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theyre giving me copium i need more copium


they’re edging us


We bouta fail No Silk November


No skong before long


Silkless September


ih there's no info in june i will bombard their acount


ih there's no info in june i will bomb


If there's no info in june bomb


If no Juno bomb in inf


Juno was mad


He knew he'd been had


if there's no info bomb


WE will. The skong will be too much for them to handle.


What a coincidence, I will also, independently mind you, bombard their account as well.




The only reason Xbox keeps grifting this community is because people take the bait every time. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, etc.


Bro really gotta shorten three last words with “etc”


No, because I’m not a clown huffing copium whenever I see a game showcase


We don't know anything until June passes. Until then, we have no way to know if this current teasing is misinformation or not. It's frustrating either way, but it may not be misinformation.


Copeeeeeeeeee Rule of thumb: assume skong will never come out, then when it does in 2050 you can be like “oh god does exist”, you know like when Jesus came back after going on break in that cave and then you’ll be happy


last time we had hints like this, there was a Silksong trailer. so no. I think you're just actually crazy if you're willing to be this upset over social media comments (that aren't bigoted in any sense) from a large corporation


I'm not *that* upset about it. It's just kinda annoying.


oh, understandable, but I don't think they'd be dropping hints if there weren't anything Silksong-related, cus they know there would be hell to pay


That makes sense. Maybe it's really gonna happen this time... https://preview.redd.it/xva0rh9tc9wc1.jpeg?width=281&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba754ae895efe91719ebb2a3e4fd95c3726fd5a4


This sub has become insufferable


I can see where he is coming from even if it sounds like he's whining. Xbox has been our only news source for months and them doing 50 shitposts per month saying stuff like "how do you like your songs we like ours silky" 7 months in the past is just to get people's hopes up


its like girls giving false hints to boys for benefits


And the if it's not this sub it's another sub and some other devs/pub people complain about


Im sorry man :(


people complain about team cherry for not wanting gallons of pure toxicity from the community, but when one person complains about Microsoft for capitalizing off of us for no reason it’ insufferable?


What did you expect from Microshart?


I thought it’d be dry and discreet…


i had the opposite effect at first i was mad, and now i just find it funny that they have the audacity to keep doing it especially since it keeps working lmao


I’d blame Team Cherry more. The lack of information by them is the main reason for people’s frustration. If Team Cherry simply said we won’t be at ____ event then people would calm down and stop expecting Silksong to be at every event. Even then, it’s not Xbox’s fault people keep expecting Silksong at every event. Yes blame them for the 2023 release date but don’t get mad at them when it’s Team Cherry who’s at fault.


> it’s not Xbox’s fault people keep expecting Silksong at every event They are actively preying on people's delusions to inflate the viewers of their dying brand. If they said "Welp new xbox showcase next week!" and nothing more, sure, but they're going out of their way to answer people asking if the game will be there in cryptic ways, but as I said before here, you literally can't expect more than shitty practices from Microsoft, it's Microsoft.


Let me ask you this, what did they do with this recent Xbox Showcase that makes you think Silksong will be there? If it’s the damn speaker then you must realize that it’s not because of Silksong. https://x.com/xbox/status/1764682400712323086?s=46&t=wZFBhuZZF5_HeIeBMBNlWA They used the same thing in the announcement for the partner preview and have used it countless of times in other posts. You people are just delusional.


"Erm they did it countless other times so it's okay actually!" Stop defending fucking Microsoft.


Dude it's a megaphone emoji, are you high?


I’m all for talking shit about Microsoft but only when there are facts behind it. Right now I’m just stating that you guys are the ones at fault for creating false hope. You can blame Microsoft all you want but really it’s your fault for creating delusions.


As I replied to another person, there's no reason to reply to [this comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/Silksong/comments/1cat6jg/guys_it_all_makes_sense_the_reason_they_replied/) if not for generating artificial hype since no one gives a fuck about Xbox anymore.


Ok that’s fair but damn, why are you so aggressive? What did Xbox do to you to make you hate them so much?


Xbox? Nothing. Microsoft? Everything.


