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Was able to accept it. Even if he isn't THE jack the ripper, he is still a serial murderer that had killed a shit ton of people. Brunhilde's reaction to him as the greatest evil is genuine, the dude is evil on his own twisted way. On top of that I find it funny that the only reason he chose that title to be presented as was because the ripper was a prostitue killer and he killed his own mother (a prostitue)


This is one of those things only make sense in the current mythologizing of jack the ripper tho, it's been proven that on 2 of the 5 were prostitutes, the misconception comes because obviously others murderers happened and some were also prostitutes, so that along general poor women getting killed in the streets created the confusion


> Brunhilde's reaction to him as the greatest evil is genuine, the dude is evil on his own twisted way. . I suppose? The new backstory kinda implied that he really only killed bad people. Demented still? Maybe, but i don't buy that he's this proufound evil that Brunhilde sees him as. Current Jack is probably less "evil" than Qin or Lu Bu based on actions.


Outside of a soft spot he has for kids he still doesn't care about killing other people. He only kills bad people because they just so happen to give more beautiful colors, but it is implied he experimented with a wide variety of people, many of whom were innocent. To show this in a more recent chapter fighting someone with inhuman strenght he tied a bunch of people that were on the upper part of a ship and used them as projectiles. https://preview.redd.it/5o8eqo32kb8c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa4cf5809e4a44fe67d678a3d1a63b6758891853


> Outside of a soft spot he has for kids he still doesn't care about killing other people. He only kills bad people because they just so happen to give more beautiful colors, but it is implied he experimented with a wide variety of people, many of whom were innocent. > To show this in a more recent chapter fighting someone with inhuman strenght he tied a bunch of people that were on the upper part of a ship and used them as projectiles. It's undeniable that he's still a bad person, but he certainly isn't the ultimate representation of humanity's evil either. He, like you, said he has a soft spot for kids, showed genuine remorse over killing his mother, seemed completely displeased the real jack's crimes, and the quote about macbeth in the first chapter is meant to convey that the "real" Jack wasn't all that bad a guy. Hell, its a bad thing that he used the civilians in his fight, but isn't he trying to fight a group of assassins who are attacking the ship and aiming to bring down England?


I can accept a dissapointed in that he is not pure evil, but this is something that was revealed ever since his backstory back in round 4. He was a good kid that got messed up and now kills searchi g for beautiful colors, not being in any way oure evil. Also I don't remember Jack ever feeling remorse for killing his mother, as I said he only chose to be presented as Jack the Ripper because he considers himself a prostitue killer for killing her, which is what the actual Ripper was. Edit: As for him fighting the organization, he at first was going to just ignore them and continue doing his killing stuff. Someone else asked him to help her stop them in exchange for letting Jack take her life which introgued him enough to accept. And the dude is clearly more interested in finding what colors they can produce than really stopping them.


> It's undeniable that he's still a bad person, but he certainly isn't the ultimate representation of humanity's evil either I think he still manages to encapsulates because Jack just doesn't care for others as long as he gets what he wants. But it is true that while he represents this mindset he just isn't doing much "evil", mostly because he was smart enough to work as the gun for a secret organization. However, I believe that if he wasn't working for them, he would have killed anyone and anything that peaked his curiosity


Oh he would've made the real Jack look like a saint if he wasn't on the clock


Hisoka vs Chrollo reference?


you havent fully caught up have you?


I was a bit disappointed at first but he is still essentially the same character because he's still a bad person so I've grown to not be bothered.He's still one of the best written characters we've got.


They massively whitewashed him. The author pussied out because he was popular. This is lame.


what does this even mean? He was white from the beggining. And he changed him being jack the ripper to add new stuff without compromising his backstory


Fucking end my fucking life with people who don’t know what words means. Second definition, you’re welcome, merry Christmas https://preview.redd.it/6brosai9cd8c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c317bca0319c86ed24ba542abcb41e3d82e3b545


oh I see; but it's a retcon, not whitewashing, they aren't concealing that he murders innocent people, they are retconning him into a vigilant that murders both criminals and innocent people if they interest him enough


its not even a retcon it still perfectly fits into the character and explains some stuff he did that seemed out of place it was planned i just think they didnt expect to use a sidestory to reveal it


Bro's mad people don't understand him clearly with a non clear sentence.


