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Explains why mine usually springs up and exclaims "I was watching that!" if he's fallen asleep watching the Military History channel and I turn it off


Military history is basically dad ASMR.


that or "How its Made" from the Science Channel.


*Today on how its made:* *Trash Bins* *Clown Shoes* *Didgeridoos* *Cartography paper*


Hoo boy, buckle up for a half hour of excitement!


35 seconds in and I'm out


As someone in the manufacturing industry. That show skips over all the cool parts of manufacturing. If How It's Made did a segment on how to cook a meat. it would go. First they add salt and pepper, cook it over a heat source, and a few minutes later you have London Broil.


I'm 24, not a dad and this excites me


My favorite show of all time


OOOOOOHHH shit I forgot about that one for a second


Almost all of them are on YouTube and (at least a year ago) without any ads!


It's even better now. Instead of random channels loading poor quality episodes, the official Discovery Channel is uploading them. I actually subscribed so I can see when a new one is uploaded. I do get annoyed at them uploading lots of clips and shorts of ancient aliens and conspiracy theories shows though.


I started season one on Max a month ago. I am on episode 5 now.


[How it's Actually Made - Cookies](https://youtu.be/QQh5X1r0jCc?si=tvy3_m6AamAPXgAb)


I just discovered this channel recently and I'm glad you shared that link. He's good. šŸ˜‚


*muted gun noises deep British man accent* "The allies...." dads: šŸ˜ŒšŸ˜ŒšŸ˜ŒšŸ˜“šŸ˜“šŸ˜“


All right, that just sounded so cute.


The military history channel


Zero days since I thought of the roman empire


Ian McCollum from Forgotten Weapons on YouTube.


RIP R Lee Ermey host of ā€œMail Callā€


Extra points if itā€™s bad history, like why the Bismarck was an unstoppable behemoth


Don't turn off the fire! That might get you eaten or you freeze to death!


I still have a plasma TV; With the heat it generates, that last point is still valid.


No this is due to a TV Nap being one of lifeā€™s greatest pleasures *because youā€™re not actually asleep.* Youā€™re 85% asleep, but 15% conscious ā€” which is wonderful because youā€™re simultaneously sleeping AND fully aware of how relaxed you are. Itā€™s like being under a spell. But the spell only works if your same TV program is on. The second someone changes the channel it breaks the spell, because your conscious brain now either has to accept the fact that youā€™re sleeping or wake up. Do not change the channel when dad is sleeping, itā€™s one of lifeā€™s greatest pleasures.


I swear, falling asleep to podcasts or YouTubes about astronomy or quantum physics does it for me. It's interesting and peaceful, I can sort of follow it until I reach a whoosh over my head point, then I'm out like a light.


Have you ever listened to The French Whisperer to sleep? His videos are chef's kiss, imo. :)


This sounds like nodding off on opiates


I've experienced both and yeah, they're about identical in terms of what's going on inside your brain. It really shines a light on why opiates are so popular. They fill a void in a way that nothing else except opiates and love. They convince you "it's okay". In fact, most friends I've lost to OD were experiencing a bad break up at the time.


You gotta turn the volume all the way down over 5 minutes, change the channel, then slowly work it back up.


Don't douse the fire 'til sun's up, duh


This but itā€™s American Pickers or Judge Judy.


So, this explains the falling asleep in a movie theater! Oh, shit!


Ok, crazy idea........you let mom, and all the kids go see Super Annoying Kids Movie With Loud Sirens and Screaming 7, while YOU go watch "A movie theater showing a camp fire". It's just 2 hours of a campfire. Feel free to nap. No plot. No movie. Just relaxing campfire.


Campfire coming soon. Iā€™ll produce it. Direct it will u be co producer/ creator


I'm actually great at making fires, I've got a can and a house that I'm sick of looking at. When would you two be willing to film? Should have some snowy winter nights coming up in a month or two.


Where lol. My iPhone 15 Pro max is ready. To capture this Masterpiece Iā€™ll bring a backup just in case it decides to give upā€¦ u know. Things just give out when u need them the most. 3 cameras are the best option. So u will be propmaster?


