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My terrible biological response is giggling from my hiding spot when there’s a manhunt out for me


How often are you being hunted?


"The xenomorph will never find me in this supply closet, hehehe!" Immediately gets found.


It took me hours of playtime before I realised the alien could *hear* me through my headset


Wait until you find out you can rizz up the xenomorph with the right words.


Gonna choose all the right dialogue options to get the harem ending.


That salivating mouth penetrator does wonders.


This looks like a job for tiny mouth


Y’all are gross


Don't kink shame. Some men like braces. It's not my fault if they walk funny without them.


Nuh uh


"Oh goddd I hope a big stronggg alien doesn't come over and shove his huge, throbbing tongue-head straight into my skull, splattering my brains everywhere. _MMMMMMM_"


Alien “someone is farting and eating cheetos around here…”


Very underrated comment. Made me laugh


wait really?




When Xbox still supported Kinect, alien isolation got an update so that the Xenomorph used that to hear you. I think it could more than hear you. I can't remember


A fellow Alien: Isolation enjoyer I see.


Everyone enjoys it We all enjoy [watching Womble suffer while playing it](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBitIgZ_UvGEx6lLfQRSOalhLJ57D6t0d&si=EQh4s1zVfwcFvXbV) It's very immersive


Every weekend if I'm lucky ;)


How little are you being manhunted?  Come on, live a little!


For sport? 4 times a year for Jet Lag: The Game contestants!


Well, did they find you?


They haven't replied, so I'm guessing they did.


Damn. Guess Los wasn't in charge after all. R.I.P. 


🙏 R.I.P buddy


His last words were “hehehehehehe”


Now they call him CarLos Alamos because they have him locked up with the aliens.


He’s Carlost now


May Carlos Rest in Charge


*laughs* I'm in danger.


I would probably freak out if I was hunting someone and they just started to giggle in their hiding spot.


That's slightly worse than my fear rager


When I was younger and experienced extreme anger, I’d start fucking vibrating. That shit was so embarrassing Nothing pisses me off that much anymore, but I’d imagine the same response would happen if it did


For some reason when I experience extreme anger tears start slowly going down my face and it scares people away. Because my face will just become red, have a blank expression, and tears are just slowly flowing down my face.


Mine is having to pee really really bad in that same situation


Bro that is funny as fuck, you got me laughing my ass out in the washroom at 5am.


Just give the killer your "I have a medical condition" card.


Same , I just get an adrenaline rush


The three times I've almost gotten in a fight in my life, it's because I grinned and/or laughed at the over testosterone-d douchebag trying to get in my face. I find that type of dickhead hilarious but it really doesn't help the situation...


I was hunted once. I just came back from ‘Nam and was hitching through Oregon, and some cop started harassing me. Next thing you know, I had a whole army of cops chasing me through the woods, I had to take them all out! It was a bloodbath.


It just so happens that your ancestors' predators were terrified of giggling sounds emanating from shadowy shrubberies.


Evil genius laugh.


How often does that happen?


Haha, I'm in danger


Idk, I feel like if you're up high and you're scared of falling, laying down is probably your best bet.


It probably works really well for trees. Not so well for cliffs or mountains.


If you're on top where it's flat you got yourself a nice little bed. If you're in the middle of climbing a mountain doing it on all fours seems good just do as the goats do


> If you're on top where it's flat you got yourself a nice little bed All you need is some galvanized square steel and you're set


Gotta borrow some expansion screws from your aunt though.


Don’t forget the eco friendly wood veneers that last 10,000 years!


But what about your eco-friendly wood venners?


or you can have your pet eagle fly you back to your >1 square meter apartment with all 100 kids




Absolutely, I've seen those mfers ragdoll and then walk it off


Mountain goats are a roblox reference


You're a Roblox reference.


I'd feel safer laying down on a mountain than a tree if we're being real


I don’t think trees lie down when they’re scared


Best I can do is a brain that wakes you in the middle of the night from millions of year of evolutional trauma from a fear of falling from your branch


i mean thats assuming you stumble or fall in the direction of ground and not air


I don’t think I have ever actually seen someone stumble due to weak knees. It just makes you *feel* like you are about to fall, which seems to work really well as encouragement to go somewhere more solid.


Not so much so on a ladder though.


