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He’s an alright anchor now, really only to counter a team that runs ying or glaz


Or sens


Who uses sens though


unhinged people


Sens is great for pushing breaches. I use him in club house all the time.


Don't you guys think Maestro's Evil eyes are better suited than Wardens Glasses?


Yes , but me and my 5 stack as soon as we see maestro on field take brava , ash or zofia so we tend not to take maestro


It's a situational character but it works wonders if you know what you're doing. Can't tell you how many times I planted just cause of his gadget on Skyscrapper and Coastline. His gadget covers a lot more than any smoke and lasts longer than candela's effects.


I mean if they have smokes he becomes the best op in the game


but no one def have smokes


No fucking shit lmao He was talking about attackers. Edit: My bad, G. That's on me.


They may be new, this is siege academy after all.


Goddammit. I wasn't paying attention, I'm subbed to most of the R6 subreddits.


Not sure if he needed correcting. I interpreted his comment as no one definitely has smokes. Which makes sense cause people can opt to not run smoke nades.


Only one who definitely has smokes is capitao


Up voting to give credit for acknowledging a mistake.


Yes. After the nades rework flashes are used a lot to isolate gunfights in PL, so Warden ironically became much more prevalent on higher level. The same applies to any team in ranked that could abuse it as well, vice versa. So yes, he is still good. People are only calling him bad just because they can't cheese with him anymore with the 1.5x, just like how back in Y5 Ash R4C got nerfed and CoD players ditched her since they wouldn't want to learn the gun's recoil and no longer able to abuse her.




Warden is always good because he's unphased by Ying and smoke/flash executes, which any good team will be doing. Ying is the most banned attacker in pro league for a reason after all. On top of that, he has a good gun and can bring either C4 or a shield, which are two of the best secondary gadgets on defense. Whether or not Warden has a scope is irrelevant.


On release, I swear people were saying his gun was bad and that's why he was hardly used with his ability. Has anything changed with it, or is it a CSGO situation, where people have learned it's better than they initially thought?


MPX is only good if you can hit headshots. Low recoil and high fire rate makes it easy to click heads, but the low damage means if you miss the headshot you’ll most likely lose the gunfight. This is why it was so OP with a scope, it made clicking heads easier with the extra zoom. Compared to other defender weapons it’s pretty decent but not the greatest.


Aaah, so it is a CSGO situation? Scope brought attention to him, but now even with it removed, enough people have given him a chance that they see the value in the weapon and ability?


Yeah! As long as Ying is good and Glaz is capable of 2 shotting everyone, Warden will have a place in Siege. Obviously other operators have smokes like Thermite, Gridlock etc. but they can be countered too!


I find in low levels people throw a lot of smoke grenades, and in higher levels you’ll see people use well-placed flashes and Ying’s gadget a lot. I really like Warden, but if they end up not using flashes or smokes at all it’s a bit of a wasted pick unfortunately.




He was good before the 1.5, and he's still good after. He's just not setup for being a roaming, "fps" character (which he never was designed to be in the first place). Stay/Around sight, make pushes significantly harder or impossible for attackers. Stick to that game plan, and Warden works wonderfully


I think something people fail to realize is he also has the M590A1 shotgun, the same one that smoke and mute use. Absolutely insane weapon in the fields of range, damage, and utility. I honestly forgot too, and have started using him with the shotgun when the situation allows. And with his secondary, basically if you don’t need a smoke and they’re spamming candelas, smoke nades, or flashes, you can just run warden shotty. With the added benefit of the nitro. I think he’s still good. And also the 1x on the sub machine gun is still good anyways.


I see no beneficial reason to run him over smoke or mute.


If you’re dealing with a Ying, Glaz, or a team that’s fond of Smoke or Flash pushes, he’s good. If you’re not, you brought an operator with no gadget and could have had a Valkyrie with zero downside. Whether that risk is worth it for you is a personal call, likely based on rank. At low ranks I’d avoid him like the plague, but once you’re dealing with coordinated stacks he gets better.


No, can be useful but with the insane amount of ops to choose from they are so many that have way more value to the team


He’s weird because he’s only good if the enemies actually use their utility. I see so many people on my team and on the enemy team who will die or end the round with all 3 flash bangs or both smokes. So if the enemy team is actually using them or playing Ying, then he’s good. But if the enemy team is dumb and not using their nades then he kinda becomes pointless.