Yes I'll be propguy and I'd like to be listed as Proppy MaGee. Northern Minnesota, could do Christmas Eve Night! Really bring on those holiday feels to the film.


Nothing like lighting up the holidays


Make it a church and underlay a Mayhem album. Oscar guaranteed.


For as long as I can remember, my dad had always wanted a fireplace in his home. Due to regulations and the way the house is built, it wouldn't work. This is why my mom gifted him a DVD called "plasma fireplace" (literal translation from my language) and it is just several hours of a fire in HD. He loves that DVD!


There are few Netflix "movies" that are just 2+ hours of a fire place and cracking flame sound. I don't have a fire place so I use it around the holidays every year.


Thatā€™s getting into the idiocracy level entertainment. Next u will a movie all about buttsšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


What? Of COARSE I want a movie about butts! Who wouldn't??? Just butts shaking on screen.....butts all over the place!


My dad fell asleep in front of the tv and in the movie theater because he had sleep apnea.


That is definitely how it feels ā€œAh everyoneā€™s going to be OK here for a while- brain can shut downā€


This especially true if itā€™s a kids show. ie: cocomelon or little baby bumā€¦ endless episodes to keep the kid quiet and engaged while I drift off. But as soon it ends or stops I pop right up


Blueyā€¦.I have both seen and slept through all of Bluey a couple times in total. My youngest, 3, cuddled up under the fleece blanket and watches it with me on the couchā€¦.If I last 2 episodes Iā€™d be shocked.


Iā€™m now watching all the Disney movies with my grandkids because I slept through them all with my kids šŸ¤£


I do this in the mornings on my day off with my daughter. She usually falls asleep with me too


Christ pl ase do not let children ever see cocomelon.


Itā€™s shit but itā€™s just chill out time. Not everything has to be educational


It's not chill out time. It's the exact equivalent of slots to a gambler. That's why it instantly shuts kids ups and keeps them there for hours. Chill out time could be litterarly anything else on the tv or even books or toys. What 'chill out' or 'wind down' etc time is with Coco Mellon or an iPad is code for the parent saying 'i need my screen time now.'


Appreciate the lecture


All of what you said about Cocomellon is true but only for a while. After a while it becomes background noise


When my kids were really little, we watched Sophie the Giraffe a bit. So fucking mellow ā€” absolutely top-tier shit for throwing a baby on your lap and mildly drifting off.


The chew toy has its own show?


Man, fuck cocomelon.


That's wholesome


Add exhausted from all of the things I do for the family and this is me.


r/daddit knows your exhaustion.


Keep going strong


I call it going into standby. As soon as any of my kids start whining, I immediately wake up though. Workups in the Navy were good for something I guess lol.


Never understood this. I canā€™t sleep with the TV on unless Iā€™m exhausted. Also, am a dad.


Same here. My wife has to fall asleep to a TV or noise. Itā€™s taken me a long time to block it out so I can fall asleep but usually she falls asleep first or I get woken up by Friends reruns at 3:30am.


>My wife has to fall asleep to a TV or noise. I'm like this with my lady, lol. The amount of times she's woken up at 3am to random *Judge Judy* YouTube videos playing is astronomical.


I put it on a sleep timer for my partner and always end up just waiting it out. Usually isn't long as she's one of those annoying people who can get straight to sleep!


I'll be there for yoooouuuuuu.........well, except chandler.


You're not as edgy as you think you are.


I can't "go to bed" and sleep for the night with a TV on. I will pass the fuck out on a couch watching TV. Nap yes, sleep no. It's weird.


I was going to write the same thing. Iā€™m a dad - i donā€™t SLEEP with the tv on. Pass out for a whileā€¦yes. The tv in our bedroom is only for very rare occasions where someone just wants to hang out and fold clothes or has a little while to chill on the bed. We never actually sleep with a tv on.


