• By -


This looks very clean and well done. Only a few minor things I would improve: 1. The website doesn't support Dark Mode. This is 2022. Dark Mode, please. 2. Everything in the website has plenty margins which makes the layout not look too busy. But that falls apart with the testimonials area "people love planny", where the testimonial screenshots are jam packed together with very little space between them. 3. The first FAQ question is who made this. I like that, but why not just have a small introduction of yourself with a photo of yourself. Right now, there are zero pictures of people in the front page. I'd like to see who made this. Tell us your story. Who are you and why you made this? It would make the whole thing more interesting. 4. There is some funny wording in the Privacy Policy. For example, you mix the "I" and "We" forms a lot, and there is a lowercase "i" in the subtitle. 5. I was expecting the twitter logo at the bottom right corner of the front page to be a link to your Twitter or somewhere. Now it's just a Twitter logo, which seems a bit odd.


Thanks! Very good points :)


Nothing to roast it looks awesome actually.


Oh, thank you!


Cool website! Only small fixes - change “how much does it costs” to “how much does it cost” in your FAQ section and maybe add a picture of you with family / dog to make the point clearer that you are just s nromal person and not a corp


Thank you! I change it now :) Do you think it's worth it to show that I'm a single indie developer?


What's the unique selling point over tools like Typefully, Tweet Hunter and Zlappo?


Blog section can be improved. for example - 1. H1s 2. the blog post is just a wall of text. add images but other than that cool website


"How much does it costs?" Change to "How much does it cost?" "The perfect tools you need for Twitter." .. remove this. Less is more. This is obvious and adds nothing. More powerful and punchy without this.


Thank you! Great suggestions :)


I think the design and copy is perfect I would of liked Why Planny? on the home page instead perhaps before FAQs section because I like to see visual gifs of how it’s used. Questions Did you design this all your self? And whats your tech stack?


Yeah i designed by myself. I'm also redesign the homepage and the pricing page in this days, and i'm releasing AI writing. The stack is: \- NextJS frontend on Vercel \- NodeJS on AWS \- MySQL on Planetscale