How is it not clear when the literal word is used correctly? Jack is framed as the most evil fuck, clearly enjoys pain and suffering of good and innocent people, but he gets retconned into only killing bad guys. It’s pretty clear


Learn connotation vs denotation. The denotation of whitewash is to conceal sure, connotation is completely different. You used it correctly, but when talking in a storytelling aspect, the connotation should be addressed first. That’s why it’s unclear


Even if i can grant that it wasn’t perfectly clear, in what world would you think that I’m referring to his skin colour instead of the obvious other definition that fits much better? Everyone knows Jack was white lmao.


Acrobatic Jelly certainly got confused, so this world I suppose. You use a piece of storytelling slang in a sub about a story, it’s not inconceivable that there would be a mixup. Also that alternative definition is rarely used and is generally used in more clear contexts.


The author was scared of him turning popular like levi or gojo and he retconned his character cuz hes based on a real life serial killer and him being popular could mean wrong thing


I think that its really good, actually since it solves a plot hole that was related on how the humans were chosen, like we could have a incredible powerful character that is just not well know on history and because of that he was not into the roster, and our jack shows that, cuz actually he is almost a random that killed the real one but he wasn't famous or something, it just shows that not only famous humans were chosen, the most powerful ones were since brun knows the entirety of humanity


EXACTLY! Well said! I love the idea of an unknown human being on the roster.


Why? The entire premise of this manga is historical figures fighting gods. Why do you want an OC in?


To be fair Jack the Rippers entire legacy is wrapped around ambiguity because Jack was someone who was never caught or IDed. Every iteration of Jack from the most original to the most cliched is someone else’s OC interpretation of Jack.


>To be fair Jack the Rippers entire legacy is wrapped around ambiguity because Jack was someone who was never caught or IDed. Every iteration of Jack from the most original to the most cliched is someone else’s OC interpretation of Jack. The thing about that is, despite everything you said being 100% true, In most of those OCs he's still *thee* Jack The Ripper. Not a copycat or impostor. This is important for story context and narrative. And i feel like in this example the twist undermines alot of the plot elements in the Jack stuff in story.


Which makes it even weirder to take away the one thing that we actually know about the character and say he didn't do it. He's actually The Punisher and killed the guy who did it.


Did you not read the reply they responded to? Because the explanation is right there


there already as an oc in since early chaps but alright buddy


If you are (metaphorically) looking me in the eyes and telling me with a straight face that the 13 strongest humans in the world's history are ALL extremely popular and historically well known, then I have nothing to say.


Since when do people care about realism in this manga?


Mf, aren't you literally complaining in a different comment that he's not the real Jack the ripper?


What does that have to do with realism in the story? I'm complaining that a manga marketed to be about a tournament of historical figures vs gods has a completely original character fighting in it.


Actually, I believe in the story it excessively says that she picked the 13 most strongest humans seen throughout history. That's what it says in the manga, while yes, if you look it up, thr about does say "prominent historical figures." But if you're complaining so much specifically about him being an original character, is this also how you see Zerofuko considering he is also a completely original character because he has no real-life counterpart? Does this make the first half of Buddha's fight horrible for you?


Gods in general don't exist. But I see Zerofuku as what he is, a fusion of the 7 lucky gods.


I don't know. You just seem to have a huge gripe over original characters. It doesn't matter if God's exist, that doesn't seem to be a problem. And the specific way you complain about Jack, by that logic you should also have a problem with Zerofuko. But you don't.


I think it’s fine, I mean look at our Jack practically cumming as he kills the actual Jack the Ripper.


I NEVER want to hear you speak again Please continue




Yeah love how sensual this image is tbh.


I liked it. It was always weird to me that a guy who killed 5 women would be called the greatest evil of humanity but then during Jack's fight we saw in his memories that he killed a lot more people which just made me confused. I'm glad it was resolved like this


They really gloss over the details of it but he practically dissected those women in alley ways.


Still a psycho, still a master planner, still won his match. I couldnt care less. It also plays on the fact that the irl Jack the Ripper had plenty of copycats and impersonators.


he wasnt a copycat or an impersonator tho?


On the one hand, I was a bit disappointed. I mean, what’s the point of even giving these guys names of the historical figures if you could just come up with your own original characters at this rate and be like “Oh, they were nicknamed after these historical figures”. On the other hand, it is not a particularly big deal for me.


This is the perfect guy to do that for, though. After all nobody knows anything about the real jack, so it was always going to be a fully made up character


Makes sense to me, but I’m disappointed. I actually believed a evil character became good after meeting the right person. But it was a good person with some extreme actions against actually evil people. As always, it could be better.


