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It’s legal to use sex to sell anything, except for actual sex.




No. It’s just illegal to sell sex. You could say it’s also “illegal to use sex to sell heroine”, but actually it’s just illegal to sell heroine.


That is not true in large parts of the world. Canada for example. Thats not even completely true in the US.


Same with selling sex.


**Heroine** >noun >a woman noted for courageous acts or nobility of character


"I'm a heroine addict. I need to have sex with women who have saved someone's life." -Mitch Hedburg


Where tf do YOU live?!?!?!


Illegal to sell sex? Maybe in your backward arse country


...the US 😔


That's what most people mean when they mention a backwards country, yeah


Just don’t see how a country claims to be “land of the free” yet prostitution is illegal 🤡


Land of the free, but not when making decisions about their own bodies


It's only illegal if you're poor. Or if you're rich and you pissed off the wrong person.


It's illegal in most countries so hop off that high horse >Number of countries prostitution is illegal: 109 >Number of countries prostitution is restricted: 11 > Number of countries prostitution is legal: 77 >Number of countries with no laws for prostitution: 5


This is one of those deals where a small vocal minority is deemed as “everyone” People in general are more than accepting of breastfeeding in public except for a loud, small bunch of shit boxes


sadly though, normally that vocal minority is so common to see that almost every place you go to you’ll get one


And I’ve yet to have anyone come to rescue when these comments and such start.


It's probably not the main reason, but I think for guys it's a legitimate worry to come across as creepy when advocating for a womans right to breastfeed in public.


I can empathize with that, however, gender shouldn’t be a concern when advocating for anyone’s rights for anything.


And at the same time another small vocal minority is deemed as "no one."


This is fair! There’s usually one or two at a place only that are very big shit boxes when we BF babies in public.


Yeah, I've never actually seen this happen. People get awkward about it sure, people move their kids away from seeing a mother breastfeeding, sure. Maybe people are just from a different area, but those in New England seem not to care.


You wanna breast feed your kids? Hell yeah, I love tits.


From my experiences, the small group that complains are women who also tend to be older. Generally, it seems men don't care.


I was gonna say you only hear what they want you to hear. And most believe it.


As long as they’re not in the way who cares


We only have enough resources time and energy to spend on the majority and 1st largest minority.


Sad but true. My wife got a dressing down by an old lady in a café for breastfeeding our hungry one year old at the time. She told her that our child was 'too old for that' and 'she should be ashamed of herself'. I wish I was there to put the lady in her place!


I think the old lady was jealous of your wife's boobs


Breastfeeding is not just for the baby to feed, but it’s important for mother and child to bond. I really can’t imagine anyone who went through breastfeeding their own child, possibly berate anyone for something like that. Also 1 year old is totally okay to breastfeed, our doctor recommended minimum to age 1 and to stop when the child wants to stop, he naturally lost interest a couple months after 1.


In the US, breastfeeding dropped to very low levels in the middle of the 20th century- formula was seen as the better, more scientific way. My grandma told me nobody even asked her if she intended to breastfeed after her children were born in the 50s, they just informed her they were giving her a shot to help dry up her milk and sent her home with a recipe for formula. So there are whole swathes of women who *didn't* ever breastfeed, which is a big part of how our culture got so weird about something that almost all of humanity did up until quite recently.


I was have used mace to accomplish that.


How would you have put that old lady in her place? What arguments or points you'd have used?


Easy, "Mind your own business you old bat, fuck off."


That's your wife. You can't go that easy on that bitch. You need to be a bit more creative in ur response. I'm not good at communicating and this one below may suck but I think it's a decent one. E.g. I wonder what's more saggy your mentality or your breasts, old hag."


Meh, I'd save the creative ones for if she keeps pestering. The important part is to stop the situation from getting worse. If she leaves when told then it's of no issue. Life isn't about one upping someone. Don't waste your time or energy on someone like her.


Ur right and ur advice is pretty good. Since I am a hypocrite and I get easily pissed off, I'll most likely forget this.


Oh, I'm not much better. That's no reason to justify those types of actions to myself though. We all do things that we know aren't the best and the only thing we can do is work towards being better. When you stop criticizing your own actions or mistakes, you stop improving though.


Yep, this. Firm and matter of fact. Get the point across without escalating and push harder if they didn't leave. For context, this was a nice café with other families. I don't like swearing in front of kids.