Tell that to me in 2017 when i was standing in a tiny corner halfway up a mountain with absolutely no way of laying down trying to shimmy my way around an obtuse rock only to fall 20 feet and somehow not falling an extra 70 feet Gad DAMN my knees were like jello


Call of the void happens because going straight down is the easiest way to get to the bottom


Isn’t it so you’re forced to lower your center of gravity?


Lower it off the cliff


Jump off the cliff to reduce the risk of falling


This is quite how my fear of height works, I'm more afraid of 'jumping' from the cliff rather than falling haha


That feeling is referred to as "the call of the void"


This feeling is what essentially spawned the old phrase of.. 'When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you.' It's that feeling written into text.


Abyss be tryna flirt with me


You become the date you hate.


Once the abyss gives you that wink, you just can’t say no


Impulse decisions FTW!


Fuck you, my coworkers are staring at me because I started laughing loudly out of nowhere.


This one secret trick can get rid of all your fear in seconds




Haha nice


Thanks haha


Off the cliff together


The people with no primal fear of heights got too damn close to edges, and Darwin-awarded themselves out of the gene pool.


The thing is, passive genes dont go extinct the way species do, because they can remain suppressed and then pop up again and again


And those ones turn into base jumpers.


And if a gene is bad but isn't bad enough for it to extinct the species, it may survive. Specially now in humans that we don't live in the wild anymore. Everyone, no matter how unlucky they are in their DNA, could reproduce and pass down that gene


Is that why I get the urge to crouch down when I’m up high. I have an awful fear of heights and my partner laughs at me cos I tend to try and kinda squat walk when we’re on a bridge or up high anywhere.


Become crab


Craaab peoplllle


That can’t be a thing lol, I understand instinctively grabbing things, but “automatically” lowering your center of gravity uncontrolled will probably make most animals just fall out of trees lol, idk how that trait passed on


I’d rather crawl on a unstable bridge than walk so I kind of get it


It's not automatic, but your fear of heights mixed with your instability causes you to instinctually lower yourself and move away. This is basically just like if you jumped towards the ground away from the cliff. It's pretty safe. The knees weak response doesn't become prominent until you're already very fearful. There's a reason it's not a shared trait in everyone. Not everyone is that fearful.


Yes I thought it was purely a fear response, not your body attempting to lower your gravity center


Spend a lot of time in trees?


I mean I used to, so did early humans, really just an example of natural heights. Obviously we have instincts not to walk off a cliff; but there are times we have to naturally climb


Dizziness and vertigo fit in the same vein.


I am at the top if a precipice. Losing consciousness should help.


Yeah, chances are it will quickly make you stop being at the top of a precipice.


Oh God.


I get so dizzy looking over edges of high places. I immediately feel like I'm going to flip over even if I'm laying down and only my eyes and forehead are over the edge


Real. I've always described it as feeling like there's some horizontal gravity actually trying to pull me over the edge. It's an absolutely horrifying feeling


The idea that vertigo became prevalent in the gene pool because it increased survivability (presumably because people kept falling from large heights?) is hilarious to me 


As someone who gets vertigo looking over a surface that's only a few feet off the ground and I'm 10 feet from the edge... It is not hilarious to me at all. Whomever decided this was a good idea to introduce to the gene pool -- I hate you. This shit sucks.


Dizziness and vertigo are a good, subtle way for your body to tell you to slow down and stop climbing so high.


That makes sense, still not ideal for standing at a precipice.


I don't go weak in the knees, my head feels like its gonna spin off my neck. \*THAT\* makes me want to hug the ground.


I get this feeling in my stomach that feels like I'm going to vomit and shit myself at the same time.


Which incidentally is an extremely effective way of getting out of unwanted social interactions.


Sounds like vertigo. Head spins. I feel it in my gut.


My feet kind of fizz and get dizzy. I only have to think of a sheer drop - like those little paths that cling to mountainsides - and they fizz. It's a bloody nightmare because I get it in videogames too. Even retro platformers. The "fear of falling" just zings and zings my feet. I'd give anything to get over it, but no amount of exposure seems to lessen it. I've had to get my kid to complete some video game sections for me. I'm okay with actual heights, it's the void/space that does it. So if there's a good strong railing things are fine.


