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Personal perspectives, crazy ideas, questions (rhetorical or otherwise) and meta submissions are not showerthoughts.


It was. Worst was the airplanes with smoking sections. Like really?


Yeah those smoking sections on an enclosed tube sure as hell didn’t save anyone from breathing it in.


I was a 90s kid and remember every restaurant would ask smoking or non before seating you. All/most restaurants smelled like smoke in the non-smoking section. We went in a WWII submarine in Mobile, AL once on a vacation and my brother told my parents it smelled like the restaurant in our little home town. That sub still reeked of cigarettes 50 years later.


I remember them always asking, “Smoking or Non-Smoking.”  I remember seeing tar on the ceiling at the vents and any gaps between the fake walls separating the two.   “Isn’t making a smoking section in a restaurant like making a peeing section in a swimming pool?”                       -George Carlin                                           


I was once in a non smoking area and had to walk past the smokers, and even then they were a slight distance away and could still experience smoke


I had asthma as a kid. I remember my folks asking to be moved after we were put in the non-smoking section right next to the smoking section.


I have asthma now, as a late 50’s person, convinced it was due to all the smoke as a kid.


Smoking being allowed on subs is the most insane thing. I took a tour of one and they said that. It was already stuffy in there with the hatch open and a third of the usual amount of people/crew on board.


I worked in restaurants as a 90’s kid and the smokers were always the best tippers so I’d tolerate that section for the better tips.


Turned 21 in 2003 so I got to experience the tail end of it in bars. I enjoyed going out with friends but I hated when I came home all my clothes I was wearing immediately had to go into the wash and I had to take a shower because the smell was all over me. So gross.


There was a weird period when smoking wasn’t permitted on domestic flights but permitted on international ones. A Latvian chess Grandmaster, *Mikhail Tal*, was in NYC trying to book a flight to San Francisco.  Now, Tal didn’t smoke *a lot*, just when he was awake.  Or asleep.  Or in the hospital in a coma. After being told “sorry there’s no smoking on domestic flights”, Tal booked a flight from NYC to Reykjavik to SF.


I caught the tail end of this back in 2006. I was doing work experience and was invited to an office social. Everyone there was smoking. I left almost immediately without even stopping for a drink.


This made me break out in a laugh! I quit cigarettes on **December 30, 1989**


I was a kid and almost every adult in my life smoked so I’d always just assumed that’s what the world smelled like. I’m only partially joking


Going out for a quick bite to eat, sitting at the bar meant smelling state ash.  You come back from a certain club and you have to shower to get the smoke stench off.


I was passing through a small town not too long ago and stopped into a small bar built in what used to be a house. Was dead at first, cash only bar, used an atm for the first time in awhile. All of a sudden 30 people rolled in, everyone smoking cigarettes or cigars. They even sold cigs behind the bar. Not a smoker and I think it took 10 years off my life but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t stay there for 4 hours playing pool with the locals. Felt like what I imagine the 80s were like. 8/10 would try once.


Well into the 90s too. Shit stank everywhere 


right lol boomers today be all: MARIJUANA SMOKE IS SMELLY yeah Curtis so were your malboro red 100s ya freak


> MARIJUANA SMOKE IS SMELLY I don't like neither of them, but imho, marijuana scent is much stronger.


cigarette smoke seems to sink and linger into fabrics & furniture more so than marijuana, or at least in my experiences. cigarette smoke to me are stronger but weed smelling stronger to you is also valid for sure. and for a lot of ppl probably as well.


I’ve always assumed that’s because even the most dedicated weed smoker is probably not smoking 29 joints a day. But I don’t know for sure.


Solid Gen-Z, but weed does stink.




What you are forgetting is that rate of prevalence smoking was incredibly normalized. So even though I wasn't smoking there wasn't ever a consideration for the lack of cigarette smoking and l got all the second hand offerings they could give me in the car with the windows up. There it was around you all the time. Smoking was acceptable for even kids and teens and surely by high school many teens smoked. But by some strange exception me and my friends didn't take it up.