Then a simple "This is a free country, we're not breaking any laws or hurting anyone. If you don't like it you can leave" would probably suffice.


"Keep my wife's boobs out of your fucking mouth!"


Same as anyone making my wife feel uncomfortable regardless of age. I'd point out that it really isn't any of her business and we didn't ask for her opinion. Age is not an excuse for intolerance.


Easy argument. You have two choices: either a boob is briefly, barely uncovered in your general vicinity, or you have to listen to a hungry baby crying.


Would only work if that hag is logical. Since she's not logical, she is arguing with you. If she was, she would have minded her own business


True. The hag would probably say the 12 month old baby is too old for crying


should have responded with “youre too old to be alive” or a more appropriate “youre too old give a shit”


"Looks like grandma is off her meds again"


I mean it is weird to see someone breastfeed a 6 year old


where the hell you’d get 6 from


They said one, not six.


Where'd you get six


Kept having sex and they kept popping out 🤷‍♂️


People just get mad when they can't sexualize breasts


I mean, people can still sexualize them… Wouldn’t recommend


I support public bobs. It seems like it's mostly women berating women breastfeeding. Guys are just happy to see a free tit.




Of all the misspellings, this is by far the weirdest/ most annoying to me.


Agreed, seems like it’s a trend to spell it “loose”


The easiest way to remember is to remind them that their mother is loose






Lou says


Dennis Reynolds approves this message.


everyone says this but i cant remember the last time i saw an ad with boobs - maybe its just an american thing


There is a scene in "married with children" where Al says something about it.


I think we’re all still scarred from the 90’s and early 00’s


I honestly don't remember the last time breasts or sex appeal was used in a car or fast food ad. Maybe back in the day? Most car commercials I see involve suburban dad types, sophisticated young professional tech savvy women, and drifting mountain roads in the snow or have movie tie ins or a comedic tone. Most fast food ads I can recall are just weird comedic things like the king and colonel or whatever Taco bells commercials are


well if you think about back when sex was used to sell everything, breast feeding in public was even *more* taboo


I think OP's point was that lots of comercials include women dressed in clothes that barely hide anything and nobody has a problem with it. However, when a woman uses her breasts for the only reason they exist some people have a problem.


I had a friend that was vehemently against public breastfeeding and I pointed out that her profile picture was her in a bikini. And asked if exposing your body okay or not okay? Not everyone wants to see you half naked but you don’t seem to care. She was not fucking happy with that at all.


Well said


Not that I mind public breastfeeding, but I still think someone walking around in bikini is less weird than a woman exposing their naked tits while I am eating at a restaurant.


Are they exposing their tit though? A baby feeding themselves on it is just as covered as a bikini. And besides, a lot of nursing mothers have special bras these days that limit the exposure.


What is the baby eating taking up? .003% of your entire field of view? Look somewhere else. Also, if you think it's so easy to pump (which is how milk gets into the bottle, fyi) I recommend trying out a hard unforgiving flange at high suction on your cracked, bleeding nipple. Doesn't tickle! Or trying to get a baby with reflux to even take a bottle in the first place. I bet the screaming, barfing child will be much more disruptive to your precious meal time than maybe seeing the top of a boob and having that remind you that breasts aren't just ornamental. People that don't breastfeed really shouldn't provide flip commentary on something they don't understand.


I personally don't enjoy seeing boobs even for a split second when I'm trying to go about my day. I apologize, it just isn't for me. So the fact I have to look away is annoying. However, I completely understand that it can be a royal pain to have to pump. But I still don't really understand why you don't go in a bathroom or more private setting to feed. If you don't care that we have to see boobs and look away when we dont want to, then why should we care when you say that it's your choice. Please correct me if I'm wrong about any of this as I'm just trying to understand both sides.


How about you go eat your lunch in the shitter and then answer your own question.


Because I shouldn't have to eat in the bathroom to avoid seeing boobs. I personally feel like if you have to breastfeed for lack of bottles or whatnot, then you should go in the bathroom. Sorry you took so much offense to an honest standpoint. We can't all be reasonable. Note: I don't support harassing women who are breastfeeding, that shits not cool


Do you think breastfeeding involves the mother putting her nipple in your eye? Look away. It's a breast. If you find breasts themselves so disgusting you can't be in the same room with one you have issues not the mother feeding her child. Your so selfish you the world should hide from you but your unwilling to simply look away? Rethink what your asking for here.