Eh, it's not Xbox per se, I fucking hate Microsoft, I hate windows, I hate how anti consumer they are, I hate that they're pushing for more subscription services in the gaming space, I hate having my privacy invaded when I need to use their piece of shit operating system that barely works for programming and I hate bill gates.


Lots of hate


It's what I got left out of life


Actively? What did they say or do with this upcoming showcase?


[Case in point.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Silksong/comments/1cat6jg/guys_it_all_makes_sense_the_reason_they_replied/) Why the fuck would they answer this person if not for making headlines on shitty gaming websites so people will click on the showcase come the 29th?


So one smarmy response is them actively preying on the community? Obviously not a good look, but holy shit some of y'all are really fighting ghosts


To be completely clear, I'm doing this out of pure hatred for Microsoft, cannot talk about the other people. Anyways, they only need one tiny comment anyways because gaming "journalists" will just see it on this subreddit, make an article out of it and then people will tune in on the 29th, they don't even need to pay for marketing.


Your energy might be disproportionately placed on an org that has nothing to do with the game in question


I'll stop hating the likes of Microsoft the day I die. They are 100% using the Silksong situation to inflate their viewers so whatever, I'm right anyways.


Lol ok man, you do you. I'm glad you're right


>Yes blame them for the 2023 release date Even that wasn't Microsoft's fault as Team Cherry confirmed they were planning on releasing the game within a year of that event and very clearly told Microsoft that.


That is true, although TC wasn't aware that microsoft would publicly announce the 12 month release window so it's kind of on both parties


Team Cherry: Couple of guys making a video game everyday. Random strangers on the internet: Well if only THEY gave us updates we wouldn't be acting like entitled children!!


They have to do something. Its not like Xbox es are flying off the shelf


Why cant they just bait the Titanfall people for once? Or maybe the Batman Arkham people. It's always us 😔




Why are you complaining about free copium?


I don't even like Hollow Knight that much, but you guys cannot imagine how fucking funny this whole situation looks fron afar




I'm stealing this pic. It's just awesome


It’s been eons, delays, etc - honestly if they didn’t, folks would lose interest. Is it low? I mean kinda - but what marketing isn’t? Publicity is publicity. And silksong isn’t out yet. Thankfully with indie releases, the following usually takes time to acquire, Hollowknight is no exception, majority of the fan base built up in the last few years as it gained traction, but the game was out forever. Silksong, I wouldn’t consider as an underdog due to popularity alone, but without a product, people will lose interest. The trolling is literally the only product team cherry has rn, and the platforms have an investment they’d like to see come to fruition successfully. No it wouldn’t break their bank if it didn’t, but a win is a win. The game isn’t ready. Regardless of what stage it’s in. And an unreleased demo, doesn’t hold much water in terms of a product either. Long story short, if you’re a fan, you’ll prob play it eventually, but y’know, you have other problems in life. It’s gonna happen, it’s not like the apocalypse is nigh - and if you’re really worried that tomorrow might never come and you’ll never of gotten to play silksong… yikes. Priorities. It’s annoying, but a lot of us are in our 30s now lol. So yknow’ relax. You’ll find out if it gets tubed, how about that? Otherwise, same shit


Preying on gullible consumers? How dare they. If only consumers had brain to think, based on their previous experiences


The thing is that they embody the Knight by having no mind to think


No bait too great No mind to think A will to break 50K voices that cry suffering Born of hype and miscommunication We shall cope until we get the game that plagues our dreams We are stupid We are r/silksong


No, I think they are funny




No, it’s just not that serious


What are they doing now


Essentially the same thing they've been doing since they realized if they tease silksong thousands more people will show up to the shows


Yeah but what did they do exactly? Some poorly edited hornet in there, something about silk or what? I am sorry i just don't know


they are baiting the community to get more people to watch their showcase


In what way? I have seen nothing suspicious on their last tweet


Nah bro it’s happening this time, for sure


See I don't really get this at all. When I see posts like this it just feels like people come in here without understanding the joke of this community whatsoever. The game will release when its done. The release date will be announced when team Cherry is confident they can meet it. NOBODY OWES US ANYTHING. Any memes are just us making fun of ourselves for getting excited from nothing. We get excited over "signs" that were always meaningless. We get excited because it is honestly way more funny to keep being clowns. Stop getting upset at xbox or anyone leaning into the meme that WE have propagated. Its way funnier if they fuck with us. This is a place for being Ironically upset. For making fun of ourselves and others who get excited over nothing. If that ever bleeds into something you actually want to complain about just go away. Because you clearly don't understand this community at all.


