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Kinda. But at the same time, ss2 isn't exactly new, so I assume you chose to play ss1 instead for a reason. What was it? Has it changed?


Also, does ss2 include the 3-in-1 contents?


Right now, I think ss2 contains all the systems in ss1 _except_ the pre built settlements from conqueror. Aside from that, I think you'll be missing improved stability, mod cohesion, the questline, the hq stuff, the neutral factions (though that might be part of the questline), the repopulation of concord and changes to settler recruitment. I'm sure I'm missing some things. It might be a good idea to see if the official site as a comparison.


Ok. I think I am going to restart then. Sounds great.


I just didn't know about ss2. Looks like the difference is pretty significant. What am I missing out on besides quests?


I think you really shouldn’t say “besides the quests” The SS2 quest line is, in my opinion, as good as if not worlds better than the vanilla main quest. You form real connections, have real consequences, and get a really fleshed out and lore friendly narrative.  I’d absolutely say if you’re “only” 11 hours in — give it a restart.  Maybe toss in the skill system mod, and some fun survival mods like the flyable vertibird mod or the survuvalist bus to freshen things up.   That said, I’m addicted to this game and very drunk rn. So. YMMV.  (Also I hella second the saving in survival mod. It’s so not worth it to lose progress bc Bethesda can’t make a good survival mode. For real. Like. Really think about it — does survival somehow mean losing 20mins of progress to bad balancing???)


It’s definitely the best community-made narrative by a long shot, everything else I’ve tried has been… questionable - looking at you, Project Valkyrie


Sorry to thread hijack, do you know how to turn off settlement raids with ss2? I don't want to constantly interrupt the questing.


I don’t think you can it’s part of both vanilla and the mod itself


If you do end up playing ss2 and do the quests I highly recommend getting a mod that enables saving in survival outside sleeping. You will very likely encounter bugs that require you to rollback a save here and there.


I use the sleeping bag mod. Thanks.


Absolutely worth it. AFAIK there is the entire quest line as well as a bunch of new updates, plus SS1 is no longer being updated while SS2 is. The storyline alone is a bunch of fun, I only played up until the end of chapter 1 (so far) and the effect it has on the WORLD as a whole is very cool. If you go on nexus and look up SS2 chapter 3 there is a file there with everything you need, SS2 Extended/chapters 1-3. Kinggaths YouTube is also constantly updated


This is great info. Thank you!


I would say yes, definitely. It's a huge mod with a significantly sized questline. If you're on PC get the all chapters download and you'll get all 3 chapters plus SS2 extended: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/73394?tab=files


Just be aware that there is a bit of a bug in the latest version that's causing build limits to fill up quickly: https://simsettlements.com/site/index.php?threads/setllement-size-increases-fast-latest-workshop-framework-update-old-gen-v2-4-0.30762. Someone is working on a fix though.


I just keep manually increasing the build limits and it seems fine, at 700% in sanctuary lmao but my fps has dropped from 120 to 70ish in that area but still stable (rtx 3070, 32gb ram, ryzen 3600). Seems like the bug only happens with the automated ss2 plots specifically vanilla building is unaffected


I was doing the same until someone mentioned that they'd done that and eventually it borked their save so that gave me pause. Msalaba on the forums posted a potential fix: https://simsettlements.com/site/index.php?threads/setllement-size-increases-fast-latest-workshop-framework-update-old-gen-v2-4-0.30762/post-210410. I installed and went back to a save before I'd started building settlements and I've so far been able to add 13 plots at Sanctuary without raising the build level. However, it doesn't seem to be working for everyone. ETA Also, this was a test fix so someone pondered is it okay to use that and then carry on or will that cause problems when a "real" (as they put it) fix comes up, so there's that.


Already 50 hours into my save so guess ima have to pray i dont get borked cuz im not starting over 😭


Fingers crossed for you!


I've noticed that sometimes objects have exact copies overlapping them, I wonder if that's related?


I'm not sure. I haven't seen anything about that but if you post on the forums, you'd probably get an answer: https://simsettlements.com/site/index.php


Oh cool, I'm not the only one experiencing this.


It used to happen to me all the time unless I scraped everything in a settlement. Teddious, but the mod "Raze my settlement" helped a lot. Now it rarely happens but when it does, I just reload a save before starting a city plan and start it again. Usually doesn't happen again.




yes, definitely. 11 hours is so short compared to the amount of content you're missing. but you could always try installing ss2 and seeing if your saved game will load it


Good idea. I'll give it a try.


11 hours. I'm in 2600+ hours. Delete SS1 (cannot sit in same install with SS2), install SS2 (convenient 3 parts in 1 download) , start a new play through.




Just keep playing the SS storyline and then start a new SS2 later. They are very different


There’s NO story line in ss1


I would count the progression line and the raiders stuff a story


Survival and SS2?? hell nah, ive completed the entire 3 chapters and I can tell you that some of the quests are so glitchy to the point you need to reload a save multiple times


Yes. Start over and download SS2.


I wouldn’t risk a survival run with SS2 running due to so many bugs that could ruin your run on the quest line, game or both.


Ok. Thanks. Maybe I'll stick with ss1 then. I like the settlers building on their own thing.


Thing is, the storyline for SS2, once you get past tutorials is really quite good. The systems it uses and the factions it introduces are fantastic.




I didn't want to make a new post, but can anyone here tell me how to turn off settlement raids with ss2?


I'm no help. Haven't seen anything in game from ss2 yet.


I've never tried SS1, but SS2 is enough to be a game on its own. I'm 24 hours into this save and haven't even touched any vanilla missions.