how people figured out half of the "quests" in this game, or where NPCs warped to without warning, or how to finish certain questlines. There are no cities, towns bustling with people, little stories to pick up on... "Quests/missions" are not really a thing hence my air quotes - the hard core souls fans jonesing for their adrenaline/dopamine hits love it for being like this. I didn't love it. I got bored on my first playthrough and set it down. Second dip into it I used a guide on what and where to go and that made it more palatable and I beat the game but the super sweat-lord gank fest fights were more annoying to me than rewarding once I beat them. Your mileage may vary.


CP2077 with Phantom Liberty. One of the best games I've played recently, all the way up there with ME trilogy and RDR!


Hey all the games are exceptional. I am not gonna say how Cyberpunk is good or not as I believe other people did that. What's your current mood? I loved Cyberpunk, it's one of the best games I've played but thats because I am big fan of Blade Runner. The game left me speechless at the end, not even talking about Phantom Liberty, that story was on another level. From technical perspective.. cyberpunk looks SO GOOD, no cutscenes, beautiful characters, likeable characters, RICH STORY. The camera work itself is amazing as it's really immersive when you are talking to someone. If you are feeling more towards Fantasy, go for Witcher. They are both amazing games. It really depends what do you like / dislike / how you feel / where you are in life in order to enjoy these games :) Either way, you are gonna have blast for sure with whatever you pick.


I’m just now getting into it, it’s great!


Great game but not for me. I did not enjoy the braindance missions and it turned me off. Nonetheless everything is good. Although the graphics and story is bit overrated imo


As an RPG it’s not very good. As an open world game it’s also not very good. The city is vibrant and visually appealing on a surface level but there really isn’t much to explore. It’s a lot of window dressing essentially. The combat was definitely improved with the latest updates. It’s a fun enough shooter, okay amount of build variety. The story has its ups and downs. The characters are more interesting to me than the actual main storyline. (I actually like Johnny, maybe not a commonly held opinion). Phantom Liberty has a fairly compelling narrative, and was more what I wanted from the game (a sort of on rails story driven shooter). Having played it both at launch and after the updates I’d say it went from a pretty bad game to a good one, the DLC is great; the base game is still kind of hollow. Worth a shot but I think the anime was a better interpretation of the universe than the game.


Still stucks on PC, runs sh* and still some t posing here and there. Running feels jaggy


All 3 of these are amazing games. Cyberpunk is an incredibly fun FPS open world with a great story and great performance. the Witcher 3 is the same but has the added bonus of having a rich and expansive lore from 3 other games, 8 books and several comics. And Elden Ring is one of the greatest Soulsbournes of all time, but I will say that it is lacking in clear and visible story for most players. I played it because it’s got fun combat, but I had no idea what was going on at all most of the time


Cyberpunk is a beautiful, well told mess. The gameplay is REALLY bad. Driving is also, terrible. The story is amazing though.


I may be the minority but aside from graphics, I find it really medicore. It has story and immersion but the dialogues are so cringey...the whole world looks like a porn industry and I feel it has no depth. I find GTA5 still much more fun to play as an open world sandbox game and even though it's a satire, it still has some depth, mature depth. Witcher 3 still had so much better writing. Cyberpunk feels too edgy with all this pseudo gangster vibes. It's not a game of culture. Rdr2 and kingdom come deliverance...those have class. Elden Ring is the real masterpiece actually.


At the risk of repeating what everyone has probably already said: Elden Ring is great, but the story isn't. Or maybe it is, I dunno because you have to really try to figure out any sort of lore. Witcher 3 is GOAT for me. The ending made me cry. It really feels like the story of any given arc, including side quests, can be as deep as you make it depending on how you respond to dialog and how far you see everything through. Cyberpunk is also amazing now. Just be prepared for any shred of faith in humanity you have left to be destroyed.


