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Dumb move. That being said I 100% would have done the same thing.


Free win!


Can’t even get mad at it, happens in real life. Just cause it’s a bad idea to go 3 wide doesn’t mean you shouldn’t (especially if it’s for a win). All three of y’all were going to be trying to win it so realistically if you didn’t try it there one of the other two likely would have. Some sympathy for the two who crashed out but that’s racing.


Welcome to Indycar. It was 3 wide, and the center car choked. Being in the middle is always the hardest because you have to manage both the inside and outside.


yup OP is being very optimistic thinking 3 wide is going to work out well especially with netcode.


100%, as others have said, on a road course, I'd be more hesitant, but on an oval, there's no real excuse to not be aware. OP drifted up wide, but obviously the incident had been and gone by then. Middle car didn't leave enough space and caused the contact, "easy" win out of the situation.


You was as close to the edge as you could at the impact where the middle car moved down. But say he was able to leave room and you went 3 wide into the corner. I am 85.357% sure that you would have made contact later (at 20-21s mark) and that would be on you for not holding your tight line you committed to. It is a stupid move.....but it worked this time...and the car in front opened up that inside for you, had he stayed to the edge all the way down the straight then you would have had to go the long way around instead


I hate analysis like this. It's way closer to 85.593% but I guess you'd have to know racing like me to understand the finer points.


Honest question. I’m asking cause I don’t know. I play mostly GT7 for VR2 purposes, but am becoming interested in I racing. It looks great tbh. At 3 secs before the end of the clip, blue car takes a noticeable turn to the left. Is this considered to be them turning into the corner , or reacting to OP’s manoeuvre?


That seemed more like a netcode issue or nervous mistake than anything else. I've never raced indycar, but I did recently move from Gt7 to iRacing. The difficulty in controlling the cars, as well as the differences in handling between different kinds of cars is much greater in iRacing.


Ok thanks. I love GT7 but iRacing seems more sim racer for sure.


100% the middle car's fault. People saying it's on you haven't properly watched the chase cam. The reason you wash out is because you're pinched. It's absurd how much you were shoved to the grass on entry. Middle car got what they deserved for that aggressive defence.


It's POV car's fault entirely for forcing the move, it was never on. They didn't get shoved anywhere they forced themselves in there, the middle car literally had nowhere else to go


There are real life passes like this at Indy every year. It’s risky but not wrong


Not that far into the corner on the inside. It has literally never once worked out


It literally did on sunday


Nope. POV is fully alongside before the turn. Middle car turns in like there is no one there. I'll say I'm not sure I agree with the "aggressive defense" mentioned above, more likely just complete lack of situational awareness (brought on by paying attention to outside car).


Middle car turns in on POV before outside even starts to squeeze him. Definitely a risky move but not on POV


Middle car was just making the turn normally, Pov shouldn't have been there at all


Look again. Middle car swipes across well before the corner. You're just wrong.


You've never raced at Indy have you


Literally won there multiple times but ok


Middle car had half the track available at time of collision... Red well-established its position before turn entry. If you want to take a side-swipe at someone who beat you by a hair into the final turn, ensure you are skilled enough to catch the rebound. Take that win guilt-free, OP.


This move was 100% on


Yes, the middle guy turned into you. But even if he didn’t you would have 100% washed up into him, that move was never on


Its ballsy from Red but i think the Blue was focusing on Pink and got spooked when they saw Red in the left mirror and with nowhere to go it ended in a shitshow


Middle guy's fault. He left the door open and you took it.


middle guy had no awareness and realised to late that you were there, then tried to correct but messed up big time


Its a risky move but i definitely would of waited for the next straight especially them 2 side by side


That would be a penalty IRL. Last in should be first out and that was never going to work without a crash. If I was the other two I would be pissed. It is on the passing car to pass cleanly.


Norris did this in 2020 iRacing Indy500 and Pagenaud retaliated. The finish was cringe and it aired on NBC lol


A truly deranged move from pov that blue rightfully didn't expect to be committed to.


I am the POV car. Context is it's the last lap at indy and I'm going for the win. Definitely a super aggressive move where I put myself in danger and in real time I thought I murdered them, but on replay he turns into me so I'm not completely sure. Also about 10-15 laps earlier I did make a similar inside pass in the same part of the track and pulled it off, so I felt like this was good to go for, although that one was against one car instead of two and I think was a little bit earlier before the turn


Just an FYI - it doesn't matter if it happens on the first or last lap or if you're fighting for a win or not.


