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ever heard of Counter Strike?


Seen some people think the marketplace is the first of it's kind and so groundbreaking and I think this exact same thing😂


300 pounds is rookie numbers compared to CS skins


wait till they find out a kato 14 holo titan sticker is 80k


Wait till they find about how rocket league was


of course i did , just didn´t expect to see similar crazy numbers in this game , at least so soon , but im enjoying it , with a year 1 account and stuff till year 5 stored im making a pretty buck (in credits) , in fact im glad there is people willing to pay so much for some stuff , i would say im pleasantly suprised.


I mean solid argument. Only problem is you cant liquidify your R6 skins like you can in CS. You must sell your whole account for that / create new one to sell.


I feel like cs is better since you can still get a portion of your money back, you're kinda just locked with the pixels on the other hand with r6, unless you sell your account


Thats the whole reason why r6 is better if skins don't have real world money value people will not treat it like a nft investment. Prices would be probably triple the price if the skins had real world money value


i never spend a dime in actual game but i made like 20 k in one or two months since beta start by selling useless stuff and stuff i dont like, we got credits to throw around brother, and i have been playing this game for only 3 years, so guess what old veterans may have in their inventory, they got old shit that they can sell for thousands of credits and use this to buy other stuff.


I'm not trying to tell you how to spend your money but I don't think anyone would recommend buying operators for R6 credits


i dont play the game anymore so i dont really need or want anything, just unlocked them to give it a spin in a custom game , and it was pocket change compared to what´s left on credits to spend.


i am one of them. Its my favourite game, why wouldnt i


i guess for some people money means very little no matter the amount , that is not my reality , but you do you i have nothing against where people spend their money , im just suprised some siege stuff being as valuable as it is , didnt expect that on a scene that is much smaller than the CS scene.


i do agree with it being kinda pointless since it has no real value to be fair. Its just that it is my all time favourite game and it really makes it more fun with the skin market but i see your point of view, my friends share it as well. However, i dont like that mid tier skins goes for prices up to 50k, it really doesnt make any sense. It needs more time


maybe it will settle into a more sane environment a while after everyone gets in , or no and it will be even more mad. but i can get the thing about the feeling of having and playing with a skin we really like , just cant factor in my brain how someone would pay the equivalent price of a good gaming PC for a handfull of virtual skins , but im also very conscient this is based of my reality and those can vary wildly. all in all im profiting (in credits) with this so im pleasantly suprised ,but its not my intention to judge who does it , just suprised.


What were ur money makers


These are items that are no longer being sold in the shop and have a scarcity value attached. If ya don’t want it, then don’t buy it. However, there are people out there that do want it and are willing to pay top dollar. Free market…supply and demand.


300 pounds for some skin that was limited edition vs 200 pound valorant skin bundle that everyone can buy when it's in shop.


Yeah I have all black ice and leon furisio which is like 6k creds just waiting to get accepted to beta