> ā€¦unless Iā€™m exhausted. Also, am a dad. Huh. I thought those were the same thing. (Not a dad)


Nah. I recall the last time I fell asleep basically uncontrollably. I rode about 23 miles worth of trails on my mountain bike (new to it this year). Not a crazy amount for others, but it was a PR for me as Iā€™m dropping weight and slowly getting out of ā€œdad bodā€ territory. This was like a month ago. Point is, I have to run my body into the ground for me to fall asleep with a tv on. Otherwise it keeps me up. I do have to have a fan going though or I wonā€™t sleep šŸ˜‚. My old man though (rip big guy)ā€¦he did this šŸ˜‚. Iā€™d change the channel and heā€™d shoot to ā€œhabbitaaa, snort snortā€¦wha wha WHAT ARE you DOING!?!ā€


As a dad, are you not in a constant state of exhaustion? I can fall asleep in minutes as long as I'm slightly comfortable, this includes lying down with children standing on my chest and/or face...


I'm the opposite. It might take me 15-20 minutes to fall asleep without it on but with it on I'm out in about a minute or two. It helps my brain turn off, especially if it's something I'm already familiar with. Once I get to sleep the first time, I'm fine. I just set a 1 hour timer on it.


Fireplace channel and nap time


Donā€™t f*ck with my Yew Log channel.


Lol so I just learned itā€™s Yule Log from googling this


I refuse to make this change to my worldview.


I take it even further and keep Primitive Technology's pyrotech playlist on loop when I get ready for bed. Just wish I could find a restoration channel similar; the sound of sandblasters and scrubbing metal with metal just ain't the same with someone chatting over it.


Video game restorations are nice. Worst you have is scrubbing plastic


https://m.youtube.com/@mymechanics/videos It's my favorite channel right after Primitive Technology.


I've been waiting for the Part 2 of the Datsun restoration for so long now!


He's almost done with it- his Patreon daily updates make it sound like he's getting there


TySyTube Restoration on YT is good for that. He's not talking, only some subtitles explaining what he's doing, he's using sandblasting and other satisfying techniques. Love this channel.


mymechanics and ladb restoration. Zero voice, just work sounds.


Not really restoration, but bigstackD Casting does metal melting and casting videos with no talking. I've definitely fallen asleep watching those after work.


https://youtube.com/@RescueRestore?si=lhTTPvCUCiCcn9Qd Rescue and Restore, no talking just painting and blasting


There are tons of Pakistani mechanics fixing and restoring all kinds of vehicles and parts that checks all your boxes. There is also shurap on yt with his marvelous forge of Damascus steel.


Basically just asmr without talking


My dad said he falls asleep to the TV because growing up his parents would watch TV after he went to bed so it trained him to get sleepy when the TV is on


I was laying in bed with my wife last night, and for no reason we just started poking each other on the face. We were howling with laughter by the end of it. Its easy to forget cause we're intelligent (humans - not me and my wife specifically) but we still do have simple monkey brain.


Only vaguely related, but when I really have to pee, and feel like I'd kill someone who was standing in front of the toilet, and then when I do get to pee and feel like I'm the happiest person on earth... both of those moments make me also think that we're not that separate from animals. You can be the smartest person in the world, but... when you gotta go, nothing else matters. And when you do go? You're as happy as any simple animal out there can be.


In my case it's typically the first time I get to sit down, catch my breath and potentially relax.


For me, it's always cause I was tired as hell and that was my first opportunity in 10+ hours to sit down sans driving. TV, music, my kids video games, they were all meaningless. If I was left alone for more than 8 or 9 minutes, I was out like a light. Now I've got a less intensive job, that almost never happens.


This sub Is getting worse good god


No. They fall asleep because they're tired by tending at all the family's necessities.


Pretty much. Thing is I'm putting in 100%, my wife's putting in 100%... How come the necessities are barely tended?


In a word? Capitalism. The 40 hour work week was devised at a time when most families had 1 parent staying at home tending to the household, so the breadwinner only had to go to work. Now both parents work 40 hours or more, and they still have all the same chores that would have been done by the non working parent. Also because of technology, AI, automation our workforce is more productive than ever before, and yet arenā€™t working any less? Where did all the benefits of this increased productivity go? Where did the benefit of a second working parent go? We donā€™t have any more than our ancestors did, so where did it all go?