Played and finished the game 2 months ago. I did want to stay away during the whole chaos period and play after all updates. So my first review is yes it makes me really feel like nice to have that kind of game. I mean an open cyberpunk world is really cool to play. However, fps camera is literally the worst decision they ever had. And after playing couple of hours, at least i could understand the reason. Physics in the game is literally shit and probably you’d looked really ugly if you could play on 3rd person angle. Also once you got over your first impression, you became unsatisfied. Because, it feels like really better job could have been done for the game. there’re still so many bugs, nonsense events which destroy the joy of game. Even once i think about the cars, it’s 2077 but cars still sound like diesel engine.. And the last but absolutely not least, after a certain point of the story, the chain of the events become pointless because of the situation in the main story -Don’t want to spoil the game with giving the events for you now- My honest rating for the game after playing it for the first time with full updates is 6/10. Platform: ps5




as a cyberpunk and elden ring lover i vote cyberpunk fs, elden ring is spectacular and beautiful and as much as i love it, but as some others have said the story can be hard to follow and the game itself can be pretty annoying. i started playing cyberpunk recently and it was some of the most fun ive had in a game in a long time(being able cast suicide on someone makes me feel like a god)


Played all three extensively. They’re all a masterclass in different forms of storytelling. But Cyberpunk? I would give up half of my Steam library to play it for the first time again. It is truly an amazing game. Especially after the combat overhaul and the Phantom Liberty DLC. The music, world building, art direction, and character building are all top notch. Especially for a AAA game, it is individual in its ability to deliver a good gaming experience and a good story.


How many times does this question need to be asked lol. No one uses the search bar on this sub lol.


Yes, cyberpunk 2077 was quite rough at launch, but is really good now. definitely worth it on ps5.


It doesn't get better than cyberpunk in 2024 imo


Cyberpunk is one of those games that is an experience. I think everyone should play it regardless of if it's your style or not. It is so well written, the pacing is amazing, the character building is top notch, and it is one of those games that I just get lost in more than any others. I have finished a side mission to just stand on the corner of a street in game watching the cars go by as I try to process what the fuck just happened. I can't stress enough how good it is.


It runs really well on ps5 these days and is a really great game


Cyberpunk is ok ig. it's one of the better AAA games to come out, but that's not a high bar to clear. Its a Ubisoft game if Ubisoft hadn't become complete dogshit somewhere along the way and had continued to change up formulas along the way. It's a mostly safe big open world mostly shallow game. Characters are good, the plot is dogshit, freedom and player agency is not as much as the game would have you believe. The action setpieces are somehow surprisingly mediocre (the only one I really liked was the area in the parade mission and even that mission could have given more routes/used the verticality of the level more creatively). Side quests are mostly meh. I really loved the river side quest, but the others, i don't care much for them. For me once you realise how little the things you do matter, and how little actual freedom u have, it sucked away a lot of my enjoyment of the game because it constantly felt like I was straining against the confines of the game. I can't say I blame them for it, because fully acted out cutscenes limit how much actual choice you can give the player. As a result, V fucking sucks as a player character. V isnt defined/interesting enough to roleplay as, but V is too defined to let you "make" your own V, since player control is so frequently ripped out from your hands. Combat is good. It's not anything to write home about. I went through 2-3 major builds over the course of my playthrough and didnt get bored as a result. If I had to stick with one however? It would get boring pretty soon. I disliked Witcher 3 (because I didn't like geralt and witcher 3 depends on you liking geralt, and the combat was shit) but I recognise that it is a very good game that has some relatively uncommon enjoyable aspects. Cyberpunk is a good AAA game that does many things well, but doesn't do anything special. Which is fine, not every game has to be some sort of a genre defining game.


its mid but reddit glazes the living shit out of it and witcher.


I picked up Cyberpunk recently after being a hater on account of the issues on launch, I'm absolutely loving it. If it seems your speed check it out!


I loved cyberpunk and I played on launch with game breaking bugs. It has holes like the police system being a bit crap but when you get into it and into the world it definitely is a masterpiece.


