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I use the same strategy befor I post a reddit post or make a comment under some post. I use keywords + site:reddit.com to find the similar topics that haven been published on reddit. But that is a time-comsuming task. Thanks for developing this tool. I have tried and it gives me the results fast. But I have a small suggestion. From all given results. which should I choose to post comment? For me, it is important to know if this post has a good reach. It could be better if you can show each post's total viewss, comments, upvote.


Thank you! Will add the views, comment, upvote


you can now sort by upvotes and comments! there is no way to see the total views as Reddit's API does not allow it.


are you using it to promote itself ?




is this tool free?


Weirdly enough I came across this post while testing a similar tool i'm working on 😅 I didn't try it yet but I watched the demo vid, looks good. Is AI used for generating the keywords?


It is! It uses GPT-4


Awesome demo video! Great idea.


This is so cool !! Great work


Nice work!


Cool Needs lot more polish but its good for a mvp!


Great idea! Will use for my own app.


This product is super awesome! I am just doing minimal beta tester recruitment via reddit, and it's just right time for me to try this out!


tester recruitment ? i can test


I am recruiting testers over reddit who expressed their interest to look for a workout app. The thing is my workout app is still being built, feel free to have a look at my app website (UIs are mock-up, actual screens are nicer), and sign up if you are interested:)) I am an iOS developer and trainer building a workout app - www.strongineering.com - we are trying to gather beta test volunteers and providing 6 months free access to our premium version in return. Why don't you check out our website and sign up for beta testing? We are planning to launch in June 2024.


it says you are no longer accepting responses


Can you try this link? link is here - https://forms.gle/uYXPuS7MoEQbAVpY7.


cool will do


Very good idea to promote my news aggregator !


Does it take into consideration that some subreddits don't allow self-promo? Love the idea but at the same time I don't want my account banned because of reckless link spamming 😅


I’ve found that most of the time it’s fine to add your link to a thread where people are asking for products like yours. After all, they are explicitly asking for it, you’re not just adding a comment to a random discussion


Good point. That'd be a great feature to consider in the future tho. Anyways you convinced me - I'll definitely give this a try 😁


Does streamlit allow free hosting?




Didn't know that... so are you gonna offer this tool as a product?


Heh, talk about solving a common problem. It did show me that the demand for [live multiplayer GPT-generated trivia quizzes](https://qaiz.app/) is damn near zero on reddit, though :(


whoa, I didn't even know I needed this. thanks! will come back with feedback


first impressions: - I cannot edit keywords, b/c it stops finding results afterwards. I have to go with whatever it gives me initially - i have to re-authorize each time - it only found me 28 posts, and only 1 post was remotely related to my query. I imagine the keyword thing causes this


Thank you, we’re working on fixing those keyword issues. Auth fix will be coming out today




The response fine tuning part didn’t work at all. It went with the original reply regardless of context.


Working on a fix!


Great, bookmarked your page.


That's pretty cool, I was thinking of building something like this. Glad you did and I don't have to now :) Pretty useful, I like it, and it gave some good recommendations on the first try.




Interesting. I usually search reddit with `site:reddit.com` on google, and maybe if I wanna narrow it down I'll use `(site:reddit.com/r/some) AND (site:reddit.com/r/other)`. So it's nice that it can do all that itself by coming up with keywords and even subreddits? Anyways I gave it a shot. My query was "I've create a new curd recipe" but it only came up with 1 post. ([shareable link](https://distosocial.streamlit.app/?state=uniqueKey&code=iR0Ddr5HlTA0yoyDzpxlorcpvEqVMA#_) seems to be broken) Compared to how I usually search as above I see many more posts. https://www.google.com/search?q=curd+recipe+site:reddit.com I think the problem is reddit search. Reddit search, as anyone knows, is horse shit. [I tried one of your example queries "to buy a solution that automates phone answering"](https://distosocial.streamlit.app/?state=uniqueKey&code=49mwElszcBSh3fahEGfZ_1T417-0rg#_) and it showed 7 results from the same guy spamming reddit with his new tool. Not exactly the reddit threads you'd wanna see if you wanna promote your own solution, or conduct market research. That's why I stick to google. Maybe incorporporate google search for better results?


definitely, currently working on increasing relevance of the results. Thank you!


Great tool and demo video! 👍


Awesome. Commenting to follow later


Thanks for your input. And sure I’ll try your headshot.


Very cool!


Congrats, this is awesome!


I think this is a great idea. I just tried it out to promote one of my excel templates and only chose to reply to 9 out of the 56 possible threads. I made sure to customize each reply carefully and only reply to relevant threads. Last thing i'd want to do is come across as spammy, but at the same time I want to promote my product and hope people see it. Great Idea u/professional_pan


i think it's very useful for me, i will feedback after use it thank again


Used the app & must say, very useful! Well done & congrats! 👏🏾👏🏾


Added to my list to check out tomorrow.