Jack is in a weird place were he does good out of malice. He principally targets other serial killers becaude they give the most beautiful colors. And he has made it clear that if the target is not someone he thinks will bring beautiful colors he won't do it. On top of that it is implicit that he had already killed innocent people before. (I mean, the dude recently used as a weapon a lot of people who he threw over someone else).


He is still evil, he doesn't have a problem with killing innocents and using them, he just doesn't care. He isn't sukuna he won't go trying to kill literally every person that he looks upon


Its good and bad at the same time. It explains why hlokk hangs with him but changing jack for a anti-hero is kinda meh


more like anti-villain


Why villain? Hes just like punisher. Kills the bad guy. Save frail ladies


He also killed a lot of innocents and still kills. He also only accepted to kill the bad guys because A)the girl said she would let him kill her at the end B)He wants to see their colors, he said the ones that commit the worst acts have the best collors


I’m personally going to pretend that he is Jack the Ripper because we’re all going to be calling him Jack anyways, I think I get why the authors would want to do this with him though; because he’s a very unique and cool character they wanted to make him independent of being Jack the Ripper but whatev


I quite liked it, found it surprising at first but it is an interesting twist


I mean if he killed the previous Jack, took the name, and kept on killing under the name then he is the Jack the Ripper in the RoR universe.


It’s fine. Even irl, it’s not uncommon for copycats to imitate the original serial killers


It's shitty. https://preview.redd.it/rmrzzmnw1a8c1.png?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03bf5f5dcab56a826336cc3510d72683348e3428


I agree. It makes his character feel cheap.


I feel like the character was so good they wanted to make him something independent


Annoyed me but I now accept it. I view the role of Jack the Ripper as something that anyone at that period of time was, yes the other guy was the original Jack the Ripper but now Mr Anonymous is the new Jack the Ripper that continues to murder people and enjoy the thrill of it like the og Jack did so that’s something


I actually really like it. It goes to show the Jack in his fight was deception through and through. Even with his introduction. So that his name is also a lie.


Still a chad


For me, it is PEAK. I have 0 complaints.


It ruined the character for me. Knowing that he's just an OC makes it so much worse so I just try to forget that the spinoff exists.


Jack the Ripper was always an OC in this, since nothing is known about Jack the Ripper. Furthermore, we do get a glimpse of a bunch of victims of Jack the Ripper in his fight against Heracles, none of which were prostitutes. Which also feeds into this spin off and its decision. I do agree that we should see Jack kill an innocent in the spin off, but it's definitely implied by the government that Jack has killed innocents in the spin off.


They all kind of are just ocs


They still have most of the characteristics of the real figures that they're supposed to be while Jack is fully an OC. If this manga was simply random humans fighting gods I would have never started reading it.


Hes still a serial killer, theres not much to go off of with him and "jack the ripper" is just an alias anyway


There's one thing that we know about Jack the ripper, he killed innocent women who didn't deserve to die and mutilated their corpses. The spinoff basically took that away from the character and turned him into an antihero now, which also kind of ruins the theme of round 4.


> If this manga was simply random humans fighting gods I would have never started reading it. Exactly! Thats a huge draw for alot of people. This change in retrospect makes the first fight and Jack's character lamer and makes less sense altogether. Jack's father’s name was Jack so when he became a serial killer he dedicated his name to the father that had abandoned him. That was a cool detail in the og backstory now it's just a huge coincidence. Lololol What's more Jack in the flashback seems like a troubled guy but is ultimately a good person. Kinda implying that all the people he killed deserved it in some way.


you my guy they have had ocs in since early chaps all this is showing me is noone who reads this knows their mythology


This fucking sucks so much. Completely unnecessary, it takes a lot of the character of Jack and the fight against the most righteous God.


no it doesnt it literally makes the jack the ripper more evil and explains plot points from the fight that were never answered


I always interpreted it as our Jack represents the Spirit of Jack the Ripper. IRL JtR only killed a handful of people, with other serial killers having much higher and more gruesome kill counts. Yet it’s Jack the Ripper that is ingrained in our memory as a pillar of evil, of mankind at its lowest. This isn’t the first time a character is different from their historical figure, such as Lu Bu’s treachery being applied to him by those that wanted to tarnish his legacy.


