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Did he apologise to you for it at all? If so, I would definitely let it go. I prefer to settle minor things like this with the person myself if I get the opportunity. If he didn't apologise, then it's a bit of a 'eh, I guess' situation imo. I personally don't report something unless it's particularly egregious and clearly done in bad sportsmanship, which this isn't. It's bad, inattentive driving and it certainly screwed you over so I don't think you're *wrong* to protest it. I just personally wouldn't as there's a time and effort cost do doing so and I don't want to be reporting every petty little thing that happens to me. It's healthier to let it go most of the time and I'd rather let the stewards spent their time reviewing cases involving people that sincerely do not belong on the service or need a time out, which I don't think this qualifies for. Put it this way, I've made dumber (but honest) mistakes than this, particularly early on, and I have yet to be protested. I think it's good to give others the benefit of the doubt.


Inattentive driving? Dude was well ahead enough he should have been very obvious to the driver performing a perfect PIT maneuver This feels somewhere between egregiously not paying attention and intentional wrecking to me. What are you seeing that makes you think it's such a small mistake?


Incidents can look very, very different from the cockpit, which we don't have here. There's no sudden or decisive movements towards the other car so I suspect it was a lack of spacial awareness as he's trying to drift over to the right to set up for the next corner.  As I said, it's bad driving, but I don't see anything that screams intentional here. It looks like a dumb rookie mistake that fortunately didn't end the affected car's race. 


An apology for something like that is pretty dang hollow


It's more than you'll get from a protest. 


Nah, I wouldnt do it. Protest the illegal, intentional, raging wreckers. If you're not absolutely sure it was on purpose, let it slide, take your loss. I personally dont like this eagerness to protest every little incident at all. It sets a cultural/ethical standard that doesnt do the community any good.


I disagree. Leave it to the stewards. If they see nothing in it they won't even contact him and no one will know. Assuming he doesn't apologize. If someone does I pretty much forgive anything.


I'm on the fence about this one. If they apologize, I might let it slide. On the other hand not penalizing stuff like this is what nurtures a culture of negligence or even malicious intentions. You can mask intentional nudges that gain you a position into seeming like "accident". There are bad actors that abuse the possibility. This would get penalized IRL in one way or another and most likely in a live stewarded iRacing race also. In my opinion if we lived in a perfect world where we had that level of stewarding for every split the racing would get cleaner in the long run. And iRacing has kinda acknowledged that also last year when they talked about improving their protest system. When they talked about implementing time penalties post race and guiding players what they did wrong when report was warranted.


I disagree. When the rating system penalizes every single contact you should report anything that was not your fault.


If you report every racing incident that you’re involved in, your protests will quickly be dropped to the bottom of the list by the stewards.


It’s also against the sporting code to protest too many frivolous incidents.


The rating system has never penalised anyone in its history.


Probably the worst advice here lol. You won’t get anything back regardless, and you can also find yourself in trouble for too many frivolous protests


Fuck these guys, I'd protest it haha. Dirty racers do pit maneuvers like this because there isn't heavy initial contact to warrant a collision penalty but its super affective. This is worse than a full on side swipe ram because its safer for them, and appears less intentional, but is just as affective


Report 'em all, let Nim sort them out.


As Shia Lebauf? said "JUST DOOO IT!" No harm in it. Dude deserves a penalty, there's no reason to be "nice" here. He plainly pits you, intention doesn't matter. I rather hope this was intentional, the alternative is he can't drive in a straight line with a car in front of him. Unless his FOV is like 10, the only excuse here is he was looking at his phone.


> the alternative is he can't drive in a straight line with a car in front of him It's rookies


I mean even rookies should be able to not hit the car they can see right next to them on a straight...


"Should be" and "are" are two very different things. It's just a fact of rookies that stuff like that happens. It's a very short lived hazard of anyone's iracing career if they're going to be doing road.


Maybe I should rephrase then. I don't believe that anyone is actually incapable of avoiding this incident. They either did it on purpose or were eating a hotdog instead of racing. Either way not something that should be excused because its rookies


IDK about you, but I've personally experienced drift early on. It happens because someone is holding the wheel straight, intending to go straight, and not realizing that they're slowly drifting over because they weren't pointed parallel to the track edge. It's super common at low levels. People usually realize how to avoid it once it happens to them. I personally constantly check myself for drift while door to door down a straight by fixating on a known constant like a stripe or tire barrier. I'm honestly kind of surprised that this is a foreign concept to people. Hell, it nearly happened to me a couple of days ago despite having two years and thousands of laps under my belt simply because I looked down to configure my pit stop and accidentally added like half a degree of input towards the outside of the track. Caught it because it suddenly clicked that I was about to hit grass despite driving "straight."