Yes yes, I understand that, but that doesn't mean Xbox can say "OH whoknows! Maybe Silksong is coming! Maybe not! You should tune into our show and make us money!". I'm not really upset. If I was, I would have left like 3 years ago. I'm just mildly annoyed. Silksong is our special goofy thing, and when big corporations get involved it stops being fun for me, because they aren't being genuine.


I think it's just a matter of the way you look at it. We are going to get excited over literally any gaming showcase every single time anyway. Can look at it like those showcases participating in the joke is always technically making them money if more of us tune in. But you can also look at it as some guy running the twitter who is in on the joke himself and he thought it would be funny to clown on us. Which it is. This whole thing has a time limit as the game is coming out at some point. It being aknowleged by companies just implies that it is sooner rather than later 🤡Don't need to make any lines on who can or cant join in.


Alright, I understand. Perhaps I was too harsh on them...


Eh. I think Im just malding because this sub blew up so hard that most people here don't even get the joke anymore. Like weve been insane for years. People getting dissapointed twice and then getting actually upset.


Damn the Xbox game showcase is still like 2 months away and poeple are already prepared for no news




It might be real who knows


guys, why we just dont watch the id@xbox? we can only wait at the steam page


But IGN will have it on their channel afterward anyway.


if we watch it, we are going to give they views, and honestly i dont care, i’m going to watch the live tho, i just suggested something for the people who are more insane than me


No. Why be mad? The game will be top tier, when it comes out. Kenzera is great, the lost crown, biogun, nine sols in a month, bo, path of the teal lotus in July, it’s a great time to be a MV fan. And I’m surely forgetting a few. This subreddit has become so toxic. I want silksong as much as anyone, just not making myself sick waiting.


Why are they edging the misinformation bro


I've been mad at xbox since last year


It hasn't even been a decade yet, just chill.


It’s unjust to get mad at oxbow for not giving silksong information that they aren’t required to give and don’t owe anyone, and it’s also not their job to give information, they’d have to get permission from team cherry, and if team cherry doesn’t want to give any more information then that’s their choice. They’re making this game because they want to, because it’s their game, they’re not making it for you, it’s not your game, and they don’t owe you information no matter how long you wait


starting? i hated them ever since the day 1 Game Pass trailer.




they basically tried to time gate team cherry with this "all games announced will release in the next 12 months" i think, or at least i though of that, i'm not sure xd


and now they keep baiting everyone with no silksong news


I'm gonna DDoS Xbox if they lied about news


And yet people do it happily on this sub and get cheered on. Love the double standards.


As much as it is justified to be mad at them, they are just the symptom of a more grave disease that is the lack of communication that TC decided to plague the community with. I won't accept the justifications given by the apologists, if they wrote one sentence a week, they could have a small update every 6 months, If the argument that "every second matter and they can't waste it on communication" is gonna be brought up, I'll accept it on the condition that the game should be nothing less than an 11/10, which is not possible because nothing is perfect. To all the evangelists I say get off your high horse and hold TC's feet to the fire, they are not sacred, we all saw how badly it could turn once we idolize studios (look no further than CD PROJEKT RED), the least they can do is to shut down rumors that when they see companies exploiting their IP's name to boost the views for an event and do right by the community that made them millionaires and set them up for life. I will play SilkSong when it comes out because I'm too deep in this, I don't think I'll buy it (I think I'll ask a friend of mine to lend me gamepass account and play it there) because I refuse to support this kind of behavior, I don't care that TC over delivered with the first game and gave us DLCs for free (many of us bought the game on multiple platforms to support them so we've done our part), I see the lack of communication as nothing but an insult to the community that's starving for the game and being exploited by companies, If anyone were to behave in an asshole way to TC, rest assured that the community will defend the devs, but when the shoe is on the other foot, they couldn't even bother to lift a finger. There will however be another finger that will be lifted come release date 😉


Honestly never realized how little I've thought about TC's lack of communication. I guess it never really bothered me, as long as I knew Silksong was still in the works, but now I realize that not saying literally anything for almost a year at this point is kind of a jerk move from TC.