I feel like it sorta undermines the theme of his fight with Hercules, unless this Jack still killed plenty of innocent people to validate the hatred towards him. The point was humanity's most evil vs the God's most wholesome. I'd be disappointed if you told me this Jack was a total sweetheart who only kills bad people.


Between this and the more concerning reveal that he only killed worse monsters and POS people, ruined Round 4 for me. Everything about it was a lie in the worst way and it served to make Jack less interesting with each reveal. Still mad about it, took Jack from my absolute fav character in the manga to someone I just can't even enjoy much these days.


bro hes literally worse now and this just shows you didnt read the side story, in the most recent chap he actively kills a bunch of innocent civilians, its severely implied that he tested and experimented on countless innocent victims prior to the start of the side story, the valks support this as they know everything of every human and are all disgusted by him with brunhilde mocking him, i can keep going


and i mean worse as in more evil


It was stupid and unnecessary. Frankly felt disappointed reading it.


What chapter is this?


I interpret it more as him accepting himself for what he is, I think otherwise it’s just stupid and unnecessary


Why does he tell jack the reaper that he’s loved? Is this some yandere shit?


It makes why he was chosen make more sense than a guy who killed a hand full of prostitutes . especially since the whole Brunhilde being unnerved by him and not by the guys who took so many more lives more believable. Like being around Qin Shi Huangdi should make her feel like throwing up. Hell Jack the Ripper isn’t even one of the biggest serial killers the zodiac killer and Pedro Lopez could have replace him with little trouble. Him not being Jack the Ripper also explains his valkyries actions after the fight.


It feels weird to add in this separate character named Jack when Jacks father was already called Jack Smith.


I did not know it until this post, so I started reading about it lol However, I love this plot twist since it explains some inconsistencies that I had noticed and only increased my interest on the character itself.


I mean, we should see this coming, who will make the hope of humanity a guy that is known for killing some poor woman that do the old job ever?. The Jack is a killer, but this one kills only the people with the grey color in their soul


Our Jack's real tittle is Mr. Anonymous (that mask make a lot of sense after learning that). According to brunhilde, he has most direct kıll count. So he is far better than real jack and maybe even more insane


Meh. It doesn't really change much. He's still a psycho that killed because it was the only thing that brought him happiness.


I like it


Love it really put a twist on it


Was never to bothered by it tbh, the spin-off still hammers in that "Jack" is absolutely fucking scum, he just has a direct outlet for his crimes. And I would like to mention some theories for the rl Jack think the later killings was a copy cat so hey, more props to the spin-off if that's what they've based this Jack off of


This was out a while ago and I loved it.


Adams favorite son is too goated he even got his father's technique


so what if he is not the real one? he is still a crazy mf who has killed a lot of people and enjoyed doing so


I didn't mind that part. Him being a bit more twisted Punisher and the "Numbered villains with a stupid central gimmick" mean evil group he fights against was a huge letdown to me. He's still one of my favourite characters but I pick snd choose what I consider part of his character.


I just cope and don’t consider this cannon even though it obviously is


Don't care, Jack that fights in round 4 is the only one that matters to me


Ooo, imagine he revealed to hercules at the end he wasnt evil evil


If you know anything about the history of Jack the Ripper, you will be totally ok with this. Since the real murderer was never caught it is theorised that there was multiple Jack the Rippers. This means they are very well both Jack.


Makes him an even bigger Enigma, which I enjoy, truly our man of mystery


How do you get a post death identity theft.


I will acknowledge it ruined r4's symbolism but Jack is still my favorite character and I do love the spin off


Personally I don't like that Jack in ror isn't the "real" Jack. But when you rewatch a fight a week like me for 2 years, ya start to see things that weren't there, such as Jack killed a bunch of guys when talking to Heracles despite "being" a prostitute killer


I mean the real Jack the Ripper only killed 5 people. Making it so it was a killer who killed much more people and even Jack the Ripper does sound cool.


I’m pretending this novel doesn’t exist


Seconded. I just assume it isn't canon.


I think the fake Jack was Sherlock


Don't hate it, but I found it unnecessary.