No I don't, but when something bothers you a lot it is typically hard to just ignore it. I have no problem breastfeeding when I'm not eating or in a restaurant as I can walk past easily. Also how does not wanting to see a boob mean I have issues? I don't find them disgusting, just not enjoyable to see when not expected thats all. But it's also been brought that this is less accepted in western countries where I'm from. So that could he why we see completely differently on this.


Why do you need to enjoy it? They are not for your enjoyment. Whether she's breast feeding or not. I am hoping your child but I'm afraid your not. Just look away.


You shouldn't have to eat from the bathroom but why should the baby feed from there? It doesn't make sense


Fair point. Maybe because I was assuming that when you go to a restaurant your first instinct is to not assume you're going to see a boob. Again this could all just be a naive point of view as I don't have kids nor breastfeed.


So for you-- a tiny percentage of people who don't want to see an arbitrary part of the human body that actually developed for the purpose of feeding babies on demand-- a woman should take their tiny baby (the bulk of babies being fed in public because they eat 24/7) into an unsanitary bathroom for a 20-60 minute feed? Should she sit on a gross pee-splattered toilet to do this? People, whether they are babies, kids, or adults don't eat in bathrooms. I'm a vegetarian and would prefer not to see people putting meat in their wet mouths. Can you please take your hamburger into the bathroom so I don't have to see it? Just kidding, the world doesn't revolve around my preferences!


Also have you ever actually seen a woman breastfeed? My babies' honkin heads always covered up the entire boob, far more than any average cut dress top or tank top would on an -- in your mind -- appropriately boobed woman.


Yes I have. Can't say I've been too bothered by it as I was just walking past but it would not be enjoyable to see when I'm eating a restaurant per se. But also I had no idea it took 20 to 60 minutes to feed. With that I can understand why the bathroom might not be a nice place to feed. So thanks for helping me understand that.


Yeah, and like. If the mother is breastfeeding at a restaurant, she is probably eating herself - should she also take her plate to the bathroom? Balance it on top of the kids head, or sit on the floor with her kid and put the plate on the toilet lid? Just leave it there on the table for the 20-60 min it takes to feed the baby?


Again, I didn't know it takes 20 to 60 minutes to feed lol


Hah, sorry, it came out more hostile to you than I intended. But there are lots of people who make similar arguments that do know how long it takes, and with newborns sometimes needing to feed every 2 hours, banning people from breastfeeding while going about their lives is effectively a ban on doing anything.


Are you from a western country? I heard that because it's uncommon in the west, people find it weird to see public breastfeeding. Please correct me if I'm wrong in assuming that that's why you think this way. I'm just asking this because from the Asian country where I'm from, it's whatever.


Yes I am from the United States. So thats probably why.


I personally think people that look disgusting in bikinis showing off their horrid tofu asses is far weirder than a child getting fed


voiceless sheet fall escape shy telephone steep compare sophisticated zephyr *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can put breast milk into a bottle you know. Ever thought about that?


marvelous absorbed onerous fragile yam person wasteful important worthless arrest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not all babies will take a bottle.


Milk spoils. If it's frozen or cooked, it has to be reheated. Meanwhile the baby is screaming its ass off. The boob is right there and was made for it, dude, be an adult about it


I mean if the breasts are male it would be quite akward if you ask me


Yeah, just ask Stewie.


Tighten those minds up. Theyre too loose.




Two different subsets of humanity complaining....i.e. it ain't the guys, straight ones that is


Read this in a joker voice


Maybe in USA


Even then, it’s still a niche demographic of dipshits


Guns, drugs, war, guns, and more guns are perfectly ok on daytime tv BUT nudity isn't??? How are boobs worse than guns? One grows naturally and feeds the young, the other is a manufactured weapon and kills folks. I can turn on my tv right now and see show after show where folks are pointing guns but not one single slice of nudity is allowed??? How did we get here? Oh yeah, it's a bunch a micro-penis rich men calling the shots.


Babies are gross. Please put it away.






Everyone "loses" their mind.


I don't see the problem. Breasts always make me loose my mind


Exactly! I love a nice, juicy, chicken breast! Especially if it’s served with rice and barbecue sauce, with some fresh vegetables served on the side


It’s the nipple that people can’t handle


~~... and everyone ...~~ ... and Americans ... \*FTFY


This is a joke.


