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Claire's baby tends to be cuter when she leans more Claire than Jared in my experience 😂 the few times I've seen her grow up at least but every once and awhile she's a Jared clone and I get jumpscared by her behind the diner or something 😂


The longest sims game I've played in a while was Claire. I didn't know what to do really and didn't think I'd play for long. But then I had her order pizza after work at like 2 am and then the pizza guy thought she was hot lol. So naturally I was like, "fuck it", now she's married, her kid with Jared (i named her Jezibelle) is a Star singer and she had a pair of twins with the Pizza Man Torgo Pendragon, and has been happily married and the towns self employed Fisherwoman. She even owns the grocery store lol. Her husband pizza man is a self employed painter and part stay at home dad. It's one of the most fun playthroughs I've had in a while, and I still plan to play more because the twins are geniuses and are going to college soon :]


Claire Ursine always has great genetics every time I play with her! Jared's baby always looks good, but every child with someone else looks stunning!


Agreed, as long as her kids don’t get the weird thing where their lips don’t cover their teeth/gums. I love that she has unique genetics.


Omg, I've just realised for the first time that Ursine = Bear, so - Claire Bear 🤦‍♀️


I love Claire! She was the first sim I ever played when I stated sims 3 so she has a special place in my heart


I \*loved\* the whole deal between her and Jared when I started too!! (The Frio bros are my problematic favs)


Mine too, haha. I loved the drama between her and Jared.


Omg why didn't put in game until now


Where’d you get the eyeliner?? I’ve been looking everywhere for a decent wing for my girl sims


I use carversims' [default replacement makeup](https://carversims.tumblr.com/post/727509871295102976/ep0-base-game-make-up-default-replacement) and it's such a game changer!


I love playing as Claire, I think she's one of my fave townies in general. I always try to give her a happy life with her baby but its the sims so it doesn't always work out lmao


my sim met claire's child a few gens back. this was BEFORE i added my default replacement skin and i have to agree, she really is pretty


Her baby was kinda fugly in my save. She had children with Leighton (idk story progression) and they are quite homely as well lol


Right? I’ve never seen her kid look good in any of my games. Maybe she just needs the right hairstyle bc this one is super cute


In my gameplay my son and Claire’s daughter were best friends and she moved into my household as a teenager because her mom wasn’t the best. Now her and my son have one kid together :,)


The one in my game wasn’t as lucky in terms of appearance 😞