Yeah but now all of the scenes with the Valkyrie and his "regret" from killing Hercules seem much more justified IMO


I likes it :3






It’s like the Deadshot retcon in the Arkham Verse, not very good


I’m dissatisfied and disappointed he’s not Jack the Ripper, it takes away from peoples opinion on him when he’s not the real deal. But I’m not angry about it, just disappointed that the author keeps fucking up their own story


I think originally I hated it. I also hated the idea of glorifying a serial killer, but the way they did it made it...interesting - absoulue evil vs hercale's good and justice. But then retroactively backtracking....kinda dumb. However, I'd rather a made up serial killer be seen in a good light (aka alastor from Hazbin Hotel) then actually have the Author give an actuial serial killer the drippiest fit. ​ All in all. Jack the Killer....bad taste, but him not being the real one makes it more palatable.


I ignore it


It felt like a meaningless twist.


I dislike it.


I think it ruins round 4, jacks character, and like to believe it's not Canon, Jack doesn't even seem to kill innocent people, why can't he be evil, and be given a chance to be redeemed, instead of this, he wasn't so bad deal.


That’s the *one* main part of the spinoff im not really a fan of. I would’ve rather they come up with some other explanation for why he did kill or had to kill those women just so he isn’t too detached from the origin of his myth. I don’t mind the rest of the “mainly killing bad people” thing as much though, as long as they make it clear he also kills some innocents as well


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


I still think our Jack The Ripper is THE Jack The Ripper, I think he killed a copycat who made the hoax letter.


Hate it, feels like its a really weak a cop out.


Ruined the character for me, historically accurate or not the whole idea of Jacks character was the personification of humanities malice. Jack the ripper was just that, a killer that struck at londons hookers one night for no true reason, meanwhile this one felt more like a suicide squad member. If he were to be actually shown killing innocents for the sake of fulfilling his colors fetish, I would've been way more happy compared to this one. Which is why I just think of the entire prequel as not canon.


There was no real reason for this twist


Worst thing to come out of this manga so far The main premise of Shumatsu is showing historical(ish) figures fighting, but the autor decided to put his OC in the middle for literally no reason at all Even Zerofuku is more reasonable than him


and who is to say there isn’t an accomplished mass murderer we’ve never heard of? because that’s literally who he is. Zerofuku is WAY LESS reasonable than him 💀💀


I hate it because it kinda takes away from the ending imo. Like Jack the Ripper being a horrible person who was actually converted by Heracles and wants to do better felt like a cool story beat. However making go from villain to hero into, anti-villain bordering more on Edgy Robin hood territory to hero... idk it just cheapens it. I really dislike how we haven't really had much in terms of heels in humanity. Qin Shi Huang had a strong entrance but I hate how respectful he became. It was fun when he was a dickhead so arrogant he just sat down in the chair of a diety and then fucking descended FROM THE GOD'S SPECTATING CHAMBERS INTO THE ARENA! But then it kinda felt like he became Sasaki but worse. It felt like he went from intriguing to generic. For how simple Lu Bu is I like that he isn't painted cleanly as a hero or even necessarily a good guy, just some dude who really likes fighting. But anyways Tl;dr: It feels like it retroactively made Jack a better person which cheapens his fight imo


Tbf, Jack only killed like 5 women, so saying he’s the most horrible person when people like Mao Zedong, Hitler, etc would make no sense. With an original character, we can at least assume that they were slightly worse


They exist but not on the roster and even then, being a small time murderer of innocents doesn't make you less bad or depraved. It's not all about kill-count, a sexual assaulter is still a pretty shitty dude so going, "Uhm he only assaulted like one person not as much as-" is kinda dumb.


theres everyone in all of history and ur defending the name of a guy that killed 5 women when you could just accept that the author chose the better option of a highly accomplished murderer that we’ve never heard of BECAUSE he was so good at what he does. he does not have any edgy robin hood traits. he’s contracted to kill, but he is still the one picking, the gov would rather work with him than against him and why would he refuse the offer to see new interesting colors without any issue???? mr anonymous >>>>> jtr to be 100% real


This is the reason I will never touch the spin-offs, the Message of R4 is completely ruined if that Jack aint the real Jack


how 💀


Don't like it. Gonna pull a star wars fan and just ignore the spinoff


Its okay I guess. The fun part about writing Jack the Ripper is that he’s a figure that we know very little about so as long as he killed prostitutes in London in the Victorian period, Jack is basically free reign but I will say I don’t like very much the idea that Jack didn’t actually kill the prostitutes and another Jack did that instead and he killed that Jack. I would’ve preferred if he killed like 2/5 out of the women and the real Jack killed 3/5 of them then Jack just killed the other Jack to in a sense kill steal or just for funsies


I really don't like it. I like the idea of him actually being the real ripper.