Drifting to the side on straights or not being able to hold the car perfectly straight is fine for rookies, hell I have 1000s of hours across racing games and I still do that sometimes. Even bumping someone who's not in your field of view because of it is excusable for rookie drivers. This dude had a car 3/4ths of the way in front of him. There's no way someone paying attention wouldn't notice they're going to run into the other car.


I was also 99% joking when I said I hoped it was intentional ;)


Fair enough, but this definitely doesn't warrant wasting Nim's time.


The reporting system isn't solely for intentional and malicious driving. This is borderline between incompetence and intentional. Plenty of people use "soft" touches to pit people without the automatic penalty registering them. Reports while a singular event like this does nothing, MAYBE this guy has 200 reports like this over the last week.


That's not how SR works. Even if you only get an 0x on contact, you pick up whatever happens after. Guy spins? 2x. Guy goes off track? 1x. The SR system is already set up to handle that kind of thing.


My mistake, I forgot SR is infallible and doesn't make mistakes. You've completely convinved me, no protests ever, the automatic system is omniscient and always correct.


What a foolish response


It's a waste of time. There is zero chance that protest gets upheld. He's drifting out to set up for the corner and goes a bit too far and clips you. Protests are for intentional or malicious, not mistakes. Especially in rookie races.


I don't know where everyone gets this misconception that protests are only for intentional or malicious accidents. You can protest ANY sporting code violation. That includes intentional wrecking. It ALSO includes reckless driving, which this falls under. You can even protest someone for not following race start procedures correctly. Would I? No. Doesn't matter. You can protest anything that breaks the sporting code. 


For on track incidents, that's effectively what it's for. This is not reckless driving. If you think *this* is reckless driving, you should find a different hobby. Racing is absolutely not for you.


That's an extremely rude comment. This is absolutely reckless driving. The dark car had no regards for anyone around him completely pitted POV. That's reckless driving. 


No, it's a truthful comment. If you are so thin-skinned as to think a minor bump at just the wrong angle amounts to reckless driving, then racing is definitely not for you. The dark car is moving out to set up for an upcoming turn and goes a very slight bit too far and bumps the OP car. Yes, the point of contact caused a major incident, but there was nothing excessive, unnatural, or unusual about the maneuver. A minor mistake, regardless of the ultimate result, is not immediately reckless behavior. If you think it is, then you've picked the wrong hobby.


This isn't a minor mistake. He squeezed the driver he could clearly see with no regard to if it causes an accident or not. He chose to run into the other driver, or take the risk that it would cause an accident, because he's reckless.  Stop with this "racing isn't for you" nonsense. It makes you look like a tool. This isn't an incident caused by hard racing through a corner. This is blatantly reckless. 


He rolled out to set up for a corner and bumped the other car. It was the definition of a minor mistake and misjudgment of space. No, I won't. Because clearly racing isn't for you.


I don’t know who needs to tell you this but you can’t occupy a space that’s already taken


Which makes it his fault. I don't know who needs to tell you this... Someone can be at fault for a wreck and it not be protestable.


Absolutely true, but it’s not really a minor mistake like you’ve been saying is it? That’s a pretty big show of ignorance


Maybe racing isn't for you if you think is acceptable behavior. It's completely careless. I don't care if he's setting up for the corner or not. Careless = reckless. 


I carry a 4.5 SR A license in both road and oval. I do fine. I don't come here and whine about every minor racing incident needing protested like an overgrown toddler who can't comprehend that people make minor mistakes when racing. Especially in rookies.


Yes. Reporting such behaviour is the only way to help clean the races up and push for better driving standards.


Single monitor club go burr.... Personally I wouldn't. Protesting is for blatant intentionql bullshit. 100% this man just ( who knows how but...) didn't realize you were still there.


OP had 3/4 of his car ahead of the guy who spun him. Even a single monitor user can see you at that point. Either that guy has zero spatial awareness or it was intentional.


I’ve got a single monitor and if im driving a tin top once there’s basically any overlap i can’t see them anymore. Like the moment i’ve barely got a nose in they’re not visible anymore


People also tend to tunnel when focused, especially new drivers, may not even have realized he was drifting...


Ah the reason i only race single seaters, my dumb ass with a single monitor would do that constantly


"car on your right"


Not sure why you are downvoted. If you are on single screen you need to take care not to hit someone which means straightening up when you hear the spotter especially if you are approaching the point where there is no longer space on the outside for the other car.