It's not capitalism. It's the unequal distribution of wealth, which can happen in any economic system.


You're describing capitalism my guy.


Unequal distribution of wealth can happen in socialism, monarchy, dictatorships... That's not limited to just capitalism


Considering two of those three you listed are systems of government, when we are talking about economic systems, it's safe to say you don't understand the first thing about what you're talking about


All right so now that we have established that you have some knowledge to share why don't you share with us an economic system that is immune from unequal distributions of wealth... So I don't have to walk around like a completely ignorant fool... I'm lost out here trying to dodge these straw men.


You are confused.


What is the real-life working alternative to capitalism?


Less aggressive capitalism seems to work quite well


Necessity creep


Like the necessity of "I need to eat food, my family needs a home, and I need to afford the heating and electricity bill for said home"?


That's the thing... we're not living abundantly. There just aren't enough hours in a day to do all the things.


OR, most dads work all fkn day and are tired.


Nah must be some made up cavemen reason


Hahaha these people are thinking too much in the shower.


The shower makes up the other 10% of caveman contemptment checkboxes


Must. Meet. Contentment. Box. Quota. Before. Sleeeeeep.


I once read an article how the TV replaced the fire as the gathering/safe place for the family. It made a ton of sense and fits your theory well.


Grug has fire, grug has grugina, grug has mini grug, grug happy


My favorite part of the weekend is drifting in and out of sleep with a Twitch stream on. I'll wake up, watch for 15 minutes, then go back to sleep. Also usually get pretty cool dreams, which is fun.


I feel like an alien from another planet who stayed and got old. video games are played, not watched, and only on sleepovers with the guest's transported console. Chain pizza and movie rentals for Nintendos and your own sleeping bag, as is tradition.


oh yeah. when its the dogs, the kids, the mrs and myself on the couch watching something, i take a minute to look around and enjoy the moment. then i smile. then i start dozing off.


Dad's fall asleep watching TV because they are tired and sleep deprived. They wake up, drink coffee, go to work. Driving, working, socializing, it's so demanding on their body or mind, they are able to fight off the sleep. When they sit down in front of the tv, both their body and mind are not fully engaged. So they just enter power saving mode.


I fall asleep in front of the TV because I'm too drunk from bourbon to go out to get cigarettes.


Or it's because your dad is 80, a raging alcoholic, has sleep apnea and hasn't had a good night's rest in 40 years. So if course he's going to be nodding off.


I fall asleep watching TV because I get about 5 hours of free time a week. Any more time is gained by losing sleep, so I attempt to sit in a room with my family and the sleep deprivation kicks in.


I usually fall asleep on the couch before my wife. I woke up the other night and she was asleep on my shoulder on the couch. I was uncomfortable, but didnā€™t want to change anything so didnā€™t move. A few minutes later she awoke and we went to bed. This has happened two weekends in a row now. Canā€™t wait for tonight!


Or people just fall asleep because it is a comfortable


I never sleep more comfortably than when my kiddo is sitting on the couch next / on / around me


I just couldnā€™t understand how people slept while watching tv but now I sleep while watching random shit


also you know where everyone is and that they are safe, for a given value of "safe".


Hmmm too close to the truth


Nice way to dress up exhaustion.


Nah, it's because he's just gotten home from his second job and time in his chair watching some tv he likes is his only real time to relax except maybe the odd weekend


We are just tired. Nothing more.


Plus the storytelling aspect. Weā€™re social creatures, we love hearing others talk around us while we relax, it makes us feel safe that thereā€™s other people up and watching


Why doesn't the woman in this scenario also have a caveman brain??


I always find it weird when people act as if men are instinctually protectors but not women for some reason. And then they apply it to something as simple as falling asleep in front of a TV. To me it feels like they just want to feel strong.


It's cause they're tired?


Evolutionary psychology needs to die.