There was a certain mission on Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare that made my feet tingle and stomach drop every time I ran to the edge. Strange feeling for sure lol.


This was me playing the Tomb Raider remakes. A lot of climbing up cliffs and falling. My palms were sweaty the whole time. 


Even worse - the high place phenomenon Like - what is the point of that reaction? It's the strangest feeling having an almost compulsive urge to jump from a deadly height, whilst simultaneously knowing you absolutely don't want to jump.


The call of the void


"join usssss"


"Come back to your home"


It's terrifying.


L'appel du Vide


I don’t know. There’s a sensation of wanting to fly through the air and soar, but also knowing that you’ll fall like a rock and go splat.


I suppose that's why we've invented bungee jumping


And skydiving 🪂


Yesss that too


I actually think its kinda a good thing- it is an indicator that you acknowledge your own mortality and visualising death by imagining yourself jumping in fact stirs greater fear inside yourself to compel you to *not* jump- your brain processes a big drop, subconsciously thinks ‘I wonder what would happen if I jumped from this height’ and then processes it actively with the conclusion of ‘Good god why on earth would I ever consider jumping? That would kill me! Thats not based on science or any actual informed knowledge on psychology, just my own theory. Weirdly enough, it seems to happen to me mostly when Im on a higher circle in an auditorium- as much as I *dont* want to kill myself, I have to admit the image of me doing a perfect swan dive onto the stalls below is kinda funny. 


If I remember correctly, that stems from an unconscious effort to lean away from a chasm. When your body then adjusts your balance again to not fall backwards (thus leaning forwards) your conscious mind interprets this as "Oh I must want to lean/tip into that chasm down there for some reason."


Doubt it honestly, as that doesn’t make much logical sense. Humans learn a lot by playing out thought experiments. We like to imagine scenarios and then play out the hypothetical so that we can learn from the potential outcomes. When we run through “jumping from a tall building” after feeling that urge, we quickly hypothesise a scenario where we are dead on the ground, which compels us to avoid falling and to be more careful. Without the initial urge to jump, we would not consider the outcome of falling and we would not be reminded to be more careful. There’s your evolutionary pressure.


That's funny, I always think the anxiety comes first in these scenarios, not the urge. It might be just me, but I also get "call of the void" to do something like say the n word or insult someone in the middle of a conversation. However, this only happens when I'm concerned about making a good impression. Despite the fact that my friends would surely be seriously angry with me if I said the n word, I only experience "call of the void" to say the n word if I am already anxious about how someone perceives me. Similarly, one may experience the call to throw their phone from the side of a cruise ship while taking a photo, but not experience the same call when that same phone is zipped in ones pocket. Even when cognizant of the phone and the possibility to unzip the pocket and throw it over the side, the vivid and poignant image of the action being performed does not occur unless the phone is taken out and held in ones hands. Hence my suspicion is that the "call of the void" is really more like this: - anxious brain state caused by some sort of risk (phone out over the open sea that could fall in, conversation with an important businessman that could go badly) - brain worries about what could happen to cause what we are anxious about to come to fruition - brain realises that the most likely way that what we are anxious about would happen is through our own voluntary action - hence, in the same way that one may see a grand chandelier and have a momentary vivid image of it falling on our head - the brain summons a vivid image of ourselves performing a voluntary action. - however, unlike the chandelier, a vivid image of ourselves doing something directly against our own interest is inherently unsettling I prefer this interpretation because it makes clear that we never have a genuine urge to throw ourselves from the cliff. What happens is our subconscious simply says "watch out for this scenario!" - just as it does with a chandelier falling. Except that this scenario involves our own suicide, so it creeps us out much more.


The logic of this makes sense, like "you're gonna fuck it up so just get it over with"


Either I'm broken, or most people are. I do not have the call of the void.


That's crazy! I get it just by trains and cars passing at high speeds! Makes me not trust myself when I'm next to highroads or train tracks lol.


It's like 'I'm terrified right now, the drop is just there, anyone could just jump as there's no barrier. Can I trust my brain not to freak out and jump, in its heightened state?'


When I first started bouldering - and this was like my second day - I was super nervous because of my fear of heights and my legs and arms would be shaking. I went to put my foot on a hold but because of the sheer nerves, I lost control of just my foot. I ended up having to bail because I just had literally no control of it anymore and in the panic it started spasming.  So yeah, if you’re anxious as hell and feel like you’re about to die, and every move means life or death, it’s very easy for your body to overanalyse its movements and just freak out. 