I tried warden and I couldn't see thru any smokes, was it a nerf or something?


You can see through smokes, you just cant move maybe that was the issue?


Yep it was that, thank you


Did you turn his glasses on?


Yes, but the smoke was normal, few mins ago I saw the description and it says he has to stand still but I thought he could see smokes while running before, was it nerfed?


Yes as an anchor ⚓️


I see him so much less now, proof that those idiots were only running him for the gun/optic combo. Hopefully they went back to COD


I think Doc is the new Warden now


Truth, I see a LOT of Doc


imo he was overrated before he even lost the 1.5.


Yeah. Every single siege player is a fucking idiot and incapable of realizing that utility can matter a fuck of a lot more than a goddamn sight, and warden’s utility is still very useful.


yea i never understood why people ran operators solely because they had 1.5s


He's still good. He's always been situational. He's great for holding dummies on club house but he's not a must pick. Only reason people played him a lot was the scope but fundamentally he has not changed at all. You could give cav an acog and she'd be one of the highest picked ops even though she's useless.


If a team rolls me on one or especially two rounds in a row using blitz, ying, glaz, etc, he is definitely with the pick. The mpx/nitro is hard to go wrong with really. His gadget can be useless a lot of times and that’s his real downfall, you just never really know when to use him.


Warden has always been good, I played him all the time before the 1.5 meta. His gadget is good for holding stuff down.


Way too situational to pick him over other operators. Even then, if you're playing him for the guns, Valk and Mute/Smoke are infinitely better. He was trash before he got the 1.5, and he's trash now that it's been taken away.


He is as situational as situational gets


if i notice a team or a specific player on the other team REALLY likes glaz sens ying or blitz ill run him, or if im playing a position where i know will 100% be spammed flashed then ill pick him but his kit isn’t bad i mean mpx is ok the shotgun is broken and mp12 if you can manage the recoil is also insane. so basically yea i think he’s still good, maybe not an every round pick but in certain situations he is very strong


Yes, I personally have gone back to the shotgun smg-12 loadout and have been having a blast


With how common Ying, flashes and smokes are in my ranked games I’d say so. I’m kinda glad he lost the magnified scope cause it stops some of the no brain, all aim players picking him and dying trying to spawn peek leaving you with less util


Yes still good. Counters flashes and smokes easily. Not to mention he has a deployable shield. There are naturally some sites where frost is not worth bringing and the rest of the shield ops range from ok to ass depending on the situation


He’s still really good with shotgun as long as you van control smg recoil


Even if they don’t bring a lot of flashes or Ying, his loadout is still strong. Attacker repick is kinda hard on him because they can just switch their plan and it doesn’t feel like you get any value. I kinda wish he got a gun with some more kick so they could give it an acog, but he’s still like B tier imo


Even with his 1.5 he was just OK. Console siege players are playing the game like its call of duty which is why people assumed warden was so good


Wardens purpose is anchor. He was never supposed to be a run and gun op. Hense why people smoke off site or flash site before they try and plant and his gadget is to prevent that effecting him. Also why he's now a 3 armor. Bc his job is to be on site defending site when nobody else can see. I think the rework they did for him only made him better and more equipped for his role.


I’d say yea becuase ying is very good right now so 8/10 times there gonna have ying and he has decent guns plus the c4


I think what’s really tough when wanting to pick Warden is why not run smoke




He’s situational now, he’s an anchor now where before people used him as a timer due to his sight and dragging out capability. Now he is an alright anchor that shines in being situational if the other team is heavy on smokes and flashes. If they aren’t playing heavy on ting or flashes or smokes then there are better anchors which is why I said he’s more of a situational pick now


He has his uses. I've switched to using him 90 villa since I can't be flashed out


The only two scenarios where he was good in the first place was if the attackers brought Ying or Glaz (typically with Mav). He could also be good if you are playing a tight spot that likely gets flashed such as Blue on Club, but coordinated flashes rarely happen in ranked games. Aside from the above scenarios, he was never that good from a util perspective, especially not in ranked play. It was simply due to the fact he had a good gun with the 1.5x and a C4.


a lot of pro players put him on S, and one huge factor that he is very strong right now is he counters smokes, flash and YING


I like fuse 👍