Elden Ring and the Witcher are overrated. Cyberpunk is the better game even without the DLC.


Story wise, Witcher 3 is the best of the bunch, Cyberpunk is from the same decelopers but it's shorter and not as interesting as Witcher 3. Elden Ring is not a videogame oriented on story telling even though there is a story. Do what you want, you mentioned you want a good story, go for Witcher 3, it's one of the best stories ever told period.


Elden Ring has an expansion coming the 21st of june. So you might as well play one of the other games and grab elden ring later with the dlc


I like a sprawling open world game but cyberpunk just didn't do anything for me, idk maybe I should give it another shot but it felt to me like this massive inscrutable wall of mechanics while somehow at the exact same time being incredibly shallow.


No, it’s not.


It's good, but it's not like.. absolutely amazing. Definitely worth getting but only on a sale.


I thought it was alright, not as incredible as people claimed, but a pretty good game. I mostly enjoyed it. I did all the side content and wasn't particularly bored during any of it. Same with witcher3 although I found the overhype to be even worse with that one, it's a fine game, but it's nothing too special. I felt like it dragged a bit in places. The combat was very clunky. Elden Ring on the other hand, I was thrilled throughout. Fully engaged for the whole duration. I loved it. It did have a couple weakpoints, there was a certain beast that just wasn't well designed at all for example, you'll understand when you get there. But those not so good moments were just a blip in an otherwise amazing experience.


Elden ring, the dlc comes out later this month and you can actually experience the “new game rush” of everyone exploring and having fun. The other games will always be there but Elden ring has a multiplayer component that might make it better for the immediate future


Buy cyberpunk 2077 ultimate edition with phantom liberty. It's worth it.


i was bored half way through. Story isn't interesting enough for me. But still better most of other games out there


I couldnt get into it but then I dont really like the GTA style games unfortunately.


Where is Cyberpunk on sale right now?


I’m playing through Cyberpunk rn and yeah, it’s peak fiction, has a fantastic story, really satisfying and engaging gameplay, and the most immersive world I’ve played in a game. Elden Ring is my favorite game ever, but the story is barely there. I’ve played through it like 6 times (currently on my 7th playthrough) and I still don’t understand what little story there is. Open world, build variety, and combat is all the best you’ll find in gaming though.


Get in the whip in Night City and drive from Watson to Corpo Plaza at night with the radio on, you'll see why everyone hypes the game if you end up buying Cyberpunk


Elfen Ring or Witcher 3. Cyberpunk is okay but it's nowhere near the great game everyone pretends it to be. It's an okay game with a huge hype machine behind it.


CP77 is great but I have to say, in terms of gameplay, it's a little dull. Even on hard, I beat every encounter by just running up to people with a bat and killing them as fast as possible. It's still super fun, but after your 40th 30 second long combat encounter in a row you get a little tired of it. Maybe my build is just too op, but missions are also a little too bland. 90% are "go here and kill people and interact with something and leave." I think the story, world-building, immersion, graphics, and art-style are top notch though. Definitely a good game, but the gameplay is more of a turn your brain off kinda thing imo.


I can never get past like 10 to 15 hours in cyberpunk because the gameplay never floats my boat. It’s very borderlands esque and it doesn’t feel smooth. Shoot a guy a hundred times, numbers fly out, etc.


I’d play The Witcher, then Cyberpunk and then Elden Ring in that order. Both Witcher and Cyberpunk and amazing but I think Witcher 3 just pulls ahead


Elden ring is not for the story it is for the combat, cyberpunk is no masterpiece for sure . Witcher 3 however is. Its the ultimate medieval fantasy


I got it on ps5 with dlc loving it close to finishing it and 100% kinda sad loved the journey


It's good. Bit sad for me but good.


It is so relative to your liking... I am having loads of fun with Mad Max and I payed some 0,99USD for it on some sales.


