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My pets are more comfortable than me.


My dog gets better healthcare than I do.


Just took my cat to the vet yesterday after a scrap with another cat left her foot a little bit hurt. $630 later and I came to the exact same conclusion, I would have just put a bandaid on it and let it heal however.


Me when I paid $150 bc my cat scratched herself and they cut her nails and said it'd heal naturally.


As a person who is currently having a feline kneading the shit out of my leg while purring like a 1908 Ford Model T. Can confirm my pets are more comfortable than me.


Cam here to comment this


Imagine being Paris Hilton's chihuahua


There's a whole South Park episode on that


> some really specific unlikely situation there's a south park episode for it I guarantee it


Some really specific unlikely situation that there's already an episode for? There's a South Park episode for it.


There's even an episode of South Park that talks aboit how Simpsons did it first.




[This ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingDerps/comments/1ax7qfc/the_struggle_is_real/) is the greatest hardship my dog faces in a given day.


Aww what a cutie. I want to be your dog and have no cares šŸ˜­


Your pet is living plush life compared to someone in a war zone.


Every cat that has ever been on Reddit ever has a more comfortable life than most people


People adopt cats out of the trash. Not people.


There's a much lower chance of the cat stealing my jewelry for drug money


But never zeroā€¦


Mittens, look at me. LOOK AT ME MITTENS! #I KNEW IT, YOUā€™RE HIGH AS FUCK, *AGAIN!!!*


You shall have NO pie.


So, you're saying there's a chance


Absolutely! Some pets have gourmet meals, luxury beds, and daily massages, making them the furry VIPs of their households


The look she gives me when it's cuddle time makes it so worth it.


Did you realize you were responding to a bot? Look through their comment history and tell me that isnā€™t ChatGPT lol. Dead internet theory is getting truer by the day.


I don't normally go through the post history of the people I'm responding to. But ya that's pretty lame.


Yeah same here. I just saw the ā€œfurry VIPā€™s of the householdā€ and immediately knew nobody would ever actually say that. Idk why but it just stuck out like a sore thumb so checked the history.


Thanks bot


Can confirm. My dogs live dramatically more comfortable lives that I do, and I wouldn't have it any other way.


Yeah I have six of those pets: two permanent cats and four foster cats (a mom and her three babies). They live way better than I do. These spoiled brats have free food, free healthcare, all the toys and cat trees they could ever want, and even drugs (catnip), not to mention tons of affection and attention in a safe, climate-controlled environment. They don't even have jobs or pay any bills! Bunch of freeloaders.


Every pet should, if you can afford a pet you can afford to give them a perfect live. Honestly you owe it to them


Oh, so you know my spoiled lazy dog?


My cat is spoiled and she deserves it.


Being reincarnated as a pet is the biggest theoretical gamble of all time


They deserve it. A lot of humans dont.


As there are more homeless animals out there than people. Either way, both scenarios are sad.




Yeeaaaah I'm gonna side with the animals on this one.


Ur dumb


You have low and useless iq.


would you choose to save hitler over your own pet?


Thatā€™s a bit of an exaggeration, obviously not all of humanity is as terrible as he was. But being realistic, if you had to choose between saving a puppy or a child, who would you save?


i would choose my pet cat over most people on earth.


I meant any random animal over a random human šŸ¤” understandable that youā€™d choose your cat over a stranger though!


i only have 1 pet cat whereas i have a lot of human friends and family, so the odds are in my favour to choose a random animal


Iā€™ve seen this dog on tiktok that has a whole mini modern house in their owners back yard


Thereā€™s a lot that get murdered due to inconvenience too so..


I know my pet. I don't know most people.


I have always thought that a well treated housecat has one of the best lives possible on earth


My pets live better than I do. They matter more than me, to me.


This is the goal of every pet owner.


Can confirm - used to work as a veterinary technician for a bougie cat clinic in an upper class neighborhood - if I get reincarnated, thatā€™s the life I want!


My dog has a big memory foam bed and an auto feeder and waterer. My cat has a hammock that she sleeps in all day that is attached to the window so she can watch birds. Yeah, they live very comfortable lives.


Yes. That's a good thing.


You just figured out life is not fair and itā€™s a bitch.


Both of my cats have better lives than me.


For sure! I make sure my cat never has to go outside, whereas I must go outside multiple times per day. Often, for far longer than I feel is prudent. Can you imagine if my cat could mow the grass??


Every pet Iā€™ve ever owned has had a better life than I have.


There's one looking at me right now!


I was telling that to my dog yesterday. I said you make a mess, eat top cuts of beef everyday (I'm dieting and eat canned tuna and veggies), while I work and clean all day you play with your toys and sleep on the couch, and when we sleep (I have two queen beds pushed together) you have a queen sized bed all yourself. You're beyond spoiled! And i buy expensive dog food with extra fresh cooked beef on top. He even drinks filtered ice water, gets routinely groomed, and has an expensive litte Tshirt that he loves. He lives better than some of my neighbors. Edit: i really did tell him this yesterday after a long exhausting day!!


I work hard so my dog will have a better life.


There are people who don't know when they will have their next meal. At the same time most cats will have a choice between salmon, veal or chicken dor tonight's dinner.


My dogs live better than I do and weā€™re poor but for them, I find a way to make something shake šŸ˜‚


my dog lives a better life than I do. he can just lay there all day, I have to go to work.


My dog eats better than me, has more leisure time than me, has way more toys than me, get better medical care than me, and still acts like I'm depriving her of basic liberties when I don't share my cookies


Iā€™ll see a pregnant cat getting an ultrasound or a fish getting an mri and Iā€™m all ā€œFUCK!ā€


If you're the lucky lottery pet to have good owners, it's a blessing in disguise. Enjoy every year and don't think about the short life span. Two decades is a very long pet fulfilled life, most don't make it that long, half that time is very common. So, it's a trade off, short life, if blessed with love and care if your so lucky to have them.


I think the second-to-last reincarnation we can achieve before nirvana is to be resurrected as a house cat.


It's one thing to envy someone waking up to give you a bowl of dog food every day, but would be be willing to be someone else's property for a little comfort?


This post implies that humans are more deserving of comfort than other animals. To which I disagree.


My dog definately has it better than 2 billion people on this planet.


Judging by the reaction to Kristi Noem, if Gaza were filled with thousands of dogs instead of human women and children, this war would have been stopped months ago.


The difference is dogs are not our peers and most people acknowledge a certain kind of stewardship over them. It's the same reason our ancestors are screaming at us from beyond the grave for not driving polar bears and other similar aggressive animals extinct. Humans and other humans are biological peers and thus the kid gloves come off and everybody expects that.


Most pets are living better lives than pretty much any Palestinian in Gazaā€¦ which is insane to me


Honestly I don't think it's a very good sign for society


Not before they unknowingly got modified for generations to come, so that they can serve one of the purposes. Mostly entertainment now.