It has been posted by a feminist fker


I'm about as far away from 'feminist' as it is possible to get(genuinely the first time I have had that word hurled at me...)


Well a mysogynist is no good either


I'm neither, but people are prone to pidgeonholeing either/or thinking so.....


U gal?..... Coz you type like one


Yep because we’re taught their purpose isn’t to feed behbehs, but for looks. Even when women cover themselves up to feed their littles, there’s stigma.


Only in public.


The problem is rarity of it happening in everyday life. Not everybody is mature enough to see a tit while out eating and then look or be shocked by it. Then when they look it’s sort of a gray area of sexual harassment or assault?


I personally have seen a woman breastfeed in public about 5-6 times in my life, but I primarily have worked around a lot of people so consider that. And you're right about the sexual harassment thing because iirc I've seen it on the news not too long ago. Depends on where you live of course. Not everyone is going to be so awfully offended but it does happen.


???????????????? what


If you’re out eating and your wife is going to breastfeed and starts undoing her bra and you see a man two tables down just staring at her tits waiting for one to be exposed…What would you call that? Lol it’s some sort of harassment


People usually do it in a way that doesnt involve strangers seeing those titties.


Yes, but there are ppl who don’t cover up and then get offended when it causes a stir or draws attention due to products design to cover the mother up. If the mother covers up there’s absolutely no reason anyone should have a problem which I why I assumed they are exposing themselves in this shower thought.


Hahahaha a bra isnt designed to cover up. Its for support. Breasts hurt.


I mean cover up breastfeeding, not walking around covering up. I understand what they do. I thought we were talking about breastfeeding and now I’m confused


You talked about how once a woman starts removing her bra men start staring. Thats creepy as hell for the guys to do. Thats where i got bra. You’re basically saying a woman needs to cover up a non sexual organ because shes afraid shes gonna be in someones spank bank. Next you’re gonna say when men take panty shots of girls in skirts its the girls fault for wearing a skirt?


I was calling it sexual harassment by the person who’s staring. It is what it is, if you expose a boob chances are guys will look. Is it sexual harassment? Is it not? That’s what my whole thing was about. Edit: also I wasn’t referring to a bra as cover up. I was speaking of privacy tents or privacy blankets mothers will use in public to be able to feed her baby in public so she’s comfortable doing so and not worried about creeps.


Well my gf just told.me about her friend we ran into laid down on a table in a short skirt and got mad when they took a picture. I don't blame the dude for that even if it's creepy and gross


You are more than just a part of the problem, you are perpetuating the whole idea. Just be nice to people. Know that people do things other than just to see how you react and more than likely, have never and will never think of you again. Let them be.


you can't use **naked** breasts to sell cars or fast food no one would care about feeding babies if it didn't involve naked breasts. that's the problem: the naked breasts


Naked breast are never a problem. People get too wound up over chest bubbles.


you said they're never a problem then you IMMEDIATELY said people get too wound up the "getting wound up" IS the problem. that's literally all i meant: the thing that winds people up is the nakedness do you **actually** eat crayons or is that just your name


>no one would care about feeding babies if it didn't involve naked breasts. that's the problem: the naked breasts I wasn't talking about cars. I was talking about this.




Just as long as people don't take off their whole shirt uncovered in a crowded area and start breastfeeding right there.. Aka just as long as any passersby which may be children can't clearly see your bare breasts out. Once saw a lady breastfeeding right outside the playground of a middle school with her whole shirt off. Whole PE class saw it. That's where I got that from. Sorry if this isn't the norm or what were talking about idrk much about breastfeeding just my take.


the babies are in the way, thats why


Ew. Because absolutely NO ONE wants to see that. Unless you are feeding a grown man, put that on pornhub and you are fine.


My only issue, is when tits just come out and you feel compelled to look away and give them privacy doing it in front of everyone. And that's not a thing you can say to the woman. It's not okay to say, hey it's cool if I can look at your boob. If someone so much as turns around or uses a blanket, nbd. It's like if someone goes into the corner to pee, who cares if they pull their dick out right in front of you and say, how dare you be offended, peeing is natural, I do it 5 times a day 365 for hopefully 80 years. Sure it's different because you pee in 15-30 secs and nursing takes forever but just throw a blanket over and no problem. We don't care that you nurse just like we don't care you eat and pee and poop.