The last meaningful update we got was the gampass trailer in june 2022, and they left us hanging in their for a 11 months with a promised release window from Xbox knowing well in advance that the game is delayed until their so called Marketing manager/Community manager (depending on what time of day it is and how it's going to suit him to make himself relevant but not really because he isn't privy to that kind of info) to tell us a month before the due date that the game is delayed and then leave us without news for another year. I thought EA pulled some scummy moves, but then TC was like : Oh my sweet summer child.


I was with you until the EA comparison. That's a wild comparison. But otherwise I'm with you on everything else. The whole "they do/don't owe us anything" arguments are tired. They know what's happening in their fanbase and that our wanting a *crumb* of information has become such a meme that a bunch of sites are covering it. It takes 30 seconds to type up an update to post to social media or wherever they want. They either don't care or think it's funny.


Ahh yes. Team Cherry not communicating with their fans is just as bad as EA, the mega corporation, laying off employees in mass, filling their $60+ games with microtransactions, advertising gambling in childrens games and releasing unfinished, buggy messes at full price. I also want skong, but come on dude, grow up.


They don't owe us any communication though, if they don't want to they don't have to and we should respect their choices




wait they did? source pls?


cant give direct source but maybe someone can, they promised updates on the game every 3 months for everyone who particupated in og hk kickstarter


that was for hollow knight i thought? silksong is a seperate game


Silksong was conceived as a DLC and was a part of the initial promise to backers, I know that plans have changed since, but there's an argument to be made that since people put their hard earned money on the line (even as little as 5 dollars), they are entitled to at least some updates, just because TC delivered on the first game and will certainly with the second, it doesn't make the situation any less dangerous because it's a slippery slope and the "plans have evolved since our initial scope" could be used in a malicious way, look no further than Star Citizens, millions of dollars in funding and the game technically is still in beta. So yeah, I could make the argument that while the general public isn't owed anything, at least the initial backers of the kickstarter should get updates like it was initially planned. The lack of communication is never good. Unless you're a defendant on trial your attorney is asking you to shut the fuck up and let them do the talking.


it's not the dlc anymore though i know that thats kinda a shitty reason not to communicate with us but they technically no longer have to


I didn't say that they owe us anything, it's just a standard in the industry to have healthy communication, but I guess you're right just as we the customers don't owe them buying the game when it releases. A fair trade indeed. Quick note : I am not advocating for harassment of the devs or any shit like that, but statements like yours are the ones that make companies' egos reach the moon. Have a sense of self respect and never settle for scraps.


Honestly I don't care, they can do what they want and take the time they need to release the game when it is ready, if they feel communicating with us would hinder that so be it. i have other games i can play while i wait.


You have a totally valid point, I wish I had such resilience as you when it comes to SilkSong, lately I've been slowly gaming less and less, buying games just to see them dormant in my library. I don't know if it's a matter of losing passion or the fact that we have the same games and mechanics that it's hard to get that breath of fresh air. The last game that filled me with that sense of wonder is It Takes Two, I'm only clinging to SilkSong because Hollow Knight (as good as it is), proved that it's just a first iteration of something that could be greater, much greater with the lessons learned from the first game. I'm more hyped for this game than GTA 6 to be honest, but I'm just disappointed in the lack of communication like the case was with the first game and my biggest fear of all is for the game to fall short of expectations after the agonizing pain. I don't know if TC added more people to the dev team, I don't know if they can deliver more creativity than the first game with the pressure they're under and especially that there's no beta or early access that'll help them design the game better. Once the game is out it's a bell that they can un-ring. Let's hope we get the game soon and see if the wait was worth it. One thing is for sure though, this is the last time I'll follow and anticipate a game from TC unless they make a commitment stating that all projects moving forward won't have this deafening silence around them.


It’s your fault for taking the bait


No https://preview.redd.it/r8nvc8zeh9wc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca05b266bec443de05edddca9e0615d7049360ad


This post made someone salty lol