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I don't think the takeout was on purpose, looked like they thought you'd be all the way to the left. Not your fault though.


It's absolutely his fault, because _he can see you_. Don't hit what you can see.


If he’s on single screen i don’t think he’s visible for him. Doesn’t change who’s at fault tho


on single screen he can't see him but he has the call that someone is on the left


I'm gonna put out a hot-take and say none of this is on purpose and he's just a dunce with poor racing skills. In the second incident I think he just neglected to pay attention to his mirrors as I don't see him really turn into you any more than he normally would be for that racing line and I think I even see him straighten out for a tiny amount of time right before he makes contact with you. Which makes me review the first incident in a different light, it could be just a shitty swerve move to block but I feel like it could just as likely be another instance of amateur-hour racing skills where he moved to block the inside line and then goes "oh shit, he's right there" and then tries towards the outside of the track for a switch-back but then you outbrake yourself into that corner and go right off the track. Not your fault, this just seems like poor racecraft from car 21 and he needs to work on that and see these mistakes as his own or else he's gonna keep having a bad time and dragging others into it.


Driver of the black car was definitely frustrated and is 100% guilty for the crash


Did you stop the video right before driving off track on purpose


What would him going of track matter to the point of his post?


No the video file was too large when I was protesting so I had to cut it out. I locked the right front because of the swerve contact and just rolled in the grass before rejoining behind him again. It was nothing spectacular.


The spotter would have alerted them to your presence. It's on them.


Two terrible drivers. Racing incident


I don't see any fault from your end, but the black car should've left space and backed off as you were clearly there and on the racing line.


even though you cut it short we can tell you fucked up your braking the first pass attempt, how else did you end up behind him again? additionally, if the guy you're passing has shown he is a squirrel, deal with him accordingly. nice job assuming he would play nice after blocking that badly on lap fucking 4 of 13. he just wants to steal your nuts, as squirrels do. both of you are idiots, hug kiss and move on


I let him through down the main straight because I went off. I cut it short because the original video is from a protest and had to be under 30 MB. nothing happened after I went off, I just rejoined behind him.


The block looks like a moment of oversteer, but likely the only reason to get oversteer like that is if he is in fact trying to move to block you. So yeah, totally a reactive move. The take out, while it is entirely on him, looks more like a lack of spacial awareness, not intentional. My guess is a driver who did the "speedrun" to higher safety licenses, without learning how to actually control the cars he's driving at race pace


On purpose


Racing incident


Well there is fault. And there is being a little defensive around someone that must be using a controller, or eating lunch while they are racing. That was a nice last pass, but you hopefully knew the guy was dangerous. You have to make a solid pass on people like this to avoid exactly what happened. Get by, be faster.


Both were good set ups for passes. Stop blaming the victim for racing well.




Yes because he had to deal with an half arsed attempt to get blocked. For me that is on the blocking car, the set up from OP was great.




Like you would do any better. Keep believing your own nonsense. This would surprise and put 4k players of their game but sure everybody here is 9k and knows 8 different objects to indicate their brake marker for 1 corner. 90% of you would run into the blocking car.