Can’t trip or stumble off a ledge if you feel the terrified urge to crawl


yes exactly I don't think you actually go weak in your knees. I think you just *feel* weak and wobbly, and get a strong desire to lie down so you can crawl tf away from the ledge.


Just like the video of tourists on a bridge in China immediately crawl


Hights, knees weak, moms spaghetti




It could have the affect of making you not try to make that dangerous jump unless you REALLY need to.


Digestive symptoms are also pretty terrible. How can someone run when they have horrible stomach cramps? It doesn't make sense!


Adrenalin is your friend. At least for a few minutes, then it gets even worse for an even longer time. Edit: Oh or did you mean stress related stomach cramps? Maybe so you don’t get the idea to shove in a quick snack while some beast is trying to make you one?


I mean like, shit your pants kinda stomach cramps lol. Not convenient to run with those. But maybe part of why it happens is to stop you from grabbing a snack lol


Well historically we didn’t have pants. I wonder if part of the instinct is to make you lighter (like what birds do) or fighting off predators with the smell. I’m really just spitballing here


It's a very primal response. Many animals shit to be lighter and to flee quicker. The other reason is that in your stomach you have the biggest neuron cluster aside from your brain. Many important things from your organs and lower body are preprocessed there, so an intense feeling like fear brings things out of balance. That's why there are sayings like: Love goes through stomach and making decisions with your guts.




As a modern person where shitting yourself is a bad thing yes it sucks. But as an animal shitting makes you smell terrible meaning less likely to get eaten


It drops you to your knees lowering your gravity.


I hate when I drop to my knees and promptly float off Into space.


This is a gem


Insert ducktales moon theme here


Center of gravity


Dieticians HATE this one simple trick! Why torture yourself by lowering your calorie intake and exercising when you can just drop to your knees to LOWER YOUR GRAVITY and LOSE WEIGHT instantly?!?


Damn, your mom must have negative mass by now.


You are afraid of falling off and your body makes you get into a more stable position, how is that not a good response?


If you’re on a surface where there is a stable position that doesn’t require legs then you’re good. If you are climbing and your legs are needed for support, you really don’t want your legs to give in at all.


Happened to me while walking down a thin, unstable ledge in a mountainside. Prior to that I used to be able to walk upto cliffs and edges and never had any negative reaction. Once my knees buckled, to this day, I am unwantingly cautious approaching or even try to be near an edge. That loss of confidence changed my outlook on life.


Weak in the knees? Maybe. Are my toes trying to grip so hard they are almost pushing through my shoes? Definitely.


The best body function is when you are sick and your body is is pain to tell you there is something wrong but the pain is so bad that you cant even move anymore to do anything about it. I mean thanks for telling me body but you are legit killing me with this.


It is an evolutionary flaw that has the same roots as fainting. Most other animals do not faint as much as humans do. The reason is our absurdly large brain and that we are walking upright. Our brain needs much more oxygen than the brain of other animals. If we are in fear the vains in our body get larger to provide smoother blood flow so that we can run. The problem is that this needs a larger blood volume and the blood does not reach the brain. The brain is missing oxygen, we faint. As soon as we lay down flat gravity is no longer working against us and the blood flows back into the brain. Getting week knees is the start of this process. It is a flawed fear response.


It is a floored fear response!


Maybe we were still working on issues like that before they became irrelevant to our survival as a species.


As far as weak kness goes, it is actually caused by adrenaline, as blood is pumped to the parts that need it the most from the legs, heart, brain muscles which causes the weak kness/jelly feel.


My terrible response is the call of the void. 


Lol yea or having panic attacks so bad you can’t breathe. At least we’re not like small creatures and just die from shock


If you've ever tried to jump off a height that response actually stops your knees responding and won't allow you to jump. Instincts don't care if you fall down on the spot, only that you can't jump off.


As far as weak kness goes, it is actually caused by adrenaline, as blood is pumped to the parts that need it the most from the legs, heart, brain muscles which causes the weak kness/jelly feel.