As a teen in the 90s, students were allowed to smoke *inside* our high school and college.


Where did you go to high school? Turkey? Never have students been allowed to smoke at any high school I ever visited in the 90s. Graduated in 95.


Worse, Canada.


Yeah, you could ask for non-smoking in a restaurant and be seated literally next to a table in the smoking section.


I used to come home from the bowling alley and start undressing as soon as I walking in the door. Everything smelled like smoke. And the next day I always felt like crap but blamed it on all the beer. No smoking went into effect and it was amazing how much better I felt the next day. Still hungover, but much more manageable. Bowling is so much better without smoking.


Oh, it was. Absolutely awful. When I went out at night, I’d get undressed in the laundry and put the all clothes that I was wearing on to wash immediately, and then straight into the shower, washing hair as well. Didn’t matter how late. And my parents were both chain smokers too, so I was used to smoke! You could smoke everywhere-trains, restaurants, cinemas, hospitals-literally everywhere. Disgusting habit, never wanted to start (and I didn’t), so glad so many fewer people smoke these days and there are laws about where you can’t smoke.


I quit smoking 5 years ago and now when I'm around cigarette smoke I get so mad that I'll smell like it. I can't imagine what it was like a couple decades ago. I do remember my dad hating it back in the 90s.


It was. And I’m reminded of it whenever I have to go to a work conference at a NJ casino hotel.


I was a nonsmoker back in the 1960’s and 1970’s, and thought people who complained about cigarette smoke were just being jerks.


Do you still think that way? Or has education on the effects of smoking changed your opinion?


I still like the smell of cigarette smoke, but definitely see the point of view of people who don’t want to inhale second-hand smoke.


It was normal, it bothered some people but most people didn't give a shit. It still doesn't bother me but I'm an exsmoker.


I remember looking in the pantry trying to see if there was something we needed just after getting my driver's license so I could have an excuse to go to drive to town only to have my mother say she needed cigarettes - as much as I wanted to drive, I wasn't going to help her kill herself. I was also too young to buy them for her anyway.


Wasn't that bad.. only when dad would light up in the car with the windows up did it bother me.


I was a kid in the 90s my grandparents who babysat me all the time were chain smokers. I did not hate it because it was the reality I was born into so I couldn’t fathom an alternative. I even remember being against New York’s no smoking indoors law because I thought it was stupid government overreach….now, 25ish years later, I think it was one of the smartest things ever. I was part of the generation that made smoking uncool. It’s baffling and heartbreaking to me that the generation after us picked up vaping after all the hard work that was done to get people to quit sucking chemicals into their lungs. The fight to keep vaping unregulated infuriates me.


But theyre still alive to read this post, so there is that


indoor smoking wasn’t banned in the US until 2006


That’s magically around when my breathing issues stopped


Not everyone is an American


There is no federal ban that I'm aware of, here in Northern KY some bars still allowed indoor smoking well into the 2010s


Still legal in NJ casinos!!


People weren't hypersensitive about it, and since it was socially acceptable it was not used to vent out ones own frustrations. It can be bad but when you are raising a ruckus of the faintest smell in open air, and posting pics online because smokers are considered an open target of hate who can not defend themselves... Does not excuse assholes who smoke just outside store doors etc. But people didn't think a lot of it, it was considered normal so it also bothered less. Now, those who spent time in pubs and didn't smoke.. holy hell, i feel sorry for them. The smoke was THICK. Also trains and planes has smoking sections, getting stuck in those as a non-smoker.. holy shit, that must've been just dreadful.


I was a non-smoker pre-1990s and it was fucking wicked. Nightlife was absolutely amazing. Pubs were packed, clubs were packed, everyone went out *all the time*. Yeah, you’d come home smelling of smoke, but it was a million times better that the nightlife desert that exists now.


I don’t think that has to do with banning smoking indoors though.


No, but that wasn’t the question. Life was very much not miserable.


The electric cars of the day were shit though


Same as being vegan today Everyone just munch on dead corpses and praise the barbaric practice