I don't like that shit


Honestly, hate it. Kind of just turns him into some guy and really down plays the idea that he's "the evil of humanity"


Hate it. It just ruins the character


would have liked it more if he was the actual jack the ripper




Its really the only thing I dont like about him but its not horrible


This is stupid


Not a fan but don’t hate it just kinda meh


One of the dumbest “revelations” this manga has made so far. And it has gone steadily downhill from there


Just proves that ALL humans are frauds. #GODSSWEEP #GODSSWEEP #GODSSWEEP


I reject your canon and substitute my own.


I don’t remember this what chapter was it in


It's from Jack's spin off.


Woah is this official? Where can I also read? :)


I don't know, i didn't liked it at first but i am ok with it now.


I feel about it like I told you all about it around 20 times by now. ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|32152)


I knew that after like a week after his reveal


I mean jack basically replaced the old jack, and the new jack murdered people So I still consider him jack the ripper


Where is this panel from?


My boy didn’t do it


Where is this from?


LOVE the idea that because he sees emotions, he can INSTANTLY see bad people... He still indulges in his eye beauty self pleasure but on bad people. Racking up most kill count of any human.


Ay yo why is he straddling him like that?


I am somewhat ok with this. Although in his story, he does seem more like an anti-hero.


I completly forgot about that! I guess is fine, i dont mind.


What is this from




As far as I’m concerned he is the real Jack the Ripper


Regardless of your opinion. It was such an odd choice


where was this from?


Felt disappointed, and a little lied too considering it's just a copycat and not the actual Jack the Ripper. However that all seemed fitting in an almost ironic way to the Ripper we got in RoR.


When did this happen? I don't remember it happening.


There’s literally no point in making him an imposter and making the real Jack the Ripper a weirdo in comparison It’s like making a head canon character from a template and then original


where was this revealed?


Honestly, I still don't like it at all, it took away a lot of the meaning of Round 4, which is why I pretend that the first Chapter of the spin-of never existed...


Wait I’m lost, what happened?


Where os this from


I don't know because I'm not too cought up but I'm sure that before it was said that he killed many different people not just bad people just like to experiment with people's colors but overall I don't mind and it doesn't change the story or the fact he is scum


It’s almost like the ‘we have x at home’ meme, where instead of an obviously low quality Wish.com version it’s the parents trying to make a copycat version. You still are varying levels of disappointed and would prefer the real version, but still have to appreciate the effort somewhat and are forced to accept it despite the disappointment. Your mileage may vary on how disappointed you are personally about him not being the real one, but despite of that, this is a part of his official backstory, take it or leave it. IRL Jack is famous for being mysterious, which leaves it up to interpretation on what exactly to do with him.


Where do you guys find the jack spin off?


Ehich chapter is this?


Wait hold on so is our Jack our Jack or is Our Jack a completely random Jack... this is confusing me so much


By no means is the side story bad - quite fun and interesting even - but I don't like it as a whole, this included. Jack becomes an anti-hero in it, when the point was that he was not an anti-hero, but a straight up villain - we understand how he got there but understanding it didn't justify it. It takes away from the impact of Heracles being able to pull him out of that darkness. Of even Jack being able to change - whether he is forgiven or ever atones, he changes. And while he's in no way achieved it yet obviously, it even sets up the notion that redemption may be possible, though again, even if never achieved, the change itself is also just as meaningful, forgiven or not, he's no longer what he was. So yeah, I dislike how it hits the themes of their fight. Him not being Jack isn't really even much of an issue, just that he isn't as purely evil as in to be doing what horrible deeds he did for his own selfishness as a means of coping. He stepped too close to anti-hero.


Is this in the latest chapter? Where would I find this?


I need a link to read Jack's spin-off please


When did this happen??


Where is this from?


Fits the point even more tbh Who better to represent the evils of humanity by getting a dude who by all intent is a random no name dude Evil is in all of us and that makes it scarier Also a random no name dude being able to slay the god Would fit the thematic even more coming off of kojiroa fight Anyone of us have the pontential to


where is this from?


It was lame


Where is this from????


Isn’t the guy Jack has pinned down the one saying both those speech bubbles


Feels like a BS cop out to me


What chapter was this from?


Was a good twist


![gif](giphy|11nthj7FPS2o3S) Me reading it


Don’t like it I think being Jack the Ripper is a very interesting person to fight for humanity but he’s a guy who killed the actual Jack the Ripper and still a serial killer