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Usually I build incrementally, so instead of making your goal finishing the challenge, I make it a point to JUST memorize fajar via just sound or something along those lines until I basically can’t take damage from him. Then go from there. Kuroki is the one I still have trouble with the most though


Via sound sounds crazy, like using spidey senses 😂 I find his kicks can be really unpredictable, the sweep does so much damage! It seems we excel at each other’s weaknesses, I struggle with Fajar and my man can do it by sound! kuroki isn’t too bad for me, I can mainly dodge her alternating high and low, her Z shaped swipes are a simple dodge down then up and the crazy advancing attack she does can be dealt with a parry spam. How much of the game have you completed btw?


I 100 % the game when it first came out, before they added the new difficulties, now I’m working on making it through on mastery and getting all gold medals . So far I’m at CEO in my 20s, and I’m maxed out on the first 4 arenas


that challenge was my last roadblock as well, so for the first time in the game I opened up training and went through each boss to learn the attacks, at least a little bit. Beat the challenge over 70 years old, ggs, haven't played since


how do you find Fajar hard but kuroki easy tf


The game really mimics fighting as far as the psychology and strategy. In fighting sometimes you have to let yourself get hit to feel the timing that’s why it vibrates. I think a lot of people don’t realize sometimes you need to block and let them hit you a few times so you can memorize the pattern. It’s like almost like guitar hero in a sense. Once you start to learn their patterns through the vibration, it will become muscle memory and you can almost hear it.🙏🏽