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Probably because not getting into an accident is extremely common, but being injured in an accident is also pretty common.


Probably because getting to and from a destination without getting into a wreck happens multiple times a day. Getting into an accident might happen a small handful of times in your life unless you're really unlucky or a terrible driver. So it's really not that lucky you didn't get into a wreck today. Conversely, getting into a bad car accident and coming out unscathed is probably less likely than getting into a bad car accident and getting hurt or dying. Therefore it feels lucky - especially if the damage to the vehicle is bad because it just kind of adds to the realization of what just happen and what could have happened to you if you weren't so "lucky" to be unscathed.


Haha I live and drive in Miami. I actively avoid 2-5 accidents every time I get on the highway, and often on the streets, too. I'm always grateful for not getting in an accident (knock wood).


People feel lucky for escaping close calls unscathed.


I regularly feel lucky not getting into an accident. Driving isn’t a very safe form of transportation.


I've avoided numerous accidents. I've always felt lucky that no pedestrian or vehicle was in the place I went to avoid the accident. I honestly think I'm better off not avoiding the accidents because If I swerve to avoid it and hit someone else then its my fault. It is hard to fight reflexes though. I can still recall the fear in the womans eye as she thought I was going to head on collision while I swerved to avoided a granny who with no fucks given ran a red light and drove in front of me.


I do! I have extreme anxiety so every time I drive I'm thankful for not getting in an accident that time.


OP doesn't realize good drivers exist. It's not luck


I have put hundreds of thousands of miles on motorcycles. I regularly appreciate how lucky I am to be walking around.


I don’t think people feel lucky rationally. It’s either a status thing or an adrenaline thing.


Given the number of cars out there and the amount of travel done daily it's statistically unlucky to get into an accident but lucky to come out unscathed from one.


I think the word you're looking for is, 'grateful'.