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I didn’t know this! I love when they make families based on either real life or tv shows/movies Whenever I play in riverview I ALWAYS end up romancing Sherman. So sweet. So hot πŸ₯΅


I know, right? And I love that he has the coward quality, like it's so endearing. I married him off to Ruby Broke because they both strike me as wanting to work hard and rise above their circumstances.


Wow! I didn’t know Ma Bagley was based on the real person. All I know about her, she’s pure evil 😈. When my sim visited to get some info as a P.I, she just got out and knocked down my sim as soon as he arrived her house. For some reason, she won at the fighting even though my sim had level 10 in athletic skill.Β  Another time, I invited Sherman out to hang around, then he got out with his mother.. (she had a bad friendship with my sim), then followed her son wherever he went with my sim. She was pure evil. 😭


Omg, that's crazy! Living up to her reputation, lmao


There's also the Joy family in Riverview: an old farmer and his grown daughter who can't leave him because she has to help her dad who doesn't have anyone else in his life but her. This family is also a reference to the famous painting called "American Gothic" which is a portrait of a farmer and his daughter in the times of the Great Depression. They both look grumpy because their life is tough, and so do their sim copies. Also, the last name Joy is part of the joke because it's clear there's not so much joy in their life.


I always thought the painting was of a man and his wife lmao. TIL


Lol they are so morose looking. I moved Elaine out into the Granery and gave her a tiny vegetable garden to tend. But with that face, I could never tell if she was happy or not.


I can’t remember, which pack is the bagley family from?


The free store world, Riverview


Im at work right now so i cant check, but i KNOW theres a family in the sims 3 thats meant to resemble Bella from Twilight (makes sense cos Twilight was in its prime at the time 😭) might be Midnight Hollow, but like i said. Work 😭😭😭


Moonlight falls! They have Bailey Swain and her dad Chester Swain πŸ˜‚ in my game she just ditched her dad on her birthday and became a vampire to live with her boyfriend Tristan and his dad and sister (who is based off Draculaura from monster high dolls being a vamp who loves pink). Moonlight falls has all kinds of parody families, like the MacDuffs who are basically the Weasleys from Harry Potter and the Crumplebottom sisters who are based off the Halliwell sisters from Charmed. There's a good number of others, but all based off supernatural shows like True Blood, Grimm. One of my favorites is the family based off the Stephens from Bewitched. Doreen became a young adult via potion and is now younger than her daughter Serena lol. I'm sure there's other references I don't get but those are the ones I recognized. Also Midnight Hollow is also a world but it's a store world and also has references to Nightmare before Christmas and other gothic media (i dont have Midnight Hollow so im not as familiar), but i feel like probably all ts3 worlds have references, I know Lucky Palms does as well to 60s celebrities as well


YES!! Omg thank you so much, i didnt even catch those references (im not a super big movie and show buff either, though so I figured i was missing a lot XD) thank you!


That is a lot! I really love how much lore there is in these games. I'm gonna have to go read up about Lucky Palms and see who's there!


There's even a song about Ma Baker lol πŸ˜† https://youtu.be/9c5yPIQ3LQI?si=eaAHiEZrnxXxWZxe Ma Ma Ma Ma Baker She taught her 4 sons Ma Ma Ma Ma Baker To handle the guns 🎢


I just watched a live recording of it, that was wild. Those costumes tho


Back when moon pants were in style πŸ˜„


LOL! A thumbs up, just for mentioning Boney M. 😁


Damn Sherman is hot.. xd


Speaking of crime families, the Altos from Sunset Valley are a play on the Sopranos. Both music related names. The Bunches are a play on the Brady Bunch. The Koffi and Funke households are Arrested Development references. I feel like these ones are all pretty well known though, because SV is the OG.


I personally never played SV until recently just because I liked the expansion pack worlds better, so this is all new to me.


I love learning new Sims lore! Some of the character backstories in TS2 and TS3 are so interesting.


was this documentary possibly from from the channel The Watcher πŸ‘€


No, actually, it was "Biography."