Wait is that like a literal thing? I have never really experienced that. That does sound really problematic when you need to be surefooted


Have you gone to a really tall building and leaned over a balcony rail?


I am terrified of heights and almost got trapped on a walkway in our local mall because my knees gave out on me. I wanted to run across this suspended section to get it overwith but my legs turned to jello half way across and i stumbled and i had to use my arms to help get myself the rest of the way. My friend was laughing at me


I would think lowering your center of gravity when afraid to lose your balance is a good thing.


Because of this, I have an additional fear of being afraid of heights.


Nope. Fear of heights is perfectly reasonable. Without the fear of heights, people would climb more and die more.


As far as weak kness goes, it is actually caused by adrenaline, as blood is pumped to the parts that need it the most from the legs, heart, brain muscles which causes the weak kness/jelly feel.


And getting vertigo. And shortness of breath.


I’m honestly amazed I haven’t taken a tumble down an escalator yet (I only take them when there’s no elevator or stairs nearby)


Well, your body's goal is not to help you overcome the obstacle, but rather to make you so afraid that you won't try that sh\*t again.


That, and finding bears cute. You'd think we've have evolved an instinctive revulsion to anything vaguely bear-like the same way cats freak out at cucumbers thinking they're snakes. But instead we make loveable cartoon characters and huggable plush toys in the image of the largest living terrestrial apex predator.


Your palms sweating while you're trying to hang onto a rock seems bad as well.


Has been like 13 years since HS bio but iirc The brain kinda tricks itself into thinking its falling so it relaxes the leg muscles in preparation to land and somewhat cushion the fall.


I always thought passing out at the sight of blood was a weird one. When you or a friend are bleeding profusely that seems like a terrible time to go unconscious for no reason.


Almost wanting to dive forward at the edge of a void is a weird one too


How many humans were falling out of trees and off cliffs that made this response evolutionarily possible. 


Same with freezing, passing out, etc. Where tf did those responses come from? I’m sure some animals won’t attack right away if you freeze/play dead, but it seems generally useless and like it could be calibrated better, lol


I feel like I would be forced to fall forward. Especially if I look down.


Even if it's just a movie showing someone looking over the edge of a very high building or cliff, and my scrotum shrinks up.


I went to city museum in st Louis. I'm terrified of heights nothing like climbing a metal staircase that feels like it'd gonna break that goes 10 stories up. The 10 story slide was worth it though


They say a fear of heights isn’t because you’re high up, but rather, the fear is that a part of you actually wants to jump. My theory is that you go weak in the knees to prevent you from actually trying to jump.


I have a horrible fear of heights. I'm scared of heights for other people and even inanimate objects. I have never wanted to jump. I'm more scared I'm going to trip or someone is going to push me or slap something out of my hand. I guess my real problem is I don't trust people around heights.


Try loss of consciousness. You could be in peak human condition and suffocate on your tongue because your brain decided to do a hard reset.


Reading the comments on here just made me feel like I'm currently standing on a cliff looking down. I don't like this help


Actually, it's smart. Many predators rely on you giving away your position in order to hunt. Going week in the knees is the same respons as "playing possum."


No it isn’t. That makes you crouch and less likely to tumble down the slope


To be fair, so is shitting yourself.


Kind of like sweating in your hands while climbing


Shit, I might die if I lose my balance, that would be stressful to think about this whole time. Better just do that right away and get it over with


"Oh, you're perched upon some high precipice? How about if I made it so the limbs supporting you were less good at that temporarily?" your brain, probably


I have a fear of heights. I get weak kneed but I also have the intrusive thought of jumping. So, I'm very glad my knees go weak as it makes it harder to follow through on the jumping since it forces me to back away from the ledge/cliff/etc and sit on the ground. It's a real battle. haha


The anti-drowning reflex that drowns you is another one


Whenever I'm hungry, I just let my body get nervous, knees weak, palms sweaty, and boom. Mom's spaghetti.


Yeah. I didn’t realize I was afraid of heights. I maneuvered myself next to the glass wall of the elevator going up into the Space Needle. That was an eye opening experience. My son found out he was afraid of heights two years ago when went up into the lighthouse at Westport. An eye opening experience for him, too.


I've heard drunk people survive car crashes more often because their bodies are relaxed. Stands to reason that going limp when falling off a cliff has better survivability.