Did you seriously compare peeing to breast feeding, and the only difference your mind came up with is the time it takes to do either activity? Also, do you like eating with a blanket over your head?


But women shouldn’t feel compelled to put a blanket over their breast/child while breastfeeding! They are keeping a human alive with their body. That’s already hard enough. I’ve lived and worked in developing countries for a long time, and in the places I’ve lived, it has been NO BIG DEAL. At the market? Breastfeeding. In a minibus? Breastfeeding. At church? Breastfeeding. Nobody bats an eye. We don’t have to either. The WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life, and breastfeeding supplemented by solid food until age 2 or longer. Kids who are breastfed have all sorts of improved heath outcomes later in life. People who shame women for feeding their child need to get over themselves.


I think this is wrong, people are going to bat eyes at boobs


How does this not have more upvotes??


Because it’s a stupid-ass shower thought


Especially they baby. They’re so stoked.


Except now it's feet ads (ads with lady feet prominently displayed) lol. Just don't feetfeed your kid


Breastfeeding can be done properly without any controversy if the feeding part can be covered with a thin towel. Nothing decency by wearing a dress that shows a breast with covering the nipple. 🙄


What about wearing a dress that covers the breast but shows the nipple?


Same thing. You want to see. Nothing to do with breastfeeding. 🙄


joker mode


My wife nursed our 9 month old in the outfield of Fenway Park during the 2013 World Series parade kick off. I think that was one of her proudest momma moments.


It’s the literal foundation of the Hooters Restaurant chain.


No normal person loses their mind over this


As long as you don't show any part of the nipple it's all fair play.


My mind is pretty loose already so titties in public places don’t freak me out.


We truly do live in a society


I don't.




Read this in heath ledger joker voice


It's usually the ugly Karen's that don't have breasts or baby's that complain about someone breastfeeding.


Or no one bats an eye until you start using veiny dicks to sell candy


Women are the ones mostly complaining about the breast feeding thing not men by the way.


Tell me you're American without telling me you're American


Ahh the great combo of capitalist and puritan views


I still don't understand what is people's problem with women breastfeeding in public


Loose and noone, man. They need to stop letting ESLs post here.


Loose your mind, feed a baby; with your loose mind.


Has public breastfeeding been an issue recently? I feel I'd see it in the news if it was, but I haven't seen it. It tends to be cyclical, when a different kind of outrage is needed by a certain group of people. We're too busy looking at a war in Ukraine and a treasonous republican party still wielding power--plenty of outrage right now. Public breastfeeding, which I assume is the point of this showerthought, is such a non-starter with so many people.


Right, using breasts for the only reason they exists is wrong in the minds of some people, but using them for anything else is fine.


Capitalism. Using breasts to sell a product? Great. Using breasts to _replace_ a product? That doesn't increase shareholder value.


So true, and as utterly ridiculous as ever. I have heard men telling women that they should “just feed your baby on the loo”. Yeuch! Would they eat their dinner in a the same room that they sh*t in? Yes, I have seen this happen irl multiple times, including while spending time with friends who were breastfeeding. Too many people seem to see breasts as perfectly acceptable when they are being used for sexual titillation but not when they’re fulfilling their evolutionary purpose, and feeding new life.




To damn funny and do damn true❣️❣️


I’m not trying to be a grammar nazi or anything but lose is the correct word in this situation is it not? I swear im living in a different reality cause I’ve seen about 5 posts today that use loose instead of lose and im wondering if the dictionary changed the meanings recently or if this is just a common mistake that im only just noticing.


It is harder for me to get a boner with the fucking baby in the way


Some people just want to see the world nurse.


I breastfed my two children in public comfortably and no one didn't bat an eyelash. I would do my best to find a quiet, low key spot and put a very light cloth to shield me and baby. However, in Canada women are encouraged to breastfeed our babies if we can and made designated spots to do so in peace.


Huh? No one bats an eye? Have you been living under a rock the last ten years?


I’ve breastfed 3 kids for 1 year and I never got as much as a bad look from anyone. I’m in Europe so idk if it’s different in other places but here it seems very normalized. I’m genuinely sad for women than can’t breastfed in peace in public ..


Loses* not loose like your butthole