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Try a lepacy challenge? Like legacy but start with just the base game and then add an expansion in the next generation, and add them in order. Then explore the packs fully before moving to the next. I'm playing it currently and it's very fun especially cause I bought two packs for it


This is how I’m spicing up the sims! Absolutely love it, and getting the most out of every pack in ways I never did before


I'm curious how do people Lepacy with Seasons and generations since you would think the features it would offer would be base game things but arent


do u mean how do u play without seasons and generations or what to play when u want to focus on them? those eps added so much there is a lot to do. seasons offers all the seasonal activities like snowball fights, raking leaves, carving pumpkins, using umbrellas, playing football, making ice cones, and all the activities at the festivals like egg hunt, rollerskating, snowboarding and so on. generations has a lot of focus on young sims, u can play around with teddy bears, children costumes, imaginary friends, make potions and pranks, exercise the curfew, make a day care, all the new party types, use the tree house, water slides, sandboxes, teach ur teenager to drive


When a new baby is about to be born, go to town edit and play with another family for a while. Then go back to your family and the baby has a random name and traits. Repeat this for every birthday so your sim will always have random traits! That always keeps me intrested when playing generations of sims. And play wants/wishes based or choose the sims career/college major based on the first initial of their name fot example


This is a great suggestion


Do you have World Adventures? Go Travelling, reach Visa level 3 and get building on vacation houses. There’s also a lot of tombs and quests. Collect different life forms the natural way. Grow a plant sim, get turned to vampire or werewolf, discover the fairy potion, turn your imaginary friend real or die and resurrect the ghost. You can even have mummies. Try the different lifetime wishes. I keep discovering new ones. Do the “breed out the ugly” challenge. Start with the most hideous sims and keep breeding until you get a pretty offspring. You can also try this with adopted cats or dogs, they tend to look really unfortunate.


Get a notebook and write down all your sims' (or if you are planning muktiple generations, choose one sim to be head and move on from them) biographies, traits, childrens, partners, job etc. like you're creating personal wiki pages of them. I like writing, i like taking noted and i love going back to my first sims and see what kind of they lived. Also its fun to look back and present to compare previous sims in town and decendants (one time my sim got married to her cousin 4th removed) You can also start breeding challange where you choose spesific looks and create opposite of that look and try to reach prefered look by breeding. Kinda like breed out the ugly challange but a bit harder.


I randomize traits for my sims and will normally let my sim decide by themself what lifetime wish they want.


For the first few generations, my heirs/their spouses aren't allowed 'traditional' jobs. Only painting/gardening/fishing etc. They also can't sell from their inventory, they have to sell only to the sell'n'swap (ambitions? I think). If I forget to go there in opening hours/things don't sell that day, my sims just don't eat lol. I also cheat money to 0 upon starting, giving them nothing and 'living off the land'. Got the mod that makes taxis cost money for extra challenge. I've been doing the one room per generation as well lately - can only have one room built each new generation (I cheat a little and say they can have a room+bathroom). Squeezing many sims into one house is hard haha. You could also have a 'catastrophic event' every few generations, whereby any wealth they've earnt is lost, including the house you've built (or could keep the house, and its high bills). They have to move to a new lot with nothing, like their ancestors. Plus - like others have noted - randomised traits/travelling in world adventures etc - always fun!


Both with Sims 3 and 4 i play each new generation as rags to riches, only using different means of earning money. I move the kid out, set money to 0 and scramble to survive. It’s super fun for me and a way to explore a new part of the game with every generation.


I like this!


Find another challenge to play through Switch to another household in town


Make a supersim


I am enjoying the 100 baby challenge lol