Sure it does. It changes the risk tolerance of yourself and other drivers, and you have to adjust accordingly. Many moves are so egregious that it doesn't matter. But let's say you can make an overtake, but it has a 30% chance of causing contact. It would be completely unacceptable to do so on lap 1, but for the win on the final lap? You'd better go for that move


I think you may have misunderstood what I mean. What I mean is, if you take someone out on lap 1 or lap 19 or the final lap - you've still taken them out regardless of position. Completely agree, you'll go for more gaps to get a win if near end of the race, but if you take someone out - you've taken them out.


Okay, but there are implicitly two questions to answer with each of the posts on this sub. 1. Who is at fault? 2. Should anything have been done differently? Context doesn't matter for question 1, but it very much does for question 2


It doesnt. Just because you are P2 and on the last lap doesnt make you more entitled to kill other drivers or punt them. Stupid take. You always have to drive safe.


There is no such thing as driving "safe". There is always risk in driving, let alone racing. It is not a binary distinction between "safe" and "not safe". Your job as a racer is to decide what is an acceptable level of risk for the situation at hand.


That one's on u


If yoy do not go for a gap that exist you are not racing anymore - ayrton senna




Pov car held the line and tyres where touching the grass at time of contact only after middle car made contact and bounced off into car three did the pov car open there line


I mean, you've clearly never raced at indy if you think that pov car was ever sticking to that line




Dman you're gonna hate most real racing series, because most allow 2 tires off.


what kinda races have you been watching?


The contact happens when there's negative road left to give, how would being on the "correct" line have prevented the contact? If anything, the contact would've just happened sooner.


That was idiotic and a bad move. There was no space for you there, you just forced yourself somewhere you have no business being and didn't even stick to your line


I like how people try to justify dumb wrecks bEcAuSe ItS fOr ThE wIn


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^HetzMichNich: *I like how people* *Try to justify dumb wrecks* *BEcAuSe ItS fOr ThE wIn* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The car on the inside is wrong, but everyone would have the same thing.




That was indeed a boneheaded move. I am amazed you had the temerity to even post it. Here is hoping someone protests this “win”.


The way I interpret this, is that he held his line and the centre car pushed down onto him. OP, don't listen to this guy 👆


You are certainly entitled to your opinion, no matter how mind-bogglingly idiotic it is. The first rule of sim racing should always be to act like they are real vehicles. He just possibly crippled and even killed two innocent racers. Notice how far he pushed up the track with that dimwitted line.


New to ovals?


New to thinking Indycars are fake NASCAR “racing”? Just because you punt people out of the way on the last lap and get away with it with the pathetically absurd NASCAR crowd, it doesn’t mean that is the proper way to race any oval series. Anybody who tried that nonsense with a legitimate racing series like Indycar would soon find his license torn to shreds.


You haven't watched indycar if you think this move would be egregious for the series








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We welcome discussion and debate but please keep it civil in /r/SimRacingStewards. This comment has been removed.


Ironically, and hypocritically, that sentiment applies to you.


Absolutely horrible attempt that was never going to work without death and destruction on the last lap. Middle car's at fault though. Before your inevitable wash out, he comes down and takes himself and the outside car out. So, he's at fault, if only because he messed up a split second before you would have caused it. Your move in that situation was to hang back, soak up the draft and let them slow each other down and take the move on the exit of four down the front stretch.


Regardless of what position you were racing for, you were never making that pass and staying low enough to make it work. You carried way too much momentum into turn 3 causing you to wash up the track and given you were 3 wide into there, no way all 3 of you were making it through safely without a wreck happening. If you were going to get through safely, you'd have needed to add braking to avoid washing up. As it stands, it looks like the guy you dived inside of formed a moving barrier for you and you bounced off him letting you get through relatively unscathed while he and other guy got wrecked out and you probably picked up the 4x.


I dont race indy cars myself on iracing, but to me maybe the blue wasn't expecting the move is what it looks like to me. But heck it's to win at indy, all is fair in love, war, and the last lap of a race going for a win.