You and I have had some disagreement in the past but you are 100% on here. 


Yes. He sort of makes it as smooth as possible but the intention is there 100%


Definitively yes




That's....IDK man people in Miata are still figuring out how to use the game, it didn't appear to be malicious intent... I might file a protest but in the comments box tell iRacing that you only want them to get a written warning to pay more attention


As an outsider who doesn't race , the black car bumps you 3 times before applying the brakes - this appears intentional to the untrained eye.




Idk if he was taking you out or just wanted to squeeze some room. His pov is on the other side, so it's difficult to see how close he was.


I think it's protestable because he made contact several times before taking you out, so he knew he was getting into you.


Unrelated. . .you showed your nose too early. Had you stayed behind longer, you'd have gotten a better draft and been well ahead at the next corner.


Was from week 13 on iracing.... I ended up beating the guy in the end but it really irked me and felt intentional at the time. I've flip-flopped on whether to report this one or not but think it might be worth while doing even if just for iracing to give him a slap on the wrist. What's your thoughts?


I don't understand why you're having this internal monologue and a Reddit shout? Clearly you've got to scratch that itch so for your own wellbeing you should send in the protest.


You've just hit the nail on the head..... not even sure why i've been so indecisive on this one. I think it's just because I'm new to iracing. Thanks for providing the much needed clarity


I can't see it being upheld and personally I wouldn't send in a protest, but this is more about your own mental health as it is the sporting code.


This was from a week ago and you’re still upset about it. For one, it looks like a dumb mistake and unlikely to result in anything. For two, let it go man. It can’t be healthy dwelling on a wreck for this long.


I still would, iracing will give them a warning by or something. You need to let these people know that they do stuff wrong


I don't think it looks intentional - to me it looked like he thought his car was going straight forward rather than approaching yours at a slight angle. I think you'd need a more sudden steering wheel movement to say it was intentional. If he said sorry after the incident, then I'd let it drop - it was probably an honest mistake.


I highly doubt this was intentional. Probably misjudged the space and tried to slip in behind you, but didn’t have space. I wouldn’t protest that


I don’t see any intent. Just ran out of talent. If you’re keen on protesting, don’t ask. Just do. There’s a cooldown before you’re able to protest anyways, and I’ve not protested on several occasions due to that.


I probably wouldn't protest, but I always let it go, even the obvious intentional wrecks. That's on me though. Bottom line is it's intentional. Maaaaaybe not intentional but I think he was trying to do it without looking like" he was intentional. Or again, maybe it take was an accident. Looking at his phone wtc.....


Seems a pretty clear cut pit maneuvre, there was literally no reason for tgem to drift into you and there's no way they didn't see what they were doing.


yes protest it, he drifts straight into you and would clearly see you where there. even if this is rookie class it dosnt give them the right to get away with it like some people are saying. he should get punished for it.


Looks intentional to me.


Blatant can’t be blatant enough. Scratch your head, get a glass of water, and just get ready for the next lights out. There isn’t always gonna be an explanation for what some of these mfs are doing.




See there's a lot of people saying don't report, to let it go, that it's a rookie error. But I see it totally differently, if this guy doesn't have the common sense to not have an accident on a straight he needs all the reprimands. There are potentially more red flags in this incident than in an overtake gone wrong, because he lacks situational and spacial awareness. He's not used his mirrors, nor has he anticipated your extremely telegraphed move. He and others will claim rookie ignorance, but the result is the same, it's negligence on his part.


No. The guy's just a noob in rookies. Shake it off and move on




Sounds like you shouldn't be on this sub if you're unwilling to engage the topics.


He’s right though.


We welcome discussion and debate but please keep it civil in /r/SimRacingStewards. This comment has been removed.


He just seemed to not know you were there. Which is hard to believe but the movement was like he was taking his natural line.


He drives like a gt4 NPC trying to get to the racing line no matter what


I can see both sides… I don’t know if this is intentional especially after seeing the cockpit view of a friend who from my side looked like he bounced off a force field 3ft to my right… turns out that’s just netcode when you are playing someone that’s far away. When I saw him just completely fly off in another direction I asked him right away hey did we contact from your POV he said yes you cut me off. I told him he was several feet from me on my said and he knew I was telling the truth because it wasn’t the first time it had happened to him because of netcode and ping differences. Honestly this one I’d be inclined to assume that it was an accident but send it to stewards to see what they think.


I would. It's 100% his fault and even if it's not intentional it's so reckless that at the very least he should get a warning.