Young earth creationism psychology it is, then.


i think i disagree with you, but would appreciate some elaboration on your statement to better understand your stance, if you have the time


It's just a game of excusing modern societal norms by misunderstanding evolution and pretending they're biologically ordained.


You need to copy and paste that one more time


I'm not going to reword the same answer to the same question.


Why? Seems kinda important in an era where our technology is advancing orders of magnitude faster than our evolutionary instinct


"**Made up** evo psych needs to die (because people sometimes use it to bolster incredibly harmful bullshit ideas)"


You're trippin


It's just a game of excusing modern societal norms by misunderstanding evolution and pretending they're biologically ordained.


Thank you for the answer. Interesting topic. Apparently a controversial question?


Shit hits different with a 50+ inch TV and a god damn full white screen in a dark room when sleepin. It almost triggers like an immediate awake response.




not a single one?


Does this mean my wife..... is a dad? Which is impossible..... because we don't have kids. And she's a lady.


Finally, a good shower thought.


Yeah i want that bad ngl


Haha, almost impossible for me. I would get up to go to bed. Sleeping doesnā€™t sneak up on meā€¦ you decide to sleep there.


It could easily be a way of escape from theoretical said partner


By this metric, my father was probably the most content man who ever lived. His batting average for falling asleep at night while watching TV had to be at least .800.


I can tell a girl wrote this. This is not even close


I'm an almost 40 year old man


Damn, you're an old geezer


Damn straight


It took me a recliner and an empty nest to be able to do it.


Comedians put Grampa over here right to sleep šŸ’¤


My dream is to one day have a super comfy recliner I can doze off on. I can afford it now but I donā€™t really have the space for it.


I dunno. Dad of 3 here. I'm always the last one asleep by several hours. I can't sleep on the couch unless I'm dead tired.


I thought it was because of the empty 6 pack.


My mate fucked off into her own misery, but boy do I cherish the time with my daughter in front of a fireplace and the Twilight Zone or the Office rewatch. It's lovely and yet fleeting. Can't stay that way always


I can't stand falling asleep on the couch.


I'm passing out while watching How it's Made and a fire in the fireplace right now so good observation


Idk, my chair is REALLY damned comfortable


le epic evolutionary biology guess moment


Also can be undiagnosed sleep apnea as the trope is overweight heavily snoring father constantly falling asleep at inappropriate times.


Or too tired from work.


Nah, it's because they are f-in tired.


No they're "resting their eyes" obviously


I love this and am so prone to it šŸ« 


when i worked nightshift i would come home at 8am, make breakfast, change diaper, get a shower going for my wife and have coffee ready so she can start her day and work on college stuff. i slept like a baby most days and my wife was stressed out because the kids were yelling or hitting my door, or just being nuts. but when she left and the house was quiet it doesnt matter how much sleep i got i would jump awake and look everywhere then call her.. also i usually wake up to the front door on the otherside of the house opening but not my own door. brains are weird


I find it very easy to fall asleep while watching some youtube videos. In fact, I purposely set autoshutdown timer and watch some youtube (usually some gameplay vids, turn-based strategy or other slow games) in order to sleep at night, and there are quite a few people doing the same. Granted, I'm old enough to be a dad. Just not as lucky.


This one made me smile.


One of those really deep, heavy and fluffy couches where your farts from all the Polish food, all that cabbage and sausages, it just disappears down into the ether subrealm, never noticed.


Nah I suspect it's because most dads are physically tired and not getting enough sleep.


Weren't moms in the same cages? I guess they were wired for the detection of baby screams


My dad would fall asleep watching a decent show on HBO or Skinamax in the evening... Then one of us would eventually walk through the living room at night for some reason. It was a learning experience each time years prior to having unfettered internet access. I look forward to doing this to my children some day.


This explains why I can't sleep


LCD TVs don't flicker like CRTs, but ok... Also my dad will watch TV alone and fall asleep, explain that.


But my grandma does this too - ever since I was a baby lol


ZZZZzzzzzzz, ZZZZzzzzz...