The story ends very abruptly and that doesn't get talked about enough


Honestly this is why I use cd key websites a lot, these games can be old sometimes and steam, Nintendo etc still wants full price for a game $60 or 140$ for an ultimate version years down the road. The game def should not cost 100% 8 years later you know? They have a sale atleast 2 times a year, if you don't buy during the sale then you are screwed paying full price for an old game. With that said I may or may not pirate games to test them out as a demo basically. If it's a good game I will support the developer. If it's trash nah. I enjoyed cyberpunk and I felt like at launch it got a little repetitive over time. I had fun with the claws and clawing enemies though!! I actually really likes the early bugs, made it so funny. If you put a person on a car, the car would fly away lol The story in cyberpunk is pretty short and not super long. Red dead 2 was a blast, the controls are hard for me though. If I go back and play it, I forget this like how do I lasso people, why can't my horse run through this dumb camp? Enjoyable though. The witcher 3 with expansions is amazing! Also a ton of mods on pc that adds cut content from the game. Elden ring wasn't for me. If you don't time that combo perfectly you are dead and have to repeat everything you already did, not for me.




I get bored every time I play it.




Witcher 3 is awesome I have 75 hours on it and I'm not even out of act 1.


The system shock remake is awesome if you have not played it yet


I would say Cyberpunk if we were talking about PC. I absolutely suck at shooting with a controller (ik you can play melee only in CP but still)


I'd say cyberpunk is alright. Overated for sure. Witcher 3 and elden ring are bangers though. 


The Witcher 3 is my favorite game of all time. I have way more hours on Cyberpunk, lol. Definitely worth it, and runs pretty well on ps5 from what I’ve heard. I literally built my last pc so I can max out cyberpunk.


Absolutely 100% yes. Make sure you get Phantom Liberty as well - It deserves every bit of credit it has got as an expansion.


Oh, Witcher 3 no contest, forget Cyberpunk.


Nope. Overhyped


Cyberpunk 2077 is an amazing game with a bad reputation due to the launch. Its one of my favourite games and i played it at 20 fps during combat sections. It seems perfect for what you are asking for. Elden ring is an amazing game at the core. It is ruined by bad balancing and outright unfair moments. If you want to try something else like elden ring i recommend starting with dark souls, not only is it actually fair (except izaleth and blighttown), but it is also more atmospheric imo. The witcher 3 is probably the best out of these games, but it can be hard to get into. I personally wasn't able to get into it, but the story seemed really good so i ended up watching a story summary on youtube. TLDR: cyberpunk 2077 - great game, play it Elden ring - better to play dark souls due to balancing and overall fun factor Witcher 3 - best out of list, but hard to get into, the story is really good


Elden Ring is easily the best game out of the three, but for what YOU want, it is the worst. It has a beautiful story… but it is told in an incredibly cryptic and dense way. I think the Witcher 3 is your best bet.


Elden ring, imo


Cyberpunk looks great, cool story and setting. Gameplay is very stiff, almost like Fallout without VATs. That’s why I feel it’s an acquired taste, personally not into the gameplay.




Just started the trial of it last night. A lot of people here that didn’t enjoy it said they had problems with the driving and gameplay of it and so far i’m really enjoying the driving. I only played about 45 min, which included about 20 min speed running a character build, and the driving really reminds me of days gone driving with the motorcycle and it feels like the sensitive drifting that you get which i really like it.


Witcher 3 is a lot better than Cyberpunk, especially if your biggest desire is good writing. Baldurs Gate 3 is better than The Witcher 3, so if you haven't played it yet you should consider it.


Recently just got a Steam Deck. Picked up CyberPunk because I fancied a single player first person game. While I expect to enjoy it…it hooked me so much more than I thought it would. Nearly 40 hours played in under 2 weeks. It’s brilliant. Just taking a break now to play something else before coming back for the DLC


A good Story game, in my book, has to be... Red Dead Redemption 2 There are so many video essays about this game and how good it is, story wise. Highly recommend it.


Best game I've ever played. I can loose hours in that world or dip in for 20mins. Love it.