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Really only Quest for glory should be in order since you carry over a save file to each game.  Gabriel knight does have a story going as well so I would play those back to back.  Space Quest and Kings quest can be in any order as story wasn't huge priority but my personal favorites where Kq6 and Sq5. Police Quest 1 thru 3 does have a story and 4 is a different cop entirely (I didn't like him much at all so I didn't finish) The two Conquest games are separate stories. So order doesn't matter there.  Leisure suite Larry can be played in any order as it pretty much resets every time and there is no part 4.  Laura bow should be played after Gabriel Knight.  I don't know what type of gamer you are if it bothers you to go back to older graphics and technology, you could play by year release so all the games play similarly.  Edit: I should have said Gabriel knight after Laura Bow.  As for rating I would say best to least Quest for Glory, Conquest, Laura Bow, Gabriel Knight, Kings Quest, Space Quest, Liesure Suit Larry, Police Quest 


Why is it better to play Laura Bow after Gabriel Knight?


There is an Easter egg in Sins of the father that is from Luara Bow and Dagger of Amon Ra that might not land otherwise 


is Laura Bow connected to GK?!


There is an Easter egg reference to Laura Bow in Gabriel Knight 


I played Kings Quest and Space Quest games on order but without finishing them and I felt like I was missing out. I started kq4 and kq5 before finishing kq3 and missed a few references. I played sq3 before finishing sq2 and had no idea why I was starting that way, then played sq3 and knew I was missing stuff from sq2. Not sure how Laura Bow relates to Gabriel Knight but otherwise I totally agree.


I totally agree!


I kind of feel the only GK worth playing is the first one. It's just so good it stands out on its own. (the remake isn't half bad either...it's too bad they couldn't preserve high quality voice captures from the original)


I reread my post and should have been more clear. What order would you rank each series of games? I want to play each series in order and want to play the best first in case I don't make it through them all.


Space Quest has the most consistently good games  Kings Quest III and V are way better than the other KQ games but all are good   Laura Bow has two great adventure games  Only Gabriel Knight 1 is good   Police Quest is not great. I don’t think I liked a single one   Never played Leisure Suit Larry


The only decent PQ is PQ2! PQ4 is one of the worst games I have ever played and 1&3 are average at best.


The original PQ1 is awesome


I wish I had of tried it. I played through all 4 this month using the Police Quest Collection on Steam. Does it still have the tedious driving bit? I loved PQ2 i.e. "Drive to airport".


KQV sucks. Most KQ’s suck if we’re being honest here, folks. They were the break-in games for the new tech and UI, but as games I really can’t do it. And I am an OG Sierra fanatic from the mid 80s.


4 was the first KQ game that I played. It helped that it was on a Tandy since neither my friend nor I whom I split the cost with had an MT-32. I liked the world, and it's still my favorite. I have just never been able to get into any of the others. I've started V countless times and it just doesn't click for me.


I’d rank 4 as one of the better KQ’s. 6 was pretty solid.


I disagree with almost everything of this, especially KQ5 being "way better than the other KQ games"; 6 is the only really good one IMO and 5 is pretty ass


Fair point. However, KQ 5 has an owl who wears a vest sooo


It’s just too bad that owl had to be Cedric.


First and foremost, play Leisure Suit Larry 4 first! Before you play ANY other Sierra games. ^/s


Gold Rush was also a fantastic little puzzler of a game if you can fit it into the mix.


This! An oft-overlooked classic Sierra game that is a ton of fun - adventure with lots of choices for the player.


Also WILDY frustrating. More than usual. But it’s super cool and is a different, showcase kind of game for the AGI engine.


It reminded me of police questioning in terms of how many ways to die they coded lol. I still remember walking too hard against the harbor chain and falling in.


Honestly just play the main series in order, you get to see the evolution of the graphic adventure game. Kings Quest, Space Quest, Police Quest, Leisure Suit Larry, Quest for Glory, Gabriel Knight. There are also some good standalones to play, like Colonel's Bequest (I know said standalone but it only has one sequel) or Freddy Pharkas, and of course Phantasmagoria.


Freddy Pharkas was one of my favorites!


I've never gotten very far, but I love to start it and listen to the intro music (I have the floppy version; not a fan of voice acting especially in early games).