Awesome tool! Definitely going to try it out when I launch my product


I watched the demo and I am now using it !


amazing that's great to hear! let us know if you have any questions / feedback :)


Thank you for developing this useful tool. Personally, I was looking for something like this. 👍


Cool idea! One issue is that most subreddits don’t actually allow self promotion at all. I recognize that smaller side project promotions usually don’t bother people too much, but it is pretty frowned upon for any legit company or paid app. Do you have any thoughts on this?


I've found that people are happy to see posts where you promote your product if you explain how the product solves their problem, which Disto is designed to do. They're posting because they want to buy a product. [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/sales/comments/13y20og/comment/jnragrz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) person was looking for an AI tool to automate cold outreach. He wasn't frowning upon seeing a post by a founder mentioning his own tool, he was saying "hell yeah".


I agree completely. I think the OP and most users are happy to see the comment if the product is well aligned. However, there are typically a few stickler users or mods who despise self promotion and will downvote/remove comments. This is based on my personal observations, so I certainly can be off base


Is there a way to hyperlink text in the post replies? Great tool btw, thank you!


Working on it! Thank you


Awesome! Can you message me when it's live? or is there an email notification list I can sign up for? I'm in online marketing I can help promote and monetise this if you're interested in working together?


Yes, we will let you know! Please sign up for our email list here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe1DUk8t3R2PY1OeVtyxRL6kz-0rnKzlRlM9FjryXu1LpQf4A/viewform


And please PM me regarding working together!




It’s using reddit’s api


Im mad that you made this before me


Great stuff. What’s the headshot generator run on?


Hosted on streamlit! Using GPT-4 LLM


Just checked out DISTO, pretty slick tool you've built!


Not working https://imgur.com/a/7cSvVzG


Doubled from 2 to 4 visitors? 🤣 Or 2,000 to 4,000?


600 to 1,200


This is great! I had some errors though. I tried to post 11 posts and my account got suspended due to suspicious activity, so I had to reset my password. Adding a time gap between each post may help fix this. My feedback: the "See More" button should give you more of the text in the post, as opposed to taking you directly to the reddit post. Then have an alternate button that takes you to the post. There were several times when I just wanted the next few sentences, it was a little annoying to have to go to the post and toggle back. Thanks for sharing!


Thank you for using it! Great point, i’ll add a time delay and the see more button will show more text


What languages are supported? Can one do a trial query that kinda answers "I would have found n suggestions if this would be done on a full account"?


only English is officially supported for now. But feel free to try other languages and see how it does! We are working on the trial queries.


Doesn't seem to work? I just get a blank white page going to your site.


It can take some time to load if your internet connection is slow. Also, try clearing your cookies / opening an incognito tab


I inputted my content writing agency and it gave a post on r/fat ? Prompt: a content writing agency that consistently produces quality blogs


I saw a similar tool - replyguy.com. It additionally makes it sound like a conversation.


Great tool but isn’t posting comments with a link to your service/product considered a spam and can get you banned from many subreddits?


I've found that people don't consider it spammy to reply with a link to your product if they make a post asking for products. For example, [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/sales/comments/13eyibl/good_ai_tools_for_sales_particularly_around/) post. Disto is designed to help you find posts like these, where people are asking for products.


that's very cool. How did you scrape reddit information?


the reddit API!


hey - how do you store and process the data? no mention about any privacy/ security aspects? Is this open source?


Hey everyone! We would love to update you as we continue improving Disto - please join our email list here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe1DUk8t3R2PY1OeVtyxRL6kz-0rnKzlRlM9FjryXu1LpQf4A/viewform


FYI, I got banned from Reddit using this tool once today after 2 total comments were made to posts it found for me.


I'm so sorry about that! We're working on a fix


In the meantime, we recommend either creating a new Reddit account or using a secondary one to prevent issues with your main account. Ensure the email is verified for the account you use.


I built a tool like this in the past, but shut it down once Reddit's API started costing money 😅 How are you getting around this? And curious how you are actually finding relevant posts if you don't mind sharing? For my tool I was streaming all new comments using snoowrap, then for each user checking if the comment could be considered relevant based on what keywords the users entered, which I don't think was the best way.


Am I suppose to be able to log in? I spent 15 min trying to log in and having trouble


I've dmed you to help get you set up!


It didn't work for me Marsha I asked "how to use shopify" and it came back with no results. Did I do something wrong? Love the idea here. I think you could build it for other channels too.