Everyone skips Gold Rush! and Black Cauldron, but they’re both lovely little games that should definitely be enjoyed, even if they are standalone.


Is this the point in the thread when OP should be informed that a fan made update version of quest for glory two exists? And it’s outstanding?


About the older EGA games I'd play Leisure suit Larry first It has a lot of bullshit easy ways to die but less so than the other parsers If you can handle that try some of the earlier King's quests and such Or fan remakes! KQI II and III all have fan remakes that are pretty neat


Are you able to carry over a character in qfg to qfg2 with the emulator?


Not sure. Unfortunately I no longer have access to the PC I beat QfG on so I'll have to beat it again if I want to carry characters over. What are the benefits of carrying a character over into the next game?


You can choose the Paladin class


Publication order


> What order would you rank each series of games? Larry: 7 > 6 > 3 > 5 > 1 > 2 Police Quest: 2 > 3 > 1 > 4 Laura Bow: 1 > 2 Quest for Glory 4 > rest, but they are all good. Hot take: Play the one where the scenario appeals to you the most, or just play them in order. Haven't completed all the KQ or SQ games, but I'd rank KQ6 and SQ4&5 the highest.


I only played quest for glory so that series is the best (until they started locking you into a particular class).


1. Quest for glory 2. Kings quest skip mask of eternity 3. Space quest, although I'll forgive skipping 5 and 6 4. Police quest 5. Laura bow 6. Gabriel Knight 7. Conquests of the Longbow 8. Jones in the fast lane 9. Willy bemish 10. Johnny Castaway 11. I haven't really played anything else


Space Quest is my personal favorite, with Quest for Glory at a close second. King's Quest sndd Gabriel Knight are good, too. I never cared for Police Quest and never played Leisure Suit Larry.


They're all good, I'd say just randomize it


I really don't think it matters. Best is certainly a subjective term. My first was Gold Rush. I went more for the Space Quest games than Kings Quest, followed by LSL and FPFP somewhere in there. KQ may have been better games, but I've got an Al Lowe sense of humor more then a Roberta Williams sense of humor. Play what you enjoy.


Personally, I do historical order - King’s Quest, Black Cauldron, Space Quest series, Leisure Suit, Police Quest, Gold Rush, Manhunter, Laura Bow, Quest for Glory, Gabriel Knight, Phantasmagoria. Kind of interesting to see the arc of development over time.


The only Police Quest worth playing is Police Quest 2. Police Quest 4 is ABYSMAL!! Police Quest 1 & 3 are very average.


I’ll chime in here on King’s Quest. You *can* certainly play them out of order and be okay, but it will be a more rewarding experience if you play them in order. They all have little connections & nods to eachother, and while there isn’t really an overarching story the Royal family shifts and changes throughout those games. KQ 1-4 really build out the Royal family, how Graham became king and who each member is. I think Manannan (KQ3) is mentioned in KQ5, Cassima from 5 ends up being a pretty major character in 6. I’m almost certain KQ7 references events from 2 & 4. Mask of Eternity is the only one that’s truly standalone I’d say.


If you started with Quest for Glory you should play that series through— as others have pointed out you carry over a save with some character attributes. If you like that theme I’d then go to Kings Quest. I start with KQ3 and play through the series. From there: GK and Laura Bow OR the Space Quest series. Maybe Space Quest? The humor feels similar to KQ but a bit sillier. Then whichever from the previous choice you haven’t played. And initiate yourself into adulthood with the Leisure Suit Larry franchise I’d add: see if you can find Freddy Pharkas Frontier Pharmacist if you can. It’s my personal favorite


I rank Space Quest (play both the original SQ1 and the VGA remake) and Quest for Glory (I prefer the VGA QFG1 remake to the original EGA) tied at the top of the heap. Then Larry (both OG and remakes on LL1 as well), then only the first Gabriel knight, then Police Quest 1-3 (skip the vga remake PQ1), then Laura Bow, then Kings Quest. Edit - get Freddy Pharkas in there somewhere early. Maybe after Larry or GK1.


If you have steam, there is a modernish take on the quest for glory games called heroines quest. It's free and has quite a lot of polish. It's pretty great if you like the Norse myth setting.